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What mechanics would you change from previous FEs if you could?


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I think that shopping should be dealt with like in FE10. In other words, be able to buy weapons from Preparations every chapter. I liked the Bargain Bin, but I noticed that towards the end of the game it just had tons of Olivi Grass in it (they could have just made it buyable earlier).

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The mechanics I would change(mostly to the GBA games, but FEDS as well):

Every GBA game

-Add the Capture mechanic.

-Thief-type characters can steal weapons(the formula is Steal weapon=(Con*1.5))

Sealed Sword

-Roy promotes after C16/16x.(Roy's current promo time is complete ass, and before then, he's just another frail piece of shit that I have to protect.)

-While we are ranting about Roy, give the Sealed sword 50 uses.(20 uses is just asking for it to break in C22 ALONE)

-Weapons/Tomes have the same hit as their FE7 counterparts.(Because most axes having 55 hit is retarded.)

-Thieves promote into assassins using a Fell contract.(C'mon, IS! Chad would actually be GOOD if he could become an assassin.)

Blazing Sword

-Tomes have the same weight as their FE6 counterparts.(Books having <8 weight is unnecessary and completely retarded)

-Balance Luna out(New parameters: Might:--/Hit:70/Crit:20/Uses:20/Rng:1-2/Rank:A)

-Make Chapter 19xx's entry requirement not as retarded(you should just have to KO Kishuna).

Sacred Stones

-Add 5 sidequest chapters after Ch's 8, 10 A/B, Ch15, Ch17, and Ch19.

-Non-ruins Monsters need to not be complete jokes.

-Remove the trainees. The idea was bullshit anyway.

-Buff the trainees' base stats and growths.

Ross  	Pirate    	01  20  07  05  06  05  04  00  12  D axe
Amelia	Knight 		07  28  10  09  07  09  13  04  10  C lance
Ewan	Mage   		06  25  10  09  11  07  03  07  08  D anima


Also, their new growths:

Ross  	Pirate    	75  60  35  40  50  30  25
Amelia	Knight 		60  40  50  45  50  55  20 
Ewan	Mage   		55  50  45  55  50  15  45

Shadow Dragon

-Change the growths of most of the characters to that of their FE12 equivalents(except Arran, Jagen, and Boah).

-Make the requirements for Gaiden maps not as retarded.

-Characters need to talk more often(especially fags like Wolf, Barts, Dolph, and Radd)

Edited by DA125
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Sealed Sword

-Roy promotes after C16/16x.(Roy's current promo time is complete ass, and before then, he's just another frail piece of shit that I have to protect.)

I'd like this a lot. Even though he'd be like level 10 for me. At least he'd get more con for Killers or Silvers along with 6 move.

-While we are ranting about Roy, give the Sealed sword 50 uses.(20 uses is just asking for it to break in C22 ALONE)

Never really had a problem with the thing. I don't let Roy do much after chapter 10 or so which means he only tends to use the sword on a few dragons in chapter 24 and of course Idoun.

-Thieves promote into assassins using a Fell contract.(C'mon, IS! Chad would actually be GOOD if he could become an assassin.)

Maybe on NM. But on HM you still have to go through the pains of raising him. Maybe Astohl would be okay though. I guess.

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-Remove the trainees. The idea was bullshit anyway.

Aw, I like the idea of trainees. The thing is, they all should have joined in the first few chapters and they shouldn't have absolutely awful bases. Also it'd be nice if all of them had a "exclusive" weapon like Ross (but maybe better than the Hatchet).

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Aw, I like the idea of trainees. The thing is, they all should have joined in the first few chapters and they shouldn't have absolutely awful bases. Also it'd be nice if all of them had a "exclusive" weapon like Ross (but maybe better than the Hatchet).

I like the Hatchet. Garcia is quite accurate with it and does decent damage.

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Well, the Hatchet IS accurate and at least makes Ross actually hit people. I don't know. Maybe the problem really are only his base stats. 2 Skill lolwut. The Hatchet would need to be overpowered to make up for that, I guess.

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Hatchet is the most accurate Axe in the game. And it has 50 uses. I like that in a weapon. Of course, I like Fir more than Gonzo because she has a decent minimum damage amount that I know I'm getting each time she attacks. Gonzo can do anything from 0 to ~half health to killing. Now, do I wish it had more mt than 4? Sure. But that doesn't mean I won't use it when that 4 is enough. Or when I really need damage to happen and want 2 range. Hand Axe may have 3 more mt, but it only has 60 hit.

I just wish fe8 Pallies were like fe6 and fe7 Pallies. Seth running around with the Hatchet would be awesome. Though I guess javelins do well enough on sword and lance enemies anyway. 100% hit still in chapter 6. Probably for a while, too.

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Don't know if this was said before, but

All GBA: Magic swords able to critical from a distance even though they're not so great anyway

FE7: Make final preference weapons lighter. (seriously)

FE8: Pretty casual and broken, but some legal way in Creature Campaign to get Myrrh another stone.

FE11: Archers get 1 more move. Rescuing and canto— oh wait I already said that. I just want it so bad :o

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I just wish fe8 Pallies were like fe6 and fe7 Pallies. Seth running around with the Hatchet would be awesome. Though I guess javelins do well enough on sword and lance enemies anyway. 100% hit still in chapter 6. Probably for a while, too.

What I don't get is why they took the Axes away from Paladins and then gave the Great Knights equal or better caps and promotional gains in every stat. I mean, did they really think +2 Move makes up for it? FE8 has pretty small maps. noes.gif

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Don't know if this was said before, but

All GBA: Magic swords able to critical from a distance even though they're not so great anyway

FE7: Make final preference weapons lighter. (seriously)

FE8: Pretty casual and broken, but some legal way in Creature Campaign to get Myrrh another stone.

FE11: Archers get 1 more move. Rescuing and canto— oh wait I already said that. I just want it so bad :o

I doubt you said most of those. I do agree, however, that the Durandal and Sol Katti need to be made lighter. Also, I'd want the Sol Katti made stronger.

Edited by Ein Lanford
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What I don't get is why they took the Axes away from Paladins and then gave the Great Knights equal or better caps and promotional gains in every stat. I mean, did they really think +2 Move makes up for it? FE8 has pretty small maps. noes.gif

Maybe they are small, but the extra move makes at least a turn of difference in clearing speed on kill boss chapters. I think it makes a difference, anyway.

Besides, Seth >> all, so the fact he doesn't have axes makes it important that Paladins don't.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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What I don't get is why they took the Axes away from Paladins and then gave the Great Knights equal or better caps and promotional gains in every stat. I mean, did they really think +2 Move makes up for it? FE8 has pretty small maps. noes.gif

Paladins are so much better than GKs just because of the +2 move. Although that's why I give Boots to Duessel, so he can keep up.

Edited by dondon151
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Maybe they are small, but the extra move makes at least a turn of difference in clearing speed on kill boss chapters. I think it makes a difference, anyway.

Besides, Seth >> all, so the fact he doesn't have axes makes it important that Paladins don't.

I prefer Paladins for the extra move, to be honest. You might find my reasons for disliking Great Knights silly, however.

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-Remove the trainees. The idea was bullshit anyway.

-Buff the trainees' base stats and growths.

Ross  	Pirate    	01  20  07  05  06  05  04  00  12  D axe
Amelia	Knight 		07  28  10  09  07  09  13  04  10  C lance
Ewan	Mage   		06  25  10  09  11  07  03  07  08  D anima


Also, their new growths:

Ross  	Pirate    	75  60  35  40  50  30  25
Amelia	Knight 		60  40  50  45  50  55  20 
Ewan	Mage   		55  50  45  55  50  15  45

If they removed the trainee classes and just started them in T1, then Amelia would be a Cavalier and Ross would be a fighter. Notice what class they can promote to if they promote to the first super trainee.

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If they removed the trainee classes and just started them in T1, then Amelia would be a Cavalier and Ross would be a fighter. Notice what class they can promote to if they promote to the first super trainee.

Plus, he actually weakened Ross. Even with the improved growths, his stats are lower.

Edited by Mr. Know-it-all-Anouleth
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People definitely use who they want to use. I try to use Ilyana in fe10 and try to turn Laura into a combat unit. I actually use Rolf in fe9. I like using Tania in fe5. I just don't consider any of them to be "good" (exception, Laura is good, just not at combat), and certainly not OP. Unit goodness is of course based on what people value, I just don't see the point in valuing endgame stats (ignoring movement) above all other things.

You use Ilyana in FE10? Yeah, she may be kinda hard to train, but she turns out to be a better Sage than Soren, and I actually do use Laura as combat unit, but one of her main problems is her speed cap. Anyway, movement can be remidied by simply changing her into a different class. I don't mind using Tania, she's not bad at all, she just doen't get the movement stars, but it's not a big deal, as she's fast

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On the note of trainees: I want more of them. I love growing up low-level units and FE8 is the perfect place to do so what with all the levelling opportunity you have with the tower. However, weapon usage gets to be an issue. Hence why I want more for lockpicks/lockpicks not being required to pick locks. Floor 3 of the tower for restocking on gold to replenish weapons to train more low-levels/low-tiers! Yay!! Maybe I should just focus on levelling/promoting Colm for a while. :/ A trainee theif/wyevern rider class would be awesome. ^_^

More dragonstones/dragonstone usage would be nice, too. For any FE game that has manaketes, anyway. I want a recruitable ice manakete and I'm tired of not being able to train up Bantu because he has only 1 blasted fire dragonstone. >_<

Edited by Mercakete
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FE6/7: Armory & Shop before each chapter.

All GBA: Increase all peg knights' constitution by 1 or 2. Even if it means lowering rescuing ability. (I hardly use generals anyway)

Every FE game ever: Knights and Generals have same movement as other foot units

All GBA: Strength as constitution.

FE8: Make Knoll suck less. Make last level harder, and replayable.

Edited by Ken Zomg
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I agree with dondon on map shopping. Saves so much time.

I also agree on strength replacing con as the AS loss determinant.

What I don't get is why they took the Axes away from Paladins and then gave the Great Knights equal or better caps and promotional gains in every stat. I mean, did they really think +2 Move makes up for it? FE8 has pretty small maps. noes.gif

Seth+Boots=easy Ch17 three turned. No need to worry about anything. He can get to a position where he'll just kill all the reinforcements up top, the bottom ones won't arrive before he KO's Lyon.

This is on my Sethsolo run, so I just left Eirika in the middle of the map while Seth had his manly powertrip. For me to pull a 3-turn on my Jehanna run where I didn't use Seth and had no 10-move 1-2 range characters, I had to pull a massive Warp-dance chain whereas Seth just clears the chapter with no effort and a few uses of the Short Spear and Audhulma.

The +2 move is still pretty important.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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I thought that map shopping was a good idea, but it seems that no one shares my opinion...

So you'd rather have your units waste a turn shopping than using them to kill the enemy units/healing/whatever?

Okaaaaaay then... :rolleyes:

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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