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The Political Compass!


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I should note that the left wing economic part is terribly skewed; it asks a bunch of fairly minor "socialist" questions, and then says I'm more economically left than any leader ever. I don't believe in a state owned economy. I don't believe in collectivism. I don't believe you should just take rich peoples money and distribute it to poor people, etc. On the other hand, I'm generally way MORE Libertarian than what those questions ask. For example, I think pornography (as long as it doesn't actually necessitate someone being harmed to produce it, ie real child porn) of any type should be legally available to ANYONE, not just adults.

So yeah, not too accurate I guess, but not bad. Also I'm pretty crazy I guess...

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Damn, you just upped the ante. I'll have to deal with being only the second-most likely to blow up a Republican-filled White House.

Oh yeah, I doubted we'd get many authoritarians given our, ah, 'lax' policies on emulation.

Edited by Furetchen
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Damn, you just upped the ante. I'll have to deal with being only the second-most likely to blow up a Republican-filled White House.

Oh yeah, I doubted we'd get many authoritarians given our, ah, 'lax' policies on emulation.

They're all fascists here, you can't even question them publicly! :P

Also I preach non-violence or something.

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I should note that the left wing economic part is terribly skewed; it asks a bunch of fairly minor "socialist" questions, and then says I'm more economically left than any leader ever. I don't believe in a state owned economy. I don't believe in collectivism. I don't believe you should just take rich peoples money and distribute it to poor people, etc. On the other hand, I'm generally way MORE Libertarian than what those questions ask. For example, I think pornography (as long as it doesn't actually necessitate someone being harmed to produce it, ie real child porn) of any type should be legally available to ANYONE, not just adults.

Oh shut-up, you damn commy.


But seriously, I was thinking the same thing taking the quiz. I didn't score as high as a (-)nine, but I think a (-)five is way too much for what I actually think. Maybe like a (-)three or something.

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There were a few questions I found hard to answer. For instance: "A significant advantage of a one-party state is that it avoids all the arguments that delay progress in a democratic political system." I feel it is true that a one-party system avoids conflict, but I don't feel that we should have a one-party system. I ended up disagreeing.

I accidentally closed my results thing, but I was closest to Gandhi. I was slightly more to the left and fairly less libertarian than he was. Being on the libertarian side of the axis, though not by very much, surprised me, since I consider myself to be more anti than pro free market.

Edited by SeverIan
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There are some disturbingly liberal people around here...

At the same time, though, I feel like a lot of the questions are skewed to that side of things. Stuff like BIG CORPORATIONS ARE ALWAYS RIGHT YES OR NO and rating you more liberal if you say "no" from a purely logical standpoint is pretty stupid.

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There are some disturbingly liberal people around here...

At the same time, though, I feel like a lot of the questions are skewed to that side of things. Stuff like BIG CORPORATIONS ARE ALWAYS RIGHT YES OR NO and rating you more liberal if you say "no" from a purely logical standpoint is pretty stupid.

LOL I loved that question. IIRC it was "things that are good for multinational corporations are always for everyone's good."

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This quiz is pretty skewed. I'm like the only person remotely right-wing I know, and quiz calls me left wing. wut.

then again, i really shouldn't care about politics as much as i do

currently my brother's angry at me since i keep raging about the security thing in airports even though i barely use them

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LOL I loved that question. IIRC it was "things that are good for multinational corporations are always for everyone's good."

there was also the abstract art question. I have no idea whatsoever what that had to do with politics XD

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I accidentally closed my results thing, but I was closest to Gandhi. I was slightly more to the left and fairly less libertarian than he was. Being on the libertarian side of the axis, though not by very much, surprised me, since I consider myself to be more anti than pro free market.

Economic stuff's the left/right axis. Abstract art apparently defines the libertarian/authoritarian axis.

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Economic Left/Right: -1.62

Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.59

Skewed by the religious questions, which I couldn’t in good faith answer anything but strongly disagree with. There are also a couple of economic questions I would have chosen “other” for had it been offered, mostly because I simply didn’t like the dichotomy they presented. It makes no differentiation between interventionism and socialism, much less different degrees or flavors of either of those. Then there were a few Communist ones thrown in for good measure. Also, I wonder if they consider protectionism left or rightist? I probably would have been just a little more on the economic “right” if the focus had been different—tests that are more about economic principles and less “how does it make you feel?” put me much closer to the Chicago camp, although not without reservations.

EDIT: I also find it highly ironic that someone named "Le Communard" is firmly in the moderate camp.

Edited by Le Communard
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