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Florina or Fiora


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I always use both and both are looking pretty good if they are still unpromoted. I mean, if you promoted both of them already you might as well just use both anyway.

But if you only have one Elysian Whip, use it on Fiora.

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How much do you hate facing crit rates? Even with tactician stars helping cev (assuming you are playing in such a way to get some) enemies like swordmasters and berserkers and Luna users will have a fair amount of crit on Fiora. That's about the only advantage to using Florina. And that only matters to people who don't like randomly dying. If you like having your units randomly die, though, go ahead with Fiora.

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SMs, berserkers, and Luna druids will still have crit on Florina, though. You'd still be randomly dying, and it'd piss you off even more when you do.

Not necessarily. 6 tactician stars by around chapter 28 or 29. Seems fair. 19 luck at 20/6. That's good for 25 cev without any support. Even the tier 2 guys hover around that. And 20 skill swordmasters have only 25 crit as well. And since those stars give cev to everyone, that's immunity. Especially berserkers as they don't have the benefit of swordmaster level skill.

Hey, at least she's got a prayer. Not many units can even say that. Of course, if you can get Florina + Fiora to a B support, that's +5 cev right there. Not going to help Fiora reach 0%, but it'll help Florina if she just comes up barely short.

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The only SMs you'll face prior to obtaining the Iron Rune in chapter 29 are Lloyd and one guy in chapter 27. There are no enemy berserkers in the game outside of Fargus and chapter 32x. That pretty much just leaves Luna druids, but I'd much rather take superior stats everywhere else than give in to a phobia of single digit crit chances that may not even be completely nullified.

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The only SMs you'll face prior to obtaining the Iron Rune in chapter 29 are Lloyd and one guy in chapter 27. There are no enemy berserkers in the game outside of Fargus and chapter 32x. That pretty much just leaves Luna druids, but I'd much rather take superior stats everywhere else than give in to a phobia of single digit crit chances that may not even be completely nullified.

It's not as if you can't use both though. Besides, she also gets like 4 more hit. Admittedly Fiora has a better skill growth though.

Plus there is only one iron rune anyway.

It really depends on supports though. Like, if Florina has a Lyn support going on. It may not be in effect all the time (flo goes flying off) but it'll help in some chapters. Of course, lyn may not even be getting trained so again, it depends.

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Promoting implies using (otherwise, why promote them?).

Look at their stats. They're consistent with 20/-- averages. The topic creator is obviously using both of them.

Unless he is asking which to promote first, my answer is the same: Promote both of them since they're both good.

You have 1 Elysian Whip until chapter 21. Promoting both of them is an impossibility.

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Then one thing is to consider making a balanced team. What's more important? One peg with 6 con and another with 4 or two pegs with 5 con (until you can promote a second peg and Fiora gets to 6). Killers are -4 AS for 5 con so if you can get both pegs doubling stuff with better weapons rather than just one peg or something then isn't that a good thing? That's another potential reason to promote Florina. Fiora already doubles 12AS enemies while using killers. Granted, killers won't surface until the first secret shop, by which point I think you get another whip anyway.

Maybe he missed the first one though?

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You have 1 Elysian Whip until chapter 21. Promoting both of them is an impossibility.

That's assuming:

1. He's playing HM, in which case having even one of them level 20 by chapter 21 is insane.

2. He hasn't reached 21 yet.

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