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Round 21 SF Splicing Competition


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It's sad hearing statements like this, considering you're bypassing all the entrants people have put considerable effort into making and just going for the quick minute rip for humour. :c

Thank you for also backing up my theory that all sprites are supposed to be the same; boring and bland and unimaginative.

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Thank you for also backing up my theory that all sprites are supposed to be the same; boring and bland and unimaginative.

(Fail trolling attempt is fail.)

Bull. It's entirely possible to create sprites that are creative and interesting; hell, look at most anything that waqwaq has done for proof (and that's only in the splicing realm; the realm of custom works provides even more possibilities). Nickt does raise a somewhat valid point that I've personally had a problem with in contests/competitions for some time now (despite the problem being far from readily solved), though. It's impossible to curb silly voting such as what was quoted, since one could easily come up with an alternative reason why they voted as they did (and, people do have their own preferences as to what they find appealing), however it does defeat the purpose of something like this being called a competition.

Generally when one thinks of a competition, there is some set of guidelines that are used to measure and rank entries, contestants, etc. and those guidelines are generally used by a specific set of judges or what have you in order to actually do the ranking. In something public like this, sprites are often (and, I'll admit that I'm at fault sometimes as well) picked for simply their visual appeal or what they're of (say, someone spriting a character that is heavily ingrained in pop culture (so, for us, someone making a superb Sigurd mug using the three sprites might get a ton of votes, simply because it's Sigurd) and not on the technical merits of the work. Granted, judging solely on technical merits would likely eliminate a fair number of entries if, say, waqwaq entered after spending 2+ days of splicing to crank out something impressive and masterfully spliced; however, in competitions, things that are the best generally tend to win in the end. </rant>


As for the lack of entries, I'd likely guess that it has something to do with the fact that it's getting close to Christmas and homework loads have increased for students because of it? (Either that or the set isn't appealing to people...)

Edited by Lord Glenn
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As for the lack of entries, I'd likely guess that it has something to do with the fact that it's getting close to Christmas and homework loads have increased for students because of it? (Either that or the set isn't appealing to people...)

This is paaaartially the reason for me.

But yeah, there's also the flood of other competitions.

I've been thinking to limit how many competitions are going on at a single time, so people have a chance to enter.

Or extend the deadline more.

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I've been thinking to limit how many competitions are going on at a single time, so people have a chance to enter.

Or extend the deadline more.

Extending the deadlines or stagger them, in some fashion. You can't really limit them can you?

Perhaps make a "current" pinned contest board...that links to all of the current ones, so they are easy to find...with deadlines on all them, in one place [\bad idea].

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Extending the deadlines or stagger them, in some fashion. You can't really limit them can you?

Perhaps make a "current" pinned contest board...that links to all of the current ones, so they are easy to find...with deadlines on all them, in one place [\bad idea].

I'll extend this one for 2 more days, just because it'll allow more time.

Yeah, I think I will. Later.

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Man, you really need to read other's comments, as this was already corrected at the top of the last page :<

Newset post mode. Took me to the bottom of page 1, I didnt know page 2 existed. :/

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I'll be revising the rules for the next round.

If that's implying that sprites will be required to fit inside the "hack box", then, despite the fact that I'm not a participant, I'm going to have to disagree here. This is first and foremost a spriting competition, not a "make sprites for hacks" competition. Sure, somewhat limiting the competition to "require" something that would be feasible for one of the games makes sense, but I personally feel that there's no reason to force a complete iron fist mentality of "IT HAS TO WORK IN THE GAME" on everyone, since that's not really what the competition is about. (Now, that's not saying that those that choose to meet the requirements of the games can't do so, because that's they're own prerogative.) It's about taking three base sprites and spitting out something that uses parts from only those images.

Considering there's such a thing as creative liberty for art, artists (and by extension, pixel artists) should be allowed to do whatever they want in their art, including having reign over the sizes of their image (because, if they can knock out a giant half-body using only spliced parts and it took them a week to do, I'd say that that's fair game, personally) as well as colors and such (granted, I do agree that having something like 500 colors is absurd).

FEU's splicing competition is run like an authoritarian state, limiting the artists with all of its rules and restrictions. That's a large reason why this contest is so much better than theirs, since we had creative stuff like the guy with the giant horn on his mask as an entry, simply because we don't have absurd restrictions for the rules.

(Granted, it's entirely possible that I'm the only one that thinks this, but I digress...)

(And, if your post isn't implying the above, then you can ignore most of what I just wrote.)

I think, at the very least, you should leave the members involved in the changes, since they are the primary participants and the competition should be tailored to what they want.

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I agree with Spoon in one sense and don't like the idea of restricting entries to "hackbox" limitations. However I don't really like the idea of "creative liberty." MC from FEEF recently made a emblem/symbol thing out of the splice set, and as interesting as it was, it really didn't belong in the competition (and was disqualified).

Entries should be one (single) character, portrayed in a similar fashion to FE's mugs.


:/ Where'd you get that idea from?

Edited by Kanami
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If that's implying that sprites will be required to fit inside the "hack box", then, despite the fact that I'm not a participant, I'm going to have to disagree here. This is first and foremost a spriting competition, not a "make sprites for hacks" competition. Sure, somewhat limiting the competition to "require" something that would be feasible for one of the games makes sense, but I personally feel that there's no reason to force a complete iron fist mentality of "IT HAS TO WORK IN THE GAME" on everyone, since that's not really what the competition is about. (Now, that's not saying that those that choose to meet the requirements of the games can't do so, because that's they're own prerogative.) It's about taking three base sprites and spitting out something that uses parts from only those images.

Considering there's such a thing as creative liberty for art, artists (and by extension, pixel artists) should be allowed to do whatever they want in their art, including having reign over the sizes of their image (because, if they can knock out a giant half-body using only spliced parts and it took them a week to do, I'd say that that's fair game, personally) as well as colors and such (granted, I do agree that having something like 500 colors is absurd).

FEU's splicing competition is run like an authoritarian state, limiting the artists with all of its rules and restrictions. That's a large reason why this contest is so much better than theirs, since we had creative stuff like the guy with the giant horn on his mask as an entry, simply because we don't have absurd restrictions for the rules.

(Granted, it's entirely possible that I'm the only one that thinks this, but I digress...)

(And, if your post isn't implying the above, then you can ignore most of what I just wrote.)

I think, at the very least, you should leave the members involved in the changes, since they are the primary participants and the competition should be tailored to what they want.

I agree completely with this. (Except the FEU thing because like, i have no idea since i dont post there. So im gonna take Glenn's word for it i guess.)

Lately, people have been getting a bit too uptight about the competitions in general and its kinda taking the fun out of it. I think leaving the rules as they are and going back to the mentality everyone had when ALS started this whole shebang would be great. I like seeing the joke entries. They rarely win, but they are fun to see. And really, i think "numbers'" entry does have quite a bit of effort involved. I mean, really! Its effort to make three different dudes into a horse! (Im not saying im voting for it. I have no idea who im gonna vote for yet. I never do until the poll is up.)

The hackbox thing? Yeah, no. That one kid's GIANT HORN was hilarious and inventive. (sure it was a bit much, but hey! It was great to see it there!) Nickt's uber hair is awesome to see too. I think what im trying to say is that folks need to lighten up about this stuff. Its just for fun. Thats why i do it. I dont do it for srsbzns, i sprite because i find it fun. (and i like trying new stuff! Yes, i do listen to youse guys' critiques, its just a lot of the time, im finding i dont have that much time to edit stuff. D: D:)

Which brings me to this:

As for the lack of entries, I'd likely guess that it has something to do with the fact that it's getting close to Christmas and homework loads have increased for students because of it? (Either that or the set isn't appealing to people...)

Since im not in school (old fart), im gonna have to say its the former. Things are getting really hectic around here and spriting is taking the back seat. I have a request thread at another forum (non FE) that im kinda behind on because of that. Im fearing i may have to pull out of the Xmas contest too. I dont want to but its kinda looking that way. Super D:

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