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Country Mafia Sign-ups


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The year 2010. The world is fucked up (what else is new)? The United Nations Security Council is the last bastion of sanity left in the world. And somehow... it doesn't seem like it anymore.

So these are the sign-ups to Country Mafia. Going to be a sick game, I promise.

Some basic rules and shit:

1. This game needs 23 people. Please sign up

2. This is a game with Outside Contact. Meaning that PMs and IRC will be used. The reason why I'm allowing Outside Contact is 1) I don't like NOC but that's just me and 2) this game is to balance the amount of NOC games that have been played recently. Switching it up, if you will.

3. Because this game is OC, I highly suggest that you use it. And when I say highly, I actually mean it. Even if you are a regular townie, try speaking to people to uncover some information. Look at it like scumhunting minus the giving away your role in public.

So yeah. Sign-ups here!

Radiant Dragon

Tables (post like once a phase to inform me that you're still alive if you're in)



Words that I can use to describe SlayerX but won't so that he doesn't go crying in a corner















General Spoon

19/23 spots filled.

Edited by Life Admiral
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Yeah, we don't have a big enough mafia community to restrict people playing too many games :P.

I'll... Put me down as a replacement. I want to join but I don't have enough time to waste nowadays.

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After that wall of text, I'll sign up (and hopefully not get everyone killed).

If you're Mafia, you might want to get everyone killed. :awesome:

5 more spots remain. Which means I have to finish role PMs tomorrow if I want to get this game going ASAP.

Totally not a reference to United Nations Space Command (UNSC Spartans :awesome: )

Only just saw this now. And if you think that the UNSC is a good name, wait till you see everything else.

Edited by Cthulhu
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