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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 22: The Hunt


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"Why am I so useless?" groaned Tas as he stirred and sat up. Blinking, he realized how out-of-place that coment was. Namid let loose a low, frusterated growl as he shifted his position somewhat painfully. "You're aching," the rider mumbled as he squinted and blinked, trying to adjust his eyes to the darkness. They had been flying around sleepily...

(I wonder when we'll find something. I'm so hungry...) These same thoughts had been rising for hours now as Tas and Namid flew over the plains, searching for something to eat. Namid's opinion was that Tas was stubborn in his own right, but why was it always so detrimental to the man's health? He was fairly certian that he could locate their group by sight since his nose was still clearing up from the reek of blood's dulling it earlier. At least he had been until a blinding flare burst into the sky.

"YAGHH!!" Tas cried, immediately shielding his eyes as Namid roared in pain. The light was so painful to the two pairs of eyes since they were used to the dark and since the light had been blasted into the sky and exploded there rather than closer to the ground. The pair were so dizzy that Namid flapped about blindly until finally giving in to the confusion and falling from the sky. Tas was equilly dizzy and wasn't sure in which direction they were plummetting. All he knew to do was to hang on to Namid's saddle.

Then they landed, upturning the grass on a hillside somewhere on the plains. There they had laid for a while.

"I... Where are we?" breathed Tas, looking up to where he knew he should eb able to see the stars and moon...and seeing into blackness. A sharp inhale later and Tas was waving his hand in front of his face, winding up accidentally wacking his own nose. For a moment, he was tunned into silence. Then, "I... I'm...blind...?" Annother thought struck him and he slid his hand allong Namid's neck, shortly reaching the wyvern's head. "Namid, can you see me?" (Oh please... Namid's vision is even more sensitive than mine!!)

The mountain wyvern let loose a confused whimper. He could hear, feel and smell Tas. Why was it so black? Tas knew what that meant. Hugging the wyvern's snout, he tried to calm himself and Namid by stroking Namid's jawline. (How will we find the others now? How will we eat? How will we know if the sun's up? Will... Will this blindness last forever or will it go away?) He was shaking, though he didn't notice that nor did he notice his aching shoulder, side and hip.

OoC: Don't worry. It's temporary blindness. They'll regain their vision later. Namid landed and slid on his side and Tas was clinging to Namid's saddle, so both of their left sides were scratched up a little and ache, but nothing major. (though Tas' shoulder might have to be popped back into place...)

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"You need to get new eyes, Rocky," Ruby said disdainfully, looking over the stone demon's shoulder. Quickly moving past Petros, the fire demoness drew her miracle blade, and lifted the monk's chin with the tip of it. "Oh, you're one of the stragglers, aren't you...? Well, that just suits my purpose." As she said this, she reached out with her free hand to touch Ronald's head. The holy man's eyes went wide, as memories were stolen from him. Once she was finished, Ruby unceremoniously slit the monk's throat, before turning back to Petros, ignoring the bleeding corpse.

"... The Grand Cleric's heading towards Halton right now. If we kill him in Altea, along with the emperor, we have ourselves more of a war. Why you don't head there, while I wait for the leftover Wielders here? I'm the only one of us that can sever, after all."

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Viv had stood by the tent not having decided what she would do just yet. She would need to talk to Pary as soon as he woke up, but that would probably have to wait until morning. That's what she figured at least. Susann nosed the cloth of the tent lightly wondering what was going on inside as Tristan approached.

Viveka: Hm?

She looked over at Aiya who was grabbing Irina all over. She seemed disturbed to say the least.

Viveka: ... I have no idea what's with Halton soldiers. I won't brag about Ilyphina's guards but they can at least not freak out in the face of ... whatever's bothering her.


As Lev listened most of his suspicions were confirmed. Still the girl had more bothering her than even he first suspected. Where to start? Althea's death? The trouble with Arrni? The healing gone wrong? Irina's assault on Kamilla? He hadn't a clue at first. Perhaps the trauma that came with killing someone was the most pertinent issue.

Lev: What happened during the battle, to Althea ... how much does that bother you?


Ixion: Hmm, as I thought. Alright then. I'll show you. Let us head inside. Follow me.

EDIT: Added Ixion cause I totally forgot about that XD

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"Fair point." Kelas shrugged and headed back to the fire, reducing it to embers for a few minutes. "People who aren't on watch or planning need to rest," she commented. "Sooner people sleep, the earlier we can get up and be moving. Where's the other tents, we should set those up..."

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OOC: Irina and Lev need either pm or retrospect posts for their conversations and therefore aren't currently being placed. Watch shift folks can also do retrospect stuff.


Iso was already having nightmares by midnight and woke up in near darkness inside the tent. He sat up silently looking around at those sleeping near him and then laid back down putting his arms behind his head and sighing.

Iso: (Sleeping in tents ... it'll be a while yet before I'm accustomed to this. Used to be either the open ground or a soft comfy bed in an inn ... even back then. Huh. Back then. It really wasn't that long ago now that I think about it. A year really isn't that long ago.)

Slightly over a year ago ...


Isotov and a friend of his walked down the streets of a large town. The two young men seemed to be looking for something.

Iso: Do you know where the others told us to meet them?

Adrian: No, and at this rate, they'll probably just skip town without us. I can't blame them either because you're a walking catastrophe.

Iso: It's not my fault.

Adrian: If you could just ... JUST get your eyes under control at least we could find a place to stay. As soon as something exciting happens you light up and "It's a deeemon!" I'm so tired of running away all the time.

Iso: (Given my luck we won't be running away much longer. They'll show up again ... they always do.) Adrian ... if you want to just leave me behind and go ahead with the others, it's okay. I really don't want you to feel obligated to stick around with me.

Adrian: Yeah yeah, because of those assassins. I know. Look, I said I'd help you kill them and I will. Don't be a coward, just learn to control that tome of yours so we can relax in a city for one lousy night.

Iso: *sigh* ... okay. As always, I'll try. (Oh how much good that'll do. We're both barely circle twos and yet he's going to help me with assassins. He's training too hard.)

A short while later the two found themselves in an inn near the edge of town. They had already met up with the others and everyone but Iso and Adrian had gone upstairs to find rooms. The two of them had stayed down stairs and had been conversing at a table until a tall man appeared flanked by several others.

Man: Hey, you two TISME grunts?

Adrian: Oh hell ... brutes.

Iso: We're just ...

Man: Are you mages or aren't you?

Iso: We're just circle twos. We can't really do all that much.

Adrian hauled Iso in close and quietly scolded him!

Adrian: You dumbass! Don't tell them we're weak! What if they wanna rob us?!

Iso: Then they would have asked differently. Not to mention they would have surrounded us. I think they want our help to be honest.

Adrian: Whatever.

Man: Look, I don't know crap about circles so can you help us out or what?

Iso: What do you need?

Man: We need a mage, preferably a thunder wind mage to knock out something too high for any of us to get to.

Adrian: Uh ... ladder much?

Man: Uh no. We sent the wrong person up on the ladder and had a huge accident already. Fatass broke the damn thing on his way down too.

Adrian: Heh.

Iso: Okay we'll help out.

Adrian: Urgh.

Present Day ...

Iso: (Adrian never did like lending a hand ... not that I can blame him seeing as how I got excited and we both got chased out of town. They were going to pay us too. At least the others caught up. Hm. It wasn't long after that before we ran into Miranda. That changed everything ... I wonder what she's up to right now.)

Iso wondered for awhile but soon fell back to sleep.


I open my eyes to a doused campfire and an open landscape, the darkness once again drowned in the morning light. It was time once again for the rooster to sound ... yet he didn't. Where was the rooster? Oh surely he had perished long ago at the hands of the great beasts. Yes beasts for now there were two of them. The doomed occupants were being sent to their doom far quicker now, and it is only a matter of time ... before they take ... me.

The fearful chicken continued to despair as Kiev quietly slumbered. The sun indeed had risen and it was morning. People that weren't already awake would be rising soon surely.

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Morning. Beau felt much better having pretty much slept all through the day before. However, his small stomch was empty. Doubting that anyone else was presently awake, the young priest took some food he'd rationed away from his bag and began to eat. (Although the servants complained about it, being unable to eat much certianly comes in handy whilst travelling like this.) The 13-year-old's meal was a simple buscuit, but he knew that the meal would fill him for the whole day. Shifting his eyes as he ate, Beau took in his surroundings. The first one he noticed was Charlotte, still slumbering near him. In the morning quiet, however, his mind soon shifted to the happenings of the days prior.

(This retinue has been attacked multiple times. Undoubtedly this is due to those of high-standing being so abundant: Prince Tristan of Septimus, Princess Charlotte of Jerdon and Prince Helios of Tora. There may even be others of noble birth here besides they. There certianly are quite a lot in this patchwork escort. Haltonian and Elyimisian soldiers, mercenaries, TISME, the church... And yet we fought the templars yesterday. What is this all about? What are the goals of the people here? Why was this band constructed? Where was its origin? If I continue to reach my answers through speculation alone, then those answers will be long-coming indeed. Perhaps I should inquire here-and-there from time-to-time. This is simply becoming too curious for my mind to be at peace about it.)


(My vision is returning...) The veague thought registered as Tas' open eyes took in and recognized light. That was hardly useful, though, seeing as all he could see was a confusing blend of light and shadow. Namid was asleep behind him as the courier was resting his back against the wyvern's side. They hadn't moved from the base of the hill they'd slid to the night before and Tas was feeling dazed and weak. (I need to eat soon... I don't want to move... Maybe I should sleep again.) The light in his eyes was giving Tas a headache. Closing his eyes, the wyvern rider drifted off again into a light slumber.


The sky was pale and Altenau rested sleepily before Raemond. Lantos was back where the man had left him allong the road at first light. It was time to get to work. Taking a steady, long breath, the monk partially closed his eyes. His trained sense pointed him into the town. As he strode serinelty through the gate, he could feel every spike of demonic energy...but was only looking for the source. (If I must kill any of them...may these innocent souls know peace.)

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On Watch

It seemed like he only slept five minutes when he was shaken and roused by Kelas. It was clearly his turn to watch. Rubbing his eyes and stretching a bit, Alf grabbed his axes and headed out of the tent bleary eyed, his stomach still churning, more violently then before. Every minute was another he would have to face the dragon.

Now where was Esphyr...

After TS

Sleep did not come easily for Alf after he was done with the watch. The nervous feeling in his gut kept growing and he had stared up into the tent all night. It wasn't so much facing the dragon, but it was also anxiety about the daggers.

What if she doesn't have them? Then it'll all have been for nothing and..no. I can't think of that. I've got to assume that she has them.

Yawning somewhat after waking up, Alf promptly rolled up his sleeping bag and put them away. He didn't feel at all like eating, he was too anxious. He couldn't show it at all though, so he tried to put those thoughts out of his head and exited the tent, standing near the edge of camp and tapped his foot impatiently.

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Derek had trouble sleeping that night. Perhaps it was just the light show that occurred the night before, or perhaps it was stress. Regardless, the cavalier was up before almost everyone else, and busy tending to Ann. As he groomed the mare a bit, he relaxed, easing into a routine while clearing his mind. It was only a few days to the border. They'd make it.


The ground had been softer than the day before, but it still was rather hard, as Alex's sore limbs reminded her. After getting up and stretching, the general quickly cleaned her armor, just well enough to fight off any hint of rust. Once she donned it, the general joined the rest of the group, and prepared to leave.

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Ow, my head. What is this pain? Pary slowly awoke to someone standing over him. His head hurt quiet a lot, and his vision was blurry, but someone with golden locks was above him. "A-Alicia? Is that you? This pain...am I finally with you?" Pary tried to sit up, but his body didn't have the energy. He stayed on the ground, breathing quietly.

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Pary seemed to be speaking about something. She wasn't sure what, but with what had happened to him yesterday, it was probably better that he not try to move around too much she thought.

Rude Awakening

Iso was slowly coming into consciousness but one thing he didn't realize was that he wasn't wrapped around what he thought he was. Still partially asleep, he mumbled aloud.

Iso: ... Miranda ...

???: Let go!

Iso: What's wrong?

???: Let go of my leg, dammit! I knew I shouldn't have slept in this tent. Let go!

Iso: Huh?

Iso finally opened his eyes to find his face resting on a warm leg. Looking up to its owner, he saw Viveka, at a very inappropriate angle.

Iso: V-Viveka?

Viveka: LET ... GO!!!

She pulled back her other leg as far as she could with rage in her eyes. He could barely utter the phrase "Uh oh" before her foot slammed into his face sending him straight off of her, to his feet, out of the tent, and flat onto his back nearly twenty-five feet away! He reached for his aching nose and confirmed with a quick swab that it was bleeding ... a lot.

Iso: I thought that was Miranda ... uuuug ... god that hurt. I can't move. She nearly broke my neck ...

With a quick cough he sent off what blood had poured into his mouth already.

Iso: Someone ... h-help.

The Long Face

Well Pary seemed to not be trying to get up and move around which was good. Susann softly nudged his face with her snout to make sure he hadn't suddenly died on her. From outside the tent, Susann's entire body was exposed with her head carefully inside. Viveka tended to oversleep so it was up to her to look after the holy one ... and probably her newborn child as well.

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"Isn't this particular assembly assaulted enough without its members turning on each other?" complained Beau when he saw what had caused the rucuss. Taking his heal staff from his bag, the young priest proceded with healing the older magic-user. When his work was complete, he returned the healing item to his bag and spoke up again, "A word of advice: tire out your healers while you're still at base and they will not be able to heal you on the battlefield." He didn't leave just yet, however. This was a good opportunity to gather some information and set up some bonds of trust so he could tap them for information later on as well or use the social network against his more domestic enemies.

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"Nnn... wha' the hell?" Kelas opened one eye a crack. Shouting, familiar voices, Viveka was having some sort of fit nearby... Isotov was apparently up, she didn't see him, maybe she should return the coat now... but she was cold and didn't want to get up yet. "Oi, too early for this, whatever it is," she complained, pulling the blankets of her bedroll up over her ears.

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Though healed Iso didn't bother sitting up yet. He'd already woken up earlier than he'd planned and was still tired. He gently closed his eyes before even responding to Beau.

Iso: I can't exactly protect myself from that kind of attack. You might want to take that up with Viveka ... not me ....

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"Preventative measures can still be taken," replied Beau, "It just takes forethought. For example, why does one strengthen his mana network? This is so that they can be ready to defend against magical attacks. Anticipate the reaction before taking an action. Annother example: if you can keep from insulting someone even when you are angry, then you will not suffer for it later." There was nothing wrong with explaining this much of his political training. In fact, it could only benefit himself and the group as whole.

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It wasn't bad advice really. Still Iso had ended up in a situation almost completely out of his control. Telling Beau the specifics was probably a bad idea given the boy's age. He decided to simply "roll over" and not resist for the sake of vindication.

Iso: I guess you're right. (Only preventative measure I can think of is to stay away from her ... er ... her legs at least. It still aches slightly.)

Iso continued to lie there but summoned Proxima into his right hand and looked at its cover before dropping his arm down and sighing.

Iso: Not as if I'm going to be able to get anymore sleep after that ....

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Beau stared at the book, his eyes buch wider than usual. After a few moments of standing and staring in silence, he finally managed, "Did you...just summon...a fire tome..?"

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Iso raised an eyebrow at Beau as the book opened up in his hand.

Iso: You don't know about these already? (Why do people come along with us without knowing what we're about?) This tome is why those reformists from yesterday were trying to gut us.

Ending his explanation a bit short, he closed his eyes and lied still with the open tome in his palm.

Iso: (Instead of wasting time in the mornings like I usually do. Maybe I should get back into my old routines. It's certain to be much easier now.)

A moment later a faint and tiny red bead of fire appeared just over Iso's face. Keeping his eyes closed he spoke allowed.

Iso: I don't want any major attention so ... starting small ....

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"The church--?" Beau cut himself off. The pieces of the puzzle had come together far too easily. (The only reason would be if that tome was demonic somehow. Well, unless they stole it and it is some holy artifact. Though... Which is the liklier? Have I...been travelling with a group of bandits..? Ahh, right... All the royals I've seen thus far...have been forced from their status!) The young priest only nodded his farewell to the mage before returning to the carrage looking for Arrin. (I have to speak with him. He was hiding something after all.) When he saw the older boy, he grabbed his arm and yanked him halfway out from the carrage so that the older would have to use his lower body to keep his balance, seeing as his upper half was resting on nothing but the air above the ground. Beau was glaring at him, clearly not amused. He helped hold him up, however, keeping his grip on Arrin's upper arm so he didn't fall.

The question was simple and his voice was icy and calm in spite of the stony anger in Beau's eyes, "What have you been keeping from me?"

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Dazed and Confused

Chase woke up about 5 feet away from his sleeping bag, unsurprised that he moved as much as he did. With the morning light came a dull pain once again, but it wasn't so bad as before. The herbs must be working well, he thought. Blinking several times, he barely adjusted to his surroundings when he heard an odd... crunch. Darting his eyes to the direction of the sound, he say Isotov sitting in a bleeding lump. Startled, he mentally racked his mind to think of what he could do, but before he could think of anything that might be useful an unidentified man healed him. Bewildered, Chase stared at the Fire Mage for a minute, before peeking his head into the tent to see a blushing Viveka, beginning, "Uh, what exactly just..."

He didn't finish his question, as a few possibilities dawned on him. "Oh, uh... s-sorry," he muttered, and decided it would probably be a good idea to leave. Backing out of the tent, he took only a few steps before caving in and burst into laughter. "Hahaha... oh man, that's great..."

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"The boy healer is right you know." Morgan lectured, surveying the scene. She had been up for several hours already. "Wasting energy on petty internal squabbles is not productive in attempting to defeat Helenos.

Charlotte woke up at the noise. She had been having the dream again, the one where she was chasing the tall man and they ended up in the mirror room. She head Pary saying a woman's name in his sleep. Poor man, he must be dreaming about his wife she thought to herself, not leaving her bedroll.

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I don't want to get up this morning, I don't want to get up this morning, I swear to god I do not want to get up this morning...oh shit. I'm awake.

Reika had gotten up and was about to stand up when she saw stars all over the place and toppled over, clutching her head. She tried to get up again, but there were less stars and a lot more birdies. Trying to move out of the tent, Reika instead toppled over facefirst on the ground and crawled back in her tent, hoping to god nobody saw her and her dignity would at least be somewhat spared.

I need the knives so bad. I can't believe I need those stupid things. I swear to god, these daggers suck...bah. No use crying over spilled milk. Just need to stop seeing all these stars and birdies...

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"Oof! Nnnwha-- we under attack?" Arrin mumbled, reaching for his Elthunder tome. "...Beau? What's going on?" he asked, realizing that they weren't under attack. "What are you doing, and what do you mean, keeping from you?"

OOC: I thought Arrin was going to end up in one of the tents, but carriage works too I guess.

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Beneath the Fire

Iso grunted lightly still not bothering to look. He didn't know Morgan had been there the whole time. Though he hadn't seen her since the only thing he saw since leaving the tent was the sky and Beau looking down over him.

Iso: I don't think being kicked in the face amounts to wasting my energy. (Honestly why am I being lectured? I didn't have time to react. I couldn't get out of the way.) Doesn't matter though, I'm not picking any fights with you people. I'd rather just keep my distance and solve the problem that way.

As he spoke the tiny ball of flame began to grow and spin over him.

Iso: That should be enough for you I would think.

Krinkov and Pinky

Krinkov saw Reika fall out of her hide shelter. He had to wonder what went on in those propped up skins they used. Their unceremonious exits were a clue there. Perhaps mobile nests of some kind. That would explain Isotov's injuries. He was likely ejected from the nest by one of the other males. That didn't explain Reika though. Who would force a female out of a nest? Another female perhaps? While he thought on this, the pink wyvern watched him out of the corner of her eye while she schemed petty schemes.

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Pary's head still felt groggy, but he felt fine enough to get up. Realizing his arms were still bound, Pary slipped the dagger out of his inner coat pocket, and managed to slice his bonds with a bit of work. He got up, and went outside towards the campfire for breakfast.

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"I saw Isotov's tome. He said that it was the reason the templars attacked us yesterday. As I thought about it, at our first meeting, I made a lot of assumptions but you were witholding at least the information about that tome. Is it a stolen holy weapon or cursed with demonic powers? Those are the only reasons I can think of as to why the Reformist Templars would attack. In addition, this band is quite mismatched. There must be some reason for such a group to be formed. I thought it was to protect Princess Charlotte and the other displaced royals, but this is all centered around something else, isn't it?" Beau replied, not changing his expression, tone or posture. He clearly didn't like information like this to be kept from him.

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