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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 22: The Hunt


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"What the-- wha'd-- hey! What are you-- never mind, I don't even want to know what you're implying," Kelas replied, still trying to get over the whole "being awake" thing. "Suppose I'd better go ask him what's going on." She shoved herself to her feet and stumbled out of the tent, blinking in the cold sunlight.

Outside she was met with further confusion: Isotov was lying on the ground, messing with some sort of fireball, and Morgan was talking to him. The latter fact was a recipe for trouble. "Right, what happened?" she asked, generally unamused. "I don't even really want to know but if you don't explain why there's the shouting and whatnot Viveka's going to explain anyway and I don't really like her version of anything much right now."

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Viveka grunted as Kelas began leaving the tent.

Viveka: Right, like my word isn't good enough. I already told you the guy was all over my leg like some kind of chimp. Whatever, just you be dream pole next time.

Once Kelas arrived, Iso quickly sat up and stablized the floating magic show by keeping both balls in a very slow orbit around each other. She immediately asked him what had happened regarding the Viv issue and he could only grimace at first. Explaining his side of the story in full wasn't something he was particularly comfortable with.

Iso: I uh ... made the mistake of having a good dream for once. I'm not sure how but I ended up cuddled around Viveka's leg and she woke up yelling at me. By the time I was really able to tell where I was and what was really going on, that other leg was coming at me like lightning. It slammed into my face, nearly broke my neck, and I landed way over here. If not for Beau ... I'd probably still be pretty hurt.

Iso was still a bit surprised how far away from the tent he actually was given Viveka's one action.

Iso: I take it she's still mad?

Meanwhile Viveka had put her boots back on with a lot more fervor than normal and quickly marched out of the tent tossing Iso a glare and heading over toward the tent Susann was sticking her head in.

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"Why would you-- why-- wait, that's what she meant was my job-- what-- why-- aghhhh, it's too damn early for any of this," Kelas grumbled, sitting down to avoid tripping again and sinking her head into her hands. "She could have just told me I didn't want to know, but no..."

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Too Early For This

Iso sat up further and leaned forward with his hands lied out in front of his lap while Kelas reacted to what he'd said. He wasn't sure what she had almost gotten at so naturally he inquired further.

Iso: Well does seem a bit early in the morning for stressful things but ... what's wrong exactly? I'm the one that got kicked in the face. What'd she say to you?

Meanwhile she who did the saying reached Susann and hauled her head out of the tent not bothering to check inside. She was too angry to focus on anything objective at the moment and simply wanted someone to vent at. Susann was a decent enough choice.

Viveka: Remind me to never sleep in one of the other tents again. That was just ridiculous. Hmm ... I guess it mostly bothers me because of that one incident ...

This was getting to be rather annoying. Viveka had shown up and without her child no less. The father may or may not have had him but that wasn't something that ought to have been left to chance. Furthermore she didn't seem to realize that Susann herself was guarding Pary for her, but instead of speaking with the holy one, she merely went into one of her talking fits. Why was her rider so blatantly irresponsible. She had a child now, and a duty to help the holy one. She shouldn't be talking when she should be nursing her child. How malnourished could the child have been by now?

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Oh Boy

Iso: Y-your job? (What the hell is that supposed to mean? It's not like Kelas and I are ... um ... well.) Maybe she's just being ... weird like that? I don't know.

Whatever composure Iso was trying to convey was betrayed by his staggered words, long pauses, sweat, and blushing.

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"Hello? Is anyone out there?" the shrill cry of the lost child, Jr, carried out over the plains. For what had seemed to be hours, he had traveled across open fields, unsure of where he was heading or if he was even going the right way. Stumbling through peat and grass throughout the night, he had become soaked through and through in morning dew and dirt. It had not dampened his desire to see the wyverns again, however. As the sun rose overhead, he at last spotted his prize. There, not too far away from where he had ended up, was the group. Though he could not identify the people within it, he did spot the thing he desired to see. The wyverns. Quickly running down, he hastily approached the group, his arms raised in joy.

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Back at Evil Place of Evil

Clutching his chest, trying to climb the stairs to Liane's office, Njordjenka stumbled and held onto the rail. His legs hurt terribly and taking stairs was certainly not good for them. Gritting his teeth, Njordjenka fell to his knees at the top of the stairs, getting up after a bit. He stumbled towards it and with a bit of effort, knocked it a bit.

"Who is this!" Liane's voice said sharply through the door.

"It's me...Njordjenka..." he gasped. "I'm here to make my report..."

"...Come in," she sighed. Njordjenka promptly entered the door and kneeled before her, his head bent forward as if he was expecting the guillotine.

"Well it looks like you screwed up," Liane said harshly, fingering the handle of her green bladed sword. "What the hell happened?"

"Elle and I...we laid the ambush...the troops...not big enough and apparently not...strong enough. We got knocked around...far as I know everyone's...dead. Elle...I don't know what happened to her. My lady...please let me search for her...she still has her uses."

"Please don't tell me you brought a priest with a Warp staff. We're nearly out of Warp and rescue staves and those things do not come cheap at all. In fact, I don't think we might be able to buy them for a long them."

"...Yes milady. I wasn't...aware of that. Please...let me recover and complete...my mission and get....Elle back..."

"...Leave her. Assume she's dead. If she failed and she didn't come back like you, she's useless. She's trash. They probably killed her anyway."

"My...lady?" Njord said, disappointment in his voice, trying to hide his sadness.

"You though...you'll get another chance. But don't screw up again or I'll behead you with my Wind Sword here. From now on, you will use Geraro to attack along with your own troops. Oh, and because of the only warp staff we have left, you're going to have to walk to their location."

"..I won't fail you milady."

"You better not. Now go patch up. You're messing up my office with your blood."

"...yes milady."

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"Despite the fact that he may be attempting to mate at an inappropriate time, you should refrain from using violence in the future." Morgan said to Viveka. "We have enough to worry about without fighting each other. It is probably time to get moving anyway, the longer we wait the more time we give Helenos to prepare. She undoubtedly knows of our coming at this point, so we should set out as soon as we are ready." she said to the assorted people, some of whom seemed to be attempting to go back to sleep.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Pary rubbed his eyes. It was too early for this, and the stress of last night still weighed on him. "VIveka....Maybe we should just relax and forget about what has happened. You'll need to be prepared when we fight. Come, I'll make you some tea and breakfast." Pary went over to his staves, before picking up his Mend staff and walking over to Iso. "I suppose I'll fix you up."

Pary knelt, before focusing his energy on Iso's already forming bruises.....But nothing happened. Pary tried again, waiting for the healing energy to begin to flow. Still nothing. "Something....something's wrong. Look what that piece of meat did to me! I can't heal anymore!"

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Wyverns and Children

Unable to get anymore sleep, Krinkov didn't bother closing his eyes. Due to that he quickly spotted a familiar boy off in the distance before his nose would have picked him up. The pink wyvern also noticed the boy and stood up not sure what to expect from the little human. Its apparent mother wasn't around either it seemed. She again contemplated killing the little boy, but once again realized that while he wasn't attached to the current human horde, they seemed to have an affinity for younglings anyway. The small horse herding human and the small healing human both came to mind. Perhaps this small human also had some sort of use, though she rather doubted it. She merely stood there waiting for the boy to reach her.


Viveka was already annoyed but getting lectured while being cranky was making the woman's face look more and more evil as the minutes went by.

Viveka: I'm not going to stand here and be lectured about nonviolence by the same person who just resolves to kill anything and anyone who gets in the way. Last time I checked, us having to work together doesn't make us allies. There are limits to what I'll put up with while having to work with you people and if those limits get crossed, people are going to get hurt. If someone touches or tries to strangle me like Irina did, or someone tries to cuddle up with me like Iso did, or if anyone screws around with my damn pegasus, expect due violence. It's as simple as that.

Iso also piped up being annoyed himself by Morgan's input.

Iso: I wasn't trying to- ... look I already told you that it was an accident. I don't have any control over what goes on in my sleep!

Viveka: Oh shut up! I don't care what you were trying to do, just don't ... touch me.

Iso: Nice coming from you. Didn't you injure me and my sister already?

Viveka: Your sister tried to strangle me. Self defense. You were just being arrested ... for the second ... time.


OOC: Iso's injuries are already gone, and Viv probably didn't hear Pary over the shouting, or rather is too caught up in it at the moment. Please try again later.


Although Miranda had shown up, it turned out that she was not nearly as aggressive as Ixion had expected. After a brief chat, the Dark Druid learned that though she still believed in her reasons for seeking his life, she was a bit more interested in discovering what he was up to with all of his creations. Ixion of course was annoyed by this simply because he had planned on revealing all of that to her from the beginning had she not turned on him. Unlike him, she was able to get a good laugh out of the whole thing. Deciding to instead skulk around for awhile and let Ixion finish up with Damian before she decided what to do about him, she disappeared into the shadows.

Meanwhile Ixion began explaining the specifics of total mind domination. It was an art in and of itself that had allowed Ixion to fully control himself, his thoughts, even his dreams. Becoming the true master of his own mind had made the man rather objective and lacking in emotions, but the benefits seemed to outweigh that. Ixion then told Damian that while using Gungnir could help, an even more effective way to put Gae-Borg into complete subjection under him would be to use both. Fortunately Damian would not need to spend the years upon years Ixion spent training to get any noticeable effects going. Defeating Gae-Borg was the desired result and he needn't have gone any further than that. In the morning, the Dark Druid would be prepared to free Damian from the figurative chains that were limiting his mental capabilities.

When morning had finally come, something in Irvinheim was clearly different. Many of the traded animals were gone, nearly half of them. Miranda didn't see any new chimeras skulking about so she was rather suspicious at first. After a bit of exploring she stumbled upon what she was looking for. Several four legged beasts resembling large cats. She looked at them, and they at her. One bothered threatening her with a very loud roar. She tilted her head at the newly created beast. Having heard the roar, Ixion first suspected that someone had wandered too close to the new panzers and was subsequently killed by them. When he arrived however he was incredibly surprised to find Miranda sitting down with the beasts petting one affectionately. He raised an eyebrow wondering why there had been no violence whatsoever and Miranda quickly explained.

Miranda: Evil knows evil.

As she said this her eyes took on a faint glow before quickly returning to normal. That alone made the innocent smile she tossed his way far less innocent looking.

Ixion: Evil. What definitions of evil are you using if you don't mind my asking?

Miranda: They're no different from me really. The lord of Azure Flame ... created the demons to do his bidding and for all intents and purposes slaughter human beings. Now don't tell me these razor sharp claws, vicious fangs, and poisoned saliva are for making nice with people. They're demons. Not from the dust of the ground but from livestock.

Ixion: Parallels with that being do not interest me. If you're going to be coddling these creatures, I would advise you not to do what the headmaster is doing.

Miranda: And what might that be?

Ixion: She hopes to turn one of them into something he was never created to be. A mathematician apparently ... possibly among other things.

Miranda: No teaching them math. Got it. Hmm. Can I keep one of these as a pet? This one right here?

Miranda gestured toward the chimera she was currently petting. Ixion gave her a look that just said 'Are you serious?' and then gave his reply.

Ixion: ... fine.

Miranda: Thank you. I'll name you ... Fenrir.

Ixion wasn't sure what the point was. Was the woman going to ask him for a pet chimera and then later decide to kill him? The previous night she clearly hadn't made up her mind on what she was going to do. Wanting to keep one of the chimeras as her own could have definitely meant one of two things. Either she was hoping to utilize the beast against him later, or her becoming more directly involved with the chimeras was a sign that she might be more interested in helping him after all. While the former couldn't actually work to Ixion's knowledge, the latter seemed too unlikely. He wasn't certain. The woman was still difficult to read.

Edited by Phoenix
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Morgan's mention of waking up provided the opportunity Kelas had been looking for to hastily exit the conversation. "Hm yes we should have someone scout ahead shouldn't we I'll do it" she said quickly, jumping to her feet, unable to look at anyone. She somehow didn't break into a run as she headed for Amari and saddled the mare hastily. It was only a few minutes before they were cantering westward.

After a few minutes' ride, Amari stopped in her tracks on a hilltop. She could tell as soon as Kelas had approached her that her rider was not in any sort of normal mood. Face flushed, twitchy, she seemed almost slightly afraid, but that wasn't quite it. Amari wasn't sure what Kelas was worked up about, but she wasn't going to let her run off because of it. Kelas clapped her feet against the mare's sides, but Amari just snorted: if Kelas wanted to go anywhere, she would have to walk, or calm down first.

Wondering what was wrong, Kelas dismounted. She was halfway through a cursory check of Amari's hooves when she saw the mare's expression. "<Stubborn,>" she muttered, sitting down a few paces ahead of the horse. With a groan she dropped her face into her hands again. "What is wrong with me," she muttered. Since when did she run away from awkwardness? Why was it even so awkward? Obviously what had happened was awkward, but not really for her, but then Viveka had to make comments based on false assumptions... assumptions she'd described as "not the worst" to Altion, why had she said that? The whole thing irritated her somewhat too, it wasn't the sort of thing that should happen... but why was she freaking out about it? Certainly nothing had merited the freezing up, racing pulse, burning face, or need to flee. How could it be so awkward that she felt like running away? She stayed where she was for a few minutes, trying to get her head back into some semblance of order.

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"Well...this isn't going to go any quicker just standing around. I mean we might as well get this over with. So uh..." Alf muttered about, heading towards where Reika was located and kneeled by her, noticing how bad she looked.

"Oh man...Reika are you ok?"

"No. I'm not ok. What does it look like? I'm a wreck as you can see."

"Easy, easy. I'm going to help you. I'll help you pack up for starters. You know, to hurry up and go after her."

"Feh. At least you have a sense of urgency," she muttered, clutching her head.

"You know you don't have to be rude. I'm trying to help you here. I can easily let you die, but I don't want you to. So at the very least, show a bit of respect," Alf grumbled, packing her sleeping bag up.

"Pfeh," Reika grunted, taking all the other stuff around it and packing them up as well, taking the sleeping bag.

"Reika, I'm going to kill the dragon ok? And I'm going to keep you safe. You just have to trust me. If not for killing the dragon myself, at least for keeping you safe."

"You better. That's why I hired you."

"Yeah, then stop doubting me."

"It's a dragon. How do you think anyone'll be safe from a dragon?"

"There's more besides the dragon you know."

"Is there now. Well, at the very least, stay alive ok?"

"Now the concern?"

"Don't give me that," Reika said harshly. "You're still useful and loyal. It's hard to find good help these days. Besides the fact that the only other person who I know will make an effort to get them would be Morgan. And you know that'd be only her second priority.

"Well...thanks for the praise I guess."

"Don't let it go to your head. Don't think it'll allow you to do whatever you want with me."

"Who said I would?"

"Don't give me that. Most men are like that. Anyway, don't have any second thoughts about working with me do you?"

"No. But I do have something to discuss about what happened with them before I met-"

"Save it. We'll talk about it later. Just keep your focus on the mission."

"Good point I guess. Keep yourself safe too. I got your back."


By the time they were finished talking, they had cleared out all the stuff from the tent. Fortunately for them, nobody else was around, though Aiya's stuff was still there.

"Guess I'll go get her so we can take the tent down," said Alf, going off to find her.

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After a few moments, Kelas managed to collect her thoughts together again. She didn't really dwell on why she'd panicked; there wasn't time for that right now. She just concentrated on stopping panicking. "Right, I guess I said I'd scout," she muttered, climbing back into the saddle. She hadn't seen much on the way here-- okay, she hadn't really been looking-- but if there had been anything, it would probably have come after her. Well, that was about a mile and a half clear, then. Amari, satisfied that Kelas was thinking again, obeyed when asked to trot forward.

Another mile brought Kelas to the top of a hill overlooking the plains. She reined Amari in and surveyed the landscape: to the sides were empty plains, but ahead lay a small city. It was probably Altenau, the town they'd been headed toward, she thought. Something was wrong, though. The city looked strangely dead. "All right, this needs to be checked out," Kelas said quietly, kneeing Amari slowly forward. She stopped about a hundred yards from the city limits: strange mists obscured the streets, and there was nobody to be seen. She tried to go forward: Amari would go no nearer, neighing harshly when prodded repeatedly.

Kelas dismounted and strung her bow, removing the borrowed jacket and settling it over her saddle: its loose sleeves would make shooting properly hard. Taking a few steps forward towards the city limits, she deliberated whether to enter and investigate further.

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Morgan sighed. She supposed Viveka did have a point, most of the group were not actual allies but people forced together by various circumstances and if she were similarly violated she would respond in a similar manner. Still, this was really not the time for petty squabbles.

Tristan woke up to a cold wet nose prodding his face. He made some fairly unitelligible noises and realized Bellerophon was standing over him. "What did I do now?" he asked the pegasus. "Are you complaining about the food or something? I can't really give you everything you're used to while we're traveling you know." he said, which Bellerophon responded to with a loud snort. A being of his stature needed to be treated as such and the boy was slacking off in his duties.

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"Good morning," Beau replied, unsure of how to adress the younger boy of far lower social standing than himself. "I imagine that we are travelling to Jerdon. However, I am uncertian of the immediate destination," he answered the younger's question. He was too distracted by sorting out his thoughts to think much of answering the other's question.


Small, red dots on the ground indicated that someone had been bleeding at the gate. The drops lead back west, though down the immediate road. Down the road from Altenau, a dapple gray horse and his dismounted rider were walking from the eerie city. The man wore a gray tunic, dark trousers, a black cloak and white-and-gray boots. His hair was brown and he was a bit pale. The tunic was loose on his form and held two punture marks over the left side of his back. Underneath his tunic, he had bandaged the fresh wounds but was still not doing too well. Though he did not notice Kelas, it certainly would be likely to see him walking from the city given the openness of the area.

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As the pink wyvern came into sight, Jr. stopped dead in his tracks. His eyes grew wide in awe as he gazed upon the female beast. He could feel the hairs all over his body slowly starting to stand on end as images of him, petting the mighty beast, filled his mind. With a slow and submissive gesture, he slowly raised his hand once again as he started to approach the pink wyvern.

"Don't worry." he said, trying to keep his voice soothing and gentle. "I'm not here to hurt you. I just want to pet you. I am not a threat."

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With every step Kelas took, Amari got more agitated, half-rearing and whinnying shrilly for Kelas to come back. Finally Kelas stopped, only a few yards from where she'd started. "Yeah, I don't think I'll go any farther," Kelas resolved. She could see from where she was that the streets were devoid of people; that couldn't be normal. She headed back to Amari and mounted up again. To investigate the city alone would be idiocy, especially when Amari wouldn't go near it. She'd found enough to concern the rest of the group already, anyway.

Movement caught her eye: someone was walking out of the city. Their gait was slow, and they walked despite having a horse alongside. They could be someone in need, but they were far more likely bait for whatever trap lay within the city. She turned Amari and started back towards the group at a canter.

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The man that Kelas had sighted was too busy with his own thoughts to notice the distant hoofbeats from where he had previously been. Instead, he kept a hand on his horse's back to steady himself as he walked. (How far was the next town? I want to rest. I wish I could get a message out... I certainly hope I do not run into trouble. I'm uncertain how well I could fend off any sort of attack like this... I'm such a fool for coming here alone, especially without any vulneraries. How arrogant. However, I was not expecting this...)

Memories of his all-too-recent series of skirmishes with the demon he'd been after came to mind. (That demon was using human hostages... I think I defeated all of its hounds. Those...things...that came out of the ground were problematic as well. At least I softened it up a little. Though I was not expecting the arrows. In addition, of course, there was that monster the demon fabricated. I am certainly glad that the demon seems confined to Altenau. If that were not the case not only would I be dead right now, but many more would be in danger seeing as how many are on the road at present. That's it, Raemond. Keep your mind busy and you won't notice the holes in your back. Just get to Ursibus...)

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In a few minutes Kelas was approaching the camp. "Right, we got trouble up ahead," she announced. "Found a city, or what used to be one, about three miles from here. Streets are empty and it's full of weird fog. I dunno if it's demons or Helenos or something else, but it sure isn't what a city's supposed to be like, so we're going to have to deal with it. Everyone best get up."

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"I suspect Helenos has either killed or captured all the city's ctizens. Let's get moving everyone, and then we can proceed with caution throughout the city. It may be a trap, but I see no other way to confront Helenos otherwise." Morgan said to the group who appeared to be in the process of waking up.

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"We got any torches or lanterns? We're going to need them," Kelas asked. She rooted in her saddlebags, eventually digging out an old lantern not entirely out of fuel yet. She realized the jacket was still stuck to her saddle. "Er... you should probably have this back, thanks for lending it to me," she told Isotov, holding it out to him. It was still a bit awkward, and she had trouble making eye contact.

Hearing the news, Arrin made sure everything was in order. He wasn't sure if he was riding in the carriage or not, but checked over Francis anyway. It didn't take long for him to be ready to go. "I can keep up some sparks for light, but they won't be very bright," he offered. "Still, if it helps..."

"It might," Kelas replied with a shrug. "We probably want fire though."

"Jerdon? Huh..." Tobe listened to the people shouting about what to do next. "Some sorta dead city?" he mused with a shiver. "Aw, I don' want to go there, might be ghosts or sommat..." He headed for the wagon all the same; even if they were headed toward a ghost town, it would be better to be with all these armed grownups than out on a plain where the ghosts might come get him anyway.

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Not seeing Aiya anywhere and gathering all his stuff, Alf and Reika headed towards where the others were, ready to go.

"Ugh....don't know whether that's my stomach wanting food or if that's me scared of that dragon," Alf laughed nervously over the roar from his belly.


On the road, Sadie had a fitful rest, worried that the zombies would come after her or bandits. During the night, she saw a bright beam of light flashing in the sky and puzzled by this, Sadie fell asleep an hour after, pondering who would be stupid enough to fire a beam of light in the sky like that.

When she woke up in the morning, she saw a nomad lady riding past her to the city before turning back. It was the same nomad lady from the group that Alf was with. Unfortunately, the woman had rode past her before Sadie could say anything.

With a yawn and stretch of her arms, Sadie got her book of wind magic and stood nearby. If that group was nearby, then maybe they could help liberate Altenau from those undead?

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The little human was doing things with his arms again. She thought about her situation for a moment. Now she probalby shouldn't maul the little one to death since humans were all over the place, but she couldn't be sure the human was absolutely no threat at all. What did the human want with her? She didn't have any food, she wasn't its mother. What did it want? Did the abusive one know?


The news Kelas brought back was disturbing to say the least. Iso quickly hopped up, and then Kelas offered him back his jacket. He chuckled a bit realizing at last that that was the reason he was so chilly. Taking it back with a smile he started putting it back on.

Iso: Thanks. Well. I guess it's time to get going then. (Is Irina up, yet?)

Other Stuff

Meanwhile Irina had gotten up as if on cue and quickly got herself ready to go. She needed to feed the wyverns at some point, but she doubted she would have the time. Speaking of which she noticed one of her own being approached by ... that same boy who was with Kaileen.

Irina: Did they follow us or something? I don't see Kaileen around h- ... uh oh.

Irina quickly took off running toward them trying to prevent anything dangerous from happening. A short ways away, Lev was checking over the shield that he'd planned on taking into the battle. Once he was sure how he was going to carry the thing, he looked over at Krinkov who himself was keeping a careful eye on the pink one. Lev was about to go down a different train of thought but noticed the boy.

Lev: What's he doing here?

Seeing Irina headed over already, he shrugged and turned back to Krinkov, finally catching wind of something. The eggs were there, and the hatchling Niket was there ... but Tas and Namid weren't. Were they still gone?

Lev: Argh. Dammit! These is not the time for people to be up and disappearing. I can't look for him right now though, I've got a job to do. Fuck! Not to mention I'm not going to be able to keep the eggs safe on Krinkov's saddle during the fight. Gonna need a temporary alternative here.

The wyvern lord quickly grabbed a few extra blankets out of Krinkov's saddlebags and wrapped the eggs up in them. What warmth was already there would last awhile, but he still needed a source to keep them at a decent temperature during the battle. Riding with him and Krinkov was out of the question. Perhaps Jasmine?

Lev: (No ... she isn't around. I haven't seen her or her pegasus so she's likely doing something for Conrad. I'll see what happens. Krinkov can warm them for now, but if she's not back by the time we get there I'll either have to tie them to pinky over there ... a bit risky, or fight on foot, even riskier since these shields won't help ground me much.)

He grunted and quickly headed over to Morgan needing a bit of confirmation.

Lev: Morgan, who's the other shield wielder going to be? I can handle it myself if necessary, but otherwise, it'd be best to pick someone while they still have time to get a feel for them.

OOC: Lev can be the sole shield wielder, but take note that the shields will greatly effect the stat battle. Also note that shield wielders cannot attack or counter during the fight. PCs aren't recommended. The shields grant +5 to def and res.

Size Doesn't Matter

Jasmine: Those are the measurements I want you to use, okay?

Glaeser: But Miss, you're clearly not a heheh ... you're most certainly not that well endowed.

Jasmine: Can you just do this for me?! Please?!

Glaeser: Now now don't be offended, I'm just saying. Well I suppose I could check around.

After checking, he found that while he didn't have pegasus knight specific armor in Jasmine's mystery size, he did have cavalier armor in matching the measurements she was looking for. Bringing it over, he blew a bit of dust off it and looked it over.

Glaeser: Pardon the dust around here. It's been awhile since I've had to get something off a shelf for a customer.

Jasmine: I wonder why ...

Glaeser: This what you need?

Jasmine: It's ... the right size ... but ... (Green? Oh man Viv would hate to have to fly around with such a tacky color like this. Well ... I guess it's not about looks is it?) Never mind. This one works.

After a few minutes their transaction was concluded, much to Jasmine's relief. She'd never been insulted on multiple fronts before and found that she couldn't really handle it as maturely as she would have otherwise liked to. With her business there concluded she mounted up on Illiam and took off hoping to catch up to the group as quickly as possible.

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