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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 22: The Hunt


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"Actually, it wouldn't matter one bit. Not in the way you are thinking at least. When I fly, what is happening is that strands of wind magic are flowing about my wings, lifting me up and allowing me to 'float' in a way. To be completely technical, I could probably not even move my wings when flying and suffer no side effects. However, even if they are too numerous and small for unaided flight, they do well for steering, braking, and the more technical aspects of flight in general. However, the removal of my wings would affect my ability to fly negatively. Wind spirits are capable of flight and dispersion because they are fully spirits. Magical beings. I am not fully a spirit. As such, I cannot disperse and am physical. In order for me to exercise control over the winds, I need to have something of a spirit nature. My wings are the largest and most spirit-like thing about my physical body. As such, they function kind of like 'sails' catching the magic and allowing me to harness it. Removing them reduces the amount of mana I can control at a time. If all of them were to be severed, I would probably be overall weaker than most mages."

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Mage: (Hmm ... and now she's speaking relatively intelligently again. Did I say something to demand adequate correction? Interesting.)

He listened as she explained and responded with a soft "Ah." He hadn't know exactly what she was until the explanation.

Mage: So you're a half spirit. Not some random experiment then? Hmm ... might I ask what a hybrid wind spirit is running around here for?

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"Don't your kind usually move more quickly?" Tanair finally asked, looking around at the group, still in disarray. "Enough of this. Heal your wounded and leave this place. I have work to do, and it won't do to have meddlers about." Her ears flattened back slightly, the only sign of annoyance, as her face remained serene. "If I can wake from years of rest, you all can wake from a few minutes. Up. Go."


"You sure? You's actin' kinna weird," Tobe said doubtfully. "Ever since I said..." Suddenly he made a possible connection between the previous conversation and Altion's behavior. "Oh-h-h-h, I get it," he crowed, trying to suppress laughter.

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Luc Altair

"This is beyond my handling," Luc mentioned. It would be time to get Tessa--but Beau had chosen to walk up at the moment. Perhaps he would help? "An injured monk. I'm not capable of mending him with my limited knowledge, but you might. Please."

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"Because of things that you are better off knowing about people you don't need to know anything about for reasons that are over your head." As she spoke, her voice was devoid of humor or snappiness, but filled with dread seriousness. The kind that dripped with the undertone of telling him that he was better off not knowing, or possibly even forgetting about what he had just talked about. "There are things in this world beyond your understanding. Beyond Ixion's understanding. Beyond my own understanding mister mage. Just know that you are better off believing me to be another chimera of Ixion's. A servant girl who's too feathery in the head when Ixion tried to fuse a child with a feather duster to make a maid."


"What? You get what? Wait. NO! I mean, please! No! Don't say anything to her about it damnit! It's bad enough as things are already, and I don't need you going around singing something like 'Altion and Kelas sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N... Look! You just... Not be a small child. Please? Just forget what you heard. I'll buy you a toy or something if you forget."

Edited by Snowy_One
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He slumped over the bar, his head pounding. From too much? Or too little? He couldn't remember if this was the start or the end of a binge, didn't want to think. The noises all melded together into a low hum, only aggravating the pain in the center of his skull more. He stood haggardly, swaying towards the door. The night air was cool, and the silence would be oppressive, if it weren't exactly what he sought. He stumbled towards the back of the tavern, taking shelter underneath the protecting branches of a nearby tree. He pulled the straps of the sheath on his back off, laying the massive sword beside him as he braced himself on the thick trunk, no worries in his mind of someone trying to take it while he slept. His head nodded forward onto his chest, though he was asleep before the action had finished.

Laughter. Light and clear, like the ringing of a crystal bell, as opposed to the harsh gritting noise he had grown accustomed to as he fought or drank. With a struggle, he raised his head and willed his eyes open. He didn't see the source of the noise at first, only saw the gray, pre-dawn skies and the swirling mists around him. He craned his neck, and caught sight of movement - a small child, running alongside a cart passing the tavern. The girl held her skirt above her feet as she ran through the sparse grass, excited about something, while her weary guardians drove the tired horses forward. Traveling through the night, barely arriving to a new town before morning broke, and yet the barest hints of smiles were worn on the faces of the couple, the young woman squeezing her lover's hand above the hem of a blanket wrapped around their legs.

He smiled as well, involuntarily. Had he ever been that happy? Probably. No, undoubtedly, he had. It was ancient history, but it was there, hidden behind layers of pain. He rose, grabbing the cold sword and replacing it on his back. It was about time to move on, he had been here for nearly a week. He stretched, groaned as his joints cracked in protest.

He made his way to a stable not far from the tavern, and turned into one of the stalls. A tired horse, once a proud charger, now as old and tired as its rider, stood, ready to leave as well. He readied it for the journey. He didn't know where he would go - he never did - but it would be better than staying here. He left as the sun rose, journeying back into the frontier once more.

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As he applied his staff to its work, there were several details that Beau noticed: firstly, Luc had mentioned that the man was a monk. The neatly-folded, white coat laid over the horse's back was a good indicator of this. It wasn't too difficult to find the wounds either considering the punture marks in the back of his tunic. Most of the blood had been washed away by the vulnerary Sadie had previously applied. However, there were some traces left indicating that the action had occured. (Someone applied a vulnerary? These wounds are still quite deep... How deep had these wounds been?) Also, this man looked familliar. Beau knew he'd seen him before, though he wasn't quite sure from where.


(One... Two... Three... Four... ... Eight.) The first of Raemond's senses to return to him was his ability to sence demonic energies. Then the sensation of the wounds in his back healing up assailed him. Reason began returning to his mind. (Where am I? It smells terrible here... Voices... What are they talking about...? Who are they? I'm on horseback... This is most likely Lantos. But then... Why did he come to wherever this is? I must be in a town but... A town with eight, small, demonic energies within it? And if that had been the case, then would they not send me somwhere quiet to rest while I was healed? Where--?) When the monk opened his eyes, two things were unmistakably clear: he was in Altenau again and he was in the midst of the Crimson Weapons' wielders. He didn't take the time to reason any further and instead plunged his hand into a saddlebag, took up his shine tome and let loose a blast of light magic at the closest target, who also happened to be the one healing him.

Beau couldn't do much other than raise his staff to try to shield himself somewhat, also remembering to use his mana network to reduce the reflex-induced attack to nothing. He was a little stunned, however, seeing as no one he'd tried to heal had ever attacked him before. Raemond stopped himself in surprise from any further aggression, however, when he saw the young heir's signat. "Beau...? Beau Bellmire?"

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Kelas blinked: she'd drifted off, and was leaning on Isotov again. She was a bit too tired to think of the awkwardness of earlier, and it was more important to work out what was going on. "Whasgoinon?" she asked quietly. "Sorry about leaning on you, but I'll probably fall over otherwise. Might doze off again. Are we going to leave soon?"


Slowly Arrin faded back into consciousness. Pain suggested he'd been hurt badly, but it was the sort that usually followed a healing. He rolled over onto his back, propping himself up on his elbows to look around. Helenos was gone, and Tanair, the dragon who'd approached Tessa once before, was present. Well, that probably explained Helenos' absence. It appeared that most of the group had been healed; some were unconscious, but clean skin showed where wounds had once been. Kelas appeared to be questionably awake, but otherwise all right. Beau was fine, as was Charlotte, though Charlotte looked somewhat distressed. Tessa...

Where was Tessa? Carefully Arrin sat up and looked around. The flames that had consumed the city were subsiding from the area, but visibility was still poor-- maybe she was just somewhere in the smoke? Still... "Has anyone seen Tessa?" he asked to whoever was listening.

A flash of light: an unfamiliar monk that Beau had been healing had just attacked. Had they been followed by a Reformist? Unsteadily Arrin got to his feet and hobbled over to Beau's side. "What's going on?" He wasn't sure if he had the energy to cast from Daranau, but he still had his regular tome if he had to fight.

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Having seen the young priest who appeared to be a little younger than her move to the monk with a healing staff, Sadie breathed a sigh of relief, grateful that somebody would help the man at last.

What caught her by surprise was Raemond rising as he was being healed and taking out a light tome, blasting the magic in the boy's face. Raemond had stopped suddenly, the boy appearing a little shaken but unharmed.

"What are you doing?" Sadie said in surprise and anger, pulling on Raemond's robes. "This boy is here to heal your wounds, and you repay him with a light magic spell to the face? Is this what all templars are like? Because if so, I wouldn't want to meet any more of your kind."

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Researcher Guy

Mage: Are you quite sane, miss "chimera"? What sound person would give into absolute ignorance? You sound as if all there is to learn and discover in this world is simply TOO MUCH and I couldn't disagree more.

Fire Sage Guy

Iso had been just sitting there listening and just hoping that the argument wouldn't stir Kelas until it was actually time to move out. Tanair's rushing seemed to indicate that regardless of the circumstances they wouldn't be allowed to linger much longer. From there he really wasn't sure what to do other than keep still. Kelas did finally wake however and addressed him directly. An unexpected apology came with it as well.

Iso: You don't need to say sorry to me. Resting your head in the dirt and ash isn't happening. That's for sure. I think we are getting ready to go soon though, so we should probably find the mounts.

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"I know this one," Raemond replied to Sadie, "But we're in the midst of a highly-dangerous group. Some of its members use demonic weapons." Deciding to explain it later if he could, Raemond sufficed it to say, "It was a reflex." Then, returning his attention to Beau, he urged, "This isn't safe; we have to leave now." His eyes shifted warily to Arrin. (There's a demonic presence about that boy... Is he the one Althea told me about?)

"Honestly, I'm still trying to remember how I know you," Beau replied to the monk, "And though they hold demonic weapons, they are not evil."

Raemond was a little dumbfounded for a moment before asking, "What do you mean? Anything demonic is best left alone. And don't you remember our meeting in Ursibus?"

"Ursibus?" echoed Beau. Well, that narrowed things down significantly. As he thought about it, the memory began to surface.

Beau had never seen this city before but there certainly were a lot of clerics here. (Maybe I can find Sisrae here.) As his hope brightened, so too did his expression. However, he was still wary of all the people. If someone of a high enough rank saw his signet, he would likely be sent back home.

"Are you lost?" Beau looked up. The man who had asked him appeared to be one of the numerous church members.

"Well, I am looking for someone," Beau replied, "Do you know anyone by the name of 'Raechel?' Sister Raechel, to be exact."

The man smiled at first, then seemed to realize something. "Wait, you know Raechel?"

Beau nodded. It was his only reply. The man looked him over for a moment, then asked, "Are you Beau Adalgiso Bellmire?"

Beau's eyes widened. (How does he know who I am?! This is the only lead I've had so far, though, so...) The 13-year-old nodded tennatively.

"Raechel told me about you," the monk replied with a smile, "I'm her brother: Raemond. It's good to meet you, Beau! Did you come to learn more about our religion? If I remember correctly, she was still working out the details when you knew her."

The young heir smiled. "Yes, actually. Where is Sisrae?"

Raemond laughed. "Is that what you call her? Well, she's not in town right now, but I could..." Beau tuned out the rest of what the monk was saying. (She isn't here either? I thought for sure she said she was from Ursibus... Well, I'd better keep looking.) His attention returned as Raemond handed Beau some notes that he apparently had just written up and was saying, "...Here, this should get you caught up. It's really intere-- Hey!"

Raemond was cut off as Beau excitedly snatched up the notes and took off for the city's exit. "Thank you!" he called back as he ran. (This is great! Now I just have to find Sisrae. It's bound to be a long journey, but I'll likely find her if I keep ruling out the options.)

"Ohhh, you're Brother Raemond, right?" asked Beau.

The monk gave a sigh of relief, "I'm glad you remember."

"Well, I remember that you gave me my notes," Beau replied with a bit of a thoughtful hum.

"I...see..." Raemond replied a little awkwardly. (So he remembers me as only the one who gave him the notes...?)

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"I'm still listening," Jace said. "And if you so much as lay a hand on Alex while I'm here, I will injure you, Prince. Anyways, there's an invasion to be dealt with, so, I have to go. Good luck, and stay out of the war." With a nod towards his daughter, the Brute quickly exited the city, thoughts connecting together to make ideas as he did so.

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"I...I would never lay a hand on you. Er, I mean, not that I wouldn't ever, if it were appropriate." Tristan said to Alex after Jace had left, feeling quite warm in the face. "Can we get moving?" he pleaded with the group. Before I embarrass myself more. he thought to himself.

Bellerophon went over to Susann, who appeared rather awestruck at one of the foul-smelling dead human things. He stood by her, unsure of how to console her. Perhaps his glorious presence would counteract the grief of losing the shiny one.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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"Are you going to try and kill us again?" Arrin asked wearily. "I'd really rather not die because of a weapon I didn't choose to carry, but if you're set on it, can I at least make sure my sister and friends are all right first?" He wasn't thinking entirely straight; his mind was a bit fried from the fighting, but it all made perfect sense to him. "I'm not really in any shape to protect anyone, so I'll have to take your word for it that you won't harm them, I guess, suppose I'll have to tell Kelas to just run too, but I don't know if she'll listen, oh, this is a mess..." He sighed. "Beau, is this why you were asking? You weren't with them to begin with, were you?"


"Thanks..." Kelas found herself drifting off again, but forced herself to wake up. "Mounts. Right. Amari needs a break after taking that hit... guess I'll take one of those cavalry horses the kid collected, guess he's good for something." She noticed that Tobe was now pestering Altion. "Oh gods, he better not be messing with Altion's head, if he snaps I don't want to know what happens," she muttered. She waved a hand, and Amari trotted over, wondering why Kelas was stuck to the red man again. Amari had her theories, but was too tired to puzzle over it at the moment. "Right... assuming I don't trip when I get up, I can take my saddle and put it on one of the others," Kelas mumbled.

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"Mister Mage. I'm asking you nicely to forget for good reason. Or if not to forget, then simply to keep your mouth closed. There are reasons. Some political, and some personal, why you are better off thinking I'm just a dumb Chimera. I can nail the dumb part pretty easily too if it helps."

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Iso: Well I'm not going to let you start stumbling around. Do you need help?

Thinking back to her comment about Tobe and Altion he had to wonder why the two were even talking at all. He supposed it didn't matter. The child needed someone to converse with he supposed.


She didn't know what to do. The holy one had gotten all mooshed up and smeared on the ground by the really big thing. The healers wouldn't even bat an eyelash at him. Why weren't they trying to save him? Were humans truly dead once they were little more than red pulp? She wasn't sure, but with no one coming to help him, she was certain that he would die if he wasn't dead already. She hung her head and gave a sad whinny.

Soon however the magnificent one appeared beside her and she raised her head in surprise. Even in such a dreadful place with blackened buildings and blue fires raging, he stood perfect. Not all was lost ... only a small bit compared to the perfect goddess crafted stallion before her. Though she was still sad, she wouldn't burden the magnificent one with her melancholy. It wasn't the place either. She would have to be strong. She quickly gave a quick friendly nicker hoping to shut out her previous feelings and hoped the magnificent one would not be troubled by whatever he had seen of her before.


A faint moan came from Viveka as she began to softly stir. She wasn't quite awake yet however. She was dreaming about something that had her in motion. She could see something terrible happening. Pary's form quickly disappeared in the jaws of the massive red eyed wyvern. His body was chewed in half and then some right before her eyes. She'd seen this before but she remembered that this time it was no less than real and quickly shot up into a sitting position.

Viveka: Pary!

She made a quick scan and found nothing. One more look and she spotted ... what could only have been his splattered remains. She quickly placed her hand over her mouth. She couldn't say much else.


Mage: Miss, you already may have nailed the dumb part since you answered my question without even thinking. At least that's what it seems like to me. I don't see why or how politics is "beyond" me but I can honestly say I'm a bit offended. If you don't want me spreading it to the whole world that you're a "you know what" then just say so. No need to beat me over the head with a lecture about the incomprehensible I don't think.

Edited by Phoenix
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"Why'd I say anything to her? She's asleep an' all. Sides, looks like you sure got some work if you want to win her," Tobe cackled. "This goin' to be like one of them rivalries the nobles was always having? Donno how you'd duel a mage though, don't think that'd end well for you anyways, you don't seem that good at this sort of thing," he added thoughtfully. "O' course, seems like half the time they starts up a rivalry th' lady just gets bored and leaves 'em to squabble... no sir, I donno how much chance you got," he continued seriously, "but I seen all the nobles at their silliness, maybe I c'n gives you some advice? Donno how much good it'll do, look how she is now, see, but I c'n try," he told Altion earnestly. This was going to be fun.


"...Maybe just a hand up," Kelas replied reluctantly. She shouldn't need any help walking or going about basic tasks like unsaddling a horse... "I can probably walk all right though. Are you even doing all right? Thought you got hit..."

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Iso complied and gave her a hand up but quickly gave her some walking space. He wasn't too worried but she was obviously tired. In fact he had to ask.

Iso: Are you going to be okay to ride? You won't need to be tied down, right?

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"Eh, I might fall asleep, but I shouldn't fall I don't think," Kelas replied, unsaddling Amari and starting to walk a bit shakily towards the cavalry horses. "Could ride with someone if I start to fall asleep again, I dunno." She picked out one of the horses, a big, placid gray gelding, and saddled it, going slowly to make sure she didn't miss anything in her drowsiness. "I'll be all right. You didn't tell me if you were okay, though," she reminded.

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Iso: I'm a bit achy but I'm not going to pass out and possibly fall off a horse while we're moving.

He hoped to allude to her condition as compared to his with that statement.

Iso: I'm not sure you finding out you need to ride with someone after something happens is such a good idea, but if you want to try alone first I won't stop you. Then again I suppose being tied down would fix that anyway. Hmm ... I'll just ride close by then for now. I'm probably going to be wide awake for awhile so I can make sure you don't fall off. (... maybe.)

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"No," Beau answered, "I know about the Reformist Templars but I have never been a member. I was asking before because I was trying to understand what sort of situation I was -- and, in fact, still am -- in."

When Beau was finished, the monk replied to the question aimed at him. "The elimination of the crimson weapons is not my assignment," Raemond's tone was as calm and solemn as it usually was, "If I am attacked, I will retaliate, but otherwise I would like to simply leave peacefully."

Beau knew what Raemond was about to say when the monk's eyes returned to him. "Also," he put in, cutting off Raemond's unspoken thought, "Arrin, if it comes down to it, this is the side I choose." Returning his gaze to the monk, he adressed him, "We may be brothers of the same faith, but Arrin is my friend and I trust him far more than I trust you."

Raemond blinked in surprise at the 13-year-old's determination on the issue. "Heir Bellmire--" he began only to be cut off by Beau.

"Don't call me that." the voice was calm yet was dripping with venom.

With a sigh, Raemond began again, "Beau, it would be much safer in Ursibus under the care of the Reformist Templars."

"You're not my escort; don't try to protect me. I'll tell you simply: I am not leaving this company."

Raemond was at a loss. (Stubborn child... How can I return knowing he's here?) Silently cursing his luck, Raemond remained quiet for a moment before stating, "The leader of our order would not allow me to leave you here."

"That is your concern; not mine."

"You're being quite the nuisance."

"You're the one who fired a light spell at me."

"Well, I can't simply leave knowing you're surrounded by these demonic weapons!"

"I told you: that is not my concern."

"Beau..." growled Raemond before letting loose a frusterated sigh, "What am I to do, then? I cannot return while you remain here and you will not accompany me. All that remains is for me to accompany you and I am...reluctant...to do so." The monk could feel his contempt for the wielders rising. It had been because of them that Althea and the other reformists had died. (I have little choice...)

"Your options are before you, Brother Raemond. Will you leave by yourself and complete whatever mission you were on?" asked Beau. He was secretly enjoying seeing the monk struggle to make a descision.

Edit: punctuation.

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Luc Altair

Beau had adhered to Luc's request and shortly began mending actions. But as was commonplace nothing went as it should as the young monk awoke and thanked his benefactor with a shot of Light magic. Damn, why hadn't Luc thought to deprive him of it earlier? Maybe because he doubted someone would be so foolish as to attack someone healing them. Doubly so as the monk seemed to recognize Beau. What reckless haste.

They were shortly followed by Arrin--who Luc wouldn't put it past to escalate things. The girl was trying to reason with the monk, but the quickened message of demonic weapons tore apart any chance of reason. But at least he seemed more in desire to run than fight, but Luc would not let him escape again if it came to that. Not under his own terms.

As expected the two seemed to have known each other, maybe that could buy a reprieve? Though Arrin certainly seemed to be overestimating the situation. Combat seemed to have taken a mental toll on the boy, not surprising. But, it wouldn't seem to matter. As the monk called his mission was not to eliminate the Crimsons. Was that why he had waited so long before riding to combat? Had he broken attack on himself for the same?

The monk also seemed to be conflicted about even leaving due to Beau's patronage. An unneeded worry as it was not as if an insignificant portion among them wasn't of noble state. Though things were as dangerous as ever--well, another tome in their favor wouldn't hurt. But there would be resistance from others of no doubt. If Arrin did not suddenly interject, than perhaps Kelas or Morgan would. There were ways to persuade them perhaps, but these would only be relevant if the monk chose to join.

But, there was lso something else bothering the Count. "Monk," Luc caught his words. "Raemond. Before whatever caused your injuries happened, did you encounter another Monk of the Templars between our two meetings?"

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"No," answered Raemond, being especially cautious of the paladin and keeping his tome close, "After our skirmish I travelled directly to Altenau, where we appear to be now. I did battle with the demon indirectly, however I could only weaken it. My assignment was to elliminate a local demon, but it proved to be too much for me so I escaped and was returning to Ursibus only to find myself here once more." Shifting his eyes about for a moment, he added, "It was well-established here, but seems to have fled." Changing the subject back to Luc's question, Raemond inquired, "Why are you asking about another monk?"

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Apparently bringing the monk in the city was paying off for her in knowledge. These people apparently possessed "Demonic Weapons", and the priest who healed the monk was a noble by the name of Beau of Bellimere. Not that she knew who he was or where Bellimere was, but it was still interesting anyway. Regardless, the two knew each other and the monk held the boy in high regard, though this was not reciprocated.

When Arrin spoke up, Sadie was surprised about what she heard. Apparently the monk had assaulted these people before because they carried certain weapons, and Arrin was one of them.

Furthermore these weapons were the Crimson Weapons. She had studied a bit about them, but knew little. She even composed a song about them. It wasn't very good, but it was still a song.

Anyway Raemond seemed to want to accompany them to protect Beau, but the boy did not seem very welcoming about him coming along.

The knight questioned about Raemond's injuries and apparently he was heading to Ursibus since the demon was apparently too much.

"Sir Raemond, I found you by the road unconscious with such severe wounds. Was that from the zombies here? Did you get attacked by them and pass out on the road? And speaking of the demon and zombies, you lot haven't seen them around have you? I was around a short time before and they attacked me and...anyway, did you meet them?"

Edited by Dark Sage
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"I was hoping to fight the demon its self, but all I was able to do battle with was its puppet show," Raemond replied, a little irritated with himself in retrospect, "Thank you for helping me. As for the living dead, yes, I did fight them. I also fought a number of undead dogs and some sort of large, evil mass wielding several sickles. When the earth turned against me, I fled. Fissures appeared in the ground and out of them came dark vines of some sort. I do not know where the arrows came from; they were shot at me from behind, but when I pulled them out... Well, they were far from normal - more crystaline than anything else and quite demonic. If I had not nutralized or removed them, I am certain that I would not be as I am presently."

"We engaged a demon-dragon in combat. Annother dragon and a man of no small skill drove it off. We also did fight living dead and the hounds perviously described," Beau answered Sadie, "I also understand what you mean when you speak of those black vines, Brother Raemond."

The monk stared at Beau for a moment, stunned. Then, in his resolve, he spoke up, "That's that! It is FAR too dangerous for you to remain with this brigade! Come on, Beau; we're going to Ursibus."

"I told you already; I'm not going with you," Beau replied.

"As I recall, I have a horse and I'm stronger than you. You're coming." With that, Raemond dug his heels into Lantos' sides while slinging his arm around Beau's torso and began riding.

"Ahh!! Hey! I said I wanted to stay with them! Let me go, Raemond!"

"I can't allow anything to happen to you! Come on; we're going to Ursibus and to Bellmire Estate from there!"


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