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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 22: The Hunt


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Once Tas had gotten a bit deep in his thoughts Lev tilted his head slightly keeping a silent eye on the young courier's arm. Kiev tilted his head too wondering what Lev was up to over there. Suddenly with one quick motion, Lev had grabbed Tas' arm, and with another equally swift motion, forced it back into place! He knew the quick action would hurt and even did some casual explaining.

Lev: Hurts a lot less when you're not expecting it. It'll be sore for awhile but you should be able to move it now at least. Finish putting that vulnerary where you need it and once Namid is feeling better we can head over to Worthington. I can only hope we don't have to spend the whole night out here.

He sighed again and wiped a bit of sweat from his brow.

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"AAAGHHHH!!!" Tas should have known what the wyvern lord was about to try. If he had, he would've been able to ready himself so he could stifle his cry, but the pain all came in a rush and the courier found himself nursing his arm.

(If that's the case...) Tas got up and stumpled his way over to Namid's head. Namid was puzzled, but when he felt Tas's fingers by his mouth, he opened his jaws as he knew to do when Tas did this. Undoing the cork, Tas dumpped the vulnerary into his wyvern's jaws. At first, Namid was surprised. The surprise turned into confusion, but he but swalled it. "It shouldn't be too long now," Tas mentioned as he felt his way along Namid's neck to the saddle. Feeling the straps, he found that his work from before was secure and everything was in its palce, so mounting up didn't prove to be much of a problem. He whinced as his sore arm complained, but it was no big deal.

Namid was feeling much better. His burns and bruises were healing up nicely and his shoulder didn't ache so much. He still couldn't see well enough, though. His vision would have to return normally. Namid had turned onto his belly by now and simply sat, waiting for direction from Tas. "Could you check Namid's eyes, Lev? If they're dull and cloudy, we'll have to rely on his sence to smell."

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Flight Systems Check

Lev complied and gave Namid a close up eye inspection and what he saw made him grimace a bit. Namid's eyes did seem a bit murky still.

Lev: The nose it is ... for at least a little while. I guess that's alright since the sun's already going down and we'll have poorer visibility anyway. (He said it was a flash of light? Oi, must have been Pary and his little stunt. Well that's just fantastic. He's complicating matter from the grave. Eh. These too shall pass fortunately.)

With that he headed over and mounted Kiev.

Lev: You're sure you two will be alright following us like these?

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Tas nodded. "I can easily rely on Namid's sence to smell. We'll be following you and Kiev a little closely, though," he replied before telling Namid, "Follow Kiev's scent."

It was a simple enough command. When he heard the plains-dweller flap up into the air, he would follow.

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Chase sighed with relief upon reaching the town. Putting aside his curiosity to look around, he decided to address the more immediate concerns of food and rest, immediately ordering and wolfing down a meal before heading upstairs to rest, only to find himself sleepless...

ooc: yes i know this post is really short and kind of what, it's mostly just here so i don't forget the full post while i eat. full post will be edited in.

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Flashback from before the TS to town.

[spoiler=The Chase]

Lantos was getting tired but his rider continued to urge him onwards. (I'm able to fight on foot, but not with Beau with me... Drat... Don't give out now, Lantos.) They'd gotten out of Altenau but still the man behind him rode after Raemond to recover the healer. However, the girl had rushed him to Altenau and the previous day Lantos had been rushed away from that other horse and human. He was slowing down from simply being too tired to give it his all anymore, not to mention the odd imbalance of weight on his back.

Raemond gritted his teeth. There was no way he'd escape. If he was alone, he would have stopped and challenged his persuer to a fight. However, Beau's foolishness would wing him in trouble. (If he attacks, I'll simply have to shield Beau and keep riding. Surely this man doesn't want to be separated from his companions by too many miles.)

Seems like he's slowing down a bit, Heinz noted. "Probably hasn't recovered from those wounds completely either, though that boy did heal him..." he mused to himself. "Stop!" the mercenary called out, not bothering to wait for an answer before he took one hand off Ralf, taking a knife from his belt and aiming for the monk's back.

Might be quicker to aim for the horse, but I'd rather not have to walk back with a lame horse and two passengers, leaning forwards. "Come on, I'll give you an apple if you can catch up to them," feeling slightly ridiculous for talking a horse.

Ralf snorted. An apple in exchange for catching up? Should be more than one, as he sped up.

(If only I was a better rider... Then I'd be able to outmanuver him. Ah well. There isn't much I can do.) The thought to "abandon horse" kept reoccurring in the monk's mind, but he knew what Beau would do and what Lantos would do if he did. Lantos, being the compliant gelding that he was, would stop and wait around. Beau would then take the opportunity to run away. It would waste his efforts. The thing he kept coming back to was to hold on to the heir and the horse no matter what. If he could do that--

Raemond's thoughts were cut short by a message from his back to his brain forced all his attention to the pain there. It didn't hit his spine but it was close enough to it. The arrow wounds from earlier were on the other side of his spine and closed, but ached. Beau was caught by surprise as the cry from his kidnapper suddenly sounded and he sat upright. The gelding slowed to a stop, not knowing what to do. Again, Raemond could feel his blood staining the back of his tunic as the air suddenly felt a little colder. (How pointless...) Raemond felt helples and frusterated that he couldn't get Beau to safety. (Now I'll be killed, too, I expect. I already have something cold and sharp in my back... How utterly pointless...)

As the man grit his teeth, he continued to hold fast to Beau and Lantos. "Blasted horse... Why did you stop?" he muttered before turning his eyes to his attacker, "Are you making him heal your wounded...just because he can wield a staff?" Letting go of Lantos, Raemond feebley took up his shine tome again before continuing, "What sort of dangers are you putting him to? Your demonic battalion...had better not harm him. He's like a son to my sister."

(I am?) Beau blinked in surprise. He didn't know Raemond's sister cared about him that much. Perhaps...that explained Raemond's rash actions...?

Heinz frowned slightly. "Don't think anyone is forcing him to heal us," he spoke dryly. "He showed up after... someone from our own party turned traitor and helped the group. I assume he was doing so of his own free will, and he's been traveling with us since then," shrugging his shoulders.

"Can't say we don't need more healers either, too. You may be a friend of his but I won't let you just take him away," he stated coldly. Especially since you're one of those Reformists we fought.

"I'll be bringing both of you back with me." Heinz jerked his head towards the monk. "You can choose to come willingly with me and the priest, or I can tie you up by force," waiting for the man to make a decision. Rather not have to tie him up like I did with that other monk, lazily pulling another knife out.

"Either way, I request that you hand over that shine tome of yours," he asked politely.

"Refusing to take the knife out of my back?" Raemond asked with a bit of a smile indicating the question was retorical. "You certainly are proficient," he added, looking at his tome before extending it towards the man, "There is no way for me to escape, it seems."

"Bind his hands anyway," Beau suggested, causing Raemond to look at the boy in surprise. The 13-year-old continued, "He might still be able to cast magic, even without his tome. That's a shine tome. That means he's beyond simple light tomes. I don't know if he can or not, but it's safer." Returning his attention to Raemond, Beau inquired, "Were you the one who attacked Luc in the Reformist battle?"

"I don't know who that is. A horseman persued me as I was escaping the battlefield, however. I fought him and landed a blow between his shoulders so he would live but would stop chasing me," answered the monk.

Beau nodded. "That was him. I treated the light-burn." To Heinz, the young her continued, "He'll likely attack if not restrained. Thank you for rescuing me. Are we walking or will I be riding with one of you?"

Raemond was a little surprised. (I tried to help him and...? ... Blast it...) Beau's voice quickly got his attention again. "I'll heal that stab-wound, too, though not entirely. He's better off weakened," the young priest mentioned. What sort of 13-year-old was this?

Heinz chuckled at the monk's question before widening his eyes slightly when the priest suggested tying the Reformist up. Interesting, he's not taking mercy on his friend. Wonder what their history is? Taking the offered tome, the mercenary stored it in Ralf's saddlebags and removed the coil of rope from one of the outer pockets, turning around.

"No problem," he replied, smiling briefly. "You'll ride with me on Ralf," pointing towards his horse. Approaching the monk, Heinz seized both of his hands quickly, tying them securely behind his back. That should keep him from getting loose. Removing the knife in the man's back, the thief wiped off the blood on the side of his cloak and replaced the two back in his belt.

"Get onto your horse after he heals you," Heinz instructed, still holding onto the leftover rope coil. "The party's probably getting ready to leave Altenau, we should return soon," stepping back to allow the priest to heal the monk.

The member of the Crimson Weapons' group seized Raemond's wrists with quicker motions than he'd anticiapated. He'd been captured. There was no telling how long he'd last now. (There is nothing to think about besides the future. But... Why? Why did Beau have my freedom taken from me? Is this some sort of revenge. I told him I would bring him back to safety. For him, is that a sort of cage? How vengeful can such a young boy be?)

Pulling out his heal staff, Beau commenced lazily healing the wound. It only took a moment and it was still clearly visable. In fact, it was still open and even still bleeding a little. "That's good enough," Beau stated flatly, "It'll tear open easily, so don't try running away." With that, Beau pulled himself onto his ally's horse, leaving Raemond to gawk in surprise at how spiteful Beau really could be.

"By the way, my name is Beau and his is Raemond," the young heir told his rescuer, "What is your name?"

"My name is Heinz," he replied. "I work as a mercenary for Morgan, the shaman." Figuring the monk might need some help with his hands tied, Heinz pushed Raemond into the saddle. Debating for a second, the mercenary cut off another section of rope and tied it loosely between the monk's hands and the horse's neck. "That should keep you from falling off, as long as you don't move around too much." Saves me the trouble of running after you if you run away as well.

Mounting Ralf, Heinz called over his shoulder. "Tell your horse to follow," urging Ralf into a trot back in the direction they had came from. "What were you doing before you ran into us?" he asked Beau. "I joined this group after I finished my last job. Not the safest, but it's steady work that'll probably last for awhile," shrugging his shoulders. "You've known Raemond for a long time?"

"We met a day or so before I first found your band. That was our only meeting. However, we have someone who is important to both of us. She was my teacher for a time. She is also his sister and the leader of our small sect," Beau explained, "I have been wandering the countryside to learn about the world with my own eyes. Seeing as it didn't seem like a good many of you would survive the night, I provided healing then went on my way. The second time I found your patchwork army, I was on my way to Jerdon, given that Septimus had become hostile. Once more, I found most of you on the verge of death and again applied my staff. This time I decided to stay." His voice held its usual, icy, superior tone. He wasn't in the best of moods and didn't care if his rescuer knew this much about him. It wasn't anything significant.

Raemond remained silent, letting Lantos follow on his own. (What a fine horse you are. Obediant to all but your master. I never expected anything more, but honestly, Lantos, you choose to stop at the poorest of times.) Lantos was actually quite happy. Though Raemond's mood was weight him down a little, no one was forcing him to run as had as he had been. The smell of blood frightened him a little, but at least they all seemed to be on the same side now.

Heinz nodded, mulling over what the priest was telling him. So Beau follows the sect that monk's sister leads? But the monk- Raemond is almost certainly a Reformist, and this boy doesn't seem to care much for them, frowning again. "Well, I'm glad you decided to stay this time," he said lightly. "We travel around a lot, so you'll have plenty to see." In between running into more trouble, he thought wryly before lapsing back into silence for the remainder of the ride.

Squinting into the distance, Heinz could see the group up ahead, loitering in the ashes of the town. "Looks like it's time to leave this place," he commented. Turning his head over his shoulder, the thief spoke again. "You can keep riding with me if you want," he offered to the priest. "As for you, I suppose Morgan will deal with you after we get out of here," addressing the prisoner.

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Take Off

Once Tas confirmed that he and Namid were ready and waiting, Lev looked back at the horizon trying to figure out how much easy navigating time they had left. Once he had a good idea he called back to Tas.

Lev: We're going to be moving as quickly as we can until we get there so keep that in mind. Also listen for my voice in case I need you to slow down.

After that, he and Kiev took off and got back up into the sky heading straight for Worthington.

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As the group arrived at the inn, Altion was still talking with Tobe. Rather, indulging Tobe's dreams of him dueling the mage whom loved Kelas. As they reached the tavern, Altion gave a sigh. "Tobe. I know you mean well, but honestly, I'm fine with this. Kelas loving someone else I mean. I'm not some kind of weird stalker boyfriend or anythng of the sort. If she doesn't like me, I'm just fine with that. It hurts, yes, but I can bear it." he told Tobe before he went to stable his horse.

Esphyr, meanwhile, had not done anything of note. As the group arrived at the inn, she had let them go off to do their own things, mostly holding conversations with each other, Esphyr sat down in a semi-remote corner of the bar. Before her was a small slice of meat she had ordered for herself, and a small bottle of vinegar that she had asked for specially as well as several small corns of pepper. Putting the peppercorns into a cup, she ground them down to small chunks before scattering them over her meal, and then pouring a small amount of vinegar onto it to soften up the meat. Eating half of the meat, she cut off the remainder and picked up the plate. With the food in hand, she went out to search for Alf.

As Alf was currently approaching Aiya for conversation, Esphyr stopped for a moment, but then decided to continue on anyways. If there was a argument like last time, she might need to break it up after all. "Hey you two." said Esphyr, smiling as she approached with the meal in hand. "Aiya, Alf. I brought you some food. I only had enough for Alf, but I can split it again if you want. I cracked some peppercorns and did a basic marinade with it. How have you two been anyways?"


"Good to see you two back." said Mana, approaching the pair. "Please, tell me what happened."

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Back To This Reality

Ixion: It went well enough I suppose. Damian seems to understand what I wanted to show him. Success coming out of this will depend largely on him now.

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It looked like people weren't planning on staying up. Arrin didn't mind; while he'd napped earlier, he was still tired. He nodded goodnight to the others currently present and got up from the table to head towards his room. On the stairs, he passed Isotov, and paused. "Is Kelas all right?" he asked. He'd thought that Kelas was just tired, but if her friends were worrying... he should probably ask.

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Staircase Worry

Iso had been alone again until Arrin came up the stairs, probably heading off to bed himself. The thunder sage asked him if she was alright. He was sure she wasn't doing badly but felt concerned. They had gotten banged up pretty badly during their bout with Helenos after all.

Iso: I think she'll be fine ... though we need a better strategy for our next attack on Helenos. She had us by the throats last time and that was after that azure fire burned away her entire armada.

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"Maybe if we attack from further away... but we haven't got any siege tomes..." Arrin thought a bit. "I'm not really sure, but some sort of plan would certainly help. Someone always charges in, and then everyone else follows... we need an actual strategy. Maybe--" He cut himself off; he wasn't sure if expressing dissatisfaction with Morgan's role in strategizing was a good idea, he didn't have any idea where she was and if she was listening... he shut up.

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Iso: Siege tomes? Well that bolting tome is still around somewhere. Might be in Kiev's saddlebags actually. As for an actual strategy, I think we should exploit any weakness we can find. The wyrmslayer, and anything else we learn about between then and now. Also a better strategist might come in handy, but people only listen to Morgan or ... Luc I guess. I know Viveka's a strategist but she charges in just like everyone else so she's obviously only interested in playing a front line soldier now. Not sure on that one.

He rubbed his fingers against his forehead a bit frustrated with the issue.

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Heinz, Beau and Raemond had gone with the groupd to the Dancing Dove and as soon as he heard the innkeeper say the words "hot baths" that was where Beau went. He'd been keeping fairly clean along his travels, but an actual, steaming bath was something he hadn't had since he'd left home for the sake of hiding his identity. The bath put him in such a good mood that he was actually smiling for a while afterwards and, seeing as this group was the very reason he didn't have to worry about hiding his rank as much, the young heir approched the innkeeper himself, now in a fresh set of clean clothes (minues his overly-long scarf and priestly coat). His fresh attire matched the clothes he recently washed and had hung to dry in his room: a black, long-sleeved tunic with dark blue patterns bordering the ends of the sleves and neckline and dark blue trousers. He still wore his signet, necklace and bracelets and he'd tied his coinbag around his waist. The glass bead also was again at the base of his tiny ponytail. Even so, without his lavender robe, he looked different.

"Excuse me, sir, but you should know that I will personally be handling this mismatched band of vagabonds' expences. When the time for payment comes, let me know and I will pay you whatever fee there is," he offered, a slight smile where his unfeeling frown usually was.


Tas and Namid followed Kiev and Lev as they guided them through the all-too-dark sky. Though Namid was a little nervous, Tas was mostly focussed on the sounds around him, listening for Lev's vocal commands should they come. It was a good enough distraction from his hunger pains and the ache in his shoulder. The air stung his scratches and his bruised muscles complained, but Tas knew that he would only lose strength if he allowed them to gan his attention.


Raemond waited quietly on Lantos' back. Hienz had mentioned telling a shamaness named Morgan about him and that she would decide what to do with him. Opening his eyes, the monk looked at the rope leading to his bound hands. He was still tied to Lantos. Attempting to cast even the weakest light spell was futile. (The demonic weapons' wielders are being led by a practicioner of unholy magic...and she will be the one to decide my fate.) He closed his eyes again. (Figures.)

Edit: fixed a typo.

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"Aren't you a mite small to be-- oh," the innkeeper cut himself off, noting the boy's obvious nobility now that the dirt and tiredness of travel was gone. "Certainly, young sir. Payment'll be whenever your party leaves."


"People listen to Morgan, and she goes on about strategy, but she doesn't seem to want to bother actually coming up with any," Arrin muttered in true grumpy teenage style. He then winced, realizing what he just said. "I... really hope she didn't hear that."

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They practically filled the inn. The travelers looked weary - some of them appeared to be injured as well, although they seemed to have at least one healer with them, or else the wounds were simply old enough to have healed naturally - but they still appeared to have a spark within them. Not like him, then. Not yet, at least.

He stood up slowly, gripping the bar to steady himself until he found his balance. He was tired, and didn't wish to be held hostage in this place by conversations of heroes- and heroines-to-be, of discussions of the past and future that still held tones of hope and opportunity. Those delusions had long left his head. He staggered through the doorway, dodging an odd look from the barman, and made his way to the stables. The night would be cool - he had no room, but he would still sleep inside.

Proud animals of war and travel met his eyes. The boys that worked for the innkeeper were almost finished tending to them - there was one, though, that looked out of place. He supposed he couldn't judge, but it wasn't something he could find himself ignoring. A young man, clad in plate armor, much like his own. He was probably one of the travelers, decades younger than himself - he had the same naivety that Sethor imagined he had found an endless quantity of before. But his spark was smoldering - a man wounded, dejected and downtrodden. A kindred spirit.

"Better to come to terms with how the world works while you're young than to be old and deluded," he offered to the young man, before retiring to the same stable his horse was already kneeling for a night's rest. It regarded him, matching his own weariness in its eyes. He removed his plates, left only with wool padding he wore underneath, and leaned against the warmth of his only comrade left. Within minutes, he settled into a fitful slumber. No dreams came to him.

Not at first.

Shrieking. Crackling. The sounds of steel on flesh, muddled shouts. His eyes shot open, he stood, his hand already on the hilt of his blade. He drew it quickly, unsure of the cause of all the noise.

Fires blazed around him, smoke blocking his vision. Through the haze, he could see others, like himself, fighting... things. He wasn't sure what they were, didn't know if he wanted to. He quickly circled around the flames, just in time to see the last of the armored men fall.

Twisted mockeries of the human form, missing flesh over their ribs, their skulls visible through wounds and tears. Their fingers were bent into sharp claws that had torn away armor from flesh, and blood dripped from their teeth. He stepped back, unsure of what he could do. There were too many of them to fight - he would never survive. He wanted to flee, tried to will his body away - he felt his arms rise involuntarily, his feet pounded on the ground as his blade fell against one, two creatures. He could feel the claws through the gaps in his plate, slashes across his cheeks, but he couldn't stop.

Bleeding, exhausted, he planted his blade in the crimson mud. He felt... tired, wearier than he ever knew he could be. He fell to his knees, unable to support himself - his hands still gripped the hilt of his sword. He couldn't release it - just as he couldn't stop himself from entering the fray, he couldn't will his fingers to release the blade, although he knew it was for a different reason. He felt his eyelids grow heavy. He doubted that he'd ever open them again.

He leaned forward with a start, his hand already flying to his cheek. A scar that bore the appearance of claws - he didn't know why that memory had come flooding back. He grunted in displeasure as he rose, patting his mount's head gently. The same chill that he hadn't wanted to sleep in would serve to calm him down. He stumbled past the young man from before - he had only been asleep for the fewest moments, even if it had felt like much longer - and out into the open air. Unsure of where to go, he leaned against the stable wall, shaking his head, as though to shake the dream and the memory from his mind.

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Iso nodded his head in agreement with Arrin at first, but once he said he hoped she hadn't heard him he tilted his head at him curiously.

Iso: You afraid of Morgan or something? We're crimson weapon wielders. What's she going to do to us for just speaking the truth?

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"I don't know," Arrin replied, shuddering slightly. "She tampers with memories, I don't know what she'd do... I mean if she hurt one of us, Kelas would probably kill her, but then there would be no way to fix it, either."


Tobe was sleeping fitfully, so the newcomer to the barn provided an excuse to wake up. The man didn't seem to be all there quite, so Tobe followed him outside. He kept his distance-- he knew better than to get within hitting range of someone who was probably drunk-- and inquired, "Mister? Is you okay?"

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Iso: Well if there's one thing I do appreciate about her is that she doesn't abuse her powers. If Reika was equipped with that kind of magical arsenal this would all go down violently one day with only a third of us left standing. Morgan's annoying as hell but she probably needs an logical excuse just to breathe. I doubt she'd waste time on us ... we being "essential to the mission" and all.


Susann had been dozing a bit in the stables since everyone else had gone inside. She didn't realize Tobe was there at first, but when he woke up and went over to bother an unfamiliar human, she woke up and stuck her head out to see if she really saw what she thought she did. Viveka's child was up to no good, and Susann was positive neither she nor the father knew what was going on. She immediately began chewing away at her reins trying to unhitch herself and get out of her pin to retrieve the boy.

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Viveka's answer back had a bit of bite in it, not directed at Helios it didn't seem, but rather simple frustration with the situation. She was yet another victim of life throwing people in places not exactly meant for their station, and he could sympathize with that. He couldn't think of anything to tell the woman, though, certainly nothing that could ease that pain. But maybe...

"Ehh, well it seems you were a good enough judge of the strength of foes. Maybe next time I should be asking your advice on who to might myself. Might save me getting cut up or knocked down again, yet still be useful... Though, that might just be a bother." Waving his hand as if to dismiss the idea, he turned to head to the common room, to fill up on some needed food.

"I guess I'll see you around later then.


Tanair had forcefully and firmly deposited Tessa in the carriage, and the healer wasn't in condition to brook argument, protest, and seek out Trevor. She had decided she wasn't fond of the carriage, but... ah well. No helping it. Another couple of coughs had hit her, despite this and the vague taste of soot in the back of her mouth, she managed to assure Arrin that, yes she was actually fine. In the ensuing ride, the exhausted mage managed to sleep most of the trip, occasionally falling up against her for support. Something about that gave a sense of comfort, and she drifted off slightly herself near the end of the journey.

After arriving at the inn, she'd decided her orders of business would be: first, see to Trevor, who had dutifully followed along, next on the agenda would be to get some food and drink, then finally a bath. Not just her typical cleaning rituals, but a full-on soak, the likes of which she hadn't had since before the grand ball. However, after having tended to Trevor, and on her way toward her other tasks, she noticed a strange man on a strange horse tethered to Heinz's animal. She didn't see the thief nearby at the moment, perhaps he'd briefly disappeared to look for someone? Calling out while approaching from behind, she asked, "Hello? I don't remember you from before, were you a survivor from Altenau?"

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He turned. Someone had followed him - a stable boy? Perhaps. He supposed he shouldn't simply ignore the question - he had nothing against children, just childishness in adults. He nodded slowly.

"I... am alright," he murmured gently. "I had a bad dream. Memories I'd... rather have forgotten, but can't seem to lose track of. But nothing else - you don't have to worry about a strange drunk, little one."

He heard something that nearly drove him into a panic, an aftereffect of the dream - noises, from inside the stables. He calmed himself, trying to explain to his shattered nerves that it was almost certainly just one of the several animals kept inside, and not more of those... things. He still found himself wanting his blade, though - it sat inside, next to his steed, and the pile of discarded armor. He pushed the darkness from his mind, for the moment - there was nothing that could harm him in this settlement. He... They were all safe here. The only things that could hurt him lived in his past.

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Beau nodded in satisfaction and acknowlegement, his smile remaining. It was refreshing to be called "young sir" again. Seeing as the notification was successfully delivered, the young heir next visited the table to eat some of the food provided. He was a little disappointed at the lack of small, citris fruits, but then again, not all could afford fruits out-of-season, which was one of the first things Beau had been disappointed to learn when he left home. Even so, the meal was good. And, due to the way all the food was on the table for people to pick off and take what they wanted, Beau was able to eat as sparingly as he pleased, seeing as he had a slight stomach.

Faint memories of servants insisting that he eat all the food on his plate played in his mind before he finished his cup and what he'd set to his plate and took note of the goins-on as he headed for his room. It would be the first time in a long while that he'd slept in an actual bed. However, there was a reason for that. The condition of the bed worried him. Who knows how sanitary the last one to sleep there had been? Forcing the thought from his mind, he made a mental note to ask Arrin and Tessa if they would like to explore the town in the morrow. Perhaps he would also ask that servant boy if he was still around...Tobe, was it? The four of them were the youngest in the group. Oh, and if that other girl was around, she could come, too. It might be a good idea to see what the others around his age thought about their situation. After all, children made the best intelligence-gatherers.

As he was thinking, Beau happened to pass up Arrin and Isotov. He was so lost in his thoughts, however, that he didn't notice them.


"In a sense," Raemond replied, noting the girl approching. She apparently didn't notice that his hands were tied behind his back yet and, from there, to his horse. At this point he was only waiting for Heinz's return - most likely accompanied by this "Morgan" he spoke of before. He supposed there was a good chance of his being executed. There was on reason to trouble this girl with his dread, however. He had decided long ago that he would face problems like this calmly and with reason. He didn't yet recognize who, exactly, this girl was.

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"Pretty good. Glad to be out of that town. It really gave me the creeps, and that dragon...I don't want to think about fighting her again. I think I've formulated pretty much the only plan we'll have for survival for if we fight her next time. Go on my hands and knees and pray for some random powerful person to go help us and beat her up for us. I mean, it happened this time with Jace. It could happen again. Only other thing I can think of is hiring Ivanko and his guys to go kill that scaly witch for us. I mean I doubt any of us here can actually form a good plan to deal with her.

You gonna eat some of that?" Alf addressed Aiya, pointing to the meat he was reaching for.

Edited by Dark Sage
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"I suppose," Arrin said doubtfully. He was getting nervous; it seemed like Morgan might appear from nowhere, and maybe it was silly, but he was still scared of her. Beau's approach provided a welcome distraction. "Oh, hello Beau-- what happened earlier, anyway? Are you alright?" He'd been aware that Beau had returned to the group, but was still unclear on the details.


"Was you talkin' to Altion?" Tobe pestered. "He's all sad 'acos he likes some lady, ony I saw her hangin' round somebody else. I donno how good a idea talkin' t' him is if yer arready sad," he stated with a tome that he thought conveyed wisdom. "Donno why he's even that sad anyway, she's a good enough sort but she's kinna scary when you make her mad, I think he's scairt o' her. Grownups don't make no sense," he added, then clapped a hand over his mouth: talking like that tended to get him kicked, when he was in the palace. "Beggin' yer pardon, o'course," he mumbled apologetically.

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Sethor paused. Altion... the armored boy from before, he supposed. He nodded - the process of heartbreak was not a mystery to him. What he hadn't experienced personally, he had seen in friends and comrades long forgotten. The child looked as though he was worried that what he had said was wrong, or perhaps he was used to physical reprimands for his words. Sethor was a drunk, and he was a man without hope, he would freely admit - but he was not a typically violent person. His sword and his training, he would bear only for defensive purposes. And he would definitely not use them to strike an innocent child.

"If he wishes to be sad, then that's his own decision. For some people... sadness is really the only thing left to them, after everything else is gone." He shook his head - it was faint, but there was the hint of a weary smile. "And I'll have to agree with you - adults are a confusing and troublesome lot. You should stay a child, as long as you can."

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