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Tales of the Abyss Mafia


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I'm pretty sure my role allowed me to switch anyone with Luke, which would've gotten him killed Night 3 instead (and I may have had a slightly higher chance of winning).

From the way the co-pilot role is worded, it seems like you choose someone, Luke chooses someone, and the targets are switched. I could be an idiot again.

IIRC, faction kills could be switched. That's why you were lynched instead of Dist.

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From the way the co-pilot role is worded, it seems like you choose someone, Luke chooses someone, and the targets are switched. I could be an idiot again.

IIRC, faction kills could be switched. That's why you were lynched instead of Dist.

That's the other possibility. I guess we'll have to wait for JB to clear it up, since we don't have any evidence either way (and Bizz idled all game).

Faction kills could not be switched either. I tried using Kimlasca's night kill to kill Luke, but Legretta died anyway. Which was why I decided to kill Anise next night, because I thought she role-blocked me...

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Faction kills could not be switched either. I tried using Kimlasca's night kill to kill Luke, but Legretta died anyway. Which was why I decided to kill Anise next night, because I thought she role-blocked me...

Legretta died because Luke chose no one (this meant that Legretta was switched with nothing). Otherwise, Legretta would be alive, and whoever Luke chose would have eaten the kill.

Pity that Luke wasn't around. The chance for mayhem in this game was extremely high.

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And now I feel like defending myself.


Actions: None

Died: Night 5 Did absolutely nothing, came off as scummy and Obviam pretty much posed as him. Fail.

I know I wasn't in charge of big lynches or anything, but when no one visited me except for my killing, and no one voted for me, how much can I do with a passive Day role?

I fucking knew that jail worked. But damn. Well done, Obviam.And this was my wonderful little list, with explanations to some of the sidenotes in bold. I gave most of this to Psych except a few notes, and he did pretty little with it.

At that point, only Asch, Dist, and Nebilim were left that I had contact with. Asch I knew wasn't on our team and didn't want to give the list to him, and I either gave it to Dist, or thought he already had it. I can't remember. I did try scrounging up something from Nebilim, but by then it was Day 5 I think, and I didn't get much from that.

Even with the slip up with Life I had, I didn't lead to our downfall. He appearently did nothing with the info I gave him which really couldn't have done much to be honest. I did give Asch strategy that had he followed, would have lead to me being alive, and one of Daath dying and KL probably winning the game and him getting second. Instead, we got second and he got third. >_>

Nebilim did good fooling me, though I did begin to suspect something once she just started being all buddy-buddy with us after most people were gone. I'm not sure if Bal had just been inactive there, or trying to move up a few ranks, but if he had helped us get rid of Daath, he'd probably have won, since me and Dist would have lynched Asch once Daath was gone, and we'd be easy targets after that.

Honestly, if more people had listened to me, KL would have won.

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Obviam deserved to win this game. I shouldn't have died Fuck you dist ;_; I AM FON MASTER ION!

I did felt some suspicion for Obviam at a time though, however, nothing ever made me or Eclipse do what we had planned to do incase it was clear in some way Obviam was a traitor.

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I died the night I tried to bring Kimlasca Lanvaldear together. Not really surprised, honestly. I was seriously considering Asch's request, too, deciding to help him for now and kill him off later. Though I'm admittedly not the best leader.

Snike didn't have the list.

Edited by Haruhi Suzumiya
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Hoooh boy. This might seem completely "What the fuck, how did you think it was Life". That was courtesy of a little idea Obviam gave me, an interesting conspiracy that in the end turned out to be wrong in which Life and RD pretended to be the other in a convoluted scheme to trick everyone. As far fetched as this seems, the main thing I had going for this was how EAGER Life seemed to be to prove he was Sync, posting pretty much the same role PM on both boards. Of course, he was Sync, so this was entirely me overthinking it. I honestly would've liked to see it happen because of how utterly hilarious it'd be if it was true..

I didn't just suggest that to fuck with everyone more. The thought had actually crossed my mind that Life was pulling some huge stunt and I thought "the more people who are wary of Life the better". I guess that was pointless though since he was so apathetic about the game :/

It would have been hilarious. I laughed for about 5 minutes straight thinking about it after you posted your suspicions on the Kimlasca board. I bet my post above it, "Maybe I'll see if I can convince Sync to kill [Luke]..." didn't help ease your suspicons any, either.

Also, about Ether making bad picks, he recruited:





And myself

...I see nothing wrong with this team.

This is actually why I considered Malkuth to be on even footing with Kimlasca as far as prioritizing targets went. To me it was "Inactive Daath versus All the good players versus The oversized Kimlascan army" - I had almost no active team mates, Malkuth had some of the best SF players and Kimlasca was just plain huge (I thought Asch was Kimlasca too most of the game...of course, I also thought Sync might actually be Daath at one point because of how weird Life was playing).

Faction kills could not be switched either. I tried using Kimlasca's night kill to kill Luke, but Legretta died anyway. Which was why I decided to kill Anise next night, because I thought she role-blocked me...

Wait, really? JB specifically told me that faction kills were "affected by role abilities". I asked him if he meant "in general" or "just things like my bullet proof" and whatever he said was basically "in general".

So yeah we were pretty scared of you.

Also, the thought that Anise had role-blocked Sync hadn't crossed my mind. I thought Dist making me bullet proof was what saved me when Asch told me Sync had tried to kill me and spent the entire rest of the game asking JB over and over "Are you SURE I'm still bullet proof?!"

Like I said, I didn't give a shit about this game. Some luck happened with the Raymond kill though.

I direct you now to this post and the one below it.

Edit: Incidentally this is why I approached you and said you were full of shit about having a killing role.

I died the night I tried to bring Kimlasca Lanvaldear together. Not really surprised, honestly. I was seriously considering Asch's request, too, deciding to help him for now and kill him off later. Though I'm admittedly not the best leader.

Snike didn't have the list.

Look at my role again.

Now look at our night actions.

Watch who you jail, bro. ;)

Edited by Obviam
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And now I feel like defending myself.

I know I wasn't in charge of big lynches or anything, but when no one visited me except for my killing, and no one voted for me, how much can I do with a passive Day role?

In a NOC game, not much. But in an OC game, a player's role (typically) doesn't prevent them from making alliances/establishing connections etc.

I did give Asch strategy that had he followed, would have lead to me being alive, and one of Daath dying and KL probably winning the game and him getting second. Instead, we got second and he got third. >_>

At that point I thought it was: Daath: Ion, Largo*; Kimlasca: Mieu, Dist, Nebilim*; Malkuth: Asch, Guy. *I was pretty certain one of these two was the other serial killer.

My plan was to force Daath and Kimlasca to wither each other down to prevent the other from achieving parity. I let Daath kill you because I believed that Kimlasca had the most members (that, and I thought I was Daath's target). I didn't anticipate Guy being Daath AND having a killing role (I thought Life killed Natalia and Arietta).

As for why I trusted Guy: His hesitation about telling me that Sync had flipped Malkuth because he wasn't sure if I was really Malkuth made me believe that Luke had switched Sync that night, and he really investigated me. Also, all his other investigations checked out (except I didn't realize Nebilim wasn't Kimlasca until he died, and by then it was too late).

I had almost no active team mates

I know what that's like.

Wait, really? JB specifically told me that faction kills were "affected by role abilities". I asked him if he meant "in general" or "just things like my bullet proof" and whatever he said was basically "in general".

So yeah we were pretty scared of you.

Weird. I wasn't able to switch a single kill despite targeting two people who would've died.

Look at my role again.

I question for JB: Why did there need to be another killer along with 2 serial killers AND each faction being able to kill once every 3 nights? Particularly since there were only 16 players to begin with.

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I didn't just suggest that to fuck with everyone more. The thought had actually crossed my mind that Life was pulling some huge stunt and I thought "the more people who are wary of Life the better". I guess that was pointless though since he was so apathetic about the game :/

I direct you now to this post and the one below it.

Edit: Incidentally this is why I approached you and said you were full of shit about having a killing role.

I walked into this game the EXACT same way Richard Hatch walked into Survivor All Stars. That is with a big target painted on my forehead in neon green. Since I am the king of SF Mafia (just like Hatch was the king of Survivor), the goal was to dethrone me. So I took the Richard Hatch strategy of "care enough to have some lulz and fuck up the game but don't expect to win since people will gun for you as soon as the game starts".

Hence why I was apathetic about the game. I don't like playing in a game where more than 50% of the players are morons (anyone not named Bizz, Xeld, Eclipse, Tables or RD) and I especially don't like being name-targeted from the start of the game. And it's why I'm done with SF mafia.

Edited by King Russell Hantz
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Hence why I was apathetic about the game. I don't like playing in a game where more than 50% of the players are morons (anyone not named Bizz, Xeld, Eclipse, Tables or RD) and I especially don't like being name-targeted from the start of the game. And it's why I'm done with SF mafia.

Life being SK and allying with a faction, then stabbing them in the back is something I would expect. Hence why we wanted you dead. We wanted the other factions weaker than our own.

Life not giving a fuck and being suicidal is not. Now, since you always wanted just equal, that benefits none of the groups. Which is why alot more people wanted you dead.

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Hey mods, was I really supposed to start out on Daath or was that a mixup?

I assigned WoMC with Spykor/Slayer to Daath because Doublevoter wasn't as good as the other roles. Nevertheless, ran his mouth off a bit too much and got himself lynched for it.

That should answer your question.

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I still believe that a Double-Voter in a multi-faction game this small is being underestimated, especially since JB thought Daath also needed to start out with an additional member (a Nexus, no less) to compensate.

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One thing I wanna know is why the hell Tables accused me of being in Daath?

THAT sorta hampered my unification efforts.

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Honestly, if more people had listened to me, KL would have won.

Go back and read my role. Now replay Night 5, switch you and me, AND keep in mind that Guy's BP, too. You still would've lost.

Snike: Tables said nothing about you being Daath in the message I got.

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Re: Day 2

« Reply #39 on Jan 8, 2011, 7:54am »

I might as well say I'm with Kimlasca. But then of course I'd tell Daath I was really with them, and double bluffing, so it'd make no difference.

Here's the thing:

Asch - Allied with Malkuth

Nebilim - Allied with Malkuth

Dist - Allied with Daath

Guy - Allied with Daath

and Sync - Allied with Malkuth

All have conflicting loyalties. That makes 6/14 of us that are alive. Of those, I know Guy, Sync, and Asch's true loyalties (well, Guy I'm not 100% certain on).

I'm also helping both Daath and Kimlasca. Say what you want, both factions will be weaker without me giving them information. Asch, on the other hand, is playing very much only for Malkuth. Sync also has CLAIMED SERIAL KILLER and while we all know it's likely a lie, let me tell you: He has a killing role, and he's going to use it to claw the game into hand.

Malkuth has two organised, active players allied with them. Kimlasca and Daath, I don't know. Kimlasca had Raymond, who died, and Daath had WoMC, who also died. Which means that just Malkuth is left with the power and leadership.

If a Malkuth member dies today, then the factions will end up fairly balanced - if I'm honest, likely tilted in Daath's favour.

If a Kimlasca member dies (me), then Malkuth have a significant edge. Couple that with me being Daath and Kimlasca's only direct source of communication between the two, (actually, I think someone else might be allied with both), and I can more or less tell you that Malkuth are going to win unless serious action is taken by the other two, immediately.

If a Daath member is lynched... it's like a Kimlasca member being lynched, but given Daath are already slightly stronger than Kimlasca, it'd end up slightly more balanced between those two but with Malkuth still having the edge.

TL;DR version: Daath and Kimlasca both want Sync or Asch lynched today. In fact, I'm being generous with trying to lynch Sync first: Asch is moled in my own faction. I'm clearing Daath for you first, and yet, you want me killed instead? That isn't the logical target, I'll tell you.

Anyway, all of you who aren't allied with Malkuth should be voting for Sync. In case the table above didn't give you enough hints, they've got lots of information in the form of spies, AND lots of night actions including a killing action. Lynching me would just be signing your own faction's death warrant.

See bolded in spoilers.

So, yeah.

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But, uh, no one gave me the list, because, well, Tear turning Kimlascan sort of shot down any credibility I might have had. People were paranoid.

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A good chunk of Daath got a nice PM from Tear. It listed all the people in different factions, but it didn't have you down as Daath (then again, this was when you were still unaffiliated. . .but since she went with Kimlasca, I can understand why she wouldn't say anything even if you were in Daath).

She probably got that idea when she saw a post I made regarding you in the Daath forums.

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Makes sense.


Wait. After checking the forum, the Day 2 list for Daath was not updated with recruits. So, maybe that's where that came from...

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I noticed that too. On Night one Daath recruited Legretta and... who? Dist or Mieu?

If only Ether had been active to recruit people Night one...

No one else.

Also, if Ether recruited, I'd hope to have been in Malkuth.

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