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the hair defying gravity is kind of.... from the art it's based on. ;P

It looks to me like he's moving and stuffs or maybe it's a windy day just like in all their drawings ^~^ so yeah that'd be why =3

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the hair defying gravity is kind of.... from the art it's based on. ;P

If you read the sentence following it you see what I think could be improve about the hair :-P

Ohhh, by rereading my post I realize why you might have been confused... I was talking about those hairs when I mentioned that the outline could be smoother

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Okay, gotcha. I thought you meant it bothered you THAT they defied gravity, not that it was those particular hairs that bothered you :P I thought the outline thing was a separate remark, my bad :3

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Not gonna lie, I think they both look wonkier. :p I do see what you mean by the pieces of hair though, which I'll fix.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Splice competition stuffs.


Inspired and based on Vamp's FE9 Karel.

Enjoy. :)

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I'm not sure why, but something about the forehead shading is bugging me. Otherwise I think it looks fantastic. :)

Thank you Kain! I'll see what I can do. :) Though it is fairly common forehead shading. Any part in specific?

I wub you, ecut. Always see improvement every time I come back...

Wub you too. <3

And thanks kindly :) You should be around more often!

Oh hi boney :3

Great battle sprites cut!

Thanks Lancer. :)

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Thank you Kain! I'll see what I can do. :) Though it is fairly common forehead shading. Any part in specific?

I can't quite put my finger on it, I think that it should be a bit thicker on the right side of his bangs (his left) up to where his hair-line begins. :)

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K Thanks. :)

And in light of my overlordyness at Fire Emblem Cafe.


Kinda hard to see the text on the light green.

Also made the head smaller because it needed to be. :)

[spoiler=Head Comparison]HeadComparison.png

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Thanks. :) Not a new design or anything, just purely for fun. I do have to fix the head on her actual mug though...

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I can't believe I'm just now seeing this thread in the months since I've joined. Cripes, did I miss out. O.O

Anyways, I lost track of how many people have said this, so I have no idea what number I am, but your work is spectacular. Spent about an hour flipping through the pages gawking, and I especially like the everything character specific sprites (Joshua, etc.). So yeah, kudos! :D

It's gonna be real weird looking at the old sprites while I finally finish Hector's mode now.

Edited by Yojimbo
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I can't believe I'm just now seeing this thread in the months since I've joined. Cripes, did I miss out. O.O

Anyways, I lost track of how many people have said this, so I have no idea what number I am, but your work is spectacular. Spent about an hour flipping through the pages gawking, and I especially like the everything character specific sprites (Joshua, etc.). So yeah, kudos! :D

It's gonna be real weird looking at the old sprites while I finally finish Hector's mode now.

Hehe, thank you very much! :)

Good luck with Hector's mode! I hope you're not playing on hard haha.

Still looks absolute gorgeous to me. Nice one eCut~

Thanks dear. :) I am thinking about keeping the hair colour because I really like it!

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Thanks! :D The headdress was inspired by Charlize Theron as Queen Ravenna in Snow White. :)

K so I fixed up Elliot some:


Smaller head, better cape. I am still not sure if I am going to change the hair colour or not. I REALLY like the one I gave her overlord costume but I don't know if it really suits her... :(

Also, first map EVAAAA! Took like 2 and a half hours to make.


Paths are too blocky as KoT has pointed out to me but I am pretty happy considering it is my first. :)

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Pretty solid first map!

The biggest pointer I can give out is watch for cut off tiles. I notice some in the mountains in the bottom middle as well as the peak going into the village. As you map more you'll develop an eye for it. Just remember that if a tile suddenly ends without transition, there's probably another to complement it.

And I've always liked your Elliot mug; very beautiful :)

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