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Thanks you guys. :)

And I will definitely keep an eye out for that Primefusion! Thanks for the advice. (:

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Map is looking great, and I like your portraits in general.

...which reminds me you've gone by some other names I think, I feel like I've known you under one of them, you don't have a list of'm do you?

Thank you. :)

And just eCut! Well, I was kittE during the kitty fad here. You may remember me from FEU if you were there (though I believe I was just eCut there as well, maybe eCut93 but I only use that one when eCut is taken).

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To distract myself from actually getting stuff done, I took a look at your awesome sprites and stuff through all 24 pages of this thread, and I am happy I did. Very unique and cool stuff. I like it.

Curse you for distracting me with your awesome sprites.

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Whoa a map! It looks good! Of course im not mapper and dont have the first clue about what goes on in those, but it looks good enough!

The improved personal mug (Elliot) is great! The face is smaller and thats a good thing.

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To distract myself from actually getting stuff done, I took a look at your awesome sprites and stuff through all 24 pages of this thread, and I am happy I did. Very unique and cool stuff. I like it.

Curse you for distracting me with your awesome sprites.

Hehe, thank you kindly. :)

Gosh that must have taken you so long though! You must really not want to get stuff done. ;p

Whoa a map! It looks good! Of course im not mapper and dont have the first clue about what goes on in those, but it looks good enough!

The improved personal mug (Elliot) is great! The face is smaller and thats a good thing.

Thanks! :) Haha mapping wasn't as bad as I thought! Just a lot of trial and error for me. xP There are some errors but it will serve its purpose. :)

And yeah it looks better now I think too! It could probably still be a little bit less wide but oh well. :P

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  • 2 months later...

So, I have some new stuff to post that isn't really new but I'll post it anyway! I kinda had to refrain from posting it since it was all appearing in Project Chaos(croooooooooooss-promo ~) . :P

Female Brigand:


The whole sheet is done of course, but posting that will suffice. :)

There are also some weird ghost frames in the animation(like when she comes down on the enemy); it is because of the program, they're not in the sheet. :P

Janice mug:


Reference Vamp's female Jaffar for part of the hair~




Feaw has kindly offered to fix their issues for me. :)

For the 62nd splicing competition:


So yeah! That's all I have to show at the moment! There are more things but I can't show them yet. :o

Enjoy. :)

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I dunno if you like it but I think the hair is too straight in Janice's mug. It looks kinda stiff.

Haha, obviously I like it, otherwise I wouldn't have used it. ;p Though I'll fool with it to see if I can fix it. :)

@April: Which one?

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Shade around both headbands. Also Amelia's (sorta) onto something; the shading on her hair is inconsistent with the shape on our upper right. Bottom left is fine, bottom right is 2-dimensional(I think the gradual thinning needs to be bigger). Our upper left from my point of view is just "what"

Lastly, if the arm on our left is supposed to be higher than the right, then mission accomplished.

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Lols. :P

I don't quite recall using such large text. ;)

Shade around both headbands. Also Amelia's (sorta) onto something; the shading on her hair is inconsistent with the shape on our upper right. Bottom left is fine, bottom right is 2-dimensional(I think the gradual thinning needs to be bigger). Our upper left from my point of view is just "what"

Lastly, if the arm on our left is supposed to be higher than the right, then mission accomplished.

Alrighty, I will work on it! Thanks~

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For the 62nd splicing competition:


So yeah! That's all I have to show at the moment! There are more things but I can't show them yet. :o

Enjoy. :)

Dis guy, he reminds me of Gabriel from Dream of Five. Therefore he is awesome. Carry on :3

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On Janice. . .

As much as I hate to say it. . .

Lower the boobs some. . .

They're too high/supported for someone dressed like that(rags like those probably should have NO support whatsoever, and with tits that size, they're probably gonna be weighed down) I believe Vamp's nude base for the generic Troubadour/Valkyrie is a good example.

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On Janice. . .

As much as I hate to say it. . .

Lower the boobs some. . .

They're too high/supported for someone dressed like that(rags like those probably should have NO support whatsoever, and with tits that size, they're probably gonna be weighed down) I believe Vamp's nude base for the generic Troubadour/Valkyrie is a good example.

Maybe she is wearing a sports bra... o.O

Alrighty, I shall! Thanks. :)

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I wear sports bras all the time, and my boobies are never high enough for me to nosedive into. >:

Neither are mine, but maybe they had some crazy technology back then. :o

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  • 8 months later...

@Acha: This is SUPER belated but thank you. (:


Hello old friend, how have you been? I feel like we haven't spoken in 9 months~

Figured I'd post some things, since it's been like, forever. xD

[spoiler=Battle Sprites]

Heath for the FE13 competition:


Axe Cavalier:


Axe Wyvern Rider (sheeted but not scripted yet):


An incomplete (and probably never will be complete) Gryphon Rider:


Non-Sacaen Nomad (pretty much the same in my first post, albeit some tweaks):



Week 72 splice:


Was a splice for week 78, but I never entered it because I had to reshade too much to make it work:


Based off of a character called Riven (there is also a version of her in Riven's clothes -- t'was a request):


My hack's priest; hair was made by Solum! :


Revamped Janice:


Revamped Elliot:


An evil guy. :E :


My take on Sue, for FE6A~ :


[spoiler=Map Sprites]

Female Brigand:

Female Berserker:






Anywho, that's all I have to show! There are some other sprites but they're for PC and I want to unveil them there~

But yeah, enjoy. :)

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