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It would seem kind of odd that once you've promoted you'd change your stance (and through it your whole fighting style). You'd think that now you've finally mastered it and would keep it :P But yeah, I like the original better. The vertical one looks good too, just doesn't make as much sense to me :3 (Which isn't always a bad thing)

Most classes seem to, like Fighter, Pirate, Mercenary, etc.

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The first tier fighting is derp and they finally master the true form of their fighting which is their promotion.

Either way, wouldn't it be boring if all the classes had the same animation when promoting? Or the same stance just glitzed up? Hell yeah it would be.


Elliot's promotion outfit is very nice. I just wish it was a more dynamic stance rather than just stand there holding a spear like a bishop. idk. I think she is worthy of greater.

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Could be true, maybe their promotion is the realization that their original style sucked in the first place :P And yes it would be most boring indeed. DAMN REALISM NEVER MATTERS Anywho I like the armour and stuff :P I like the first pose better as well, second one reminds me a bit of a soldier (Not the best class to be reminiscent of) or bishop, as uMad said :P

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Thanks for the comments guys! Perhaps I will give her a new pose eventually, but for now I am going to keep the original pose(holding the spear horizontally). :)

Also! I was fooling around with the back of Elliot's head:


I wasn't very happy with it before but I am content now. :)

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I'm probably pretty late on this, and being extremely obvious, but the Elliot in the OP looks nothing like the new one. (And I wasn't sure of the gender of the old one, not the new one, go me.) And I like the old one better. It kinda looks like an FE7x mug.

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Lolololwhat, Deranger, get your eyes checked, haha.

eCut, no offense intended by this offensive statement, but the Elliot in the OP isn't much compared to any FE7x mug xD

Srsly, Deranger, I honestly can't tell if you're trolling all the time :3

on topic, woooowww, that's some nice hair definition you've got going on there.

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I am guessing you are referring to this one Deranger?


I agree with you, she looks a lot different. I don't like it nearly as much though.

Haha, no offense taken Seph. As much as I appreciate it being said by Deranger, it doesn't come close to the quality of FE7x. :P

I am done shaving the back of the head now.


And thank Seph. :) I am trying to experiment with different ways to shade hair.

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Though, there is one thing. The hair, near the bottom of the mug, right here looks a bit like claws, and not hair :3

You could mess with that.

"Rawr, my hair shall consume you and become more powerful!"

Hahaha, as soon as I looked at that I thought of a velociraptor.

I will work on it now!


Less claw-like perhaps?


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It's uhm... I have no idea sorry. :(

Also, I am fooling around with some tier 1 Elliot.


The striking pose is kinda low... Yay lance to the knee.

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the wind she creates by moving will damage those darned pegasus knights!

Is the second frame part of the attack or the dodge. And you can always angle the lance upwards in the striking pose with a crap load of reshading and other pesky adjustments

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the wind she creates by moving will damage those darned pegasus knights!

Is the second frame part of the attack or the dodge. And you can always angle the lance upwards in the striking pose with a crap load of reshading and other pesky adjustments

Hahaha, the first part made me lol.

Yeah that is what I plan to do... :( Not looking forward to it.

And thank you Jubby. :)

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Thanks so much Astelaine! :) It took like 2 hours to get it the way I wanted it. :p

And what on earth is going on here?!


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I am needing advice!

Which striking pose looks better? The top one or bottom one?


I like the bottom a lot more but the top one strikes in a normal place(waist/abdomen area).

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The one that aims for the middle area is probably better and makes more sense, though you should test if the one aiming down hits most targets reasonably. I say the top, because it makes a bit more sense than the bottom hitting wise.

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Very true.

Thanks for the suggestion Astra! I tried with even the shortest battle sprites and it still isn't high enough to use. :/

I'll have too fool around a bit more with the top pose to see if I can make myself like it more.

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If you still want to use the pointing down frame you can have her jump at her opponent, and use it for the frame right before the strike maybe.

Saving that for the promotion, actually. ;) It's gonna be so f*king cool if I can get it right.

I got it fixed up now though! So all's good. :)

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Or you could use both during her crit. Double stab with the spear for good fun. Though spear pointing up for a normal/final hit makes the most sense. Either way all the poses look real smooth. :)

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