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Yeah, you edit-ninja'd me. Whoever reclasses is your choice, but for full integrity it should be Cain, being a more recent suggestion.

Edited by Grimsworth of Natal
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On the other hand Roshe would be cavalier already so it wouldn be so big in terms of violation of class limit but then again Out of Cain and Roshe wich one would I like to rush for KE? Yeah Cain it is. Resist the want of making Shiida windrape stuff

Fun fact . You werent edit-ninja'd

Edited by Sho.M
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1. Dolph D.Mage/Sorcerer

2. Gordin Cleric/Sniper

3. Julian

4. Marth

5. Caeda Myrmidon/Swordmaster

6. Roshea, Myrmidon/Dracoknight

7. Athena Archer/Bishop.

8. Caeser Hunter/Horseman

9. Thomas Cavalier/Draco

10. Cord Hunter/ Warrior

11. Cain Myrmidon/Swordmaster

12. Merric Cavalier/Sage

13. Lorenz Berserker

14. Elice Myrmidon/Swordmaster

15. Nagi

Nagi shall do as I didnt ban her. So I have a team Wohoo.

Rules would be:

No Warp

No Arena

No Unchosen

No Effective forges exept Bows

No Forged Bows against fliers

Others for baitingmeatshieldingalso only

H2 Final Destination

I can rescuit anyone i want Shiida wants Navs KE

I can use chosen ones in chaps i get them as they are.

Open for new rules.

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I hope this wont count as doublepost.

Chap 1

49 turns

Just how hard can it be to kill boss If chip damage will equal boss heal 25% of time and both Cain and Marth are two rounded?


Abel and Draug died. I have Wrys.

Name Class Level Hp Str Ma Ski Sp Lc Def Res Rank
Marth  Lord 2.44 19 6 0 3 7 8 7 0 D
Shiida Peggy 4.30 16 4 1 9 14 11 7 6 C
Cain Cav 5.27 24 8 0 7 7 4 7 C E
Gordin Arc 4.51 21 5 0 4 5 6 7 0 C

^How do I do this?

Chap 2

Forgot da turns

How many lives can you give to save your land Marmar?


Got Darros. Castor and Jagen are alive...

Name Class Level Hp Str Ma Ski Sp Lc Def Res Rank
Marth  Lord 3.34 20 7 0 4 7 8 8 0 D
Shiida Peggy 5.82 17 4 1 10 15 12 7 6 C
Cain Cav 7.36 26 8 0 8 8 6 7 C E
Gordin Arc 5.23 22 5 0 5 5 6 8 0 C
Cord Figh 2.80 20 7 0 5 9 5 5 0 E

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What I do is put it into notepad, make it so everything lines up (like everything everyones strength is on going down the same column)

and then put code tags around it, and it will look like this:

Name   Class Level Hp Str Mag Ski Spd Lck Def Res Rank
Marth  Lord  2.44  19  6   0   3   7   8   7   0   D
Shiida Peggy 4.30  16  4   1   9  14  11   7   6   C
Cain   Cav   5.27  24  8   0   7   7   4   7   0   C E
Gordin Arc   4.51  21  5   0   4   5   6   7   0   C

You probably have no idea what I am trying to say though. I suck at explaining things.

Edited by General_Horace
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I think i do

Chapter 3

31 turns

Can Cain Julian and Marth beat Reynard With KE?

Well they are 2 rounded so...

Jagen, Castor, Lena and Nav alive.

Name   Class Level Hp Str Mag Ski Spd Lck Def Res Rank
Marth  Lord  4.79  21  7   0   4   8   8   8   0   D
Shiida Peggy 7.02  18  5   1  12  17  13   7   6   B
Cain   Cav   8.74  26  8   0   9   9   6   8   0   C E
Gordin Arc   5.82  22  5   0   5   5   7   8   0   B
Cord   Figh  3.10  20  8   0   5  10   5   5   0   E
Julian Thief 4.11  18  5   0   6  12   8   4   0   E

I did it.

Chapter 4

20 turns

So everybody changes clothes!

I hate that perv prince...

Nav shall be cav. Made +5 Iron sword called Disco stick for Shiida.

Baits xept Jagen Who lured some archers in hold fighters while I kill cavs. They all died BTW.

Name   Class Level Hp Str Mag Ski Spd Lck Def Res Rank
Marth  Lord  5.52  21  8   0   4   9  10   8   0   C
Shiida Myrm  8.21  18  5   1  17  20  13   6   0   E
Cain   Myrm  9.84  25  7   0  16  14   6   6   0   B
Gordin Cur   8.08  23  0   1   5   5   8   5   6   E
Cord   Hunt  5.13  19  9   0   8  10   6   5   0   E
Julian Thief 5.93  19  6   0   6  13   9   4   0   D
Merric Mage  2.04  21  0   4   4   6   3   4   3   D

Chapter 5

Cant remember turns.

See those dudes over there? Make sure all but that cute boytoy die. He belongs to Cain kay?

Forged Cord +5 Bow called LOLshot.

Wolfguard keep Roshe alive until Marth group has cleared the map.

Got Wendell, Killed Wolfguard.

Name   Class Level Hp Str Mag Ski Spd Lck Def Res Rank
Marth  Lord  7.12  22 10   0   4  10  12   8   1   C
Shiida Myrm  8.75  18  5   1  17  20  13   6   0   E
Cain   Myrm 10.42  26  8   0  17  15   6   6   0   B
Gordin Cur   9.89  23  0   1   5   5   8   5   7   D
Cord   Hunt  6.54  20  9   0   8  10   7   5   0   D
Julian Thief 6.81  20  6   0   6  14  10   4   0   D
Merric Cav   3.37  24  5   1   5   9   3   9   0   E E
Roshe  Cav   3.70 base

Chapter 6

Whatever i just post them all at the end.


My lord?

I heard you told Shiida you could teach him how to use teh Disco Stick.

Well you see..

Shut up! You shall go pack being a cav now.

Well can I at least keep Roshe?


Gave Roshe +5 Iron sword called Boy's Toy.

Had problems with Cavs. Lucky crit took care of it. And some crazy level ups. And then Roshe died... And I had save from second savepoint so it doesnt matter...

All rescuits/wendell died... Again Got every item Yes KE.

Name   Class Level Hp Str Mag Ski Spd Lck Def Res Rank
Marth  Lord  8.58  23 11   0   5  11  13   8   1   C
Shiida Myrm  9.60  19  5   1  17  20  13   6   0   D
Cain   Cav  11.85  29 10   0  11  10   7   9   0   B E
Gordin Cur  11.69  25  1   1   7   6   9   6   8   D
Cord   Hunt  7.94  21 10   0   9  11   7   5   0   D
Julian Thief 7.67  21  6   0   7  15  11   5   0   D
Merric Cav   4.67  25  5   1   6  10   4  10   0   E E
Roshe  Myrm  5.60  22  5   0  13  13   4   4   0   E

They're looking pretty good to be honest.

Edited by Sho.M
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That post is long enough already so...

Chapter 6x

Dier Diary. Today I find out Roshe had some fun with mah b Shiida. And she was wearing that new silk coat I gave her! As such they're ´´joysticks´´ have mixed up. It made me mad but now im okey with it. I found this exotic chick on todays drunken rampage world saving operations. Im so gona get tonight...

Myrms swap swords because Shiida has been doubling like crazy well they all have. Forged for Merric +3 Javelin called BigFatJuisy. Shiida got the robe.

Name   Class Level Hp Str Mag Ski Spd Lck Def Res Rank
Marth  Lord  9.16  24 11   0   5  11  13   9   1   C
Shiida Myrm 10.20  27  6   1  17  20  14   6   0   D
Cain   Cav  12.09  28  8   0  18  15   8   6   0   B
Gordin Cur  13.41  26  1   1   7   8  10   7   9   C
Cord   Hunt  9.26  22 10   0   9  13   8   6   0   D
Julian Thief 8.41  22  7   0   8  16  12   5   0   D
Merric Cav   6.36  27  5   1   7  11   6  10   0   E D
Roshe  Myrm  6.97  23  6   0  14  13   4   4   0   E
Athen Base

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Well I hope I can endure it.

Ahem Chapter 7


My lord?

Youre Myrm again.


Last night I lost your horse to Cord in poker.

Why did he took my horse? Why can't he take Merrics?

Something about Merric's not filling he's needs.

But Merric's one is... Holy**** what are they doing!

God dammit! Thats so wrong Cord!

What? She said she would do anything for good old horsemeat steak.

Even then whats up whit you. Thats just not the way to you use your bow...

Gave LOLshot to Athena and forged +4 steel called OMG... to Cord.

Merric took care of Bantus area with Gordins support and others trick in the fliers with baits. Then just rushing down. Boss would have been hard without armorslayer.

Name   Class Level Hp Str Mag Ski Spd Lck Def Res Rank
Marth  Lord 10.02  25 11   0   6  12  14   9   1   C
Shiida Myrm 10.66  27  6   0  17  20  14   6   0   D
Cain   Cav  13.68  28  9   0  19  16   9   7   0   B
Gordin Cur  14.95  26  1   1   8   8  10   7   9   C
Cord   Hunt 10.38  23 10   0  10  13   9   6   0   C
Julian Thief 8.61  22  7   0   8  16  12   5   0   D
Merric Cav   8.27  28  5   1   8  12   8  10   0   E C
Roshe  Myrm  8.34  25  7   0  15  15   4   4   0   D
Athen Base

Chapter 8

Captains log 63735:

-Altean bums are nearing in. Im going to make them believe Kannival, that idiot who owes me 10$, said Marth is so lame he can't even walk to his fort after three beers.That incarnation of royal incest pride shall kill him for me while I go shopping

-Thats a good plan boss.

-Thanks Radd.

-How come you trust me enough to tell this? I may tell it to Marth after battle if Im drunk enough.

-Dont worry. Im getting this feeling you won't tell anything...

So I forget Radd. He's a Mymidon so I have enough space for Elice Myrm/Sword?. As such Midia shall be dropped...

No forges...

Caesar goes shopping others rush. At savepoint they start to hold reinforsements while marth an gordin go kill the bossCus no one insults Marth Cain was needed as a pack up thou. Merric did some pretty epic things as a wall.

Name   Class Level Hp Str Mag Ski Spd Lck Def Res Rank
Marth  Lord 10.77  25 11   0   6  12  14   9   1   C
Shiida Myrm 11.33  28  6   0  18  20  15   6   0   D
Cain   Myrm 14.94  29  9   0  19  16   9   7   0   B
Gordin Cur  17.22  28  1   1  10   8  11   7  11   B
Cord   Hunt 11.87  23 11   0  11  13  10   6   0   C
Julian Thief 9.45  22  8   0   9  16  13   5   0   D
Merric Cav  10.35  30  5   1   9  12  10  11   0   E C
Roshe  Myrm  9.48  26  7   0  16  15   4   4   0   D
Athena Arc  12.62  27 12   0   8   7   6  10   0   E
Caesar base

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