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ITT I Play FE7

Smiley Jim


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  1. 1. I only have two NiteCrts and I'm blowing the first on Oswin. Which cavalier should I extensively use?

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Chapter 17x: The Port of Badon

Starting Units:

Hector, Oswin, Bartre, Raven, Lucius, Erk, Serra, Priscilla, Florina

New Units:


Hector: Will anyone here take us ter Valer?

Pawn: The Dread Isle? Are you mad?

Lyn: Look we don't have much time!

Eli: If you won't help us, is there someone... who will?

Pawn: You'll need to ask pirates to help you, because we sure as hell aren't going.

Lyn: P-P-Pirates?

Pawn: They're some of the most fearless people around. Go ask them.

Hector: Eh. I'm fine with that.

Eli: Me too. If there is no other way...

Lyn: I'm not! Is there another way?

Hector: Eli, why is Lyn bitchin'?

Eli: It may have something to do with how Lyn's parents were killed. If I remember correctly, her parents were murdered by bandits. Her mother was also raped by them.

Hector: Eh. Me mother died givin' birth ter me an' me father died o' Agen' Orange poisonin' when I was 8. I kin still understand how she feels.

Pawn: If you are wondering where to find the pirates, you'll find no better place than the Blind Pig pub just west of here.

At the Blind Pig...

Fargus: Arr! State yer business!

Hector: We're tryin' ter git ter Valer. Kin we book passage? Eh, how should I address ye?

Fargus: Yer not one o' me mateys so ye kin just call me Fargus. I'm cap'n of de Davros.

Hector: We're tryin' ter find this man's father. How much is yer travelin' fee?

Fargus: 100,000 gold, arr! And werth every penny!

Hector: LOLWUT?!

Fargus: Are ye gonna pay?

Hector: We'll git the muny. Somehow...


Eli: 100,000 GOLD! THIS IS MADNESS?!

Hector: Don' werry. I have a plan! A plan so clever, it's retarded!

Eli: Don't tell me... You are going to suggest arena abuse, aren't you?

Hector: There's nuthin' ter werry about. We've over 4.2K in funds, assumin' we sell the red gem we got last chapter. We then send our best fighters in an' abuse until we git the 100K.

Eli: You know right that some of our fans will have a fit if he sees that this Let's Play features arena abuse? Not to mention our tactics rank.

Hector: DA ain't playin' fer ranks. We kin take our time. It's not like DA HAS ter play this game with efficiency in mind, either.

Eli: (looks up dondon151's guide to maximum efficiency) Well, we didn't follow most of the guidelines anyway, so why the hell not! (I hope dondon151 doesn't 1up this Let's Play, Mr. DA. For your sake)

Dart: Good news! You don't have to arena abuse! All you have to do is fight your way past 5 pirates, an archer, and two mages and you can talk to our cap'n. Do not attack him though. You will get game over if you do.

Hector: We'll try ter keep that in mind...

Basically, all you need to do is get past that huge pirate blockade and talk to Fargus. Also, your first of three chances to have some quality arena abuse time. I don't recommend this if you are playing for ranks or want to get dondon-level turncounts.

Oh yeah. Oswin and Raven are promoting this chapter!

Here is Canas' recruit convo, if you are interested:

Flo-Chan steps into the first house to recruit Canas, then I send Raven up to deal with the first two pirates. After about turn 3, Damian and his goons showed up. Using Oswin to tank, I really had no issues with him. Canas got the bosskill. After I took out the cavalry wave, I then dealt with the pirates. Most of the kills were donated to Raven and Canas, though Erk and Hector were allowed some too. After about turn 8, all the pirates were gone and I was free to nab the rest of the items and use the arena. I also used this time to build up my supports. After I got a few guys to Lv10 and Rave and Oswin to 20/1, I chatted with Fargus.

Fargus: Ye finally made it, eh?

Hector: Oh..my...god...that...was...hard.

Eli: Will you NOW take us to Valor?

Fargus: Of course we will. We pirates keep our werd to Davy Jones' Locker. Arr!

Lyn: ...

Fargus: Hey, I didn't know ye had sumthin' as beautiful as dis in yer group. It's me lucky day. Arr!

Hector: It's not like these guys are the Taliver bandits.

Lyn: That makes me feel so much better about it.

Hector    	01  13  31  16  09  12  06  15  03  13 	Florina C/Oswin C
Oswin 		02  01  43  22  15  12  09  22  10  16  Hector C
Florina   	01  10  22  09  09  16  11  06  11  04  Hector C
Bartre    	01  11  37  16  11  09  08  09  02  13 	
Erk   		01  10  23  11  10  11  08  03  08  05   
Serra      	01  08  22  07  08  10  10  03  11  04   
Priscilla 	01  07  17  08  06  10  10  03  10  14
Raven 		02  01  44  20  20  22  09  10  03  09	Lucius C
Lucius   	01  09  20  11  09  14  04  02  11  06  Raven C
Canas      	01  10  22  12  11  09  07  06  09  07   

I have no life. My 20/1 Raven and Oswin prove it.

Raven and Oswin were arena abused to 20/0 then promoted. Note that in efficient play(in other words, no AA), only Oswin could've reached 20/0 reasonably by Ch18. It basically means that I've turned the game into a giant lol-fest(lolRaven, lolOswin).

Swag: Sleep, Short bow, Devil axe, Lancereaver, Secret book

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ATTN: Supports

Since I started building supports on PoB, I thought it would be a good idea to at least show you my ideal support tree:

Hector   	Florina A/Oswin B
Eliwood  	Ninian A
Lyn 		Rath A/Florina B
Oswin   	Serra A/Hector B
Bartre    	Canas A/Raven B
Florina   	Hector A/Lyn C
Raven    	Lucius A/Bartre B
Canas   	Bartre A
Lucius   	Raven A
Sain   		Priscilla B
Rath    	Lyn A
Ninian  	Eli A
Erk        	Serra B
Serra    	Oswin A/Erk B
Priscilla  	Heath A/Sain B
Heath    	Priscilla A

It's not perfect or efficient, but it works.

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You might want to drop the Rath X Lyn and Hector X Florina A supports and replace them with a Hector X Lyn A support. (Mainly for the conversation in Ostia as well as a short conversation in the endgame, just in case if you haven't seen them.)

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You might want to drop the Rath X Lyn and Hector X Florina A supports and replace them with a Hector X Lyn A support. (Mainly for the conversation in Ostia as well as a short conversation in the endgame, just in case if you haven't seen them.)

Thunder*Light>Thunder*Wind. Full Def>Full CEV.

And unfortunately, I actually got started on the supports. Maybe on my HHM playthrough.

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Chapter 18: Pirate Ship

Starting Units:

Hector, Oswin, Raven, Bartre, Florina, Canas, Erk, Lucius, Matt, Serra, Priscilla


Hector: 'Ey! Is Eli here?

Lyn: He's talking with the captain. Why?

Hector: Anyway, everyone wants yeh ter stop poutin'. This is the only way ter get teh the Dread Isle.

Lyn: Why should you care, Mr. Hector? You don't know the degree of trauma I went through.

Hector: Eli told me 'bout yer parents an' the bandits. Now, I don' see these guys causin' us any harm.

Lyn: My entire tribe was killed! CAN YOU SEE THAT, YOU OAF! They infected our water with mercury and waited for us to start dying.

Hector: (I get it now...)

Lyn: I was shoved on a horse by my father... and that... was the last I saw of him. I remember the scene... he was badly injured... missing an eye and half his right arm. I woke up three days later, only to find out my whole tribe was massacred, and my mother had been used as a sex toy by those fuckers...

Hector: 'Ey. Me parents died too, but it was due ter illness. Me mother died several days after givin' birth ter me. In me father's case, he contacted Agen' Orange after the firs' Lycia-Bern war. I was cryin' fer days on end.

Lyn: What? How YOUR parents died is heaven compared to how my WHOLE FUCKING TRIBE was MASSACRED!


Pirate: boat ahead, mates!

Lyn: We should tell the captain!

Hector: What? Another fuckin' boat?

Eli: Well, I'm done talking to Fargus.

Hector: We can trust 'im?

Eli: They seem honorable enough. We found something in this small rowboat.

Hector: What is it? Gold?

Lyn: Mr. Hector! It is not gold! It looks like a girl!

Dart: Eh, could yeh help me? I don' know where te grab her without touchin' her private areas.

Lyn: Sure.

Ninian: ...

Lyn: Wait... I know her.

Eli: It's Ninian?

Hector: What the bloody hell are ye talkin' 'bout?

Eli: It's a long story.

Ninian: ...Where...am...I?

Eli: It's good that your awake. But where in the holy mother of fuck is Nils?

Ninian: ...

One loud explosion later...

Dart: Cap'n! We're takin' in water!

Fargus: WHAT?

Dart: We need all hands below decks! We'll be in Davy Jones' Locker if yeh don' come here now!

Hector: Don' werry 'bout us. We kin defen' the area 'bove decks. Rite, Eli an' Lyn? An' git the girl ter a safe room.

Zoldam: Damn! Why do I get all the boring jobs? Anyway, kill everything that moves... except the street urchin!

Anyway, first survive map in a while. Your army is limited to three narrow ship decks(except Florina), so your units can quickly get backlogged. I also want to mention that this is the last time before New Resolve that you can buy items, so I'd recommend that you stock up, especially on javelins and hand axes. Also, remember that you can defeat Zoldam if you want to end the map early.

I recommend bringing a thief and something durable(Oswin or Marcus come to mind).

I sent Rave out to provoke the archer and steel lance peg, while Florina took out the shaman. I then did some shopping while the rest of the enemy was inert. As for next turn, Bartre destroyed the peg, while Oswin moved in to hold back the mercenaries. On turn 3, Canas finished off the archer, then Florina did the same to the guiding ring shaman. The Nosferatu guy attacked Matt next turn, as well as some reinforcements attacking Oswin(for 0 damage) After I removed the shaman reinforcements, I had Matt steal the boss' speedwing, then huddled my group toward the stern. The initial wave was pathetic; most of the fuckers died in one hit to Oswin's greatness, though Canas and Bartre did some work, as well. Some pegasus knights spawned from the south, but they also got wiped out. I cleared out the last of the enemies, then took out the boss with Raven.

Lyn: You can't come out yet. The floor is still blood slicked.

Ninian: What? (slides into Eli)

Eli: Are you OK?

Ninian: I'm... sorry... Mr. Eliwood. Where am I?

Lyn: You... are at sea. we found you in a small boat.

Fargus: De men are afraid o' dat maiden. Dey think she's cursed. I'd recommend takin' 'er off dis ship. Arr!

Hector: We ain't takin' a street urchin we don' know on our journey. She'd slow us down.

Eli: Look, Hector. We don't have that much of a choice.

Lyn: Now that I remember it, she was the target of a mercenary guild called the Black Fang.

Hector: Wait. I remember bein' attacked by people callin' themselves the Black Fang.

Eli: Anyway, it's decided. We are taking her along.

Lyn: YAY!

Hector: Do we really have ter go through this shit?

On shore...

Fargus: Well boiz. We're here, Yarr!!

Hector: Thanks fer the trip, ol' timer.

Fargus: We'll stay fer two weeks. Be back here by then.

Hector: Yeh cin count on it.

Fargus: O' yes. One o' me mateys wants ta go sightseein'. DART!

Dart: Yes, cap'n?

Fargus: Dis is Dart. His only redeemin' feature is 'is manly strength. Maybe he might come in handy. Or not.

Hector: We best be off, then. I'll leave yeh ter it.

Fargus: Jus' come back alive, then! Arr!

Hector    	01  13  31  16  09  12  06  15  03  13 	Florina C/Oswin C
Oswin 		02  02  44  23  16  12  10  23  11  16  Hector C
Florina   	01  11  22  10  10  16  12  06  11  04  Hector C
Matthew   	01  08  23  09  08  14  07  04  00  07 
Bartre    	01  12  38  16  11  10  09  10  02  13 	
Erk   		01  10  23  11  10  11  08  03  08  05   
Serra      	01  08  22  07  08  10  10  03  11  04   
Priscilla 	01  07  17  08  06  10  10  03  10  14
Raven 		02  02  45  21  20  23  10  10  03  09	Lucius C
Lucius   	01  09  20  11  09  14  04  02  11  06  Raven C
Canas      	01  11  23  13  11  10  08  06  10  07   

Oswin and Raven=General!Sedgar and Hero!Wolf. Or that they are just broken.

Swag: Speedwing, Guiding ring, Red gem

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Chapter 19: The Dread Isle

Starting Units:

Hector, Eliwood, Lyn, Oswin, Raven, Lucius, Canas, Bartre, Florina, Erk, Priscilla, Matt, Dart

New Units:



Elbert: It was for the greater good!

Darin: What do we do now, my lord? Without at least one of the urchins, we can't open the portal to the Sacred Realm!

Elbert: Darin, why in the holy mother of fuck did you join his cause? Do you know how fucked this world will be if you let him bring dragons back from the Sacred Realm?

Darin: That's not a worry. Lord Nergal can control dragons, so that makes that issue a non-threat!

Elbert: ...

Nergal: My FIRST plan was to start a grand scale civil war in Lycia. When THAT didn't work, I then turned to an... alternate source of gaining quintessence quickly and efficiently. Anyway, let's get down to business. You two(staring to two morphs), I have new assignments for you! Limstella, tell Sonia that she needs to have a talk with the King of Bern.

Limstella: It will be done.(apparates)

Nergal: Ephidel. Take Marquess Laus and exterminate the remaining liabilities.

Ephidel: I shall oblige(apparates)

Nergal: And as for you, Lord Elbert, I hope to see you and your son in the cold depths of Hell! And as for that girl he's lugging around, she'll be back soon enough!


Leila: What the hell is this shit? I need to tall Lord Hector, now!

Ephidel: (disapparates) Snoo-PINGAS usual I see?

Leila: How the hell do you appear like that? You know that it's creepy to sneak up behind people like a ninja!

Ephidel: So you've learned how we operate? Very well, then. JAFFAR!

Jaffar: (jumps from ceiling) ...

(Jaffar does a back parry, latches onto Leila and slits her throat)

Leila: ....Matt...I'm sorr-(coughs up blood and dies)

Ephidel: Impressive. Most impressive.

Jaffar: ...

Ephidel: Find a cross somewhere, nail this corpse to it, and set said cross in the middle of the woods. I want Hector to get the biggest shock of his life.

Jaffar: Thy will be done.

Back to our group...

Lyn: I hate this forest, and I certainly hate fog. I want to go back home.

Hector: It's not as bad as Dr. Jekyll an' Mr. Hyde fer the NES. That game jus' sucked.

Eli: We must keep going. Ninian, are you all right with this?

Ninian: ... Yes, Mr. Eli.

Eli: Hehe- Wait, I see something?

Hector: Is that Leila? 'Ey! We need yeh ter git off the cross... wait a minute...

Lyn: She's dead, Mr. Hector.



Hector: Matt... I know how yeh feel.

Matt: Those bastards...those bastards... I'LL KILL THEM! I'LL KILL THEM ALL!

Hector: It doesn' change the fac' that she fucked up. Still, she was one'f our bes' spies.

Matt: I know. I need to bury her. Now! But I'm still not well. Please gimme a hug!

Hector: (hugs Matt)

Lyn: The bastards who did this put her like this for us to find as a practical joke.

Eli: Let's let Matt and Hector be. Just because they need their space.


Ninian: A challenger appears!

Lyn: What(gets grabbed by the neck by a strange figure)

Hector: Alright, jackass! Only I get ter do that!

Uhai: If you care about this girl's life, then you shall hand over the belly dancer. Oh, and do you know where the pan flute player is?

Lyn: (choking) Aren't you...Sacean?

Uhai: You guessed correctly. I am Uhai, the Soaring Hawk of the Black Fang. I was sent to capture any missing street urchins, as well as kill anything else that stepped on this island. By that, I mean anything not Black Fang.

Eli: What in the holy mother of fuck are you talking about? And why is Lyn's face blue?

Uhai: You know nothing of Nergal's might. And yet you still oppose him. Now THAT is a joke. If you know what's best for you, then I suggest you leave this island and go somewhere else. Grandbell is a good option right now.(drops Lyn)

Lyn: Hey? Why are you letting me go?

Uhai: It is considered dishonorable to hold women hostage. Especially when you are holding them by the neck until their face goes blue. I will let you die a warrior's death. But know that you are all fucked regardless.

Hector: O RLY? Yer the one that's gonna die, bitch!

Uhai: Oh, and you can so stop with the 4chan jokes.

Another fog of war map. The only difference is that the map is larger and the boss doesn't move. Again, thieves make the going easier. And if you want to reach the gaiden map, you need to get your ass over to Uhai in 15 turns or less.

Hector: Have yeh calmed down now?

Matt: Yes.

Hector: Good. Yeh don' need ter cry over spilt milk. Or in this case, yer dead fiance.

Matt: Right. Thanks for being there, Mr. Hector.

Hector: Right. Don' mention it.

Erk starts off by killing the cavalier, then Bartre and Rave take out the two snags. Eli and Lyn go east, while Canas and Trap follow Raven, and Oswin and Hector go south. After Trap and Eli get attacked by pegs and nomads cockblock Lyn, I then take out the nomads and had Raven remove the last snag. After some less than important events and some pegs appearing, Trap takes out another nomad, and Bartre kills the thief. Florina then recruits her sister. Here is the convo:

After that I moved my southern division(consisting of Hector, Oswin, Bartre and Canas)east toward the boss, where Canas got swarmed by nomads(typical). Matt almost gets raped by pegasus knights, while Raven and Trap go south. I managed to reach the boss by turn 6. Using H@xtor to get him on a bow, I had Oswin beat the shit out of him.

Hector: Well, that's that.

Eli: I still wish we met under different circumstances.

Lyn: He can be trusted. Sacaeans are known to be shitty liars.

Hector: We best be off, then. I doubt he was responsible fer Leila's death. Let's kill 'em all anyway.

Hector    	01  13  31  16  09  12  06  15  03  13 	Florina C/Oswin C
Eliwood   	01  10  26  10  10  13  12  07  04  07   
Lyn 		01  12  32  11  14  16  10  06  02  05   
Oswin 		02  03  45  24  16  12  10  24  12  16  Hector C
Florina   	01  11  22  10  10  16  12  06  11  04  Hector C
Matthew   	01  08  23  09  08  14  07  04  00  07 
Bartre    	01  12  38  16  11  10  09  10  02  13  Canas C
Erk   		01  11  23  12  11  12  08  03  09  05 	
Priscilla 	01  07  17  08  06  10  10  03  10  14
Raven 		02  02  45  21  20  23  10  10  03  09	Lucius C
Lucius   	01  11  21  12  09  15  05  02  13  06  Raven C
Canas      	01  12  23  14  11  11  08  07  10  07  Bartre C
Dart 		01  08  34  12  08  08  03  06  01  10   
Fiora 		01  07  21  08  11  13  06  06  07  05    

Nice to see that Lucius has more luck than my FE6 Saul ever had. And Saul was at least 2 points off his luck average(4 lck at 15/18 is more garbage than Wendy and Sophia(and I'm making this analogy because Ellen has 5-6 times Saul's lck average and Wendy/Sophia have superior counterparts in Bors/Ray.).) Trap here is 1.4 points above. Also, more proof why the developers put 'win' in Oswin's name.

Also, Lyn>Eliwood. A supposed 'mid tier' unit is doing better offensively AND defensively than a 'high tier' unit. Now that is some fuck.

Swag: Torch(item), Torch(staff), Orion bolt

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Your 20/03 Oswin has more strength than my 20/18 Oswin did in my HNM draft playthrough.

Though, I'd like to see yours reach 22 speed.

Yeah, my Oswin is insanely blessed(+4str/+1skl/+3lck/+2def/+2res). Maybe not as absurdly blessed as Heath got in my first playthrough, but 24 str at 20/3 is ~3 points higher than his 20/3 str on my first PT. Too bad I'm a long way off from getting anywhere near 20 speed, at least not without RNG abuse(I only got 18 at 20/20 on my first PT, which did not make up for -5 skl and -4.5 lck.)

Anyway, here was my ENM Oswin:

Oswin 		02  20  59  27  15  18  09  30  16  16  Hector A/Serra B  249/141

Vs an average Oswin:

Oswin 		02  20  59  27  20  17  13  30  15  16  

Speaking of Heath, I just drafted him into my long term army. Mainly because I want another physical tank(with movement higher than 5) and Hector/Oswin have terrible movement(and almost no one can pick them up due to high con).

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Chapter 19x: Prisoner of Magic

Stating Units:

Hector, Eliwood, Lyn, Oswin, Raven, Sain, Bartre, Florina, Lucius, Canas, Serra, Priscilla

Eli: A great rotted tree... Is the map we swiped off Uhai right?

Lyn: I'm positive. Anybody that is native to Sacae doesn't lie.

Hector: Let's go...

A few minutes later...

Lyn: Mr. Hector, we need to talk.

Hector: What?

Lyn: Your armor is very loud. Walk more quietly.

Hector: That's easier said than done.

Lyn: Oh, for fuck's sake, Hector! Can't you just slow down a teeny bit!

Hector: Yeh know that this armor ain't that light.

Lyn: Stop yelling at me!


Hector: An' yeh can shut up, as well.

Eli: Whatever.

On the other side of the mountain...

Peon: All units are ready! We are ready to intercept the enemy coming from the east.

Aion: So Uhai failed to hold the fuckers back. Hm... I knew we shouldn't have placed our trust in one as dimwitted as a Sacean nomad.

Peon: Wow. You really are racist.

Aion: ...Whatever. Now, remember that you are all to bring the fuckers towards me so I can give 'em a taste of Bolting!

Back to the group...

Eli: Hey, I see ruins. Um, Ninian?

Ninian: ... A challenger appears.

Eli: (draws rapier) Where?

Pawn: It's Eliwood! Get 'im!

Eli: We're fucked.

Hector: An' this place is infested with magic users.

Eli: We better stay back until we've taken our daily dose of holy water.

Your first encounter with a magic seal. For those new to this game, a magic seal is a unit that erects a red barrier within a 10-tile radius of itself that prevents magic and staves from functioning. While within this barrier, your mages/healers are more useless than Eliwood. If you are playing on HHM, bring Matt as the boss has an undroppable silver card. This map is also very boring(I fell asleep 4 times while recording)

I sent all my units down, then took out several mages the next turn. On the enemy phase, all the pegasus knights died, and Oswin gets mugged by mages(which he doesn't care about since he has 12 res)and took out two knights in the process. While turn 3 wasn't very eventful(Oswin and Raven killed shit), after my phase, Kishuna spawned from the fort. Here is what happened:

Kishuna: ...

Aion: Oh shit. He showed up. Now I can't use my heart-breaking thunder magic!

Peon: We don't remember inviting a magic seal to our battlefield. And your magic was never heart-breaking.

Aion: Tell the fucker to leave by turn 13. I want my beautiful magic back!

Back at our group...

Hector: What the...? It feels kinda funny...

Canas: Status report! My magic is useless in this red zone! So is the trap's! And our healers' staves won't do shit either.

Hector: Looks like we're up shit creek without a paddle, then.

Canas took out the brigand, then started to head back with Trap to defend the tent. As for the rest of my force, after Oswin ripped apart another armor, Sain helped take out a useless mage, then Bartre killed a knight. I then combated the boss, ultimately killing him with Sain. After Priscilla nabbed the goddess icon, I got to work on Kishuna. After wiping out the douches surrounding him, I killed him with a killing edge crit(from Raven). After that, I seized. End of story.

Eli: What was that?

Hector: I dunno, but let's assume that the goat demon brought 'er in.

Lyn: What the hell are you talking about.

Hector: Nuthin'. I was jus' talkin' 'bout how this game is too easy. It's like all the enemies here were pathetic pussies

Eli: Anyway, I don't feel any red barrier anymore, so let's press on.

Hector: Rite. When will we git off the island? I'm so tired, I wan' ter go back home...an'...zzzz.

Eli: lol.

Hector    	01  14  32  17  09  13  06  16  03  13 	Florina C/Oswin C
Eliwood   	01  10  26  10  10  13  12  07  04  07   
Lyn 		01  13  33  11  15  17  10  06  03  05   
Oswin 		02  04  46  25  16  13  10  25  12  16  Hector C
Florina   	01  12  23  11  11  17  13  06  12  04  Hector C
Sain 		01  10  28  15  07  10  06  09  01  09  
Bartre    	01  14  40  18  11  11  09  10  02  13  Canas C
Serra      	01  08  22  07  08  10  10  03  11  04   
Priscilla 	01  07  17  08  06  10  10  03  10  14
Raven 		02  03  46  22  20  24  10  11  03  09	Lucius C
Lucius   	01  11  21  12  09  15  05  02  13  06  Raven C
Canas      	01  12  23  14  11  11  08  07  10  07  Bartre C 

There's not much to say about my units. It should be noted that Hector is speed blessed by 3 points, and that Flo-Chan stole about half the good level ups.

Swag: Goddess icon

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It should be noted that, due to me starting my FE6 Hard Mode run, progress on this Let's Play is going to be a bit slower, and I won't be able to update as much. Also, my computer is a piece of shit and will likely have to be taken to repairs, further hampering my ability to update. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Have a nice day.

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Chapter 19xx: A Glimpse in Time

Starting Units:

Hector, Eliwood, Florina, Bartre, Sain, Matt, Serra, Priscilla, Erk, Lucius, Canas

Many years ago...

Nergal: ... Hide here. There's 10 days worth of rations here.

Ninian: What about you?

Nergal: I need to go to Aenir. I need to find your mother. Some evil people took her away, though... they shouldn't have gone far. Right. If I'm not back in ten days, you and your brother need to move.

Both: Don't go, daddy!

Nergal: You have been good children. Don't worry. I'll be back.

Back in the present...

Ninian: ...

Lyn: Ninian? Where the hell have you taken us?

Ninian: Wait... I know this place...

Eli: Is she well?

Lyn: She thinks she may know this particular ruin.

Hector: Why would she even care 'bout anythin' on the Dread Isle?

Eli: Either way, this is an odd place.

Hector: Can we jus' get our asses over ter the Dragon's Gate?

Lyn: How can you be so insensitive at a time like this?

Eli: And I'm pretty sure my father can wait a bit longer.

Hector: ...

(Teodor warps in)

Teodor: Hello, young traveler.

Hector: Do yeh live here?

Teodor: No. I'm a simple traveler, just like yourself. I got tired last night and decided to rest here.

Hector: Well, we've got company that needs ter rest. Can they do so?

Teodor: Certainly...

Hector: ... What is this place?

Teodor: This... is a ruin from the scouring. It was once the home of a great sorcerer. I've found many ancient elder tomes here. And I'm one step closer to the darkness...

Eli: So you need to make further reparations?

Teodor: It is the the fate of all shamans and druids...including that shaman you have tagging along.

Hector: Yer talkin' 'bout Canas?

Teodor: Yes. You must empty your soul and become a vessel. Only then can you use the dark magic. But there are a lot of complications involved. Because of that, only a few people gain the true power. I heard tales of Bramimond devoting his entire life to the dark. He erased basically his living soul to gain power. With that he gained the power to defeat dragons.

Eli: Why would he do that?

Teodor: You don't know a damn thing, Lord Eliwood of Pherae.

Eli: Wait.

Hector: What? An' why are yeh a red unit?

Teodor: Thanks to you killing off Uhai and Aion, I can claim the 10000 gold prize for killing the prince of Pherae. Then, I can exhume all the treasures of these ruins!

(fogs up)

Lyn: What a terrible night to have a curse...

Hector: Do we need ter reference fuckin' Simon's Quest? That game sucked ass!

Eli: And we need to find Ninian!

Hector: ... Right.

Another damn fog map. Also, 20AS thieves.

Erk and Canas kill the first thief in our path, while Hector opens the damn door to the north of the group. Bartre then takes out the poison lance knight. On the enemy phase, Matt nearly gets his ass handed to him, and Sain gets slept. I kill off the troubadour and the second knight, then I went further up and destroyed two archers. On the next enemy turn, Matt gets attacked again, this time by a lone mage. T3 came and I chipped the silence troubadour and a thief. I also kill another toxin lance knight with Bartre. Hector also managed to kill the same thief on a ~30 displayed. On turn 4, Hector and Bartre killed off more armors, while Canas finally cut a large enough path for Matt to swipe the dragonshield that the thief took from the chest. Turn 5 came, and Matt starts to give chase to the thief(he used a vulnerary). I kill the thief and the boss kill on turn 6. After 4 turns where Matt had to get his ass over to the talisman chest, I seized.

Hector: Well, that's that.

Eli: We still need to find Ninian, Hector.

Lyn: Well, we did find her. And we found something else as well.

Eli: Where is she?

Lyn: I found her in a library filled with discarded books. She was staring at a picture of a dragon and a human.

Hector: Big deal. We got lotsa pics o' them at home.

Lyn: It's not one of a fighting scene. Just one of a human and a dragon.

Eli: It must have belonged to the person who lived here last.

Lyn: What kind of person was he?


Ninian: ...

Eli: So...we're back together again, eh?

Lyn: Did that jog up anything.

Ninian: No. Nothing.

Eli: Let's just stay calm, and you'll reclaim your memories in no time.

Lyn: Cheer up, Ninian! We'll help you overcome your amnesia.

Hector: Ahem! The task at hand please. We need ter get our asses over ter the Dragon's Gate. Once that's done, we've won the game.

Eli: Shit! I forgot!

(everyone leaves, and Nergal appears)

Nergal: Ok, why the hell am I here? This... this isn't the dragon's gate. Oh wait(moves up) I studied dark magic back in the scouring. I remember forgetting something here, but eh, who cares. I have power, glorious power! Dragons and quintessence! ...why am I even making a joke based on Oliver Twist? Anyway, I need to be going now. To America!

Furet: You are not funny. Why don't you just... leave now?

Anouleth: I agree with Furet. Just go already! Granted, it's not your or our fault that DA has a sick sense of humor.

Hector    	01  17  32  19  09  15  07  19  03  13 	Florina C/Oswin C
Eliwood   	01  10  26  10  10  13  12  07  04  07   
Florina   	01  12  23  11  11  17  13  06  12  04  Hector C
Sain 		01  11  29  15  08  10  07  09  01  09  
Bartre    	01  15  41  19  11  12  09  10  03  13  Canas C
Serra      	01  08  22  07  08  10  10  03  11  04   
Priscilla 	01  08  17  08  07  10  10  03  11  14
Matthew   	01  08  23  09  08  14  07  04  00  07 
Erk   		01  12  23  12  12  13  08  03  09  05   
Lucius   	01  11  21  12  09  15  05  02  13  06  Raven C
Canas      	01  14  24  15  12  12  08  07  11  07  Bartre C 

Swag: Eclipse, Dracoshield, Talisman

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Dorcas has the manliest Con.

Bartre's most manly. <3

Here is what Lyn has to say to Lucius:

Lyn: This is our first experience with shamans. They hit hard, but are dirt slow.

Lucius: May I help you?

Lyn: Who the hell do you think you are, little woman?!

Lucius: Firstly, I'M A MAN! Secondly, I am Lucius, a monk of the Elimine church. I saw the bartender kick that street urchin out.

Nils: Don't worry. I'm used to such treatment.

Lucius: Now, how would you like to have me in your posse?

Lyn: Let's see? Do we really need a nun in the posse?

Sain: I sure do!

Lucius: For the last time, I'M A MAN! Also, my offense is hax, but my physical durability sucks utter and complete balls. And my CEV too.

That's why I collect his artwork. <33

Serra: Oh my GOD! It's you, Erk!

Erk: Get away from me!

Serra: Don't be so cold. Teehee! You should start working for us! I'll even introduce you to Mr. Hector!

Erk: Know that I still hate you. Now get away from me.

They should have done that to make it funnier. :D

Pris: Please leave! If you are one of Lord Darin's pimps, then you can simply fuck off! Oh wait! You are not one of them! I know that because you are Marcus, the Jeigan of this game!

Marcus: I'm an Oifey, to be more specific. You must be referring to my older FE6 self. I'm arguably worse in that game, but I'm much more needed there.

Pris: Whatever. Anyway, I'm your sole mounted staff user. Please put me under your protection, Mr. Marcus.

Prissy would never talk like that. xDD


Also, your playthrough is getting disappointing. You should never use the arenas in this game. Ever. Tactics is already breathing down your neck, and that you get more than enough money to not have a need for them. Plus you can't buy any stat ups either.

Also, I lol at this playthrough too.

Edited by Wilhelmina
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Dorcas fights for his wife. Bartre fights against his'. Dorcas is a ton manlier, only because of that.


You will be a good partner for someone one day. Even if you don't have Dorcas' con.

Edited by Tangerine
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Dorcas fights for his wife. Bartre fights against his'. Dorcas is a ton manlier, only because of that.

Did you miss the Lyn mode part of Paperblade's thread where Paperblade described what Dorcas is willing to do to his wife?

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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It's not a fight because she dies in 1 hit, thereby not even having a chance to fight. She also can't fight because she can't attack. Not that she would if she could, anyway. Now, compare that to Barf-tray and Karla's brawl at the arena...

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It's not a fight because she dies in 1 hit, thereby not even having a chance to fight. She also can't fight because she can't attack. Not that she would if she could, anyway. Now, compare that to Barf-tray and Karla's brawl at the arena...

You can give Bartre a bow and now he can't fight back! I guess it's no longer a fight...

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It's not a fight because she dies in 1 hit, thereby not even having a chance to fight. She also can't fight because she can't attack. Not that she would if she could, anyway. Now, compare that to Barf-tray and Karla's brawl at the arena...

That's the most stupid definition of fight, ever.

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