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Tales of Xillia


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I don't think the GC sold well enough to say most gamers had a gamecube 0_o. 22 million GameCubes were sold, it's Nintendo's worst selling system. The PS2 sold 155 million. You must've went to middleschool in a weird place :P:!

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I like Abyss' story and characters much better. What I didn't like was the fact that my game had problems rendering certain things, like travel.

Here's another voice hoping that Xillia makes it here~!

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Well... then the only option is Asbel if they're promoting someone. No one from Xillia has appeared. But, as evidenced by Snake, it's not necessarily advertisement. Guess they could go with Shing, but Graces is more recent.

And most gamers I knew had a Gamecube, I just think a lot of non-gamers got PS2's/Xbox's rather. It's a bit different, but I think what I mean is decently clear. Now I remember why I wanted Symphonia, I got to try it in Best Buy and I remembered it when I saw it at Kmart. Was such a freak incident too, since I never go to Kmart really, and I couldn't find it anywhere else.

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I don't think the GC sold well enough to say most gamers had a gamecube 0_o. 22 million GameCubes were sold, it's Nintendo's worst selling system. The PS2 sold 155 million. You must've went to middleschool in a weird place :P:!
I probably didn't mean most gamers had a gamecube, but I know that most people I knew had a gamecube and not a PS2. Also add to the fact that not many people have heard of Tales of Destiny/Eternia[Destiny II] back in the day since they weren't the only RPGs for the PSX, and I could count on two hands (at the most) the amount of RPGs on the gamecube. Symphonia was more unique in that sense.
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  • 2 months later...

If anyone's still curious about this, sites have mostly stopped tracking Xillia's sales now, but Namco's report says they've shipped 740,000 copies. I'd say 700,000~ is a likely lifetime total for Xillia in Japan when all is said and done.

Look out for a NA/EU release unless Graces F does horribly, there's a distinct possibility that Xillia becomes the best selling Tales if it gets an international release on PS3.

buy graces f

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buy graces f

Hell no, I already imported it.

Actually... I... might consider it. From the videos I saw, one of the team members said that every skit is voiced. That's the ONE thing, that got me into UNDUBS since Tales of the Abyss, since those ones weren't voiced.

Speaking of which, Xillia is one of the longest Tales games I have every played. As expected from the Tales 15th Anniversary title. The animation quality, the gameplay,The Sakura Kinomoto Expy named Leia Rolando, and the length. The Mindscrews as well. The battle system is actually fun enough that grinding, doesn't actually feel like grinding at all. At least, I didn't.

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I'm half-expecting them to release a director's cut version (of xillia) internationally.

Knowing Scamdai Namtroll, I AM expecting them to release a Director's Cut version... fully expecting it...

Just not anywhere besides Japan.

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So who is the obligatory big breasted character in this game? I'm pretty sure they legally need one in every Tales game, because Namco loves those ridiculously unfunny jokes.

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So who is the obligatory big breasted character in this game? I'm pretty sure they legally need one in every Tales game, because Namco loves those ridiculously unfunny jokes.

That would be Preza, the *ahem* uniquely dressed Cat Lady Spellcaster Boss.


You guys suck. You got me to play this game more.

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You should buy it to support them :P!

I'm half-expecting them to release a director's cut version (of xillia) internationally.

I'm expecting it too, since if I recall correctly, Hideo Baba said that the game was "rushed and unfinished," which is why it lacks some things the spa scene that was in almost all other tales games.

Other things it was missing:

- An area similar to Nam Cobanda Isle, which was featured in Tales of the Abyss and Tales of Vesperia

-Gaius and another character (those who played the game know who) would have been playable.

- Secret Missions similar to Tales of Vesperia's. It turns out that some of these were left on the disc according to those who peaked inside the game's code.

I most definitely would like an international release, but that depends on how well Graces F and Abyss3DS do. Don't worry though, I AM getting Graces F :P

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also is that Yuri in the background, or that guy from Bleach

Wingar, Wingal, Wingull. One of the four bigshots that's always around the king of A Jule/Azul, Gaius. Preza's also one of them. Take your pick for the name. Katakana transcribing is ambiguous. I prefer the Pokemon sounding one.

- Gaius

Wait what. Even temporarily, I'm supposed to be able to control that badass king!?

All of my money, Namco.

Seriously, that guy is my favorite non-playable character in this game.

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If I recall, Tales of the Abyss was similar. They included a lot of things in the NA release that they didn't in the JP release. It'd be nice if that's what they're planning for Xillia :P.

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They included a lot of things in the NA release that they didn't in the JP release. It'd be nice if that's what they're planning for Xillia :P.

Correction. They DID pull that. 3DS version rectified that.

Now. Compared to your "temporary" example, I can cite:

* Symphonia

* Vesperia

For titles that had better re-releases in Japan than the localized versions.


* Legendia

Which didn't even have the latter half of the game voiced in the English version.

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Correction. They DID pull that. 3DS version rectified that.

Now. Compared to your "temporary" example, I can cite:

* Symphonia

* Vesperia

For titles that had better re-releases in Japan than the localized versions.


* Legendia

Which didn't even have the latter half of the game voiced in the English version.

Er, I don't understand what your point is. I'm saying that it's possible that they plan to wait and release a director's cut-type version in NA rather than localize the current version.

Symphonia and Vesperia were not given to NA exclusively like TotA was, they were the same versions. And the 3DS version doesn't rectify it in any way. How does getting the updated version years later make up for the fact that you had to wait for years? Abyss was not a re-release, it was the only NA version and it only got released in NA in that way. Don't even get me started on the fact that the re-releases are ALL on different consoles.

I seriously don't even understand what you're trying to say. Those comparisons make no sense within the scope of my post..

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Er, I don't understand what your point is. I'm saying that it's possible that they plan to wait and release a director's cut-type version in NA rather than localize the current version.

Symphonia and Vesperia

Those two were the main counter point to their "usual" trolling behaviors. They have a lot of people "beta" test their stuff as an earlier "actual product".

Those two specific ones received improved remakes via PS2 and PS3 that were exclusively Japanese. In contrast to the temporary "Ha, North America/Everyone else finally got something Japan didn't." It really doesn't matter that they're on different consoles. Japan gets exclusive stuff. And if someone else gets those? Wait a while.

Then there's Graces. Ha ha. Wii. Then they add an arc that had what... 3/4ths the length of the original story script?

When it comes to Bandai Namco and Tales games, I almost expect to have two situations:

1. Import an early and improved copy of the same game.

2. Buy a localized version, and then import the improved version.

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Those two were the main counter point to their "usual" trolling behaviors. They have a lot of people "beta" test their stuff as an earlier "actual product".

Those two specific ones received improved remakes via PS2 and PS3 that were exclusively Japanese. In contrast to the temporary "Ha, North America/Everyone else finally got something Japan didn't."

Then there's Graces. Ha ha. Wii. Then they add an arc that had what... 3/4ths the length of the original story script?

When it comes to Bandai Namco and Tales games, I almost expect to have two situations:

1. Import an early and improved copy of the same game.

2. Buy a localized version, and then import the improved version.

I don't really think they're the same at all, or even related enough to be spoken of together. Symphonia and Vesperia were re-released on a different console for the sole purpose of cashing in on another console's userbase. Abyss was released that way from the beginning, giving one region more content in its original release. Vesperia and Symphonia both had the same content in their original release and just didn't get localizations in the re-releases. Plenty of game companies do that, it's not trolling or a matter of "x region got more than y region". It's releasing an extra content version of a game in its most popular region and then moving on to other projects.

The Graces/Graces F situation isn't really related either, but it is definitely a bad mark on their track record, unlike the Vesp/Symph situations. They didn't localize the original version at all, and now they're releasing an extra content version on a completely different console and giving it the localization that the original never got. That's a big middle finger to western Wii owners.

In any case, I think it's most likely a situation they're playing around with. I guarantee they release an extra content version, I just hope it's still on PS3 and it gets the localization. If it's another Graces F situation then I wouldn't expect them to ever have western fan support again.

As for the voices thing, it's worth note that western voice actors are more valuable than eastern. And by that I mean, they require a lot more pay, especially for big projects and even more so for recognizable voices from other venues (Think Steve Blum). Chances are that Namco just isn't willing to pay for the amount of hours their work would require most of the time, since they almost never hire total no-names. It makes sense to voice only what is required to cut costs.

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That's a big middle finger to western Wii owners.



It's an even more giant middle finger to those said Western Wii owners who imported said game.

But again, I just don't see "Extra content" for us and not Japan. Despite it happening with Abyss... it's just not the norm to do that. Director's cuts exclusively for Japan... is just something I expect. I've been importing stuff like that ever since Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix.


If you're right, you're right. But if not, I'll just say "expected".

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Legendia didn't have its second half voiced in Japan either lol

I thought that was just the UNDUB having the coding of the US version not to use voices.

"However, due to this added effort by the localization team, voices were cut from the Character Quest phase of the game, as it was assumed by the staff that this was an optional part of the game that could have voices omitted to reduce voicing costs. As a result of this decision, all story dialogue of the Character Quest is silent until the end of the game, while the skits themselves remain fully voiced."

I've never played the game, but I'm right the Character quests force you to fight your character's Dark sides. Are THOSE voiced in English? Because I have a Nico Nico link of the Dark Senel and Shirley fight... but everyone always seems to skip scene before it on Youtube.

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It's an even more giant middle finger to those said Western Wii owners who imported said game.

But again, I just don't see "Extra content" for us and not Japan. Despite it happening with Abyss... it's just not the norm to do that. Director's cuts exclusively for Japan... is just something I expect. I've been importing stuff like that ever since Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix.


If you're right, you're right. But if not, I'll just say "expected".

Haha, I don't think they'll release a DC version only in NA, I am just predicting they'll wait until the DC version to make a NA release rather than localizing the original (kinda like with Abyss, where we never got the original but got an extra content version). I think that's the most likely scenario IF they were to localize it. It's entirely possible they won't localize any version, or they'll pull a DQMJ2 and release the original even though the DC version is already good to go (wtf SE ::(T:). But I think it's likely they'll take a chance on Xillia here considering its huge success for a Tales title.

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I thought that was just the UNDUB having the coding of the US version not to use voices.

"However, due to this added effort by the localization team, voices were cut from the Character Quest phase of the game, as it was assumed by the staff that this was an optional part of the game that could have voices omitted to reduce voicing costs. As a result of this decision, all story dialogue of the Character Quest is silent until the end of the game, while the skits themselves remain fully voiced."

I've never played the game, but I'm right the Character quests force you to fight your character's Dark sides. Are THOSE voiced in English? Because I have a Nico Nico link of the Dark Senel and Shirley fight... but everyone always seems to skip scene before it on Youtube.

Yes, they allow you to fight the characters' dark sides. But they were not voiced in any version of the game. The fact that they weren't voiced in Japanese is more or less why they weren't voiced in English. The anime cutscenes were voiced, though.

And yeah, I've played this game, they aren't voiced. I haven't beat the CQ's yet, I've beaten the main quest, but yeah.

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Yes, they allow you to fight the characters' dark sides. But they were not voiced in any version of the game.


Dark Shirley and Senel with voiced scene beforehand:


Someone else's "Character Quest":


Use this if you don't have an account:


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Huh that's weird, I recall hearing somewhere they weren't. Guess not. I personally think Legendia's localization was great regardless so reading through the CQs wasn't a big deal to me..

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