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Drafting Tournaments Explained


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So now that I'm done with that, I seek to deal with The Matter At Hand.

What is, you ask? I think the rule regarding FE4 drafts and undraftees not being able to fall in love needs some revision. This past one, I recruited Johalva with Radney and the two of them were married by the time I finished the same, through absolutely no fault of my own. Radney was a drafted unit, Johalva was an undrafted one. Considering that being married in the second generation gives no (?) benefits besides lovers' crit, I think that should just be shucked for Gen 2.

That said, Gen 1. Having drafted none of Tiltyu(/her kids)/Amid/Linda, I didn't pay attention to Tiltyu and - despite having precisely 1 adjacent - she ended up married to Claude. This affected absolutely nothing as Arthur never saw combat and Tinny was 1HKOed just like Linda would have been. On the other hand, Sylvia would have married Levin and fucked me over (giving me Leen instead of Laylea, who I'd drafted) had I not had her commit honorable suicide in Chapter 3.

So, I think we need to examine this. It doesn't affect anything in Gen 2 (and often in Gen 1) and when it does affect things in Gen 1, it's almost purely the fault of Tiltyu or Sylvia.

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So now that I'm done with that, I seek to deal with The Matter At Hand.

What is, you ask? I think the rule regarding FE4 drafts and undraftees not being able to fall in love needs some revision. This past one, I recruited Johalva with Radney and the two of them were married by the time I finished the same, through absolutely no fault of my own. Radney was a drafted unit, Johalva was an undrafted one. Considering that being married in the second generation gives no (?) benefits besides lovers' crit, I think that should just be shucked for Gen 2.

That said, Gen 1. Having drafted none of Tiltyu(/her kids)/Amid/Linda, I didn't pay attention to Tiltyu and - despite having precisely 1 adjacent - she ended up married to Claude. This affected absolutely nothing as Arthur never saw combat and Tinny was 1HKOed just like Linda would have been. On the other hand, Sylvia would have married Levin and fucked me over (giving me Leen instead of Laylea, who I'd drafted) had I not had her commit honorable suicide in Chapter 3.

So, I think we need to examine this. It doesn't affect anything in Gen 2 (and often in Gen 1) and when it does affect things in Gen 1, it's almost purely the fault of Tiltyu or Sylvia.

Perhaps, since I imagine everyone participating will be using ROMs, allow people to go into Nightmare and modify love growths for undrafted units to 0?

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Or just allow it, but disallow the inheritance of non-holy weapon items. If a character whose sub you've drafted falls in love, that's your own problem imo.

I don't really see the impact overall to be honest.

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What would be the point of that? If they're not going to affect your playthrough, why not just ignore it completely? Wooh, you get two units that will never see combat replacing... two other units who will never see combat. What's the difference? Granted, if you're having Delmud and Nanna run around being Charisma bots, that's a different story. Otherwise I see absolutely no point in it other than to be a restriction that has no point other than to be a nuisance.

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This is why, in the FE4 Draft I hosted, there was a rule that said killing off undrafted mothers that fall in love did not incur a penalty. I believe this rule should become standard.

At least, I'm pretty sure I added that rule. I remember talking with you and Narga about it...

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Well, Lu, units that aren't drafted are specifically not to leave the castle, except to recruit people and that's only ...Daisy and Amid I think. So Charisma isn't an issue.

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Fe Hard Mode Draft, 393 Turns. c-D

FE10, or ....?

EDIT: Okay, yes, FE10.

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Is the drafting done in 4 draft 3, Cam? I don't tend to add them until the drafting's done and somebody tells me to.

EDIT: fuck that cam it's too early to sort through all your nicknames. Gimme a list with all the names on it so I can actually know who the fuck "Godsend" is.

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K, sorry

Cam - Lex, Dew, Tiltyu, Fury, Alec, Claude

JBWCK - Ayra, Holyn, Midir, Aideen, Fin, Azel

Dokutayuu - Sylvia, Lachesis, Holsety, Beowulf, Jamuka

Second Pronoun - Ethlin, Briggid, Cuan, Noish, Arden

Cam - Arthur, Tinny, Sety, Fee, Laylea, Janne, Tristan, Dimna

JBWCK - Lakche, Skasaha, Lana, Lester, Johan, Daisy, Hannibal, Asaello

Dokutayuu - Leen, Corple, Nanna, Delmud, Hawk, Mana, Radney, Brohalva,

Second Pronoun - Leaf, Altenna, Faval, Patty, Shanan, Aless, Amid, Femina, Roddlevan

Edited by Camtech075
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I'm reading the FE8 draft list...

Furetchen: Franz, Artur, Forde, Ross, Gilliam

Psych: Vanessa, Lute, Tethys, Moulder, Knoll -- 192 turns clear

Integrity: Neimi, Natasha, Duessel, Myrrh, Rennac -- 169 turns clear

Darros: Kyle, Cormag, Garcia, Saleh, Syrene

Haruhi Suzumiya: Innes, Joshua, L'Arachel, Colm, Dozla

13thshadow: Tana, Gerik, Ewan, Marisa, Amelia

Naglfar: Franz, Kyle, Lute, Natasha, Tethys, Innes, Dozla

13thshadow: Colm, Forde, Duessel, Joshua, Marisa, Ewan, Amelia

Silvercrow: Vanessa, Moulder, Garcia, Cormag, Gilliam, Neimi, Rennac

Junes!: Artur, Tana, Ross, Gerik, Saleh, Syrene, L'Arachel -- 141 turns clear

Hayate: Vanessa, Natasha, Forde, Joshua, Saleh, Neimi, Marisa, Amelia

Haze: Franz, Kyle, Tana, Tethys, Innes, Gilliam, L'Arachel, Amelia -- 160 turns clear

13thshadow: Gerik, Ross, Artur, Cormag, Colm, Dozla, Ewan, Amelia

Soul: Moulder, Garcia, Lute, Duessel, Rennac, Syrene,Knoll, Amelia

JaketheGr3at: Joshua, Gilliam, Moulder, Kyle, Ross, L'Arachel, Rennac

13thshadow: Cormag, Duessel, Ewan, Garcia, Saleh, Amelia, Marisa

Integrity: Franz, Natasha, Gerik, Colm, Forde, Syrene, Innes

Xander: Vanessa, Tana, Lute, Neimi, Tethys, Artur, Knoll

Noticing a pattern? I always seem to have Ewan, Amelia, and possibly Marisa and Colm. And I have at least one of Cormag and Duessel.

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And I always draft Calill, because she's awesome. It's good to know which characters your opponents are likely to pick, so you can plan around it.

Edit: Dieck and Sue too, although I've only been in two FE6 drafts. Tate sucks.

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