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Drafting Tournaments Explained


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I don't think the chapter 3 rule would be necessary because all you have to do is have Gatrie rescue Shinon and have him move up.

If anything, you could make Mordy free to smite once in chapter 13. With one smite, Titania can kill the the myrm that ORKOs Astrid. It doesn't devalue Mordy that much.

I think he meant Chapter 2 for the former.

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1333367349[/url]' post]

@Sal: Okay, ignoring the fact that you ignored my suggestion (in a post about how I ignore your posts, oddly), let's pull your thing apart. I did read it, for the record, despite the fact that it remained in its horrible state. And just so we're clear, I'm going to try to make a judgment based entire on *that* post since I do think I was too harsh on you.

I am odd, and inconsistent, horrible state is noted and i found out what caused it.

Good lead-in.

Thanks :)

Sure, okay, all ten (?) charges of it.

Yep, you get the first in chapter 4 and the second in chapter 16. On a sidenote, i still find it odd marth doesnt take all his treasure with him after he chapter. Its his home. =/

Okay, starting here I'm consulting maps. Frankly, without playing I can't see whether or not they'll die (do the thieves just up and run away with their treasure? can navarre 1rko them?) but I'll take your word for it. It seems that they're boned without Rescue on H3 (presuming navarre can't reliably 1rko the hunter and the thieves don't run), so okay.

Most of the thieves run up and away, there are some that attack, those without droppable items iirc attack.

Navarre needs to crit two thieves on turn one with feenas help to gain a point of str, after that, he orkos them. Otherwise they survive with two hp.On H3 they are screwed, you need to get arran and another draco up and rescue feena. Or something like that, its kinda sucky for them. Most thieves still run on H3.

I can sorta see it, sure. Why not.

Am I supposed to parse this line as anything but "as long as you're not playing ltc it's an issue"? The point of (most) drafts is, uh, LTC.

See above.

Yes, ltc players will not need rescue, however, not everyone plays like that, inexperienced drafters are there as well, its not the strongest point i can make, but since not everyone gets the lowest turncounts i propped it in there, the enemies are damn tough if they sandwich you. Especially H3.

I crash a steel axe draco in the generals, but im not everyone.

It looks like he's not in too bad a way if you're not on H3, but again that depends on how the enemies move. Maybe everything automatically aggros him or osmethne.

Merric has a couple of spaces he can stand without dieing, pure water next to ellerean for example, however, that causes a cleric to walk up to ellerean to heal him, blocking a 2 turn seize for marth, he has to stand to the right under a pillar and crit a mage so the cleric doesnt annoy you if memory serves me well. The sniper is a pita.

Out of curiosity, why isn't undrafted meatshielding allowed in FE12?

I actually dont know, lets get into that after i set up the draft ok? I think because most chapters with people in the middle of enemies they are free?

Looks like fun.

Its not that big of a deal for experienced players, but as said before, not everyone gets the five turn clear there, actually, almost no one does, i only got it in my draft because i wouldnt settle for less. And had four fliers.

Mispositioning is very easily done here, im just a prick and reset if i slip up.

I'm not sure why I gave this sentence its own quote, I just liked it.

Made me laugh :)

I know. I did.

Good, means i can go into that when i open the draft, banning warp i care not so much about because without warp, no rescue chains anyway.

I fail to see how your remaining ~4 uses of Rescue really helps with this.

idk lol

Mispositioning was my point, since meteor is ten range, wyverns roam the map, and a the sorcs with glower do 26 to 28 damage, i cant exactly name it, but they 3hko everything on your team, at least, there are probably some 2hko's in there with units you have that have 52 Hp or less.

That's fair, I don't think I ever even mentioned banning Hammerne. If I did, well, that was stupid of me.

I dont know actually, i might have just got sidetracked on this, but ill incorporate hammerne into the draft, ill explain about my idea for the draft at the end of this post btw.

Not really seeing how your ~4 uses of Rescue or Hammerne are really helping with that (unless that's what Nosferatu was meant to illustrate?) but okay.

It was indeed to show the importance of nosferatu, since most drafts have sage mu, they will have an overpowered sage that orko's the sorcs and leaves the battle with full health. You get three nosferatus at max in the course of the game. And on places like chapter twelve, its damn useful.

What chapters? And if everybody has to truck Marth over to the other side of the map first, Rescue on him is unnecessary because *everybody* has to truck him back too.

Not really, marth often is on village duty or has feena to help him out, and marth is actually a damn good fighter in this game, he gets boots ofc, and he often can hold his own, pure water helps and if he is stat screwed a draco of falco as escort.

All chapters where marth has to go to the other side of the map:

Chapter five, top left village, if getting hammerne.

Chapter nine, he has to go to the village for a starshard minerva holds.

Chapter fourteen he has to talk to gotoh in the middle of the map, meanwhile feena dances your rescue user to the left, to the throne.

Chapter 18 he has to get to the village on turn one, then he gets rescued on turn two to seize.

Chapter nineteen he needs to get the village if getting one of the wolfguard.

Chapter 21 he has to get to the top village for starlight, then rescue back down.

There are some other places where he can be rescued like chapter 8 if you are getteing lolbantu, or chapter 17 for loltomas. Chapter 11 is the desert, where the bishop will reach the throne first. Although thats not exactly the same ofc.

Yeah, no shit. That's everything.

By that logic you want to ban entire fe12? :p

As Dr. Balcerzak said, FE11 is all the same old same old because everybody plays it in freaking Kiddie Mode, where Marth just GOES UP the whole time.

Im planning on organising an fe11+fe12 draft, H5 and lunatic, with transfers, care to join? :)

Take Hammerne out of the equation and put in the absolute minimum Rescuing (as I recall: Midia, Merric, perhaps Feena/Navarre?) and I would absolutely love it if you did that. That's the perfect solution to all this bickering.

Ill come to this in a sec, almost at the bottom of my post. :)

Warp was banned in FE6 because everything was Seize, same as FE11. FE7, the Warp staff doesn't come until Chapter 29, when there are precisely 6 chapters left in the game. FE8 we've actually toyed with banning Warp but the thing sorta stands in for Bootsed fliers, since there aren't really enough of those to go around. Those one- and two-turns that Saleh makes with Warp would be two- and three-turns with Vanessa/Cormag anyway, so it evens the gap a little bit for the sods without fliers.

Makes sense


The post was more helpful than I gave it credit for, but I had to do a *lot* of digging. So:

I want you to go ahead and get the whole crew together and do an FE12 draft with the things you proposed. Otherwise, tell me the problems with these:

No Rescue on Marth ever, Rescue on anybody else fine. Warping banned. No Hammerneing Rescue.

Rescue on everybody, Warping purely banned. No Hammerneing Rescue.

Also, if you could get me a vague sketch of what chapters Marth "has" to go all the way to the other side of the map and for what context (recruitment? only for a drafted unit? etc) and we might even get this squared away.

Ok, draft idea time. I was planng n hosting an ordinary draft without rescue, just for easy comparison.

Besides that, i plan on organising a draft where everyone gets the same team, malliesia free. One person gets to use all staves, next person cant hammerne rescue. Next person cant use rescue at all. Etc etc. and since everyone will have the same team, we will have a more comparable review. The team will be picked by drafting though, as in, the participants will use ordinary drafting, the best team in the end result will be the team everyone will use.

If everyone has a different team, things like recruitment cost turns may influence the outcome. I was planning on using only units that do not cost turns to recruit. The total turncount for everyone will be solely on how they play and ofcourse, on which staves can be used together/are at all allowed.

Also, i will post in my next post here where i used each and every staff specifically, even the thief staff, to explain how i got a 113 turn clear, which is a drastic drop in regards to horace his 136 turn clear. This was because i planned exactly what to use hammerne on, and where to use rescue. But thats for tomorrow hopefully.

My only hope is that this post looks normal.

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it might have been a drastic drop because i stopped caring around chapter 15 and i dunno if you were forced to recruit everyone in said draft

but suggesting rescue staff uses on Merric, and to a lesser extent Feena/Navarre is ridiculous, at least for H1.

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fe7 hnm Bartre theme draft

topic 31483

3-Darkshuying-Kent, Dorcas, Legault, Harken, Pent, Vaida

2-Konnor97-Florina, Lowen, Matt, Raven, Wil,Nino

4-Zeldamaster-Sain, Prissy, Lucius, Farina, Isadora, Louise

1-Me-Oswin, Heath, Erk, Hawkeye :awesome:, Serra,Rebecca

5-Boron-Fiora, Rath, Canas, Guy,Dart, Karel

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Integrity, Ive been thinking of hosting an FE10 HM draft for a while now but am afraid to host it because the last HM draft didnt go anywhere. What kind of balancing rules would you suggest in order to make it more appealing to drafters?

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Or maybe make one of Edward/Nolan free forever? Considering how clutch they are to earlygame...or I could also make them free up to 1-3...*scratches head*

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Integrity, Ive been thinking of hosting an FE10 HM draft for a while now but am afraid to host it because the last HM draft didnt go anywhere. What kind of balancing rules would you suggest in order to make it more appealing to drafters?

The way to make a HM draft appealing is to drop it to NM.

I'm not joking, FE10 HM just isn't a fun draft.

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1333478507[/url]' post='1922450']

it might have been a drastic drop because i stopped caring around chapter 15 and i dunno if you were forced to recruit everyone in said draft

but suggesting rescue staff uses on Merric, and to a lesser extent Feena/Navarre is ridiculous, at least for H1.

Its still the best tc so far, i couldve named myself, but it wouldnt make much of a difference, my point was to show how broken rescue and hammerne together were by going through it chapter by chapter.As for merric and navarre and feena, on h2 and h3 its useful, on h1 it isnt nescessary, but simplifies matters a lot, since for merric he has to iirc crit a mage to death so the cleric doesnt block the path, and if you kill the cleric, you miss out on the silver card. Navarre and feena need good positioning, and not everyone plays perfect strategy. My first laythroughs i got them killed plenty of times. So rescue does have value here, for people who dont play absolute ltc. Also, ill be setting up the drafts shortly. :)

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[FE6] Standard Relaxing Draft just finished drafting. The teams are as follows:


1. Recondite: Lance, Clarine, Treck, Lot, Astol, Klein, Geese, Bartre, Barth

2. Refa: Alan, Noah, Tate, Percival, Cecilia, Niime, Juno, Igrene, Cath

3. The Spanish Inquisition: Dieck, Lugh, Ellen, Ward, Ray, Fir, Bors, Lilina, Karel

4. Dark Sage: Thany, Zealot, Saul, Echidna, Zeiss, Sue, Yodel, Dorothy, Garret

5. Konnor97: Rutger, Miledy, Chad, Shin, Gonzales, Oujay, Wolt, Hugh, Douglas

units undrafted




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While looking through my completed and incomplete drafts, I found out I never reported Core's FE9 Draft. I had finished a LOOOOONG time ago in 175 turns but forgot to say it.

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Heya Integ, If you have any remarks, objections, suggestions etc to make to the Draft I have just hosted please do tell. I think i covered most of the important stuff, but I ALWAYS forget something.

31674 Is the topic number. ;)


And Happy Easter ofc to everyone. :)

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And I checked the epilogue again and noticed it said 155 turns. So its a good thing he didnt log it yet haha. I counted real wrong probably due to halfassing it. (I play NM too quickly and without any planning). The real final TC of the infantry draft is 155 turns.

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Caught up again. Cheers on the spot, TSI, having to edit two posts means a higher chance of overlooking something because I put it off until I edit the other post and yeah.

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FE10 HM Draft Experiment #31467 has finished drafting!

1. Quintessence - Nolan, Marcia, Nephenee, Makalov, Ilyana, Sanaki, Nasir, Bastian, Renning, Gareth

2. Magnus Blade - Jill, Calill, Shinon, Kieran, Astrid, Giffca, Mist, Kyza, Volke, Kurthnaga

3. Serious Bananas - Nealuchi, Elincia, Aran, Soren, Sigrun, Tormod, Lethe, Leonardo, Rhys, Pelleas

4. Soul - Volug, Zihark, Oscar, Tanith, Heather, Caineghis, Brom, Fiona, Lyre, Meg

5. CR-S01 - Gatrie, Janaff, Boyd, Tibarn, Naesala, Mordecai, Muarim, Vika, Stefan, Oliver

* 6. PKL - Mia, Nailah, Ulki, Lucia, Skrimir, Rolf, Tauroneo, Ranulf, Danved, Ena

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Finished the fe7 HHM draft hosted by chococoke in 631 turns.

God, I suck at HHM, ran out of cash buying PWs.

Ran out of weapons because I didn't buy them when the first vendor selling PWs was open.



245 turns.

Edited by Folgore Green
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