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Drafting Tournaments Explained


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I doubt someone will deploy a unit so many times to get an undrafted bond anyway. I think it is a non-issue.

EDIT: Unless its Athena...but even she needs to be deployed a few more times to get her spd band.

Edited by Professor PicKLe
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I can see Ryan and Luke pulling this off easily, with Cecil and Draug not far behind. After that, it depends on who you drafted.

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Hmm yeah. But i dont think it would be broken to have an undrafted band available. Its 1 time use after all.

PS- afk now. Gonna go watch E3 3DS. *crosses fingers for FE13*

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I guess I should update?

Another RNG Draft #32863 in 193 + 4 turns

Girls Draft #33031 in 195 +4 turns

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Congrats on getting to page 100! Long live draft central!

Cleared this draft in 127 turns. I tested pegknight MU and it didnt seem OP to me apart from prologue. Im waiting now on horace's opinion.

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After a bit of discussion with someone awesome, perhaps limit FE12 bonds to what you receive at the end of supports, and only for those characters you drafted. The other FEs don't allow supports with undrafted characters.

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Logs update, logged the Girls Draft (report your drafts before you report your clears of your drafts nano :P), worked a thing for that rule in. Proof it, would you two kindly?

2. Stat bonds gained from support conversations may only be used if the support was between two drafted characters.

To clean it up, could we actually nix that and just put ", and support" into the list of explicitly denied privileges for undrafted units?

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2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to opening chests/doors and activating Supports.

That's the new line, for reference. The other clunky one was discarded.

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I need to watch out for that now. I tend to click every base convo haha. The rule looks good though :). Also, the pegknight draft had the perfect solution to rescue skipping. "Warp may not be used on Marth. Rescue may not be used on Marth by a unit who has been Warped or rescued earlier in the chapter. Hammerne may not be used on Rescue." Its basically the same rule that is right now in the GRs but with the added "or rescued" to avoid the warp rescue rescue skipping that Vicious Sal pulled off. The hammerne may not be used on rescue part can be ommited, though that will make malliesia unbeatable.

Edited by Professor PicKLe
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I need to watch out for that now. I tend to click every base convo haha. The rule looks good though :). Also, the pegknight draft had the perfect solution to rescue skipping. "Warp may not be used on Marth. Rescue may not be used on Marth by a unit who has been Warped or rescued earlier in the chapter. Hammerne may not be used on Rescue." Its basically the same rule that is right now in the GRs but with the added "or rescued" to avoid the warp rescue rescue skipping that Vicious Sal pulled off. The hammerne may not be used on rescue part can be ommited, though that will make malliesia unbeatable.

The wording on that is concise enough to please me. Consider it done.

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Boys Draft #33040, reporting in!

1 PKL - Oscar, Volug, Janaff, Rofl, Kieran, Pelleas, Caineghis, Oliver

2 Maiden of Emblem - Nolan, Gatrie, Ulki, Leonardo, Makalov, Danved,Giffca, Kurth

3 Quintessence - Edward, Nealuchi, Rhys, Skrimir, Tormod,Ranulf,Renning, Gareth

4 nano - Boyd, Aran, Tibarn, Mordecai, Shinon, Kyza,Bastian, Volke

5 Vicious Sal - Zihark, Soren, Naesala, Brom, Tauroneo, Muarim, Nasir, Stefan

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The Beorc Draft has finished drafting, I don't know what happened.

[u][b]Beorc Draft #33209[/b][/u]
*Folgore Green: Edward, Soren, Tanith, Shinon, Calill, Lucia, Meg, Danved
CR-S01: Jill, Oscar, Zihark, Mia, Kieran, Heather, Rolf, Stefan
Quintessence: Boyd, Elincia, Illyana, Sigrun, Leo, Pelleas, Astrid, Volke
Lucina: Nolan, Titania, Nephenee, Aran, Sanaki, Laura, Tormod, Renning
nano: Gatrie, Marcia, Brom, Rhys, Tauroneo, Makalov, Fiona, Bastian

Edited by Executioner
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Following the trend like the Cool Kids.


fe10 Beorc Draft #33209

Harpoon-Edward, Soren, Tanith, SHinon, Calill, Lucia, Meg, Danved

CR-S01-Jill, Oscar, Zihark, Mia, Kieran, Heather, Rolf, Stefan

Quint-Boyd, Elincia, Illyana, Sigrun, Leo, Pelleas, ASStrid, Volke

Lucina-Nolan, Titania, Nephenee, Aran, Sanaki, Laura, TOrmod, Renning

Nano-Gatrie, Marcia, Brom, Rhys, Tauroneo, Makalov, FIona, Bastian, Mist

Removing the Laguz made it even more unbalanced than it should've been.

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^ Yeah, I consider Joshua to be like the 6th or 7th worst unit for FE8 drafts...

Question for FE9 drafts:

Is it ok to dump Bexp into an UNdrafted unit to promote them?

To give them more MOV which could possibly make the recruitment of another unit faster?

Also: Can UNdrafted units open the prison doors in Chp 10? Since you need to open the cell doors to recruit the 3 prisoners, and "UNdrafted units may recruit other charcters"

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Draft for report.

FE7 Draft - RNG Style! Topic #33229

Green: Lowen, Fiora, Legault, Oswin, Dart, Eliwood, and Vaida.

Horace: Jaffar, Louise, Matthew, Dorcas, Lucius, Erk, and Wil.

Quint: Canas, Pent, Bartre/Karla, Priscilla, Lyn, Sain, and Harken.

Orange: Nino, Rath, Karel, Hawkeye, Isadora, Florina, and Heath.

Yellow: Raven, Serra, Kent, Guy, Rebecca, Farina, and Renault.

I only hosted, I have too many drafts to do first.

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Is it ok to dump Bexp into an UNdrafted unit to promote them?

To give them more MOV which could possibly make the recruitment of another unit faster?

Also: Can UNdrafted units open the prison doors in Chp 10? Since you need to open the cell doors to recruit the 3 prisoners, and "UNdrafted units may recruit other charcters"

1: I don't have an answer to this. I would tend towards "no, they face the same BEXP rules" but that's probably mostly pointless. Let's get other feedback.

2: Sorry, bro, better get to opening the doors with drafted units.

EDIT: logs

EDIT2: CR-S01 you are beautiful never let anybody tell you otherwise

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