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Drafting Tournaments Explained


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baldrick how did you put out a whole metadraft and keep the formatting impeccable

cam how did you fail so badly at a simple run-of-the-mill report

logs update kids

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cameron that post reads 4 pm for me do you expect me to remember your timezone

i think not

wait where the hell do you live?

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Completed FE8 Sadistic Draft #34371 in 140 turns

i've never seen a better dozla


oh also i guess i'll report it

[FE8]Sadistic Draft #34371

CR-S01- Garcia, Marisa

Aere - Artur, Knoll

Passive Knight - Joshua, Rennac

VP Viper [aka BBM] - Ross, Ephiram

General Horace - Lute, Dozla

Ghost Marcia [aka PKL] - Saleh, Ewan

*Jedi - Gilliam, Amelia

ZM456 - Colm, Neimi

Shadowbreeze64 - Gerik, Natasha

Serious Bananas - Innes, Moulder

it was one of those drafts

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Prospectively hosting a draft? You could fight with Red Fox for a while about your special rules for units that you forgot to clarify, or you could just copy one of these lists!

I don't know when you added this line because I've been out of the drafting scene for a year, but I wanted to let you know that it's awesome and has my full approval.

Maybe I should change my name back, people are going to start to get confused.

While I'm here, I might as well mention that I seem to be getting back into FE after about a year-long break, so I'm reviving some old drafts since I don't want to leave anything I started undone. I've already played through a few more maps in that old Haar draft that I wanted to be sure everyone who signed up would finish in a reasonable time-frame...And I've got three others to get to before starting any new ones.

The More You Know

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I don't know when you added this line because I've been out of the drafting scene for a year, but I wanted to let you know that it's awesome and has my full approval.

There was some FE10 draft a (long) while back where you and a bunch of kids fought about white- and blacklists, since they wanted the default to be a blacklist and you were happy to rules lawyer the living fuck out of that. That discussion was actually much of what led to the GRs and that line.

The More You Know

your approval honors me

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Tellius Draft #4 #34390

*PKL: Oscar, Volug, Tanith, Soren, Nealuchi, Laura, Rolf, Sigrun, Ranulf, Giffca, Nasir, Ena, Kurthnaga

Serious Bananas: Boyd, Zihark, Mordecai, Ilyana, Janaff, Leonardo, Makalov, Lucia, Volke, Caineghis, Brom, Meg, Kyza

Sharpy: Jill, Gatrie, Aran, Elincia, Lethe, Heather, Mist, Muarim, Stefan, Largo, Lyre, Bastian, Oliver

Lucina: Marcia, Nolan, Mia, Nephenee, Tormod, Nailah, Fiona, Tibarn, Naesala, Tauroneo, Gareth, Danved, Renning

CR-S01: Titania, Edward, Kieran, Astrid, Ulki, Shinon, Rhys, Calill, Skrimir, Haar, Vika, Sanaki, Pelleas

Too busy to proofread right now.

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Finished FE11 Something something something #34369 draft hosted by SB, that hasnt even finished drafting in 133 turns. gee_wiz_emoticon.gif Normal Mode is so easy, I finish before drafting is done.

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Reporting another clear. Finished Another MU Testing Draft #34221 in 17 turns first clear (Male Cavalier MU) and 21 turns second clear (Female Mage MU). I think its clear that both Cavaliers should stay banned. They would devalue picks too much and trivialize the game right from the start.

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I don't know if this idea has been brought up before (and if it hasn't, I find it kind of surprising no one has thought of it), but for the purpose of being able to use FE9 Nasir, why don't we just not count turns taken in the Black Knight fight? It's highly doubtful that the experience gained will make any impact whatsoever and everyone is already always getting the same turn count. It's not like Mist will be more valuable based on this alone, either.

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I don't know if this idea has been brought up before (and if it hasn't, I find it kind of surprising no one has thought of it), but for the purpose of being able to use FE9 Nasir, why don't we just not count turns taken in the Black Knight fight? It's highly doubtful that the experience gained will make any impact whatsoever and everyone is already always getting the same turn count. It's not like Mist will be more valuable based on this alone, either.

I am with Red here on this, it seems odd that the Black Knight fight would count towards one's turn count, why not try this for the sake of making Nasir a possible end game pick. I mean he is decent for those last 2 chapters as apposed to Ena

Edited by Jedi
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It's not like Nasir's useful by any stretch of the word though. Once you get him, you've got Wrath+Resolve!Ike, who makes a joke out of the rest of the game. So if you don't get Nasir, its not like you're losing much.

What if the two dragons were drafted together? I have no idea if that's been done before though.

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I dont mind that but I doubt someone would risk their chapter 27 clear to fight the BK just for Nasir.

I'm pretty sure a well-trained Ike can avoid any chance of death as long as he's kept healed.

It's not like Nasir's useful by any stretch of the word though. Once you get him, you've got Wrath+Resolve!Ike, who makes a joke out of the rest of the game. So if you don't get Nasir, its not like you're losing much.

What if the two dragons were drafted together? I have no idea if that's been done before though.

I recall them being drafted together all the time back in the day, don't know why it was changed. Him not being very good isn't exactly a reason to have him banned or unable to recruit.

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