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Drafting Tournaments Explained


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Yeah for the tag-teams I ended up logging the first genner's clear when it finished so the draft wasn't a vague smirch on their honor. Now you can point to it and say "look I'm not the one who's a fuckup here"

or something.

yeah logged.

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Integrity, I double-checked my turncount today when I was doing post-analysis write-ups. I got my turncount for chapter 24 wrong, which brings my actual total to 232.

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Hey, Integ:

The best FE8 draft: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=31303&st=0

1.Horie - Seth, Tana, Tethys, L'Arachel, Gerik, Innes, Dozla

2.13th - Franz, Artur, Kyle, DURACELL, Ewan, Knoll, Amelia, Marisa.

3.Soul - Vanessa, Saleh, Orson, Ross, Giliam, Joshua, Lute, Rennac.

4.Shaarpoon - GARcia, Cormag, Forde, Natasha, Syrene, Colm, Moulder, Neimi.

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OK, so time for a proposal.

What I am proposing is that in the FE8 Basic Ruleset, we make Tethys free.


1: A player with Tethys has a turn lead no matter what, given that moving someone that much farther is help no matter what, unless you move like Neimi into range of somebody

2: If said player has Vanessa, they might actually be able to beat Franz in use.

3: Free Tethys evens the playing field enough to make it more of a competition and less of a whoever has Tethys wins.

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I'm fairly sure there's always a unit left over in the drafting pool when Tethys is in it too, so all the more reason to make it standard. Also, maybe have Trainees to 10/5 be standard, they make Amelia and Ewan somewhat viable.

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I'm fairly sure there's always a unit left over in the drafting pool when Tethys is in it too, so all the more reason to make it standard. Also, maybe have Trainees to 10/5 be standard, they make Amelia and Ewan somewhat viable.

Dude, one proposition at a time. That's NEXT WEEK'S Proposition.

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Caught up on logging.

And I have no qualms with Tethys being free - Dancers have been free in the other GBA FEs for a while now.

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