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Drafting Tournaments Explained


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Oh! I didnt understand what Horace meant. It makes sense now.

Is that how the rules are meant to be interpreted tho?? I like that way of thinking. I think there should be a little more clarification on this in the rules.

What do other people think?

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I always figured gaidens were free up to 20 turncount, but any penalties taken went directly on to the total count. So if Fred got attacked on 11x, but I completed in less than 16, my score after that would not be Free/X, it would be Free/X+4.

Oh hey.

[FE4] Everybody hates Gen 1 #35076

3. Xinnidy - Laylea, Fee, Fin, Daisy, Sharlow, Linda, Amid, Dimna, Rodolban
1. Kiriane - Lynn, Sety, Shanan, Tinny, Arthur, Delmud, Faval, Johalva, Tristan
4. Second Pronoun - Leaf, Nanna, Patty, Mana, Lester, Lakche, Johan, Skasaha, Asaello
2. Baldrick - Lana, Aless, Femina, Corple, Janne, Hawk, Radney, Altenna, Hannibal

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^ And then there is this way of looking at it...

Do penalties count towards the chapter the are incurred on or do they go straight towards your total turncount?

Is it 16(+4)=0, or is it 16=0(+4)??

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The last time I did a draft with gaidens not counting was an FEDS one and I swear we reckoned that penalties were applied on top of your shit. So do 6x, bring Wrys for healing, finish chapter in 10 turns + 4 turns penalties = 4 turns clear because penalties.

That's the stance I'm sticking with, by God, but ask your damn OP. DTE should be for settling disputes and altering future drafts, not asking what you can do in the one you're in.

EDIT: If you want to talk standardization, I'd be rather more willing to actually look into how hard it is to keep Fred out of combat for whateverX and perhaps make him free in that chapter than making undrafted units usable by standard.

Edited by Mr. Sparkles
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Oh! I didnt understand what Horace meant. It makes sense now.

Is that how the rules are meant to be interpreted tho?? I like that way of thinking. I think there should be a little more clarification on this in the rules.

What do other people think?

I'm going with how Horace and Lucina [Aka] Horsebird are going about it, if you bring someone in for healing. Like Serra or Prissy using them in the chapter will cost 4 turns but it's free up to 20 in this case. So like it would be free to 16 technically, just play your cards right and it won't cost anything still ^^

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Thanks for the clarification Jedi.

@ Integ,

The reason I brought this up was so we could clarify this apparent loophole for future references. I for one, like Horace's point of view. The rules state "Undrafted units take a 4 turn penalty, PER CHAPTER". This implies the penalty goes towards the chapter's turncount, not the total turncount.

Idk tho, thats just my opinion on the matter.

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Because enemies in HHM's Genesis hit really fucking hard, and I dont want to use all of my vulneraries or promote Canas 5 Lvs early just so he can heal. Its a free gaiden and I want to use it to my full advantage.

edit: And what Bananas said.

Edited by Hawk King
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@ Integ,

The reason I brought this up was so we could clarify this apparent loophole for future references. I for one, like Horace's point of view. The rules state "Undrafted units take a 4 turn penalty, PER CHAPTER". This implies the penalty goes towards the chapter's turncount, not the total turncount.

Idk tho, thats just my opinion on the matter.

And I gave you mine. I've already been over this with others, and my opinion will always be that undrafted units should contribute nothing at all. A free gaiden shouldn't just mean a massive happy happy xp playground for all of your units because you can use Serra when you shouldn't or whatever. If you don't have Serra, you don't have Serra, end of story. If you want a healer suck it up and promote Canas.

Or don't, obviously, if this is Jed's draft and those are Jed's rules.

The rule will stay as-is so that individual creators can interpret it as they please, unless there's a huge clamor for reform.

EDITed for some more clarity/emphasis.

Edited by Mr. Sparkles
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[b][u]Archanea Transfers Superdraft[/b][/u] #35216
Serious Bananas: [Cavalier(M), Pirate(M), Mage(M), DarkMage(M)] Abel, Ogma, Cecille, Catria, Bord, Athena, Caesar, Horace, Etzel, Belf, Boah, Astram,  Matthis, Maria, Elice
Jedi: [Cavalier(F), PegasusKnight->Dracoknight(F), Mage(F), General(F)] Palla, Draug, Luke, Hardin, Merric, Wolf, Leiden, Jeorge,  Tiki, Norne, Katarina, Rickard, Samson, Sheema, Lorenz
General Horace: [Mercenary(M), Hunter(M), Curate(M), Myrmidon(M)] Barst,  Navarre, Gordin, Sirius, Linde, Wrys, Roshea, Castor, Warren, Malice,  Vyland, Arran, Bantu, Frost, Tomas
*PKL: [PegasusKnight->Falcoknight(F), Myrmidon(F), Cleric(F),  Archer(F)] Cain, Ryan, Frey, Minerva, Yumina, Cord, Xane, Lena, Est,  Julian, Yubello, Dolph, Samto, Ymir, Macellan
General Callum: Fighter(M), Dracoknight(M), Knight(M), Archer(M)] Caeda,  Sedgar, Wendell, Rody, Roger, Jake, Malliesia, Ellerean, Radd, Darros,  Dice, Midia, Beck, Robert, Michalis

The classes are for FE12 MU.

Edited by Serious Bananas
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Integ hasn't updated the second post yet.

Also, if you're going with leaving that dispute to the TC, please put something in the first post so that the relevant TCs know to clarify it. Oh, and it is super easy to keep Fred out of combat in 11x. Just FYI.

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If I'm editing the OP, I'm editing it to say that penalties stack on top of other things by default rather than being absorbed and hosts can, as always, change that at their will. I'm not going to edit the OP with a special clause saying ~oh here's a special scenario you have to address yourself individually~. That's just daft, and sort of defeats the purpose of the GRs.

Doing a bit of a logs update (it's really early) so I'll be editing this with a post number to keep myself on track since I don't think I can catch up today.

EDIT: Made 27-2 FE9 free by default. In that "ultimate" FE9 draft, is the last drafter not a person? Please mark that if you're going to use creative ghost drafter names. I don't need the even more extra characters filling out my burgeoning logs.

speaking of: logs.

Edited by Mr. Sparkles
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Everybody hates Gen 1 #35076

Kamekameha: Lana, Ares, Femina, Corple, Janne, Hawk, Radney, Altenna, Hannibal

Unfortunately, I'm going to have to pull out of this draft. Too busy with RL stuff.

However, my good friend Baldrick agreed to take over and finish the playthrough for me, so he'll post the clear. You should probably put his name in to minimize confusion.

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I'm even listed as Mr. Sparkles for the few drafts I've signed up for since being Mr. Sparkles, so there's no discrimination at least.

The answer boils down to namechanges and my little passive-aggressive stance. Somebody like PKL who just about everybody calls PKL would be easy to do it for, sure. Somebody who consistently returns to a name like Soul, yeah ok. My stumbling block is people like Reinfleche, who doesn't *have* a consistent name (at least, not in recent months) or people still getting into it. I'm sure Jed would be happy if I went and edited all of his names to Jedi since that's the name he seems to have (note: seems to have) settled into, but then I'm sort of compelled to listen to name change requests (soul: integrity i want to be alan rainsworth forever now can you change every soul there) and instead of that I'm being a petulant child and making people be known as the names they were known as at the time.

You changed your name, deal with it.

Nyeh. :P

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[u][b]Skirmish Draft[/b][/u] #35327
CR-S01: Franz, Forde, Cormag, Moulder, Colm, Duessel, Rennac
PKL: Vanessa, Gilliam, Neimi, Ewan, Saleh, Syrene, Dozla
Refa: Tana, Artur, Kyle, Ross, L'Arachel, Innes, Marisa
*Serious Bananas: Garcia, Lute, Joshua, Natasha, Amelia, Knoll, Gerik 

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