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I'm always looking for subjects to practice with on my tablet, so I draw concept art and make FE10 sprites for people and their RP characters. Anything remotely Fire Emblem-related will be posted here — even the ones I'm not entirely proud of.


Here are all my FE10 sprites that I've made so far (ordered from earliest to most recent)...


Mecca Lo-Kayinavai, an original character and also my first FE10 splice ever. In a nutshell: she's a White Dragon, Goldoan loyalist and she hunts or rescues other Dragons and brings them back to Goldoa. I imagined her personality/character/battle-style as a Ramona Flowers meets M. Bison. In terms of design: heavy steampunk-inspired look with an androgynous coat.


Gerhard Albrecht, my first request of an RP character. IIRC, he is a Wyvern Knight in the Daein royal air force. I've always wanted to give him a different cuff, but as he is currently an inactive character, it's low in my priority.


Jun the Swan, from Science Ninja Team Gatchaman. I made this just for fun because I was bored. It's my laziest edit with the least amount of time spent on it (about 30 minutes); sampling directly from some official art and not bothering to shade it Fire Emblem-style. I have no intention on coming back to this one.


Skygge "Sky" Ullr, a request for an RP character. IIRC, this character is a Falcon Laguz and was a bit of a daredevil. The request said to use Tibarn's coat, so this was the result. There's a couple issues with my skin palette but it's a quick fix and I will get to it soon.


Ellis Nineveh, another request of an RP character. IIRC, he is some sort of unmounted axe-user with a rather naïve personality. There wasn't a whole lot of readily available splicing I could use with this one so I had to draw a lot of the shapes myself. There are some parts that I'm very happy with while others... well, I could improve it a whole lot I think. Although this character is pretty much retired, I would like to make Ellis look better someday.


Hit-Girl, from the film adaptation of Kick-Ass. I collaborated with a schoolmate on this when we were both bored in class. Just like Jun the Swan, because I made this just for fun, I probably won't fix it up any further than what it is now.


Rosemary Almstedt, a request for an RP character. She's a jaded, young archer girl. Remember in Path of Radiance when you could see some characters' weapon hilts, quivers or shields on their half-bodies? Well, I wanted to bring that back with this one and have her hold her bow. I'm still fixing this one up a bit.


Fionn Beauregard, another request of an RP character. This is him in a third-tier costume, promoting from Soldier/Halberdier. There are a couple lines I would like to fix but I'm happy with it overall.


Tyber Fen, a request of an RP character. IIRC, he's another unmounted lance user. This is him in an alternate costume. I didn't have to make a head for this, I just took the original sprite of this character (that I didn't make) and modeled on this new outfit. I think I need to add more emphasis around the elbow areas, but I think this one was OK.

I'll have some drawings to show someday soon.

Comments and criticism would be much appreciated! ^__^

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These are all excellent :D

There's just one thing though... I don't believe they had goggles in the medieval times. :|

Unless... it's a futuristic Fire Emblem... we need one, dammit

Edited by Ken Zomg
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The rise in FE10 spriters continues :)

I like these a lot, especially Gerhard, Hit-Girl, and Tyber, but I'm not going to ignore the little issues here and there that I see. Overall only problem I really see is a slight lack of attention to detail and blending in some areas. I actually use to have the same issue but that tends to fix itself with time. Fantastic. Try making things a bit smoother though.

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You're probably the best FE10 spriter here unless Vamp starts making them @~@

Ellis is cross-eyed, but, other than tons of tiny issues, these are all quite impressive.

Two more things I wanted to add, Jun's eyes look soulless, and Gerhard looks awesome because he reminds me of Yeager from Valkyria Chronicles.

Edited by seph1212
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  • 2 weeks later...

Fionn Beauregard, another request of an RP character. This is him in a third-tier costume, promoting from Soldier/Halberdier. There are a couple lines I would like to fix but I'm happy with it overall.

I see Guild Wars! yaaaaay. good game.

Anyways. Wow. Those are really cool. And complex. And awesome.

I can't wait to see what you can draw haha.

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