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Early Christmas present for FE fans (but keep your expectations low)

Quasar Quasar

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Hi guys,

I was digging through my old external hdd, and found an old project of mine. I was a struggling CS major, so for one summer (about 1.5 years ago), I started trying to brush up on my cs skills, and tried to program some sort of video game, since that was the only thing that could hold my attention. I made one simple shoot em up, and then immediately decided to try making a copy of fire emblem since I was a big fan. The result is what you see here:


Since I was taking a stab at copying Fire Emblem, I took some liberties.

Some Notes:

- I didn't like how people took hits without any reaction, or how they just faded into non-existence. And since I'm a huge fan of Berserk (manga/anime) I decided to try and add some of those "elements"

- Enemies dying, will change the terrain. Bodies will pile higher and higher!

- There's a bug in the math and equations somewhere. Never did de-bugged that part. Don't be surprised if your attacks miss more often than anticipated, despite high accuracy. I'm sure there's some more weird fumbling with the numbers some where.

- The graphics are traced (rather cruddily I will add). Sprites used are Leila and Sain (from FE7). As was the background (but altered), as were the brigand sprites)

- Lots of things aren't done yet. Like trading for example.

- due to insufficient coding skills, you can only navigate with the mouse, and menus are a pain to navigate around. But hey.

- Music is from the Wild Arms OST, as well as 2 newgrounds artist. I forget their names, but it's listed in the credits if you beat the boss.

WARNING: If you don't approve of excessive blood/violence, don't click!


Helping Note: If you're having difficulty, you can climb the wall by going to the left, and climbing the pile of bodies. From there, you can fight less people, and sneak to the boss via the alley.

Character likeness = copyright Nintendo. It's a fan game, please don't sue.

Looking Back:

- Ughh. No wonder I hid this away. Artwise and Codewise it's bad. Dialogue is laughableh. Underneath, it's really messily designed. Stuff's just tacked on here and there, as I realized I needed to implement so and so. But, it was a valuable learning experience.

Yup... anyway, hope you guys can get some enjoyment out of it. Merry Xmas!

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Made it to the boss and, well, died. got him down to 40 some-odd HP, though. I didn't know devils' axes were ranged. o_O

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It was fun and easy

but if the overpowered black blade was removed it will be an extremely hard game.

Thanks for making and posting it .(needs a lot more work though)

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Went straight north, lured the bastard onto a corpse pile and shot arrows through him until he stopped moving. I only had two or three vulneraries between the pair by the end.

Good game, I feel. You should revamp this someday~

Edited by Grimsworth of Natal
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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for all the comments. One day I'll go back and revisit the idea. When I do, I'll be sure to post it here.

You better post it here.(cause it was fun to play)

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