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I got asked out today


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Those are more like little bowler hats.

Which are still pretty fucking cool

Edit: Bowler hats, not your short feeble ones!

Edited by ~~~ Juggalo sTyLe ~~~
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Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh good luck Bizz!!!

Definitely better luck than me. *remembers the last person who asked her out*


I saw him come into Subway while I was there yesterday and I hid in the bathroom and waited for my brother to tell me when he left cause he had a friend waiting outside for him so I knew he was gonna leave after ordering. Because I know he would've approached me and tried talking to me and whatnot if I stayed there.

I hate how he makes it so obvious that he still likes me. And he's creepy. And he likes to show off too much. And once when he tried to impress me it just backfired (though since I can hide what I think he doesn't know that maybe I should've made if obvious). And he lies a lot. In order to show off. That was half the reason that one time backfired. And I used to think he looked attractive but now thinking of his face scares/freaks the crap out of me.

So being blunt here: He's a stinky-poopy-face. He's the reason why I'm afraid to get asked out by my crushes cause they might turn out as bad as him and I like it when I can still think about them and not having them seem bad at all. And in the beginning I thought maybe we could still be friends but now since he still tries to show off and obviously still likes me and doesn't hide it... then it would be smart to tell him to just leave me alone but I can never bring myself to do that to a person. I'm too scared to make him mad at me or upset him. =I

So, yeah. Hope this one turns out waaaaaaaaaaaay better than him.

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You can date me Datia. Bizzu apparently doesn't want to.

I don't do that online(/long distance) dating thingy.

And as I've sorta explained in that first post of mine, my eyes are already set. =3

I expected the boyfriend thing to kind of throw up the flag of, HAHAH, STUPID JOKE SHIT IN FFTF.

I'm slow. Very slow. I'm not blond but you'd expect me to be. I'M NOT PERFECT!!!!!!!! ;~;

Sometimes I get it. Other times I don't get it till it's too late.

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