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Setting Your Gay Daughter Straight

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I thought she was trolling, but after the comments, holy shit she's serious?

And doing athletics and not liking pink is being butch? WHAT THE FUCK.

First thought was right, apparently.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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You should see some of the author's comments on the thing.

Nonsense. Let me knock you off this moral high-horse. Parents change their kids. If they didn’t, you wouldn’t be potty trained. At some point your parents decided that although you would be perfectly content defecating on the floor, it was not in their best interest to accept you for who you were.

Gay guys are so cute, and so I am sure it is no surprise to you that I have a lot of experience getting young boys to question their sexuality. Most mothers I know have tried buying alcohol for their boys all-night video game marathons, in the hopes that a little inebriation might lead to some experimentation. Honestly, one approach alone normally doesn’t work. If you have to, try getting them drunk and then walking in on them playing, naked. Then, force them to perform sex acts on each other before you let them play with you. If your son isn’t interested, either get more alcohol or team up with the other moms for maximum effect. It turns a rather boring night of video games into a fun-filled romp for all.

Good luck finding a handsome transvestite in Texas (not some Southern Comfort bullshit). You might want to drive down to Tijuana if you’re really looking for a quality market with a lot of selection.

Actually “How to Get Your Gay Daughter to Commit Suicide” is an upcoming article for parents who are just tired of her shit and don’t want to deal with it anymore.

I like her suicide one. >_>

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