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Mireille Promotes to a General!(now where's her personal army?)

+2Hp, +2Def!

HP:7 STR:4 MAG:4 SKL:4 SPD:4 LCK:1 DEF:8 RES:4

Points remaining = 37


Points remaining for Ranyin = 37

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True Name: Refuses to tell

Nickname: Axel

Gender: Male

Age: 26

Class: Halberdier

Affinity: Ice

Weapon proficiency: Lances

Weapon of Choice: Lancesssss

Inventory: Barrier Lance

Raw Stats: HP: 7 STR: 6 MAG: 0 SKL: 7 SPD: 7 LCK: 2 DEF: 6 RES: 1

Simplified Stats:

Hit Points: 21

Might: 6

Hit: 7

Attack Speed: 7

Evade: 9


Resistance: 1 (4 if BL)

Points: 16(Changed Class and bought a Barrier Lance)

Occupation: Mercenary (Jiihadist)

Appearance: Axelbeta.png

Connections: Clients (Weyland)

Backstory: A mercenary that surfaced a few months ago around Yakhroma. He doesn't really talk much about his past, but it is evident by his skill with lances that he was once a soldier. He moves from town to town, often taking a few jobs, then leaving abruptly. Was grievously injured in a clash with the Fallen (Battle 9), but he seems to be fine now.

Remember this jerk? He's going to be my application for a second.

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BUYING A HNNNNNNG LEVEL UP (tier 1 level 5, sniggle biggles.)





Raw stats are as follows now

HP: 6

STR: 7

MAG: Quartz

SKL: 6

SPD: 7

LCK: 2

DEF: 1 (4 with defender lance thingamajig)

RES: 3

(I have 23 points left for Aneda.)


Name: Davod Icaros

Nickname: Dave

Gender: Male

Age: 36

Class: Virtuoso

Affinity: Dark

Weapon proficiency: Staves

Weapon of Choice: Whip

Inventory: Whip, vulnerary

(points: 446 at start, selling stave and proficiency, 496 points. Buy my way into tier 2 (400), buy a whip (80), buy a Vulnerary (10), 6 points left)

Raw Stats:

HP:3 + 2



SKL:5 + 4

SPD:7 + 4

LCK:5 + 2



Simplified Stats:

HP: 9 + 6

ATK: 4 (with whip)

HIT: 9

AVO: 18

DEF: 1

RES: 1

Occupation: Story teller.

Appearance: A slim build standing at just over 6 feet, grey hair with a hint of red, grey eyes, wears a long coat over his red shirt and black pants, and a simple pair of worn shoes and gloves.

Nature/Disposition: Skiddish, though kind hearted. Afraid of being hurt. Conflicted. Has a soft spot for children.

Hometown: A village in the Kigen region

Connections: none

Backstory: A man with little to his name, he lived a relatively safe life with his wife... That's what he'll tell you anyway. In reality, it's that he can't remember much beyond about a year ago, all he knows is that's when he started hearing voices in his head. They were pretty great company, but he doesn't like the thought of sounding crazy to others, so he usually keeps the conversations to himself... Usually.

Edited by RainbowKitty
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A.... whip is a weapon... either way... now my sister is going to be extremely pissed.

I'm gonna see if she wants to change into a mage or a some sort of cavalier.

Too many bards, and magic users... is that last one just me?

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I think a couple of things are off. If you started with staves, selling that staff is only going to give 20 points, and selling the staff proficiency is only going to grant 30, so that's 50 extra points I guess, but that comes up to 496, not 526. Luckily you can still get the whip and the vuln, but you've only got like 6 points left afterward.

After that there's the stats. The base stats have luck 2 points higher than it should be so I was having trouble figuring out what was off at first. It's the right amount of points for the level, just confusing :XD:

@ Disky:

Magic is something we're always lacking in ... and a whip bard is basically a physical :XD:

Might fill in the mage spot myself (temporarily) if no one minds.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So, here's how this is going down.

Zel's mine for the time being, and there will be a few administrative changes going on.

First, he will spend 30 points on a flaky SHIELD OF JUSTICE.

Second, he will lose 40 points gambling, and will console himself by donning his JUSTICE RING.

Thirdly, here are his new stats:

HP: 7 STR: 7 MAG: 0 SKL: 4 SPD: 4 LCK: 1 DEF: 7 RES: 2

HP: 21 Mt: 7(+4 if NR) Hit: 4 AS: 4 Avo: 5 Defence: 7(10 due to DL)(+1 due to WS)(+4 if NR) Res: 2


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Name: Zachary Fairweather

Nickname: Zach


Class: Sage

Affinity: Light

Weapon Proficiency: Anima

Inventory: Thunder Blitz

Raw Stats: HP 5 MAG 10 SKL 8 SPD 8 LCK 2 DEF 1 RES 2

Simplified Stats: HP 15 MT 10/16 HIT 8 AS 8 EVA 10 DEF 1 RES 2

Points: 39

Occupation: Wandering Scholar

Appearance: About 6'2 in height, Zachary has messy dark blue almost purple hair down to his green eyes and his shoulders, has a fairly pale skin tone. Wears heavy robes and a satchel strapped to his back full of books and other random items

Nature/Disposition: A soft spoken man with a soft spot for children. Incredibly polite to women, almost a weakness of his. Drops the politeness during battle mostly, brings out a far more serious attitude. Has no aversion to killing if needed to protect himself or somebody else

Hometown: Neviskotia, Ohka

Connections: Robin, Robin's Family, Cervantes' Cult

Backstory: Son to the captain of the town guard Zachary was almost the exact opposite of his father. Soft spoken and somewhat shy, Zach would have rather stayed inside and study magic tomes that were given to him by a wandering sage after Zach showed interest in magic, rather than go outside and train with a sword. Fascinated by the power of the tomes that lay before him Zachary almost devoted every waking moment to practicing what was in them, alienating almost everything around him except for his family and his childhood friend Robin. When he managed to form his first bolt of lightning and send it forward into a wooden dummy he was ecstatic and fascinated by the pure power that the firing had given him. Not long after he had began his descent into the magic arts, Zachary's father was killed in a raid on the town. Determined to become stronger to protect the rest of his important people he trained incredibly hard. Unfortunately, even his skill with Magic couldn't save his mother when she fell ill and died near his 18th birthday. Not long after her death Zachary left Ohka behind him, leaving only a letter to tell of his intentions to journey for a way to become a master of magic.

Edited by Eail
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Shadrak levels up *waving tiny flags*

-90 points

32 remaining

Level 4

HP: 5 STR: 0 MAG: 9 SKL: 6 SPD: 4 LCK : 1 DEF: 1 RES: 3

HP: 15 MT: 9(11 if ET) Hit: 6 Evade: 5 AS: 4 Defence: 1 Resistance: 3

+hp mag and skl

Level 5

HP: 6 STR: 0 MAG: 10 SKL: 7 SPD: 4 LCK : 1 DEF: 1 RES: 3

HP: 18 MT: 10(12 if ET) Hit: 7 Evade: 5 AS: 4 Defence: 1 Resistance: 3

Edited by Phoenix
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Decided to fill out two NPC sheets for both of Robin's parents. Don't know if they will appear or not. Yes, Berthold is statted, but I HIGHLY doubt he will actually fight. It's more there so you get an idea of how strong he was.

Name: Berthold Hawkdancer

Nickname: Dragon General

Gender: Male

Age: 42

Class: Wyvern Lord (Retired)

Affinity: Light

Weapon proficiency: Axe

Weapon of Choice: His old axe from his time in the military. Still takes it out at times' date=' but rarely fights with it.


Silver Wyvern Armor (unused)

Guardian Axe

Raw Stats: HP:15 (-5) STR:15 (-5) MAG:0 SKL:9 (-2) SPD:6 (-1) LCK:1 DEF:14 (-5) RES:0

Simplified Stats: HP:30 MT:10 Hit:7 Evade:5 AS:5 Defense:19 Resistance:0

Occupation: Retired General

Appearance: An older man with a full head of blonde hair. He is tough and carries many battle-scars to show it. He used to wear armor

made of the toughest material he could find and keeps it well-polished in his study, right beside his Wyvern's armor, but wears it only rarely. He normally wears a thick jacket made of leather, a wide-brimmed hat, and will even wear his old riding spurs on occasion. However, age has not been kind to him and he is showing the grey in his hair.

Nature/Disposition: Tough and often hard, but not uncaring. He will often give lessons beyond the students capabilities just to see how they handle the pressure. However, when one spends time with him outside of learning/training, he's actually quite a nice guy.

Hometown: Ohka

Connections: Maria (wife), Robin (Daughter), Willheim (son), Zachery (town magic man), possibly a few higher-ups in the Neviskotian Military.

Backstory: Born in Ohka, Berthold was raised to be a patriot from day one. It wasn't long before he signed up to serve in the military and befriended George, his wyvern. The two served in many fortresses for several years, fighting all kinds of foes, successfully. It wasn't long until he made Wyvern Lord status. However, while serving in a border fort, he was given the task to protect a herbalist named Maria. The two became fast friends and, before the year was out, were inseparable. However, this love for her proved to be his undoing as, one day, a group of thugs managed to kidnap Maria while he held them off. They demanded he come alone and bring ransom money. He brought a whole platoon of wyverns. In the fighting he managed to save Maria, but at a cost. His wyvern, George, was slain. Mourning over the loss of his beloved mount, he couldn't continue to fight and retired, Maria accompanying him back to Ohka. The two were soon married and Robin came along soon after.

Note: Retirement and losing George has caused him to regress from his prime, causing negatives in his stats.

(All optional: But we love mounts)

Mount Name: George

Mount Gender: Male

Mount Species: Mountain Wyvern (I think?)

Mount Age: if he was alive, 42.

Mound Appearance: A big wyvern with full green scales and a massive wingspread. He used to wear silver armor that covered his entire body as much as it could without impeding his flying ability.

Mount Personality: Despite being in the military, George was surprisingly playful. It was not unknown for him to wake up ensigns by flying down and picking them up for a unexpected flight if they overslept, dropping dead animals inside the recruit bedrooms, playing with a ball, and taking a nice scratch under the chin. Some people even compared him to a overgrown cat. A cat that could bite peoples heads off. He was very defensive of Berthold though and attacking his rider was a surefire way to get either bitten or smashed with his tail depending on your side. He also liked pegasi and would often fly right above them and try to force them to the ground to play with them if he caught one alone and riderless. He tried this with birds and got gashed badly though, and thusly avoided them.

Mount Relations: Berthold (rider)

Mount Backstory: Hatched in a traditional hatchery, George was pre-determined for military service almost from day one. He was a strong flier to be sure and it wasn't long before it became certain he would be sent to the military. He was paired with a young rider named Berthold and the two were fast friends, playing with each other and training together before heading to the front lines. He was fiercely loyal to Berthold and protected him as if he was his mate. However, during a rescue mission, things... went south. Though he wore full armor, a lucky spear-thrust managed to slip between the plates protecting his neck and rupture the flesh underneath. No healer was nearby and, by the time one arrived, it was too late. George was dead. Berthold buried George to the north of Ohka in a grave known only to him and Maria. Not even Robin knows where he lies. Berthold visits regularly to see him once a month.[/quote']

Name: Maria Hawkdancer

Gender: Female

Age: 45

Class: Spy (retired)/Mother (full-time)

Affinity: Dark

Weapon proficiency: None

Inventory: Tons of potions and poisons of every kind.

Occupation: Herbalist (currently)' date=' Spy (former)

Appearance: A middle-aged woman with a full head of red hair, Maria looks like a happy and jovial, if weary, woman. With a constant smile on her face she can easily be seen as a kind and caring mother and looks the part. A basket and sash filled with herbs are never far from her. She will often tie her hair back in buns on the side of her head covering her ears. Having filled out and stopped caring about looks as she aged she seems to be a plump, somewhat wrinkled, woman, and she's fine with that. She often wears simple clothes made from linen and wool as well.

Nature/Disposition: She seems constantly happy, but can become quite malicious behind that smile. Once one of the town kids pushed Willheim down and scraped his knee. That night he was planning to have dinner with the Hawkdancer family and Maria slipped laxitive into his portion of the food. This is the only known instance of her malice as it's the only one she's owed up to.

Hometown: Claims Kalten (Actually Urcenter).

Connections: Berthold (husband), Robin (Daughter), Willheim (son). Maybe some old intelligence officers in Ursium.

Backstory: Born in Urcenter, Maria showed herself to be skilled at the art of manipulation and spying from a early age. She had already blackmailed her own father into getting her candy at age five and only grew from there. As she grew older she decided to become a spy for Ursium and soon managed to slip behind enemy lines disguised as a simple herbalist. She took to the role whole-heartedly for two years, sending what information she could back. Then she met Berthold and George. At first she sized them up as potential marks, but as time passed, she found herself caring for both. Afraid she would defect to Neviskotia a fellow spy sold her out to a group of bandits and captured her, threatening Berthold to come alone. He planned to tell him the truth when Berthold arrived. What he got was a troop full of wyverns. During the fighting Maria was assumed MIA as she went with Bethold to Ohka to bury George. Before long, the two were married and Robin was born. She never told her husband and has decided that Maria the spy died that night when George died while Maria the Herbalist escaped alive with Berthold.[/quote']

Edited by Snowy_One
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Name: Fredricka Colinta

Nickname: Fred

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Class: Knight

Affinity: Wind

Weapon proficiency: Lance

Inventory: Barrier Lance


Raw Stats: (Base stats with nothing else factored in eg: HP:10 Str:8 Mag:0 Skl:3 Spd:4 Lck:1 Def:7 Res:3(7 BL)

Simplified Stats: HP: 30, MT: 8, Hit: 3, AS: 4, AVO: 5, DEF: 7, RES: 7

Appearance: Fred wears a full suit of rather gaudy-looking armor. At first glance it seems to be made of gold and encrusted with gems and other valuables. Upon closer inspection it is obviously all fake. Despite this he wears it proudly, as if it were made from the real thing. Under the armor he is a young adult with a full beard of blue and a blue pony tail that often grows wild as he heats up inside his armor. As a result his hair is often unkempt. He wears specially padded clothes to prevent chaffing as well. His lance, though seemingly normal at first, is inscribed with various arcane runes designed to help his resistance to magic.

Nature/Disposition: Gaudy and seemingly stuck up, Fred is actually quite a desperate man. His desire for alchemy has made him cling to any threads or leads while his gambling has made him beg and terrified of any people of the law. Rarely gets a break.

Backstory: Born to a mother who wanted a girl, Fredricka hid his name as a child and quickly decided to be called simply 'Fred'. At a young age he became obsessed with gold and trying to earn as much as possible to become a noble. He took up gambling soon after in his desperate drive to get money. It wasn't long before most major cities in Ursium had someone who he owned money to in them. Growing more desperate he heard of how Alchemy could potentially turn lead into gold, a wondrous notion for the debtor. As such he took up the study of it, trying to learn what he could while skipping town after town. He still acts as if he's rich though even though he doesn't have a real penny to his name.

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Nadya promotes (and gets a pay raise?)

Old stats: HP: 7 STR: 0 MAG: 8 SKL: 4 SPD: 7 LCK: 2 DEF: 0 RES: 5

New stats: HP: 7 STR: 0 MAG: 9 SKL: 4 SPD: 7 LCK: 2 DEF: 0 RES:8

105 points remaining

Veronika levels up! Now with more stabbing!

Old stats: HP: 5 Str: 7 Mag: 0 Skl: 9 Spd: 11 Lck: 2 Def: 1 Res: 1

New stats: HP: 5 Str: 8 Mag: 0 Skl: 10 Spd: 12 Lck: 2 Def: 1 Res: 1

36 points remaining

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Gabbie Promotes to Halberdier!

-100 points

HP: 6 STR: 5 MAG: 0 SKL: 6 SPD: 7 LCK: 2 DEF: 5 RES: 1

HP: 18 MT: 5 Hit: 6 Evade: 9 AS: 7 Defense: 5 Resistance: 1

+1 HP, +2 SKL, +1 SPD

HP: 7 STR: 5 MAG: 0 SKL: 8 SPD: 8 LCK: 2 DEF: 5 RES: 1

HP: 21 MT: 5 Hit: 8 Evade: 10 AS: 8 Defense: 5 Resistance: 1

Points: 13

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Norbert's training pays off and he goes up a level! -80pts, Norbert's new total is 24


New stats:

HP: 6 STR: 6 MAG: 0 SKL: 5 SPD: 5 LCK: 1 DEF: 3 RES: 3

Simp: HP:18 MT: 6 HIT: 5 AVO: 6 DEF: 3 RES: 3 AS: 5

More point-spending soon to come.

Edited by Mercakete
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Name: Zachary Fairweather

Nickname: Zach


Class: Sage

Affinity: Light

Weapon Proficiency: Anima

Inventory: Thunder Blitz

Raw Stats: HP 5 MAG 10 SKL 8 SPD 8 LCK 2 DEF 1 RES 2

Simplified Stats: HP 15 MT 10/16 HIT 8 AS 8 EVA 10 DEF 1 RES 2

Points: 39

Occupation: Wandering Scholar/Mercenary if he has to.

Appearance: About 6'2 in height, Zachary has messy dark blue almost purple hair down to his green eyes and his shoulders, has a fairly pale skin tone. Wears heavy robes and a satchel strapped to his back full of books and other random items

Nature/Disposition: A soft spoken man with a soft spot for children. Incredibly polite to women, almost a weakness of his. Drops the politeness during battle mostly, brings out a far more serious attitude. Has no aversion to killing if needed to protect himself or somebody else

Hometown: Neviskotia, Ohka

Connections: Robin, Robin's Family, and a secret person

Backstory: Son to the captain of the town guard Zachary was almost the exact opposite of his father. Soft spoken and somewhat shy, Zach would have rather stayed inside and study magic tomes that were given to him by a wandering sage after Zach showed interest in magic, rather than go outside and train with a sword. Fascinated by the power of the tomes that lay before him Zachary almost devoted every waking moment to practicing what was in them, alienating almost everything around him except for his family and his childhood friend Robin. When he managed to form his first bolt of lightning and send it forward into a wooden dummy he was ecstatic and fascinated by the pure power that the firing had given him. Not long after he had began his descent into the magic arts, Zachary's father was killed in a raid on the town. Determined to become stronger to protect the rest of his important people he trained incredibly hard. Unfortunately, even his skill with Magic couldn't save his mother when she fell ill and died near his 18th birthday. Not long after her death Zachary left Ohka behind him, leaving only a letter to tell of his intentions to journey for a way to become a master of magic.

Zach approved. (better late than never)

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