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Name: Sirocco

Gender: Female

Age: 28

Class: Cleric

Affinity: Wind

Weapon proficiency: Light

Inventory: Precise Light Tome, Dynamic Light Tome

Raw Stats: HP: 4 STR: 0 MAG: 7 SKL: 5 SPD: 6 LCK: 4 DEF: 2 RES: 4

Simplified Stats: HP: 12 MT: 7 Hit: 5 (8) EVA: 10 DEF: 2 RES: 4

Occupation: Oracle

Appearance: Long dark hair, bright blue eyes. She has a sharp pointed noise, and a rounded face. She will commonly wear her oracle outfit that takes on what is believed to be the image of the Goddess Mercy when not in normal working clothes. Her oracle outfit is a long white silky dress with black wing like appendages coming out of the back, and large bangle jewelery and belts. When in her working clothes, she will wear a white handkerchief over her head to keep her hair out of her eyes, and a pleated skirt with an apron in the front.

Nature/Disposition: Serene, Thoughtful, Focused, Believes all things are due to Fate

Hometown: Nevoskotia

Backstory: Sirocco's mother was a cleric at a Nevoskotian abbey. As a young child, she grew up there, learning the ways of worship. She worked hard and relentless, determined to bring pride to her church. One day when she was 16, she fell asleep in the forest, receiving a vision of flames. At first Sirocco though it was merely a dream, before her visions grew in frequency. The visions never got truely detailed till Sirocco turned 25, till she was having visions almost weekly. She began to dream of an emblem and a young lady with long pink hair. A few years passed, and the visions grew stronger, and more detailed dream by dream. Eventually, the other sisters told Sirocco she had to be chosen for some mission, and sent her out to find the woman she was looking for with her visions to guide her. Sirocco followed her visions, looking for the woman and the emblem she was searching for.

Purchase 4 levels (-300 points), Purchase Precise Light Tome (-40 points) = 37 Points

Sell Light Tome = 57 Points, Upgrade Precise Light Tome (-30 points) = 27 points

Edited by arachnidsGrip
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A couple of things to go over first, Psych.

If you sign up another character, Niles is officially axe'd. Second, pretty much all of the probationary period restrictions still apply for the time being. If you can live with this, I'll give the sign up a regular review/possible approval.

Gender: Female

Occupation: Oracle

I will try to give you the benefit of the doubt on both of these.

Appearance: Long dark hair, bright blue eyes. She has a sharp pointed noise, and a rounded face. She will commonly wear her oracle outfit that takes on what is believed to be the image of the Goddess Mercy when not in normal working clothes. Her oracle outfit is a long white silky dress with black wing like appendages coming out of the back, and large bangle jewelery and belts. When in her working clothes, she will wear a white handkerchief over her head to keep her hair out of her eyes, and a pleated skirt with an apron in the front.

If the first outfit has anything to do with magic, I need a deeper explanation. Over pm is fine.

Hometown: Nevoskotia

And now I have to put this new town on the map somewhere. Jokes aside, I figured she was from Dragonland :lol:

Backstory: Sirocco's mother was a cleric at a Nevoskotian abbey. As a young child, she grew up there, learning the ways of worship. She worked hard and relentless, determined to bring pride to her church. One day when she was 16, she fell asleep in the forest, receiving a vision of flames. At first Sirocco though it was merely a dream, before her visions grew in frequency. The visions never got truely detailed till Sirocco turned 25, till she was having visions almost weekly. She began to dream of an emblem and a young lady with long pink hair. A few years passed, and the visions grew stronger, and more detailed dream by dream. Eventually, the other sisters told Sirocco she had to be chosen for some mission, and sent her out to find the woman she was looking for with her visions to guide her. Sirocco followed her visions, looking for the woman and the emblem she was searching for.

Just a heads up, being an oracle in no way shape or form entitles you to 'spoilers' or plotpoints.

I'd keep it thoroughly vague if I were you :lol:

Purchase 4 levels (-300 points), Purchase Precise Light Tome (-40 points) = 37 Points

Sell Light Tome = 57 Points, Purchase Dynamic Tome (-50 points)= 7 Points

You should probably redo this. You're missing weapon affinity which is another 60 points and you can't wield more than one of the same kind of weapon without it.

Edited by Phoenix
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  • 4 weeks later...


Blake Levels up... 4 times!

Level 1 Base Stats HP: 4 STR: 4 MAG: 0 SKL: 4 SPD: 3 LCK: 2 DEF: 2 RES: 1

Level 1 Simplified Stats: HP: 12 MT: 4 Hit: 4 AS: 3 EVD: 5 DEF: 2 RES: 1(3 with BS)

Level 5 Base Stats: HP: 4 STR: 8 MAG: 0 SKL: 8 SPD: 7 LCK: 2 DEF: 2 RES: 1

Level 5 Simplified Stats: HP: 12 MT: 8 Hit: 8 AS: 7 EVD: 9 DEF: 2 RES: 1(5 with BS)

2 points remain.

Edited by Snike
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  • 1 month later...

Chelsea Levels up 4---> 5

Points used: 90

HP 4---> 5: 15

Skill 6---> 7

Mag 7---->8

New stats:

HP: 15 Mt: 8 Hit: 7 Avo: 7 Def:0 Res: 5

Edited by GoD
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GoD sent mehere so-- he told me to post this here

Name: Lucia Nicolau

Nickname: Lucy, Lia, et al. (she made these all up by herself, for herself.)

Gender: Female

Age: 17 - 18

Class: Bard

Affinity: Lightning

Weapon proficiency: Staves, Fire Magic, Still learning the other branchesof magic, but is currently attempting to learn Lightning magic

Weapon of Choice: Fire Tome

Inventory: Fire Tome, Heal Staff, Lute

Raw Stats: (Base stats with nothing else factored in eg: HP: 3 STR: 0 MAG: 2 SKL: 5 SPD: 5LCK: 3 DEF: 1 RES: 1

Simplified Stats: HP:9 MT: 2 Hit: 5 Avd: 8 Def: 1 Res: 1

Occupation: Studies magic & music // Traveling Vagabond/Musician (plays thelute)



Lucia has rather messy, light brown hair that reaches past her neck, but doesn't really go any further than that (shoulder-length). It always looks like she has a bedhead (but her real bed head hair is worse, sticking up everywhere and just looking ridiculous). She also has chestnut-colored eyes that always seem to be staring off into space, and a very light skin tone. She has an average chest sizefor her age; her height is 4'11 & her weight is 90.5 lb(s).

Nature/Disposition: Relaxed Nature. She happens to space out on a regular basis, making her easily distracted & kind of a ditz. She also loves food, cute things, & sleeping. Can only focus on one thing at a time, but she excels when a clear goal is in her grasp/sight. She's also been told she's very easy-going and carefree (perhaps a bit too much?). Tends to not understand things right away if they don't catch her interest or if she's distracted, but when she tries to pay attention, she can pass with flying colors. Finds excitement in the smallest of things; basically easily excited / pleased / placated. Gains weight easily, but loses it just as easily, so she never worries, and comments about her weight don't really affect her. Knows how to cook & sew, but avoids doing either when she can. Can't lie; when she does, they're as see-through as wet paper. Nicknames everything & everyone she meets. TL;DR, she has a very childish demeanor overall, and is kind of a derp.

To note: she likes telling tall-tales to little kids.

Hometown: I don't….kno…w….

Connections: Acquaintanceship with Chelsea Liton; Mother isdeceased; Left her Father; Little Brother is lost


Lucia lead a very simple life as a child. Well, as simple as it can be when your father is a traveling musician. Ever since she could crawl, her father would take her along on his trips to play music at various towns. She enjoyed every minute of it-- in fact, it's what inspired her to take up the occupation of a traveling bard. Now, as for her mother, she died during childbirth, while giving light to Lucia's little brother, Alice, who was named after their mother(despite the fact he really, really disliked the girly name he was given). Lucia was in a state of depression for a fewmonths, but her father was never the sort to be down in the dumps for too long.Plus, he had a kids to take care of!

Strayingfrom that, as mentioned before, Lucia's brother is lost. To their knowledge, atleast. One day he and Luci were playing hide and go seek, and, well, Luci never found her brother. She and her dad searched and searched, but to no avail. She theorized that he'd been kidnapped, but her father doubts it, as he doesn'thave any enemies that he could re call…

Nevertheless, Lucia Nicolau left home at sixteen, determined to one, make it on her own, and two, find her brother. Even though he was lost. Since she was eight when he could not be found.

Edited by Seirece Covet
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She's still a level 1 from the looks of things but maybe that's intentional. Before approval though, I should probably point out a couple of things. For Lucia to carry a tome and a staff, she'll need to have weapon proficiency which costs 60 points(the basic tome/staff is free depending on which one she unlocked use of). A vulnerary costs 10 points so assuming she's starting off at level one we've got a purchase of the following:

Starting Points: 407

-60 for Weapon Proficiency

-10 for Vulnerary

Remaining Points: 337

I don't see any other issues beyond that, really, just remember to keep track of your points. If you don't plan on buying anything else or leveling her up before starting, then I think you're good to go. Lucia approved.

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Amon promotes to Rogue!

+2 spd +2 lck

HP: 5 STR: 2 MAG: 0 SKL: 9 SPD: 11 LCK: 7 DEF: 1 RES: 1

HP: 15 MT: 2(6 if CK) Hit: 9 Evade: 18 AS: 11 Defense: 1 Resistance: 1

Points remaining: 6

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Ranyin shall reclass to Bard to emphasize on his Speedy nature!

Stat change due to reclassing:

HP:5 STR:0 MAG:7 SKL:5 SPD:7 LUK:5 DEF:1 RES:2 =====>> HP:5 STR:0 MAG:4 SKL:6 SPD:9 LUK:6 DEF:1 RES:1

Also purchasing Dark Magic Proficieny, thus gaining a Dark Tome

Points remaining: 80 - 60 = 20

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How are you going to explain all of that in-universe?

How did Rothene learn Dark Magic?

How did Rothene learn how to play musical instruments.?

Either way this might not please Sis... and we might have to give her character a complete rehaul....

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Explanation being...

Hidden pages in Stormcalmer that Ranyin saw when he got up in the Rexian beach contain knowledge of how to utilise dark magic to draw from his stamina and empower others externally(think of it as Bard ability to sacrifice Hp to buff allies...and why he's getting access to Dark magic)

Also, He loses the ability of self empowerment due to being shaken over failing to save Sammy, as he now finds self empowerment...selfish of some level. If you read the bare few posts I posted after the group got out of Purgatory, you'd be able to pick up on him being glued to his tome. To ask me such questions, I presume you didn't back read much.

Also, Class doesn't equate to having to play instruments. A simple soldier can learn to play the musical instruments very well(plotwise) and not be able to use magic, does that make him a Bard? And a must all Knights as a class be of noble liege and own their own keep and have their own army? I don't see the Troubadours doing much in terms of storytelling and singing, because Troubadours mean travelling bards. Does Chelsea play musical instruments?

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