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(FE4) Draft

Radiant Dragon

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Read Integrity's Explanation Topic if you haven't already. Credit goes to Balcerzak for figuring out how to do the drafting (I made one small change, though).


1. This draft is for 4 people (3 + myself). Units that are free for all are: Sigurd, Diadora, Celice, Oifey and Yuria.

2. First, the mothers will be drafted (snake draft style: 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 3, 2, 1, etc.), and their children (but not substitutes) come with them. For example, drafting Ayra gets you: Ayra, Lackche and Skasaher.

3. Then, the fathers, fixed characters and substitute characters (Noish, Fin, Shanan, Hawk, etc.) are drafted. However, the person who went last drafting mothers will go first drafting fathers (reverse snake draft: 4, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.).

4. Each participant will end up with Sigurd, Diadora, two mothers, and their drafted fathers for the first generation, and Celice, Oifey, Yuria, four children characters, and their drafted fixed and substitute characters in the second generation. One character will remain undrafted.


1. Undrafted characters may not: enter combat, heal, steal, visit villages, become lovers, enter the Arena, etc.

2. Exceptions to the first rule: Briggid, Tiltyu and Claude are free use in Chapter 3; Leaf, Fin and Nanna/Janne are free for use in Chapter 7; Shanan is free for use in Chapter 7 until Yied is conquered.

3. Undrafted characters may receive and give items through Talk conversations that do not require the participants to be lovers.

4. Dew may raise the bridge in Chapter 4 without penalty.

5. NPC units may do as they please without penalty.

6. Using Arenas is allowed.


Non-holy weapon users (Jamka, Ayra, etc.) have a 3-turn penalty, per unit, per castle. Holy weapon users (Levin, Aless, etc.) and Dancers have a 5-turn penalty, per unit, per castle.

Penalties count each castle separately. For example: in the Prologue, using Noish in-route to Jungby incurs a 3-turn penalty. He can chip once, or solo the map, it's still a 3-turn penalty. Once Sigurd seizes Jungby however, using Noish again (in-route to Evans) will result in another 3-turn penalty.

First Generation:

1. Integrity: Fury, Adean, Midayle, Noish, Dew.

2. Radiant Dragon: Ayra, Lachesis, Fin, Alec, Jamka, Azel.

3. Camtech: Briggid, Tiltyu, Ardan, Holyn, Lex, Claude.

4. Soul: Ethlin, Sylvia, Levin, Cuan, Beowolf.

Second Generation:

1. Integrity: Fee, Sety, Rana, Lester, Daisy, Radney, Johan, Linda, Janne.

2. Radiant Dragon: Lakche, Shasaher, Delmud, Nanna, Fin, Shanan, Johalva, Dimna, Sharlow.

3. Camtech: Patty, Faval, Arthur, Tinny, Laylea, Hawk, Femina, Hannibal.

4. Soul: Leaf, Altenna, Leen, Corpul, Aless, Roddlevan, Mana, Amid, Tristan.

Undrafted Scrub:


Edited by Radiant Dragon
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Why are the substitutes drafted with their mothers? Why not treat substitutes as fixed characters and draft them after the mothers? (at the same time as other fixed chars and fathers)

So, like, someone will get Ayra + swordtwins while someone else will get Radney and someone else will get Raddlevan (I totally butchered that, didn't i).

Or do you think that is too many characters? I mean, it's not as if it is likely that someone will end up with a mother + kids and be forced to draft a sub for kids they already have. And even if that does happen, it'll be like drafting Wallace or Karla or something. Basically a lost pick due to being in the final round and having limited options.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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Why are the substitutes drafted with their mothers? Why not treat substitutes as fixed characters and draft them after the mothers? (at the same time as other fixed chars and fathers)

So, like, someone will get Ayra + swordtwins while someone else will get Radney and someone else will get Raddlevan (I totally butchered that, didn't i).

Or do you think that is too many characters? I mean, it's not as if it is likely that someone will end up with a mother + kids and be forced to draft a sub for kids they already have. And even if that does happen, it'll be like drafting Wallace or Karla or something. Basically a lost pick due to being in the final round and having limited options.

All right, sure. Substitutes are now drafted with the fixed characters.

Also, 5 turns for a Holy Weapon user doesn't seem like enough.

I could give Arthur Holsety and the Leg Ring, solo chapter 7 almost, and only take like...15 turns.

How many turns do you recommend? Remember, that it's not 5 turns for each chapter but 5 turns for each castle.

Will something be done about arena abusing?

To be honest I forgot about the Arena (I've only played this game once, quite a while ago). I think it should be allowed, but it could be banned if everyone thinks that's better.

Anyway, here is the drafting order for the Mothers:

1. Integrity

2. Radiant Dragon

3. Kamui Gakupo

4. Soul

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Well, unlike the GBA series, the number of times you can go to the arena is limited to characters that have already fought all the enemies there. I think that banning it would mean weak characters won't even have a time to grow well...=/

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That still isn't more than 3-4 penalties per map. Some of them would be able to keep your turns down by enough to make it look good.

I'm going to keep at 5 for now, but it can get raised if we believe it needs to be increased later on.

Also, I added Yuria to the 'free for all' list, and added the substitute characters to the list of draftable characters. One character will remain undrafted (my money is on Hannibal).

EDIT: Guess I'll take Ayra.

Edited by Radiant Dragon
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Uh... I'll have Briggid.

EDIT: Also, how do Ethlin/Cuan/Leaf/Altenna fit into this?

EDIT EDIT: Could you PLEASE list me as Camtech on the drafting list?

Edited by Kamui Gakupo
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Two additions to rule 2:

Shanan is free for use in Chapter 7 until Yied is conquered.

Leaf, Fin and Nanna/Janne are free for use in Chapter 7.

EDIT: I'll take Fin.

Edited by Radiant Dragon
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