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(FE4) Draft

Radiant Dragon

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C10: 44 turns clear = 384 total

God, fuck. Remember how I said fuck Arion? At least he didn't have 2range. Celice got Tyrfing and bashed on Alvis for about EIGHT STRAIGHT TURNS with Fee and Janne healing him because nobody else could survive a hit except Sety, who did 1hp per hit if he hit. Lana is ready to promote and got a MAG ring and some money (more next map courtesy Daisy) so she'll be ready to Sleep or Silence Julia. Hooray! FINAL TIME


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And a quad post to give stats before I leave the main castle for F:

Celice   30.00  66|25| 8|22|21|20|17|15  xDaisy   Silver Sword, Return Ring, Barrier Ring, Shield Ring, Leg Ring, Javelin, Tyrfing
Oifaye   27.36  52|22| 9|21|19|12|21| 8  xLana    Cutter, Javelin, Steel Sword
Radney    9.62  34|13| 0|14|18| 4|11| 3  xJohan   Slim Sword, Iron Blade
Lana     27.24  55|15|23|17|23|29|16|10  xOifaye  Knight Ring, Relive, Magic Ring, Wind, Silence, Rescue, Reserve
Lester   30.00  58|25| 8|19|23|25|22| 5   alone   Hero Bow, Killer Bow, Life Ring, Power Ring, Return Ring
Janne    21.93  40|14|12|22|16| 4|19|17   alone   Relive, Speed Ring, Steel Sword, Wind Sword
Fee      30.00  54|22|10|21|28|12|18|17   alone   Power Ring, Speed Ring, Hero Lance, Silver Sword, Skill Ring, Light Sword, Live
Sety     30.00  61|15|18|24|26|17|18|15   alone   Lightning, Magic Ring, Prayer Ring, Warp, Recover, Restore, Libro
Linda    20.32  36| 5|24|19|20| 3| 7|16   alone   Tron, Iron Sword, Libro
Daisy     5.10  26| 3| 1| 4|15| 6| 4| 3  xCelice  Sleep Sword
Johan    28.80  57|27| 1|12|17| 5|25| 5  xRadney  Skill Ring, Hero Axe, Hand Axe, Barrier Ring

Excelsior! I'll use states and Warp to get everybody back to a castle to give Wins after Julius is ready to die.

EDIT: Bought the Wind Sword for Janne.

Edited by Integrity
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F: 44 turns clear = 428 total

Four hundred and twenty-eight turns. Good, sweet FUCK that was long. I have a feeling I'm gonna get blown out of the water fairly nastily.

State 1 is with a guaranteed Julius kill courtesy Narga. I'll give the stats and a full synopsis in the morning.

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If anyone else finishes. I didn't quite notice: Has anyone even reached gen 2 yet aside from the finished guy?

I have not had time to play this draft, unfortunately. College work and other commitments have kept me really busy, and I have to finish my FE 9 draft first, since I'm only borrowing it from a friend and he'll want it back soon.

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If anyone else finishes. I didn't quite notice: Has anyone even reached gen 2 yet aside from the finished guy?

I actually reached Ch 9 a week and a half ago while Integ was still doing Ch 3 or 4. I keep encountering a glitch that won't let me pass. And I also can't have Leaf talk to Altenna. She has higher Mov than him and she will head for the castle.

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On Player phase, Celice appears to be slept when he is close to the castle even if his condition is set to "Normal". I mean, I can't even move him. He's there all grey as if I already moved him even if I didn't. Another thing regarding that glitch was that he apparently died (He was at 0 HP) and stayed at the map. With no Game Over.

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On Player phase, Celice appears to be slept when he is close to the castle even if his condition is set to "Normal". I mean, I can't even move him. He's there all grey as if I already moved him even if I didn't. Another thing regarding that glitch was that he apparently died (He was at 0 HP) and stayed at the map. With no Game Over.

Dismount glitch. To solve it, you have to load an earlier save, before you tried to dismount. If you somehow finish the chapter while Celice is in that state (using Leen), then Celice will disappear from the castle at the beginning of the next chapter, and the game will be impossible to finish since you can't seize).

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Dismount glitch. To solve it, you have to load an earlier save, before you tried to dismount. If you somehow finish the chapter while Celice is in that state (using Leen), then Celice will disappear from the castle at the beginning of the next chapter, and the game will be impossible to finish since you can't seize).

I did accidentally dismount him a few times, and mounted him back again. That explains everything.

Now...for Altenna. If I kill her, do I still get her? I found that the only way of "talking" to get is by triggering the conversation between her and Leaf. Leaf isn't a Master Knight yet, he's 4 Exp away from doing it and can't get any more Exp because he won all of his Arena battles. And the only way to win Exp is through Cexp. Problem is, I can't go back because the castle will be taken.

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I hope you have an earlier save, though, since with the Celice issue you are screwed even if you get back.

Anyway, kill Altenna and she's dead. 'Cause you will have killed her.

Have Leaf stand in position to reach her when she gets one turn away from the castle. Or guard the castle with someone that can't kill her and won't get killed by her.

It should be impossible for her to be within 9 tiles of the castle and Leaf unable to reach her. You just gotta leave him close enough to get within talking distance when she approaches. Get on the southern mountains. That's what I always do. Promoted or no shouldn't make a difference.

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@Narga: idk lol. Removing or adding patches is not my forte - I simply use the ROM as I was given it.

Anyway, on to the synopsis:

Rush, sleep staves, Celice, easy, easy, super easy, surge, surge, FUCK, easy, easy, Julius the Anticlimax. Fuck, you say? Ishtar, Arion, and the Earth Swords. Urgh. Lester made a valiant stand atop Chalphy against Arion and won, while my whole crew stumbled through the fight with Ishtar, finally knocking her off with a combination of Tyrfing and Sety. From there it was smooth sailing - Lana silences Julia, Celice knocks off V Castle, Sety Warps him back to Freege and Lana Rescues him forward to recruit Julia. Girlfriend makes her way to V Castle to get Narga while the crew mops up the last knights and then boom. Victoly!

Characters time!



Cel was much kinder to me this run as compared to my last and only other run of this game, partially due to the fact that I actually used his ass. Giving him Fee's Leg Ring in C7 was my greatest move, as it allowed him to keep up and get some kills and - once he promoted - to range ahead and do his own thing. A+, Cel. Keep being among my most favorite Lords ever.

Incidentally, he's only married to Daisy because apparently the two of them can have glitchy love points (I have no idea to be honest) and they were married by C7 Turn 12.



You know, funny thing. Right at the beginning of this draft, I had a fairly heavy argument with Soul that Julia wasn't worth using. Boy, did I eat those words. Julia was a right workhorse and meatshield for several chapters worth of minibosses and their squads with her trusty Rezire. Unfortunately, she disappeared right when the going got tough (or maybe the going got tough because she disappeared. HMM!) but she acted above and beyond for the time before that.



Well, the Arena obviously doesn't count 'cos she cleared two of those. That makes some of these numbers make more sense. I suppose I thought they'd go on the character's record even if weapons don't track them. Anyway! Lana was incredible, but that's tarnished by the fact that I have an obvious soft spot for the girl. Objectively, she didn't level as fast as I'd have liked but Libro was too critical to not feel good about having for the beginning of Gen 2, and she was my only unit with enough MAG to punch through Julia's RES - not to mention my only unit capable of slinging delicious, delicious Reserve juice for that Final...

Speaking of, that's the broken staff you see above.



In love with Linda. Wait, LINDA?

Lester was fucking clutch. Inheriting Midir's Hero Bow did wonders for his earlygame, yes, but the true testament to his ability was in Jamka's traded Killer Bow. With it, Lester stomped everything that got in his Arena way, paving the way for money for repairs for the Hero Bow. Later in the game, when enemies had fucking stupid leadership stars (ARION) the extra hit from the Killer over the Hero let him keep a semblance of capability. Didn't stop him from missing seven consecutive times at 58%, though.



In love with Lester. OH SHI-

MVP of Gen 2, easily. Despite a rocky start courtesy of losing her Hero Lance to autooverflowstorage, she managed to take Johalva's Elite Ring by Earth Sword and truck on to Real Ultimate Victory in the following chapters. Hoops attained maximum incredibility when Thracia rolled around, when she logged damn near every Dracoknight kill that wasn't clustered around Arion, including both Trabant and Altenna. During the Final, hoo. I couldn't have done it without her. Her staff utility was, predictably, shit - fuck you Noish - but I can't complain about that considering my other drafts.

i l u fee



In love with Janne. So many of them almost married, it's a shame. Sety was as Sety always is, albeit with a bit lower Magic than I like to see. He kept his trusty Lightning tome across all of his chapters because, quite frankly, he couldn't use any better. Honestly, there's little more to say about good ol' Sety.



He only one-upped Sety? That surprises me. Oifaye actually waned very quickly to me, losing much of his utility by the end of C9. C10 he mostly followed Lana about as she gathered the Magic Ring to ensure I could put Julia to quiet in F. By F, he didn't have the durability to stand up to shit so he mostly hucked javelins and destroyed one of the Final Knights (the Baron) with a Cutter Lover Crit. Awesome. But, he's still Glorious Moustache Oifaye and deserves credit for that.



After I took a little bit of manipulating to give him the Hero Axe in C6, Brohan blossomed. He was a rather mainstay for many chapters, only having his killcount hampered by barely failing to one-round shit past C7 or 8. He even found his spot Hero Axing the Final, hooray!




Janne was, surprisingly, a very good draft if only for her uses in C8. She and Fee made a beautiful team for C7 and 8 and then I decided to give her a little bit of love. In the end, she turned out to be a solid cantohealer with enough durability to survive a hit or two - which, considering she was a final round draft, was rather more than I expected. A+, given my expectations.



In love with Ares. O...kay?

Eight kills? That's it? Oh well, they were eight good kills. Linda got most of her experience from "slow as ass -> get hit -> wrath crit" in the Arena and rescuing villagers in C8 and C10. F she was relegated to slinging a Libro staff around (quite competently) and Wrathcritting a few (well, obviously fewer than eight) choice targets, including at least one Sleep staffer. Not as good a final round draft as Janne, but still fairly solid to be perfectly honest.



Radney fell behind FAST with the pace set by Oifaye, Lester and, later, Johan and Fee. Poor girl never had a chance and what little she had didn't inspire me to hold back and let her try. Oh well.


Thief utility! Daisy actually proved vital in ensuring Celice and Lana got infusions of money when they needed it, so her primary job was visiting villages so she could reapportion the money as I saw fit. For that, she was good. As a fighter? ahahahahaha


Overall? For a first attempt, I'm happy with this draft. Now somebody get about dethroning me so I can let go of my vague hope that I might have done well for a change. DO IT.

Night doods.

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@Narga: idk lol. Removing or adding patches is not my forte - I simply use the ROM as I was given it.

Oh. You probably have a patched rom. I generally just name the .ips the same as the rom. Then to "remove" the patch just rename the ips. I guess if you were given a patched version, though, you probably can't get at the ending without finding a clean rom. Oh well.

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  • 4 weeks later...


WAKE UP!!!!!! :awesome:

Chapter 6

Celice and SkashaRODDY stumbled their way until Ofaiye came along to assist them. Ofaiye took care of most enemies blocking Celice's path as well as those threatening ones, like Johan's horde of Cavaliers and some of Johalva's Fighter team. Skasaher helped with the fighter clearing, and even killed Johalva himself. At the time Amid arrived, he cleared up the few enemies threatening the villages near by, including the boss. Tristan went to pick up some money and Exp at that village up at the North-East corner of the map. Yuria~ and Mana tried to catch up and Heal/Mend spammed as much as they could. After Celice had taken over Isaac, he gave Yuria the amazing Resire tome. With that, Yuria~ solo'd the whole Cavalier horde and got the boss kill that Ofaiye had tenderized. Celice seizes the last castle.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Celice     6.00 36 11   2  11   9   7  11   2
Roddy      5.49 33 13   0  16  16   5  10   1
MANA x3!   2.35 24  0  10   7  10   6   1  10
Milkman   19.39 44 19   9  19  18  10  19   8
Tristan    5.23 32 13   0  11  10   5  10   0
Amid       3.49 30  1  11  10  15   6   5  10
Yuria~     6.76 29  0  16   8  12   7   4  16

21 turns.

Chapter 7

I thought this chapter would give me headaches. But, in the end, it wasn't that bad...

Everyone went through the left side and then went down to Freege, while Celice went to seize Yied. So with that, you know Shanan lolstopmed the enemies there.

The rest of the group would concentrate on clearing most of the Freege forces they could by the time Celice arrives. The clearing was most made by Ofaiye & Yuria~, and later Celice came to help a bit. They tag-teamed on Ishtor. IIRC, Yuria~ got the kill.

After that, Aless appears and does some hit and running, since he couldn't solo the Cavalier bunch. Celice, Ofaiye and Yuria went for the last castle and took out all the Mages, including the three sisters. Roddy, Amid, Tristan & Aless finished off the horde of Cavaliers, and Aless got to kill Jabarro by himself, thanks to Mitsolin. Since Celice, Ofaiye nor Yuria~ could handle Blume, Aless came in and 1RKO'd the bastard.

Oh yeah, Leaf got a crapton of kills when defending Lenster.

Tristan died while helping kill Jabarro's horde of Cavaliers.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Celice    15.08 50 13   5  18  13  14  16   5
Roddy      9.94 37 15   0  18  18   5  10   1
MANA x3!   3.85 25  1  10   8  10   7   1  10
Milkman    21.87 46 21   9  21  20  11  19   8
                        R. I. P
Amid       7.56 33  3  13  10  18   7   5  10
Yuria~    19.84 42  5  23   9  20  10   7  24
Leaf      13.85 46 18   3  17  18  14  17   4
Aless     11.52 44 16   4  13  14   9  12   5

49 turns.

Chapter 8

Well, after having Celice get some enemy kills at one chokepoint near the castle, Celice got Warped back to the castle, and promoted. So Yuria~ & Amid were left to defend that chokepoint, which prevented enemies from getting to the castle. Ofaiye, Roddy, Aless & Leaf killed off a bunch of enemies by clearing their way up the castle which Blume was defending. Of course, Aless took most of the kills, including the fact he 1HKO'd Asaello & Ishtar (Critical). Ishtar was 1 point away from being cleanly 1HKO'd by Aless, even though Aless had capped Str. So everyone that wasn't Yuria~ and Amid took care of the castle, and then head towards Thracia, to deal with the Wyerns and rescue the people. Through people-rescuing, Roddy, Amid & Leaf got easy level-ups. Ofaiye took care of the boss, and Celice seized.

Mana died. ;~;

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Celice    22.56 56 21   9  22  19  19  21  11
Roddy     16.81 44 18   0  22  22   7  12   2
MANA ;~;                R. I. P
Milkman   25.78 49 22   9  24  22  13  19   9
Amid      14.33 39  3  16  14  19   8   6  13
Yuria~    26.12 46  5  30  15  30  10  10  27
Leaf      17.85 50 20   4  19  21  15  20   4
Aless     20.14 56 22   4  17  21  14  18   5

23 turns.

Edited by Junes!
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