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(FE4) Draft

Radiant Dragon

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You'd be surprised.

Chapter 10: 29/361 turns


Celice roflstomp until the Yurius segment, where it all went to hell. It took me several tries to come up with a proper strategy for dealing with them. I eventually used a convoluted strategy of positioning units so my staffer (Hawk) could Restore someone, then get danced along with the person he just revived.

Also, Tyrfing Celice 2RKO-ing Alvis is awesome. :awesome:

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I dunno. I had Celice buy the Power Ring (mainly for more shitstomping lulz), and he had capped strength. Strategy involved whacking Alvis (twice), canto-ing away before getting healed by Hawk. With another attack, Alvis dies.

He DOES have to hit all 4 attacks at about 76~ or so hit, though.

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The Final Holy War: 22 turns

And so concludes the end of my very first draft. I must say, despite being all gung-ho towards Soul and his lack of a dancer, I have the feeling that I'm gonna get blown out of the water pretty handily, if not by Soul then by RD.

Anyway, strat involves Celice shitstomping everything until Hilda's castle. Remember when I said fuck sleep staves? There are FIVE GODDAMN SLEEP STAVES right before Ishtar's passageway, causing me to clusterfuck repeatedly. And then Ishtar came at me, sporting 80 HP and enough hit/avo to shitstomp Celice. I MEAN SERIOUSLY. This woman has 93 hit and 2HKO on Tyrfing!Celice, who 3HKOs her back at 49 hit. Forty fucking nine. And this is even when he's on a mountain.

Anyway, I managed to lure her out with her at 28 HP remaining, where Hawk flexed his muscles and critkilled her. Then just CHARGE to Manfloy, beating the everloving shit out of him.

In all of this commotion, Hannibal and Faval were busy warding off Arione and his fellows. A. S. D. F. Hannibal died before I could screenie his stats, so *sadfais*.

Celice/Yuria combo offed Yurius pretty quickly. Because anticlimax is anticlimatic.

>>-- FINAL TURNCOUNT: 383 turns --<<

Anywho, character rating up in a sec (if you'll pardon the possible double post).

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MVP. Easily. Took names, kicked ass... The list goes on. Not much to say here besides FUCK YEAH.


[No image]

Not half bad, I must say. Her 5 move meant she got left behind more often than not, but she pulled her own weight when it counted. Not to mention that sexy tome she gets when visiting a certain castle. She, together with Celice, beat the living tar out of Yurius.



Left back in the home castle because she fell behind rather quickly. Useful for providing funds, but rather worthless beyond that. Although, she did come with both Briggid and Faval, soooooo.



Stayed with Hanniballs and Patty to guard the castle. Started losing steam at around chapter 8. I would definitely recommend you draft him if he's not free, though, since he was invaluable in the early chapters.



Easily my third MVP. Once he showed up, he kicked ass. Period. He never lost steam, and he ORKO'd like, 85% of all the enemies he ever flexed his muscles at. My only qualm with him was his lack of move, and the fact that he didn't show up until 70% of the way through chapter 8.



Eh, he's okay. That holy Bow was retardedly useful in fending off Arione's knights, and he provided ludicrous chip damage (lolchippingfor90%ofhealth). Besides that, he didn't show up until halfway through Chapter 8, and he's a foot unit. He certainly isn't a first round pick, but I *would* recommend that you grab him if no one else has during rounds 2 or 3.


[No pic]

...This man. THIS MAN.

He was the source of much grief to me, as he is needlessly difficult to recruit, and not really worth it. Don't get him unless you have no other alternative. Died defending Chalphy Castle from Thracian dracoknights.



Dancer. Nuff said.

She basically saved me almost 30 turns in the long run, making up for the extra ~8 I spent to get her. Leg Ring!Laylea is broken as fuck.



She was... okay. Foot unit, but not entirely worthless. She made a good wall until the final chapter, as Wrath!Ambush with a Magic Ring = DEATH. She'san okay pick, though only if you have access to Lex as her father.


[i could've sworn I had a picture]

Arthur. Holy fuck Arthur. He was a bit of an anchor in the early stages, having only five move and all. However, once he promoted and got his hands on a Tron tome, he won. Hard.

I gave him the Prayer Ring, and he OBLITERATED Burian's entire Great Knight Brigade, despite only having 1 HP. I loooove Wrath/Ambush.


[um, derp?]

She died in Chapter 10, being the distraction that gave Celice enough time to go rescue Palmark.


First Generation coming later

Edited by Camtech075
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Lex!Arthur is definitely awesome if you're not giving him Holsety.

And wow, Hawk looks quite good. I knew he was fairly decent but his stats are almost like a Claude!Sety's minus the S-rank staves.

Edited by Silvercrow
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I have the feeling that I'm gonna get blown out of the water pretty handily, if not by Soul then by RD.

I don't know... I was just drafting people randomly near the end. I could've sworn Johalva was the one with the horse...

Anyway, I'll get back to working on this after the Tellius Draft, which I should hopefully finish this week. Congratulations on finishing, though.

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I don't have much time to play lately, unfortunately. I don't have stats either, but here's the Prologue.

Prologue - Jungby (5/5)

Sigurd went south to solo Jungby while Alec went north for the villages. Azel cleaned up the brigands near his start and moved south to get the Speed Ring. For some reason, the enemies surrounding Jungby didn't die once Sigurd seized, so Jungby was destroyed.

Evans (7/12)

Sigurd takes a turn to heal at the Church while Alec and Fin try to catch up. Eventually, Sigurd gets the middle village before he gets the Silver Sword (the Steel Sword only had 4 uses left...). As he charges alone to Evans, Alec and Fin clean up the brigands he left behind and Azel makes it to the Speed Ring village while it has 1000 gold left. Unfortunately, Fin wasn't able to get much EXP due to not being able to heal.

Edited by Radiant Dragon
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