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typically its

1. Edward

2. Ike

3. Zihark

4. Neph.

5. W.e Archer I used (Leonardo or Shinon if leonardo gets bad level ups)

Last time I forced myself to use new characters and I got

1. Zihark (Capped everything)

2. Aran (capped everything but magic...)

3. Ike

4. Rolf

5. Sothe (capped everything)

Aran and Zihark did 80% of their last chapter in 3-13 which is usually solo'd by Edward and killed Ike on the last turn and Laguz abused their way to 20/20/20 with Feral One abuse

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1. Edward( I guess there's a first time for everything, considering it's usually Ike)

2. Jill( pain in the ass to going, in my case, but viable nonetheless)

3. Haar( yeah, I have a thing for dracoknights. Nullify scrolls FTW!)

4.Rolf( this is the second time I've used him, and I haven't been disappointed yet, even though he takes a sizable chunk of time and attention to become a self-sufficient killing machine.)

5.Ike( I was surprised, to say the least.)

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1. Nephinee




5.I think Gatrie

I don't know how Edward got there he wasn't even brought to the end-game.

Probably because he was pretty much the only person other than Micaiah, Sothe and the yellow units to fight in the part 3 Micaiah missions.

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I don't know how Edward got there he wasn't even brought to the end-game.

Probably because he was pretty much the only person other than Micaiah, Sothe and the yellow units to fight in the part 3 Micaiah missions.

That's what happened on my last two playthroughs and I think its cause he gets a lot of kills in his chapters. He's also got all of part one save 1-9 to get a lot of kills. Edward's one of my fave DB members.

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That's what happened on my last two playthroughs and I think its cause he gets a lot of kills in his chapters. He's also got all of part one save 1-9 to get a lot of kills. Edward's one of my fave DB members.

Edward is probably my least favorite DB member. And this is coming from someone who likes the DB. Axe users have hit rates of 60+% on him in Normal mode. With WTD on him. That's... disappointing, to say the least. Also, I don't see what's so special about Boyd. He's pretty much your typical warrior if you ask me. Specializes in HP and Strength, but takes quite a bit of damage (and often due to not being very good on the evade front). And I never really liked the Warrior class, aside from Nolan. Also, wyvern riders have never appealed to me, aside from Miledy, Haar in this game, and Jill in PoR (to a lesser extent).

Edited by Fayt Raybrandt
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Edward is probably my least favorite DB member. And this is coming from someone who likes the DB. Axe users have hit rates of 60+% on him in Normal mode. With WTD on him. That's... disappointing, to say the least. Also, I don't see what's so special about Boyd. He's pretty much your typical warrior if you ask me. Specializes in HP and Strength, but takes quite a bit of damage (and often due to not being very good on the evade front). And I never really liked the Warrior class, aside from Nolan. Also, wyvern riders have never appealed to me, aside from Miledy, Haar in this game, and Jill in PoR (to a lesser extent).

Well, it's just our playstyle and its different from yours. I've never really liked warriors either (as a class they were good but I didn't care about most of them as characters) but I like Boyd. He fits right into my strategy. Yeah, Edward does take some work to be good but he's good once he gets going. Of course, this is just my opinion.

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Edward is probably my least favorite DB member. And this is coming from someone who likes the DB. Axe users have hit rates of 60+% on him in Normal mode. With WTD on him. That's... disappointing, to say the least. Also, I don't see what's so special about Boyd. He's pretty much your typical warrior if you ask me. Specializes in HP and Strength, but takes quite a bit of damage (and often due to not being very good on the evade front). And I never really liked the Warrior class, aside from Nolan. Also, wyvern riders have never appealed to me, aside from Miledy, Haar in this game, and Jill in PoR (to a lesser extent).

And that he is absolutely terrible in the HM. Go with Nolan. Earlier joining time, grows more speed and Con, and has a better support affinity than Boyd.


0.Ike-Of course. Other than getting ow1ned by the whisps in the endgame chapters, and magic users, he will totally own the battlefield.

1&2.Tibarn/Ilyana-Tibarn is actually better than Naesala even though that Naesala gets a better battle theme, but Tibarn turned out most useful for me, as you actually need him for the endgame chapters, and no there isn't any reason not to use him. He is probably the best character in the game. As for Ilyana..she came out most useful for me. Almost always never getting attacked thanks to the Shade skill, and that she makes the third to the last battle alot easier. Make sure that she has the Nihil skill, so that she doesn't get risk getting critted.

3&4.Heather/Haar-Heather is better than Sothe. Sure worse Str cap, but she will grow alot more speed and luck than him, and having alot more avoid. She will need better or forged weapons to do any good damage, though. Haar is probably the second best character in the game. He is vital to beating many of the chapters, and that he is also another unit that isn't a pain to train.

5.Titania-She starts out from the beginning of Part III at three levels to promotion, not a pain to train, and will turn out great. I do recommend using her in every playthrough.

6.Rolf-Grows the most Str out of any other bow user in the game, and that he actually will surpass his teacher.

7.Mia-Seems to be the most well rounded Sword melee unit in the game, sure Zihark has more avoid, but he has poor Str growth, Stefan and Lucia have low availiblility, and both join late. Mia has enough availibility to to get high enough to use for the endgame, gets no faulty in any stats, and in general..she is a well rounded character.

These turned out to be my top 7 characters.

Edited by Lenneth
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And that he is absolutely terrible in the HM. Go with Nolan. Earlier joining time, grows more speed and Con, and has a better support affinity than Boyd.

No he isn't. Boyd is perfectly fine for hard mode. Plus, Con means almost nothing in this game.

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No he isn't. Boyd is perfectly fine for hard mode. Plus, Con means almost nothing in this game.

I suppose she meant that Edward was terrible in Hard mode.

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my last playthough it was something like this:

1. Soren (always)

2. Ilyana (weird cuz it was like the first time i bothered with her)

3. Haar (hes always in there)

4. Fiona (she rocks)

5. Ike (he usually doesnt get in there)

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I suppose she meant that Edward was terrible in Hard mode.

He specifically noted that Nolan is better than Boyd... Plus, Edward is fine for hard mode also. I dumped him for Zihark, but I wouldn't have had a problem if I'd kept Edward. He would have done better than Aran....

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My hard mode playthrough:

1. Haar

2. Nephenee

3. Nolan

4. Ike

5. Zihark

Something like that.

Plus, Edward is fine for hard mode also.

Nonsense. He's extremely outclassed by Zihark and the moment he comes in he'll die to anything, easily.

At least Micaiah can attack from range.

Edited by Julius
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My hard mode playthrough:

Something like that.

Nonsense. He's extremely outclassed by Zihark and the moment he comes in he'll die to anything, easily.

He will actually need the Paragon skill to be able to get any good EXP in Part I.

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He will actually need the Paragon skill to be able to get any good EXP in Part I.

Not only that, but in Chapter 3-6 he'll be terrible because the tigers will crush him and his support with Nolan isn't good enough. Nolan - Zihark A support makes 3-6 much easier.

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Well, I do not remember exactly my top 5 because I played through this game so many times. But normally it is like this:

1. Haar

2. Mia

3. Ike

4. Tibarn

5. Nephenee

Why? Well, Haar can solo a lot of chapters, so he gets a huge amount of kills. I like Mia, so I always tend to use her a lot :). The rest is clear I guess.

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  • 5 weeks later...

My last playthrough:

1: Edward (shit, I don't know how the hell he ALWAYS ends up being number 1, and I mean ALWAYS)

2: Boyd

3: Haar

4: Mist

5: Sothe

I was so shocked when I saw that Ike wasn't even in my top 5, considering he's usually number 2. I was even more shocked to see Sothe up there, I swear I hardly ever used him.

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Last playthrough: (on loleasy)

5. Tanith (102 kills)

4. Ike (114 kills)

3. Marcia (124 kills)

2. Mia (142 kills)

1. Ilyana (268 kills)

lols at Ilyana being at No.1. Then again, I did abuse Ilyana to shreds in part 1. (Lv 7 Arch Sage before the end of Part 1, anyone?)

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