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[FE10] Draft: Ranked Characters


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You just live with it and keep playing, it doesn't matter that you can't recruit him since he was drafted. He's around to help for one turn with no weapons which you should be three turning with Rafiel and your gang anyway.

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Battle preparations

Gave Lucia the Energy Drop and BEXP'd her all the way to lvl 20/1.


Ike - None

Heather - Adept

Ilyana - Celerity + Daunt

Lyre - Adept + Imbue

Danved - Paragon


The strategy of this chapter was to achieve 80 casualties (From either sides: NPCs and/or enemies), so I had Ilyana war-hog through most of the enemies while Danved assisted Skrimir and his mooks. Meanwhile, Ike, Heather & Lyre killed whatever they could to help.

Items aquired:

Rescue staff

DB casualties:

Zihark - Cleanly 1RKO'd by Lyre.

Brolan - Cleanly 1RKO'd by Ilyana.

Jill - Weakened by Ilyana, and then killed by Lyre.

As for the groups...

Silver army


- Jill

- Heather

- Ilyana

Ike's route (Whatever it was called)


- Zihark

- Lyre

Hawk route


- Lucia

- Danved

- Nealuchi

All this on 5 turns, giving me a total of 243 turns at the end of Part 3, as I pressumed.

Edited by Soul
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[spoiler=Part 3]



Ike killed everything.

Name       Class         Lvl       HP   STR  MAG    SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES   Support    Skills
Ike        Hero          12        45    24    3     28    24    14    21    7               Adept Provoke


Turns:12+5+5(Shinon and Titania penalty)=22

Gave Shinon and Titania killer weapons, Ike went north Titania went east even with taking this penalty and them critting most of the enemies I barely managaged to finish this level.

Name       Class         Lvl       HP   STR  MAG    SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES   Support    Skills
Ike        Hero          15        48    26    3     30    25    15    21    8               Adept Provoke


Turns: 5

Base prep

Bought a lot of wind edges and some steel blades. I'm now broke.

Went south to the bosses range, wind edge him and then finished him off after that.

Name       Class         Lvl       HP   STR  MAG    SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES   Support    Skills
Ike        Hero          17        50    27    3     30    26    16    22    8               Adept Provoke


Turns:15+3 (Undrafted character penalty)=18

Base prep

Chose Gatrie as the free character and Titania for the penalty. First turn Titania attacks the door Ike moves near the door and Gatrie shoves him to block the gap.After that Ike rushes forward towards the halberdier that guards the seocond tent while Gatrie and Titania burns and mops up the enemies.

Name       Class         Lvl       HP   STR  MAG    SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES   Support    Skills
Ike        Hero          20        50    27    3     30    28    17    24    8               Adept Provoke



Base prep

Bought three steel blades and four wind edges.

Ike and Ranulf rushed towards the left side while Ranulf grasses himself and only attacking on enemy phase.If I positioned better I believed I would've gotten to the arrival spot faster.

Name       Class         Lvl       HP   STR  MAG    SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES   Support    Skills
Ike        Hero          20        50    27    3     30    28    17    24    8               Adept Provoke


Turns:6+3(Undrafted character penalty)=9

Base prep

Bought three more wind edges.

Gatrie blocks the seize spot while Ike goes for the boss. The enemies piled themselves that their sages couldn't attack Gatrie and only a swordmaster can. Ike managed to activate adept twice so he can one round the boss.

Name       Class         Lvl       HP   STR  MAG    SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES   Support    Skills
Ike        Hero          20        50    27    3     30    28    17    24    8               Adept Provoke



Base prep

Gave Laura paragon and Micaiah discipline. Bought a light tome and torch staff. Gave Aran a speedwing.

First turn Micaiah moves left and torch staffs so the NPCS can slaughter as much as they can, some had lucky criticals so they killed more. Laura moves below Micaiah, Sothe right of Micaiah and Aran above her. After the NPCs were down to two halberdiers I directed them to the space right of Laura and halted them there. When the Black Knight arrived I sent him north to slaughter the majority of the Laguz.

Name       Class         Lvl       HP   STR  MAG    SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES   Support    Skills
Micaiah    Lt.Sage        20/3     20     7   21     16    17    24     7    23  A Sothe    Discipline
Sothe      Rogue           9       36    22    6     26    23    19    15    10   A Micaiah  Pass Savior
Laura      Bishop         17/6     28     8   24     18    21    14     6    13              Shade Paragon
Aran       Halberdier     17/10    30    22    3     26    16     9    25    12              Fortune
Tauroneo   L.General      14       38    24   12     22    20    18    21    15   



Base prep

Gave Ike the vantage skill.

Ike went south and managed to get attacked by the Black Knight since I want Lehran as a precaution even if it means that I'll be taking a penalty for the last map.

Name       Class         Lvl       HP   STR  MAG    SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES   Support    Skills
Ike        Hero          20        50    27    3     30    28    17    24    8               Adept Vantage


Turns:20+4 (Ranulf penalty)

Base prep

Gave Ike the provoke skill. Bought three wind edges and olivi grass.

Ike takes the south side and Ranult takes the east side. Apparently I forgot one lance general enemy so I would've ended this in 16 and not 20 turns...If you're wondering why I took the Ranulf penalty is because it would've taken longer for Ike to clear everything than with Ranulf.

Name       Class         Lvl       HP   STR  MAG    SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES   Support    Skills
Ike        Hero          20        50    27    3     30    28    17    24    8               Adept Provoke


Turns: 6+3(Geoffrey penalty)=9

Base prep

Since I'm going to have to take a penalty anyways I bexp'd Geoffrey to Lvl20 99EXP.

Geoffrey rushes towards the boss, after his promotion he killed the general that was blocking the way and due to some lucky dodges he was able to reach the boss faster.

Maybe I would've ended this a turn earlier with better placments.


Turns: 10+3(Undrafted character penalty)=13

Base prep

Bought an olivi grass and two iron blades.

Took Titania for the penalty. Ike and Titania kills a halberdier the strategy was rushing Ike to intercept as many enemies as he can and trying to rush towards the bishops and the boss. It would've been helpful if I given Titania shade since Ike can kill faster than she can.

Name       Class         Lvl       HP   STR  MAG    SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES   Support    Skills
Ike        Hero          20        50    27    3     30    28    17    24    8               Adept Provoke



Base prep

Bexp'd Tanith all the way to level 21, gave Tanith paragon.

This would've been alot easier if I passed savior to the mercenaries...Tanith and Ike takes out some of the inital enemies. After that Tanith rescues and drops Ike beyond the point where there's an unavoidable pitfall. Then the rest is killing the enemies.

Name       Class         Lvl       HP   STR  MAG    SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES   Support    Skills
Ike        Hero          20        50    27    3     30    28    17    24    8               Adept Provoke
Tanith     Seraph Knight 20/3      40    28   14     28    28    23    25   25               Paragon



Base prep

Bought two killer axes, one exlixer, one silver great lance and some other weapons. Aran +2 levels from BEXP and Micaiah +2 levels.

Aran uses his max moves towards the enemy, the NPC slaughtered as much as they can. Taurneo moves down a ledge and kills anyone weakened by the allied sniper.Micaiah moves about the rock Aran moves next to it and Sothe is placed next to Aran.

Name       Class         Lvl       HP   STR  MAG    SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES   Support    Skills
Micaiah    Lt.Sage        20/6     22     7   21     18    18    26     7    26   A Sothe    Discipline
Sothe      Rogue          11       36    22    8     26    24    20    15    10   A Micaiah  Pass Savior
Laura      Bishop         17/9     30     8   25     21    23    15     7    13              Shade Paragon
Aran       Halberdier     17/13    35    25    3     26    18    10    25    12              Fortune
Tauroneo   L.General      15       38    24   12     22    20    18    22    16              Imbue 



Base prep

BEXP's Taurneo to level 21 bought a tornado, elixer, and physics. Gave Tauroneo Nihil.

Tauroneo, Sothe, and Aran move south but doesn't block the ledge at where they can jump. After Tauroneo jumps down, Aran and Sothe stayed there with a generic Halberdier for 5 turns before moving back up to the objective area for saftey.

Ike attacks Tauroneo he activated resolve and luna.

Name       Class         Lvl       HP   STR  MAG    SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES   Support    Skills
Micaiah    Lt.Sage        20/6     22     7   21     18    18    27     7    26   A Sothe    Discipline
Sothe      Rogue          11       36    22    8     26    24    20    15    10   A Micaiah  Pass Savior
Laura      Bishop         17/10    30     8   25     21    23    16     7    13              Shade Paragon
Aran       Halberdier     17/14    35    25    3     26    19    11    25    13              Fortune
Tauroneo   Marshal        20/ 2    46    28   16     28    23    19    27    23              Nihil 



Base prep

Gave Tanith imbue.

Ike went towards the middle of the map, Tanith went around and goes for the spot where you can get a rescue staff. Ike and Tanith massacred everything in sight.

Name       Class         Lvl       HP   STR  MAG    SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES   Support    Skills
Ike        Hero          20        50    27    3     30    28    17    24    8               Adept Provoke
Tanith     Seraph Knight 20/3      40    28   14     28    28    23    25   25               Imbue

Part 3 total:180

Total turn count:425

Silver army



Greil army


Hawk army

Taurneo (Since he's there by default)

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You should've taken Aran to Ike's route, in my opinion. The desert really hinders his Mov, even when he uses Celerity. So he will be relying on Tanith to ferry him here and there. 4-P is pretty much covered by Tanith solo'ing most of the map, while a maxed-out Micaiah takes out Paladins by herself. In Greil's army, Laura alone is pretty dangerous.

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You should have taken 2 units to Greil's army. You'll need someone to cover for the generals on the right side as someone for the left side reinforcements, while ike goes for the boss and then for the left uppermost side.

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You should've taken Aran to Ike's route, in my opinion. The desert really hinders his Mov, even when he uses Celerity. So he will be relying on Tanith to ferry him here and there. 4-P is pretty much covered by Tanith solo'ing most of the map, while a maxed-out Micaiah takes out Paladins by herself. In Greil's army, Laura alone is pretty dangerous.

You should have taken 2 units to Greil's army. You'll need someone to cover for the generals on the right side as someone for the left side reinforcements, while ike goes for the boss and then for the left uppermost side.

Yeah at first I was thinking I should've done that but I overestimated 4-P because I thought I needed another person to distract the initial halberdiers. Anyways I already finished those chapters with a penalty, so now I just have to finish the tower.

Well, alright...hope it didn't hurt your tuncounts too much.

To be honest Oliver's mansion was going to screw my turncounts anyways.

Quick update before the endgame.



Base prep

BEXP Aran to level 21, Sothe to level 16, and Micaiah to level 10. Bought one silver knife and dagger and one steel knife and gave Sothe paragon.

First turn forced units move out of enemies range and the halberdiers range and Aran goes for the halberdiers. After taking out the warrior and halberdier on the bridge everyone moves out of the paladins range excepet Tanith who had the highest biorythm so she kept activating stun. Since Aran had high defense he barley or took no damage from the enemies and since he also had the highest biorythm he kept activating impale.


Turns: 20 turns

Base prep

BEXP'd Laura to 21.

I didn't deploy Laura for this chapter(if that incurs a penalty then let me know), It took a while because some enemies were stationary and I had to flush them out.


Turns:13+7(Tibarn penalty)

Base prep

Gave Tauroneo boots and the imbue skill.

I took the Tibarn penalty because I think it would be faster than having Tauroneo run across the map and back. The strategy is try to make Tibarn kill as much enemies as he can on enemy phase while Tauroneo takes the southern enemies and reinforcements.



Base prep

Gave Micaiah 5 levels from BEXP and bought two silver knives for Sothe and a shine tome for Micaiah. Assigned Micaiah resolve skill, Tanith savior, Sothe adept and vantage.

Tanith takes out the eastern enemies while Sothe and Aran take out the southern enemies. Managed to get white gem, baselard, dragonfoe and Stefan for his sword. Mopping up the enemies took the bulk of the chapter because of one flyer.


Turns: 36+3(Undrafted character penalty)=39

Base prep

Bought two chest keys and a shine.

With a small force like mines it was expected to have this hideous turn count. Nailah was the undrafted unit I deployed, she rescues Rafiel Nailah and Ike kills the bottom ledge enemies and any enemies on the ledge before moving up.

After that everyone hid in the treasure room and Ike was placed below the door so he can kill as much as he can. After recruiting Oliver, Laura and him attacked the staionary generals for EXP and WEXP. (Forgot to record the stats)


Turns:4+7(Tibarn penalty)=11

Base prep

Gave Bastian Paragon and bought 6 recover staffs. Next base prep bought a lot of stuff, BEXP'd Kurthnaga to level 40, rearranged skills, and items.

Bastian recruits Volke Elincia goes into Volke's spot Tauroneo and him form a wall. Apparently Izuka still rewarped into a spot where Tibarn could reach him.

Name       Class         Lvl       HP   STR  MAG    SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES   Support    Skills
Ike        Vanguard      20/20     65    37   10     40    36    24    32    12              Adept Provoke
Micaiah    Lt.Priestess  20/20/1   31    13   32     24    22    40    12    32   A Sothe    Discipline Resolve
Sothe      Whisper       20/ 4     43    26   15     29    33    29    19    17   A Micaiah  Adept Vantage
Kurthnaga  Black Dragon  40        75    23    9     12    16    30    22    19              Smite Celerity
Tanith     Seraph Knight 20/19     46    32   16     36    36    27    28    29              Nullify
Aran       Sentinel      17/20/12  53    32    8     35    29    20    34    24   C Tauroneo Fortune
Oliver     Saint         9         49    22   31     22    20    29    18    32              Paragon
Renning    Gold Knight             (Base stat)                                               Imbue
Laura      Saint         17/20/12  45    15   38     30    30    30    13    27              Shade Paragon
Tauroneo   Marshal       20/11     52    31   16     33    33    20    31    28              Imbue
Bastian    Archsage      11        45    21   35     28    24    21    20    32              Paragon

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If a character is required to seize, but not drafted or free, they can fight on enemy phase free of penalty. Self-healing/grassing on player phase is also allowed.

I assume this means Ranulf can fight on EP in 3-4?

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Done with my draft. (wouldn't be surprised if I was last) Oliver's mansion took most of my turns.



Base prep

BEXP Aran to level 21, Sothe to level 16, and Micaiah to level 10. Bought one silver knife and dagger and one steel knife and gave Sothe paragon.

First turn forced units move out of enemies range and the halberdiers range and Aran goes for the halberdiers. After taking out the warrior and halberdier on the bridge everyone moves out of the paladins range excepet Tanith who had the highest biorythm so she kept activating stun. Since Aran had high defense he barley or took no damage from the enemies and since he also had the highest biorythm he kept activating impale.


Turns: 20 turns

Base prep

BEXP'd Laura to 21.

I didn't deploy Laura for this chapter(if that incurs a penalty then let me know), It took a while because some enemies were stationary and I had to flush them out.


Turns:13+7(Tibarn penalty)=20

Base prep

Gave Tauroneo boots and the imbue skill.

I took the Tibarn penalty because I think it would be faster than having Tauroneo run across the map and back. The strategy is try to make Tibarn kill as much enemies as he can on enemy phase while Tauroneo takes the southern enemies and reinforcements.



Base prep

Gave Micaiah 5 levels from BEXP and bought two silver knives for Sothe and a shine tome for Micaiah. Assigned Micaiah resolve skill, Tanith savior, Sothe adept and vantage.

Tanith takes out the eastern enemies while Sothe and Aran take out the southern enemies. Managed to get white gem, baselard, dragonfoe and Stefan for his sword. Mopping up the enemies took the bulk of the chapter because of one flyer.


Turns: 36+3(Undrafted character penalty)=39

Base prep

Bought two chest keys and a shine.

With a small force like mines it was expected to have this hideous turn count. Nailah was the undrafted unit I deployed, she rescues Rafiel Nailah and Ike kills the bottom ledge enemies and any enemies on the ledge before moving up.

After that everyone hid in the treasure room and Ike was placed below the door so he can kill as much as he can. After recruiting Oliver, Laura and him attacked the staionary generals for EXP and WEXP. (Forgot to record the stats)


Turns:4+7(Tibarn penalty)=11

Base prep

Gave Bastian Paragon and bought 6 recover staffs. Next base prep bought a lot of stuff, BEXP'd Kurthnaga to level 40, rearranged skills, and items.

Bastian recruits Volke Elincia goes into Volke's spot Tauroneo and him form a wall. Apparently Izuka still rewarped into a spot where Tibarn could reach him.

Name       Class         Lvl       HP   STR  MAG    SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES   Support    Skills
Ike        Vanguard      20/20     65    37   10     40    36    24    32    12              Adept Provoke
Micaiah    Lt.Priestess  20/20/1   31    13   32     24    22    40    12    32   A Sothe    Discipline Resolve
Sothe      Whisper       20/ 4     43    26   15     29    33    29    19    17   A Micaiah  Adept Vantage
Kurthnaga  Black Dragon  40        75    23    9     12    16    30    22    19              Smite Celerity
Tanith     Seraph Knight 20/19     46    32   16     36    36    27    28    29              Nullify
Aran       Sentinel      17/20/12  53    32    8     35    29    20    34    24   C Tauroneo Fortune
Oliver     Saint         9         49    22   31     22    20    29    18    32              Paragon
Renning    Gold Knight             (Base stat)                                               Imbue
Laura      Saint         17/20/12  45    15   38     30    30    30    13    27              Shade Paragon
Tauroneo   Marshal       20/11     52    31   16     33    33    20    31    28              Imbue
Bastian    Archsage      11        45    21   35     28    24    21    20    32              Paragon



Tanith flies and kills the double bow archer, everyone pushes towards the left side while Tauroneo guards the entrace to the left side. Except Kurthnaga who went north even though he was afflicted by a sleep staff the enemies were drawn to him and he barley took or no damage. After killing Lekain the rest were spent killing as much enemies.



Base prep

Gave Micaiah stillness, Taurneo savior. BEXP Ena to level 36.

Oliver repairs purge, Laura attacks Levail and Bastian finishes him off. Ike attacks Zelgius with hammer and he died during enemy phase.


Turns: 4

Base prep

Blessed Wrymslayer, Vague Katti, Valura, Purge, Rexcaliubr, Wishblade, Baselard, and Brave Axe. Renning gets dragonfoe. (Didn't buy enough arms scroll for SS light)

Oliver with nosferatu tanks the dragons to the right everyone kills the inital dragons. Placed Kurth to the southwest of the boss and Ena to the south of the boss, Renning attacked him first then Tanith attacked him and Ike finishes him off.


Turns:5+3(Undrafted unit penalty)=8

Base prep

I brought Tibarn in case I needed more offense. Micaiah and the staff users went southwest corner then I slowly killed the auras and slept the last two so I don't have to worry about hit.

Name       Class         Lvl       HP   STR  MAG    SKL   SPD   LCK   DEF   RES   Support    Skills
Ike        Vanguard      20/20     65    37   10     40    36    24    32    12              Adept Provoke
Micaiah    Lt.Priestess  20/20/5   34    13   35     25    23    40    13    35   A Sothe    Discipline Resolve
Sothe      Whisper       20/ 7     46    28   15     31    34    31    19    17   A Micaiah  Adept Vantage
Kurthnaga  Black Dragon  40        75    23    9     12    16    30    22    19              Ire Provoke Celerity
Ena        Red Dragon    40        70 	 20   20     15    13 	 30    20    20              Smite 	       
Tanith     Seraph Knight 20/20     47    32   16     36    36    27    28    29              Nihil
Aran       Sentinel      17/20/14  54    34    8     35    31    21    34    24   B Tauroneo Fortune
Oliver     Saint         20        50    25   36     25    27    33    20    32              Paragon Provoke
Tauroneo   Marshal       20/17     56    31   16     34    31    20    35    28              Imbue
Bastian    Archsage      18        46    22   36     33    25    23    24    34              Paragon
Renning    Gold Knight   19        56    33   18     33    30    24    30    24              Nihil
Laura      Saint         17/20/17  45    16   38     30    31    33    14    29              Shade Paragon

Part 4: 150 turns

Total turns:575

Top 5






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I don't think its allowed to deploy undrafted non forced/non required for recruiting units in order to have them fight with a penalty...

Edited by SlayerX
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I don't think its allowed to deploy undrafted non forced/required for recruiting units...

...This rule has been stated in every draft. Of course it's allowed.


Battle preparations

Ilyana uses the Boots and leaves Celerity behind. She also buys Elfire tomes.

Jill buys more hand axes.

Give the Seraph Robe to Micaiah, and then BEXP her all the way to lvl 20.


Jill - Paragon

Heather - Adept

Ilyana - Daunt


Jill carried like 80% of the weight in this chapter. She solo'd the entire upper side. Ilyana took over the far right side, were three Halberdiers and lots of Bow!Paladins were. The last reinforcements to the Top-Left corner were dealt with by Micaiah, because Jill was busy with one enemy that was left. Oh yeah, Heather only got the two Halberdiers and two or three Paladins. I find it incredible she still manages to 3HKO these enemies with a Steel dagger.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Micaiah   20.-- 38 15  30  23  25  40  12  30   A Sothe
Jill      14.48 55 34  10  33  35  34  30  22   C Ilyana
Heather    8.51 44 27  17  34  38  35  23  26
Moeblob   10.80 44 24  32  32  30  17  22  25

4 turns.


Battle preparations


Ike - Paragon

Zihark - Adept + Resolve

Lyre - Imbue


As usual, Ike would take over the whole lower side. Lyre would take care of the Generals, now that she can easily handle them with, thanks to Rend, and a SS-ranked strike near the end of the chapter (Because Rend didn't cooperate very much). Zihark handled the left side with awesome 2-range swords.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       16.04 63 37   7  38  34  22  32  17  
Zihark     8.74 45 29  12  38  38  19  20  22   
Lyre      31.15 53 15   7  20  20  23   9  11

7 turns.


I dislike this chapter. :awesome: At least at a draft without Tibarn or a 2-range flier. Luckily, I made up a good solution...

Battle preparations

Finally...I finally get Nealuchi back. To think that Part 2 Exp didn't go down the drain. I BEXP him all the way to lvl 30. But no Satori Sign for him. He isn't even half-way through SS-ranking his strike yet. Lucky for him, he can 2HKO every enemy not a General.

Lucia gets BEXP'd to 98.

Danved gets a Spear, and two other Short spears from the Convoy.

Lucia takes two Wind edges, a Storm sword and two Silver blades.


Danved - Celerity

Lucia - Paragon

Nealuchi - Provoke


Danved and Lucia take on all the enemies to the East side, while Nealuchi first kills the enemies at the South-East corner, and then heads back to deal with reinforcements.

So I now see how ideal fliers are for the Hawk route. I remember Anouleth saying that. That flying is actually more on demand than 2-range. But if you have both there, you'll do great.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Danved    11.95 58 31  16  32  33  30  27  21
Lucia      9.77 49 27  17  39  37  24  19  26
Nealuchi  30.90 59 16   4  11  22  31  13  10

11 turns.


Battle preparations

BEXP Jill to lvl 16, Heather to lvl 10, and Ilyana to lvl 13.

Jill grabs more Hand axes, and two Tomohawks from the Convoy.

Ilyana grabs Bolgoane & Archfire.

Micaiah takes the Restore staff.


Micaiah - None

Jill - Adept + Savior

Ilyana - Resolve


Once again, Jill carries most of the weight in this chapter, ultimately handling all the enemies to the center and South of the map. Ilyana begings going to the right, to later make her way down to the South to assist Jill to make the kills faster. Meanwhile, the very few enemies at the center that Jill left behind, were dealt with by Heather while Micaiah made her way to the East to recruit Stefan. Stefan helped with the routing with 2 or 3 kills at most. Heather got the Baselard, and Sothe got the Laguz Gem, and sent it to the Convoy.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Micaiah   20.-- 40 11  30  23  25  40  15  30   
Jill      19.28 55 35  10  37  35  35  33  22   C Ilyana
Heather   12.39 45 28  17  37  40  35  25  26
Moeblob   18.22 45 24  39  34  30  20  24  30   C Jill

6 turns.


Battle preparations

BEXP Ike to lvl 20. Bought him a Pure water.

I packed alot of crap (Satori Signs) into Lyre's Inventory. You'll see why. :)


Ike - Pass

Zihark - Adept + Resolve

Lyre - Imbue


Ike solo'd the Top-Left side. Everything. He killed everything there. What's annoying is that I have to take a turn on each Bishop because only one of them can attack. Zihark raided the chest room to the Bottom-Left side and then went to assist Lyre with the reinforcements, and treasure looting. Actually, Lyre was the one that did all the treasure-looting. She kill the Sages at the chest room to the left, and then killed the enemies at the next room, and took both, the Fortify staff, and that crossbow with the Indian name. As Lyre's Inventory was full, she sent the Laguz Gem to the Convoy. On the lasts turns, Zihark dealt with the General that spawned to the South-East corner while Ike took on the enemies spawning to the South-West corner. Damn 2-range excess.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       20.-- 65 37   8  40  37  24  32  19   
Zihark    14.11 50 32  14  40  40  21  21  23
Lyre      31.95 53 15   7  20  20  23   9  11

13 turns.


Battle preparations

BEXP Lucia to the 90s~

And this time, I actually use the Satori Sign on Nealuchi, now that he was pretty close to SS-ranking it.


Danved - Smite

Lucia - Paragon

Nealuchi - Celerity


Elincia recruited Volke. I place him at range of a few Tigers. Danved smites Nealuchi forward, and Nealuchi moves forward, and use the Laguz Gem. The next turn, Nealuchi kills a laguz in front of Izuka. End turn. Izuka decides not to cooperate, and doesn't attack. A few enemies gang up on Nealuchi, and Nealuchi tears their ballz off. My turn, again. Nealuchi cleanly 1RKO's Izuka.

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Danved    12.36 59 32  16  32  33  30  28  22
Lucia     13.55 50 29  18  40  39  25  20  26
Nealuchi  32.81 60 16   4  11  22  32  13  11

3 turns.


Battle preparations

Sell tons of more crap I won't be using. That includes skills I won't be using from every character along with some of their useless equipment. With all that cash, I just bought all the available Arms Scrolls and used them to S rank Micaiah's Light/Staves and Ilyana to an A rank in staves.

Micaiah and Ilyana each grab Ward, Physics, Restores and Ilyana gets Rescue.


- Establish Ike x Zihark C

- Establish Micaiah x Heather C

- Establish Danved x Lucia C


Ike - Provoke

Micaiah - Paragon

Jill - Adept + Savior

Zihark - Adept + Pass

Danved - None

Lucia - Adept + Provoke

Nealuchi - None

Heather - Pass

Lyre - Imbue

Moeblob - Celerity + Daunt

Stefan - Paragon

Volke - Paragon

And of last, of course, some BEXP to get my characters ready for the end.

The beginning of the end is near. 8)


Ike, Micaiah, Jill, Zihark, Lucia & Ilyana all destroy the Generals at the main path. While doing so, on the first turn, they all stand on Wardwood to avoid getting Slept. Hetzel tried Silencing Micaiah. I went like, "Keep trying, bro". The Sleep staves only targeted Ike, but they were dealt with by the next turn. Ilyana deals with Lekain and the Cover Generals to the left. Jill deals with Hetzel and terrorizes most of the enemies to the left side thanks to Highest Bio + Adept + Stun + Canto + URVAN. She just 1RKO all of the Cover Generals except one of them (Which was left at 4 HP, and was later killed on the next Phase). Stefan, Nealuchi and Danved dealt with Jill's left-overs. Volke, Heather & Lyre ganged up on kills, since they weren't very lucky with Skill/Critical (Volke's case) procs.

Nealuchi 1RKO'd the DoubleBow!Sniper that had single-digit hit against him. Hah!

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       20.-- 65 37   8  40  37  24  32  19   C Zihark
Micaiah    4.78 43 20  35  26  29  40  17  35   C Heather
Jillian   20.-- 55 35  10  37  35  35  34  22   C Ilyana
Zihark    15.43 51 32  14  40  40  22  21  24   C Ike
Danved    12.86 59 32  16  32  33  30  28  22   C Lucia   
Lucia     15.51 50 30  18  40  40  27  20  26   C Danved
Nealuchi  33.08 60 16   4  11  23  33  13  11   
Heather   12.91 45 28  17  37  40  35  25  26   C Micaiah
Lyre      32.22 53 16   7  20  20  23   9  11
Moeblob   19.50 45 24  39  34  30  20  24  31   C Jill
Stefan    11.54 55 29   8  40  37  20  23  18
Volke     15.96 53 32   5  37  36  19  26  22

4 turns.


Battle preparations

Ike gets a Hammer from the Convoy.

Ilyana gets a 2-uses Meteor.

BEXP for Volke & Stefan.


- Establish Stefan x Volke C


Ike - Parity

Micaiah - Paragon

Stefan - Paragon

Volke - Paragon


So I only deploy Stefan, Volke, Ilyana, and Ike & Micaiah, since the latter two are forced. Ilyana 1RKO'd Levail and got the Wishblade. Stefan and Volke jumped into a horde of enemies, each to one side. Stefan to the left, and Volke to the right.

1 turn.


Battle preparations


- Increased Jill x Ilyana to B

- Established Heather x Nealuchi C

Blessed weapons:

Ike - Ragnell

Micaiah - Nosferatu

Jill - Urvan

Zihark - Wyrmslayer

Danved - Wishblade

Lucia - Alondite

Nealuchi - Ravenclaw

Heather - Peshkatz

Lyre - Kitty paw

Moeblob - Rexthunder

Stefan - Vague Katti

Volke - Baselard

Sothe - Peshlatz


Ike, Jill, the Trueblades & Ilyana gang up on Dheginsea.

1 turn.


Battle preparations


Ike - Celerity

Micaiah - Paragon

Jill - Parity


Everyone warhogs though those little, annoying, rainbow-colored little balls and all clear those things out of the way and kill Sephiran.

2 turns.


Battle preparations

BEXP my characters to cap the stats that they need to cap.


- Increased Ike x Zihark to an A

- Established Lyre x Micaiah C

- Increased Jill x Ilyana to an A

- Increased Danved x Lucia to a B

- Increased Stefan x Volke to a B


Ike - Nihil

Micaiah - Paragon

Jill - None

Zihark - Adept

Danved - None

Lucia - Nihil

Nealuchi - Parity

Heather - Pass

Lyre - Nihil

Moeblob - None

Stefan - None

Volke - Nihil


I am pretty glad to have 7 characters that can double Auras with decent damage (Except Heather, her Dmg was meh). Nealuchi usually hit the ones on Cover with Parity with Ilyana, and the speedies went for the onces on Wardwood.

By the way, since I forgot to list the abolute finishing stats, I'll just have to post the ones that were at the start of 4-E-5 after BEXP:

Unit      Level HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res   Support
Ike       20.-- 65 37   6  40  37  24  32  19   B Zihark
Micaiah    6.16 43 20  37  26  29  40  17  37   C Lyre
Jillian   20.-- 55 35  10  37  35  35  34  22   A Ilyana
Zihark    16.00 52 32  14  40  40  23  22  24   B Ike
Danved    18.00 60 35  16  34  33  30  33  27   B Lucia   
Lucia     16.37 50 31  19  40  40  28  20  26   B Danved
Nealuchi  38.00 60 16   8  16  23  35  13  15   B Heather   
Heather   13.22 45 28  17  38  40  35  25  26   B Danved
Lyre      32.22 53 16   7  20  20  23   9  11   C Micaiah
Moeblob   20.-- 45 24  39  34  30  20  24  32   A Jill
Stefan    16.24 55 32  10  40  40  21  26  20   B Volke
Volke     20.-- 55 32   5  40  40  21  29  23   B Stefan

Not like they gained much Cexp through Auras, anyway. =P

5 turns.

So that gives me 58 turns by the end of Part 4, and total of: 299 turns.


5 - Heather (74 kills)

4 - Zihark (127 kills)

3 - Jill (143 kills)

2 - Ike (190 kills)

1 - Ilyana (205 kills)


Edited by Soul
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...This rule has been stated in every draft. Of course it's allowed.

In my first draft i deployed Nailah (in 4-1) and i had to restart cause it wasn't allowed. So i suppose its not in every draft (plus now that i re-read my post its misleading and doesn't state what i want to say... :unsure::sweatdrop: )

Edited by SlayerX
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SlayerX is technically right, but at a turn count of 575 I don't think we need to be too hard-assed on this one. Though for future reference GO, non-forced, non-drafted units can't be deployed unless there is some rule that says they can.

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SlayerX is technically right, but at a turn count of 575 I don't think we need to be too hard-assed on this one. Though for future reference GO, non-forced, non-drafted units can't be deployed unless there is some rule that says they can.

Alright, I'll keep that in mind.

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Damn, someone's almost done, and I haven't even begun ;-; I'm so caught up between a tonne of different projects...

I'm not going to abandon this though; I just need to finish my PoR draft first (Which is only a handful of hilariously easy chapters from the end)

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Ike (190 victories)


Micaiah (68 victories)

Micaiah: She was hardly useful in Part 1. She served me well for earlygame chipping before Sothe came along. But, I must say, after that, in Part 3, she shined as a decent combatant. Then in Part 4; Chapter, she was insane. She doubled and 1RKO'd a few 21 AS Wyerns, and 2HKO'd every other enemy not a Magic user. At Endgame, she served as my primary and only healer. As always, I bothered getting her to her max level. 8)

Sothe (49 victories)

An excellent unit for all of Part 1. The lack of forges only started hurting him starting at 1-8. The only time that I used him passed Part 1 was at 3-6.

Zihark (127 victories)

Well, if Sothe wasn't stomping Part 1 enough, here comes in Zihark to basically take over. Sothe had no 2-range. But, even though Zihark had crappy 2-range at Part 1 (Wind edges), he had the advantage of having innate Adept, so that means he could've equipped another skill like Wrath or Resolve to make his offense and durability better. Come Part 3, and Trueblade Zihark laughs at the enemies. The only problem being that he didn't get much action in his three Part 3 chapters. Part 4? A pretty amazing fighter even by then, thanks to the avaibility of Storm swords and two Tempest blades. Resolve made him untouchable before any supports. One of the best units in my run, who happened to be very helpful at every chapter he was available at.

Jill (143 victories)

She started out a little bit average. But she picked up really quickly, and became a decent combatant by the end of Part 1. Starting Part 3, she started growing and becoming much more...monstrous. At 3-12 was when she promoted and automatically became a god. She lolstomped Part 3 & 4.

Ilyana (A.K.A Moeblob) (205 victories)

Well, as you can see by the number of her victories, you can almost tell she was the best unit in my run. Yeah, scrub characters usually end up with ridiculous amounts of kills. But that's usually because the player feeds them tons of kills to even make them usable in the first place. Not her case. Her 13 AS/17 Atk at base level allowed her to double and 1RKO a few enemies right off the bat, letting her raise herself without the need of being spoonfed. So by 1-6-1, she started being almost up-to-par with Zihark thanks to awesome 1-2 range 1RKO'ing action at the cost of -1 Mov than him. Her Part 3 started out a little shaky thanks to the fact she didn't double much with 22 AS (Speedwings). Lucky for her, her Spd and the rest of her stats got up quickly, allowing some BEXP slowplay and an early Crowning. After her Crowning Moment of Awesome and constant use of Celerity (Boots, starting at 4-P), she became a One-Girl-Army. Sure, Ike is pretty beast and all, but his Part 3 lacked decent 2-range that would be needed in some routing chapters. Her Part 4 was about the same. The only time she slowed down was starting at 4-E-4, which is almost to the end. I'm glad to know 30 Spd caps are actually useful in NM. 8)

Heather (74 victories)

One of my former draftees from my last draft tournament, "draft playthru!". Much like Sothe, the lack of forges for better Atk, backed up with 2-range hurt her a bit. Just a bit. I understimated what could she actually do without forges. I thought she was going to be an awful combatant. But no...up to Part 4, she could 3HKO enemies with Steel daggers. So the 1RKO'ing was possible with Adept (Which I had given to her, most of the time). The small instances of thief utility (2-E Energy Drop, 3-5 Energy Drop, Baselard, etc) were just a plus. At Endgame was were she became what was probably the "worst" unit among my drafted characters, only really beating Sothe. But, overall, despite the lack of forges, she did alot better than I thought she would. The tendency to pull Bane + Adept chances were insane. She's also an insane dodger, and would actually be a pretty rare instance if she were to get hit.

Lucia (28 victories? It was over 25 and below 30 for sure)

The second of my three TBs, and one of the two which have the worst availability. At 2-2, she saved me 4 turns, just by being free. But most of the action was at Part 4. She was my worst combatant besides Sothe & Micaiah, if only for the lack of Adept over Paragon. Not saying she was bad. She could 2HKO alot of enemies at 4-2, and most Cats at 4-5. At Endgame, she was probably my best TB due to insane innate dodge and great 2-range thanks to Tempest Blade, and later Alondite. She could've certainly been better if IS decided to give her Part 3 availability.

Danved (56 victories)

Another former draftee. He was a little like Lucia in a sense of poor availability, except with better avaibility, better concrete durability and offense. At Part 2-3 & 3-9, he was mostly "The guy that would help Geoffrey not get his ass handed to him". After that, starting 3-11 up to 4-E-3, he would be an offensive monster with great proc chances of Impaling enemies to back up his constant 2HKO's (3HKO's on Generals & Wyerns, though).

Nealuchi (52 victories)

I was actually awaiing anxiously to train this guy. The only time I trained a bird unit was on my first playthrough with Ulki. But even then, I barely used him 1 or two chapters. Tear is an awesome skill. To some up his performances:

Part 2: "Hahaha, I jump into a mob of enemies untransformed, come out alive, and then Wrath-rampage them to death!"

Part 3: No sign of him.

Part 4 (Chapter 2): Naesala 2.0

Part 4 (Chapter 5 from onwards): Mini Tibarn

Lyre (63 victories)

Lolyre. x3

Training her wasn't much of a pain to me, as she was another of my former draftees. What does does have over the Unholy Trinity girls on drafts is her availability and much better resources to actually make her fixable. Most of her Part 3 was just training her to she can become *decent*. She was like a slightly better Ranulf post-Level 30. The Cat gauge certainly hurt. But nothing a few Olivi grasses and untrunsformed fights couldn't solve.

To sum of her Part 4: Mini Nailah.

She actually had the same offense as base level Nailah once she got maxed out and SS-ranked her strike.

Stefan (12 victories)

The last TB I get, and the TB with worst avaibility at the worst scenerio. He joins at a desert, so that means his Mov gets really heavy, and that he won't get many, if any kills at all. Lucky for him, he has three enemies close to his starting position, and one Mage that will go for him. That makes an easy level-up. for a start. He's pretty much just an Endgame filler which happens to be screw-proof thanks to high bases and growths. Yay, Vague Katti.

Volke (12 victories)

Stefan with knives, slightly higher Critical, durability and mediocre 2-range. He doesn't have much of a difference on Stefan at all aside the fact he might make a better General killer at 4-E-1 thanks to 30~% Crit on them with Baselard. His performance was slightly worse than Stefan's at Endgame...if only because I'm judging their offense against Auras this time.

Overall, I really looked forward to being able to use this team once I've been asigned to it. Having 7 speed-based units is a good filler role when it comes to dealing with Auras while lacking laguz royals.

I would like to thanks nflchamp for putting up such an amusing and unpredictable way of drafting. I really enjoyed both, the character random-picks, and the run itself along with the competetion I will about to face.

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Chapter 5

Dracoshield and Drop for Volug, Miccy to 90 with BEXP, 2 Bronze Knifes to Sothe.

Do I really need to tell how 2 units in top 5 of tranferless HM tier list beat this chapter?

6 turns

Micaiah 10.81 19 3 14 12 9 15 3 13
Sothe 5.56 36 19 4 24 22 18 15 12
Volug base

Chapter 6-1

Lots of knifes, Kard and adept for Sothe, Resolve for volug.

SotheXAdept is now my OTP…

10 turns

Micaiah 12.26 21 4 16 14 10 17 4 14 
Sothe 6.61 36 20 4 25 22 19 16 12
Volug base.29

Chapter 6-2

LOLAdeptXSothe LOLVolugXResolve LOLThanibomb

6 turns

Micaiah 12.97 21 4 16 14 10 17 4 14
Sothe 6.99 36 20 4 25 22 19 16 12
Volug base.56

67 total turns

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