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Best/Worst in the Series: Round 75


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Ah, it's nice to read about others' reasons for liking FE4. I decided I'd read through the script for the first gen of Genealogy again, just to see if I'd understand why it's so well-loved, but in all honesty, I don't. I guess it's just personal preference. I tend to enjoy politics and stories with characters who have more of a "grey" morality, rather than having everything and everyone just be black-and-white, but in my opinion, this doesn't really apply to FE4. The war in the first generation was primarily caused because the Lopt Sect decided to manipulate the kings of the other countries to attack Grandbell, as far as I understand, and since they so easily decided to trust the plotting, evil-looking mages, I can only conclude that they were corrupt from the very beginning. The main characters are, quite obviously, on the good side, being completely innocent of the charges they're accused of. The one exception to this rule of "black and white" would probably be Alvis. In either case, this lessened the impact the story had on me - the politics just weren't very interesting.

Eh, I've never really liked overly dark stories, though. I usually prefer more lighthearted ones. So, as I said before, personal preference. Please excuse the rant, by the way - just felt I needed to get this off my chest. I guess I'll just have to agree to disagree with practically everyone else who has played FE4, heh.

@Silvercrow: that's a great post; it cleared up some things for me. Thanks.

I don't know why people make such a huge deal about Sigurd and Deirdre's love at first sight thing, it's really not even that important to the plot. Would things really have been any different if they fell in love gradually?

It may not be important to the plot, but I think it's important to their personalities. I think they would have felt more believable as characters if they had somehow done away with the "love at first sight"-cliché. Most of the characters in FE4 are really underdeveloped, though (some even less than the newcomers in FE10, which says quite a bit), but still.

Another thing is that I found that FE4's translation was particularly excellent , I would even rate it above the professional localizations. Presentation matters, imo.

I definitely think a professional localization team could have done a better job, but I'm incredibly nitpicky when it comes to translations. That's not to say I don't appreciate the translation patch, of course. I definitely do, but I think it could've been done better.

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@FE4 has cliches: Oh no, a video game with cliches. So? Every FE game has cliches. Chrono Trigger has cliches. Paper Mario has cliches. You name any game, it has cliches with the exception of, like, Tetris because it has no story at all. That game has cliches. Does that itself make it a bad game? Of course not. Cliches are perfectly acceptable to have if they're done right, and in my opinion FE4 does a damn good job of it.

I don't recall ever saying FE 4 had cliches (I recall saying Lyn Mode was cliche, though). It was just generic, mostly uninteresting and the characters were not really likable at all except for Sigurd.

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FE4 gen 1 contained sorrow. It was a story of a man who wanted to try to do everything he could, but more and more people would suffer despite that. Sigurd wanted to simply save Aideen, but instead went off to go to war against the whole nation and indirectly was the cause of the kings death. He then fights in Augustria and after stopping his mad king he actually tries to rebuild the nation. But this actually leads to more problems, his best freind dies, then his wife get's kidnapped, he couldn't do anything about any of it however. After killing the king, he fights to stop the pirates harassing the area for obvious reasons, this all seems fine. But after he does do this he's branded as a traitor and Augustia is forced into hell since nobody is left to rule. Chapter 4 then went to Levin, a man who simply wanted to be free. But leaving his home nation actually leads to more people getting hurt. There were major uprisings from his uncles who might not of rebelled if Levin became king. Levin only learned this after Manya, Fury's sister died.

Cue chapter 5 where this is more evident then anywhere else. Sigurd get's to his father, but shortly after seeing him, he die's simply wanting Sigurd to restore his name. No matter what, Sigurd couldn't change anything, he was too late to get to his father in time and thus his death was imminent. Then in the most triumphet example, Cuan and Elthin coming to help Sigurd but only to be ambushed and killed. Sigurd simply couldn't do anything about it, he was on the other side of the desert and there was no way he could of done anything. But Sigurd didn't mourn, he instead perservered, since that was the only thing he could do at that time. After all of this Sigurd killed Langbart and was about to clear his name... only for him to be powerless to save his own life.

Gen 1 is a story of being powerless and being incapable to doing everything. All other Fire Emblem games make it seem like you can save everyone and everything will be fine. (Ninian coming back for example <_<) Gen 1 didn't play this and thus it's the best FE story. Granted Gen 2 kinda crapped all over this, but let's not dwell on it since Gen 1 is where it's at

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I don't recall ever saying FE 4 had cliches (I recall saying Lyn Mode was cliche, though). It was just generic, mostly uninteresting and the characters were not really likable at all except for Sigurd.

Tiltyu? Levin?

Really? I found quite a few characters interesting.

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Best: FE10. Not perfect by any means, but at least it seems like they tried to do something different rather than standard FE plot.

Worst: FE11. There is just nothing interesting here.

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Best: FE4. Others have done a good job of describing why they liked it, and my reasons are similar. Firstly: the subversion of typical FE 'black and white morality' seen in the 1st gen. Case point, Chapter 2. At first, it seems like the classic "corrupt king takes over, you must end his reign of terror!" scenario. And that's true, in a sense. Shagall is about as "generic villain" as they come. But FE4 treats the situation more realistically. Unlike in the other FE's, you can't just defeat the evil king and expect the country to magically get better overnight. Sigurd realises too late that killing all the nobles on the way to Shagall would leave the country in a very dangerous state. He's forced to send in an interim government from Grandbell, while attempting to defeat Shagall once and for all, which succeeds, at the cost of possibly the only non-corrupt Augustrian left. And no sooner has he come to terms with this, than he realises his own country may be just as bad, if not even worse, than Shagall's Auguatria was. Guess who's now in charge of Augustria.

And even in the ending, it's not all fine and dandy. Quite the opposite, actually, Levin reveals the country has been in a state of civil war for the entire 2nd gen, and it's NOT over. All this because of your actions as the "good" side invading a "clearly evil" country in the 1st gen. Nice Job Breaking an Entire Country Hero.

(I can think of an obvious real world parallel here, but I won't say it.)

I will agree that the 2nd gen is pretty much a carbon copy of FE3 book 2's story. But it does have its moments of depth, mostly in the Thracia scenario. You see Trabant as another 'generic villain', but that's only from your perspective as the liberation army. Turns out there’s more to it than that. I won't go into detail here (look up design notes), but the fact is he could have been a hero, he just lost the country lottery.

The second reason I’d pick FE4, it that it’s probably the most complete and fleshed-out universe in the series. There’s just such a huge amount of background material, and many backstory events get explanations in designer’s notes, while still being alluded to in-game. I normally don’t like to bring my Youtube channel into things around here, but just to give you an idea: I’ve done over 100 videos of FE4 commentary, and I still haven’t come close to running out of background material to bring up. I think that really says something.

Honorable mention to FE10, though I can tell it's a 'love or hate' thing. Part 3 was really the high point for me. (and a high point for my experience of the entire series) It gave me the feeling I was actually participating in a greater conflict, and not many games in the series have done that. And one other thing...

Yeah, Ashera is a clichéd as they come, but it was actually a big twist of the series conventions. PoR's ending really lead you to believe another "evil character trying to revive the Dark God" plot was on the way, so the revelation that said "Dark God" is actually NOT evil, (and more just misunderstood) was a huge twist by FE standards. Technically, neither of the goddesses are 'evil' in the definite sense, it's just that having one without the other spells complete disaster. It also gets props for breaking connotations associated with 'Chaos' (seriously, when anyone say that, you think the WH40K version) by depicting the Chaos Goddess as a child, which is actually pretty accurate. Naive, uncontrollable, and sometimes destructive, but always well-intentioned

I will lol if FE10 gets first place in both best and worst.

IMO, I think that would actually sum up FE10 perfectly. It has some of the best story moments in the series, and some of the worst.

Oh, and another honorable mention to FE12, for making those bricks of FE11 actually have personalities. Trust me, that really says something.

Worst: I won’t write an essay on this one, I’ll just say this: FE10 and FE11 had bland, uninteresting characters, but they didn’t have a support system. FE6’s characters on the other hand, are still bland and uninteresting despite there being a support system. So FE6 all the way here.

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