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Coke or pepsi?

Who are your top 5 favourite villains in fiction?

Hmm, that depends on what you can call a villain. If rivals and advesaries count, then my list looks a lot different. Let's see here...

1) Kreia from Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. I'm not even into Star Wars, but she's a fantastic villain. Manipulative, scary and has her own agenda that's extreme but makes sense.

2) Prince Zuko from Avatar: The Last Airbender. Might be my favorite fictional character ever, though one could argue his villain status.

3) Miles Edgeworth from Ace Attorney. Again, more of an advesary and rival than anything else, though a lot more unfriendly at first. Fantastic character development and an overall likeable guy. It's too bad the recent Ace Attorney games have been so bloody awful.

After that, the list becomes a lot more nebulous; even Sherlock Holmes stories which I'm a big fan of usually focus on either Sherlock, Watson or just the situation or motive in general, rather than the actual perpetrator of the crime.

Memorable villains are few and far between.

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a villain you find memorable for either good or wrong reason

If you ever had your own son/daughter, what would be the first video games/video game series you'd let them play?

classic mario

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Are there any smells/odours that you find nice that some/most people don't? (Eg: vaporub, durian)

Coke or pepsi?

I don't really like either, actually, since my body doesn't process caffeine very well. But if I had to pick, maybe Coke since it tastes stronger?

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Most annoying videogame theme?

Favorite RPG series besides Tales?

Fire Emblem

To me, Persona 3 was a much worse experience because of a far less likeable cast, half of which you couldn't even Social Link initially, much worse villains (what does Ikutsuki's betrayal mean long-term, really?) and an ironically even cheesier atmosphere than Persona 4 even though the game takes itself so bloody seriously, which is why scenes like the Yakushima trip feel so bizarre; it's such an odd clash with the rest of the game.

As for the characters both parts have characters I like and dislike.

On the one hand I have to admit I prefer P4's social links with non party members. (Ayame's was really adorable, Ai's was nice too, and the sports mate support (I forgot his name) was a bit sad)

Also Adachi is an excellent written for me. Really an asshole you like to HATE!

On the other hand Persona 4 features one of my most disliked characters in videogames: Rise Kujikawa

Edited by Eleanor Hume
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Would you rather get 20.000 dollars now or five dollars every day for the rest of your life?

a villain you find memorable for either good or wrong reason

Kristoph Gavin from Ace Attorney 4 is terribly underdeveloped, but boy is he cunning. The background mystery of AA4 is so freaking good even though the game suffers from a lot of issues. It has by far the best opening case of any Ace Attorney game because of Kristoph.

Team Skull from Pokémon Sun & Moon are also memorable because they're so damn funny.

As for memorable for a bad reason, probably Nergal from Blazing Sword. He's got the most boring modus operandi of any video game villain I've ever seen, and both he and his lackeys are so incompetent that it makes the entire game feel almost like a parody without the humor.

As for the characters both parts have characters I like and dislike.

On the one hand I have to admit I prefer P4's social links with non party members. (Ayame's was really adorable, Ai's was nice too, and the sports mate support (I forgot his name) was a bit sad)

Also Adachi is an excellent written for me. Really an asshole you like to HATE!

On the other hand Persona 4 features one of my most disliked characters in videogames: Rise Kujikawa

I couldn't stand a lot of characters in Persona 3. Akihiko is a walking cliché that never develops, Mitsuru is a rich, strong girl stereotype and nothing beyond that, Yukari is an awful person whose complaints about her admittedly sad background just comes across as whining when almost everyone else in the group has gone through worse, Ken might as well not exist beyond getting Shinji killed, and so on.

The non main characters are also very underwhelming for the most part. One guy is just delusional about his relationship to a teacher and another just refuses to let his legs rest in-between trainings to the point he risks handicapping himself. Like, what the hell?

Why do you hate Rise? Compared to the boring cast of Persona 3, Rise's great. Besides, there's no forced edgyness there.

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Favorite demon from Persona / SMT series?

How would you describe yourself, personality-wise?

shy, serious, friendly, helpful, too biased

I couldn't stand a lot of characters in Persona 3. Akihiko is a walking cliché that never develops, Mitsuru is a rich, strong girl stereotype and nothing beyond that, Yukari is an awful person whose complaints about her admittedly sad background just comes across as whining when almost everyone else in the group has gone through worse, Ken might as well not exist beyond getting Shinji killed, and so on.

Why do you hate Rise? Compared to the boring cast of Persona 3, Rise's great. Besides, there's no forced edgyness there.

I agree with Yukari. She's whiny who's only looking for pity about her lost dad.

Mitusru might be the stereotype rich girl, but I like her strong will. And she's the most attractive Persona character besides Aigis for me.

Rise feels artifical to me. She tries to change her attitude but I don't buy her development. She's still an egocentric an calculated young lady who only wants to attract attention. I really disliked her max rank social link with the proatagonist. However I loved seeing her drunk in the disco.

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A character you had a negative first impression of who you later grew to like?

Thoughts on vaporwave/future funk

I don't really know what either of those are. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Are there any conditions/injuries you have that are common or reoccurring? (Eg: constant frostbite on your toes every winter, getting headaches quite often, having a sensitive stomach that acts up at least once a week)

Would you rather get 20.000 dollars now or five dollars every day for the rest of your life?

I'd choose the latter. I'd be getting more money overall in the long run, assuming my lifespan is of average length or longer.

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What do you like better, food or sleep?

Favorite demon from Persona / SMT series?

Don't really have one; I've only played Persona 3 and 4 I'm afraid, and I tend to just like whichever one I manage to cram the best skills onto without too much effort.

Rise feels artifical to me. She tries to change her attitude but I don't buy her development. She's still an egocentric an calculated young lady who only wants to attract attention. I really disliked her max rank social link with the proatagonist. However I loved seeing her drunk in the disco.

What makes you say that? Sure, she likes attention from Yu, but that's really not her only trait, and I fail to see how that makes her egotistical. Hell, her introduction to the game showed that she was sick of pretending to be someone she was not and didn't want any unwanted attention at all and just helped out her grandmother in a tofu shop, and throughout the game she often shows a lot of compassion for people, wanting to bring Nanako in on the festivites once they thought they had caught the killer and cried her eyes out when Teddie reappeared after being gone for a while.

Buddy, I think all romantic maxed out Social Links suck; the "romanctic" parts of Persona 3 and 4 are often so painfully awkwardly written. It's hard to add genuine emotion to a scene with a silent, stone-faced protagonist. Not to mention it's pretty much all pandering, though at least it's thankfully optional in Persona 4 - no more forced harems!



Edited by Thane
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If a game had a remake, would you prefer to play the original version of said game or a remake?

Are there any conditions/injuries you have that are common or reoccurring? (Eg: constant frostbite on your toes every winter, getting headaches quite often, having a sensitive stomach that acts up at least once a week)

Well I get a lot of earwax buildup in my ears so every once in a while I hate to get them cleaned, if that counts.

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Favorite fictional villains?

If a game had a remake, would you prefer to play the original version of said game or a remake?

That's far too vague a question to answer. If a game like Fire Emblem Gaiden, which has a lot of cool ideas but some pretty shoddy execution got a remake, I'd play the remake in a heartbeat. However, if a game was already great and the remake added unnecessary changes, I'd stick to the original.

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Has there ever been a location in a fictional game that you wished you could visit?

Favorite fictional villains?

Hm...the main villain of Trails in the Sky FC(not giving a name because spoilers, sorta). He's not objectively evil like a lot of villains tend to be, and he has fairly down-to-earth goals compared to a lot of villains. He's got a lot in common with your typical FE Camus archetype, doing what he feels is best for his country and using any means necessary to accomplish that.

TBH, I wish we could see more villains like this in FE.

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same question

If you could take any Playstation or XBox first party exclusive and make it available for all 3 gaming platforms, which one would you pick?

Kingdom Hearts.

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What's your most favourite traditional fighting game series? (Eg: Street Fighter, Tekken, Soul Calibur)

same question

Kingdom Hearts.

Nothing comes to mind, actually. Well, I'm tempted to say LittleBigPlanet, but after wanting to play it for so long and finally being able to, it actually wasn't as fun to me as I hoped. The levels being photorealistic made the world feel rather boring and dull and I really didn't find the levels as action paced or exciting as other platformers.

Well Kingdom Hearts isn't first party, but if that's the only other game series you could think of that you'd want to be multi-platform, then fair enough.

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In regards to trying out new or different foods (eg: trying out Indian food or any food from a nation you've never tried out before), how adventurous are you?

Which game has the best dub/dubbing for you(Between the ones you have played, of course)?

I... honestly don't know. I don't play many games where there's a lot of originally Japanese voice acting that gets switched to English. Actually, I can't even think of any off the top of my head except for maybe Street Fighter IV. So I'll say that as my answer.

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If you did want to see the world burn, how would you like it to burn?

What's your most favourite traditional fighting game series? (Eg: Street Fighter, Tekken, Soul Calibur)

I'll get back to you when I actually, y'know, play one of those.

Which will probably be never considering I'm not too interested in them.

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What got you into Pokemon originally?

Are there any smells/odours that you find nice that some/most people don't? (Eg: vaporub, durian)

that new plastic smell from a new figurine

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