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Same question?

What got you into Pokemon originally?

I'm not sure whether it actually got me into it or not, but I always remember seeing this card of Doduo.

It was either that or simply because my parents bought me Emerald when I was younger.

Edited by Emerson
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What personality traits do you value most?

If you did want to see the world burn, how would you like it to burn?

I'd want to see the world burn with passion and love to make things good and right. No more harsh words, no more cold shoulders, no more grudges, no more selfishness and greed...

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If you could choose between your facial hair, head hair (as in, the hair around and above your ears), or nails/toes always being the right length and never needing to cut them, which one of those 3 would you pick?

Have you ever had a crush in a male fictional character?

No. It may not be similar enough, but I have found certain male characters really cool/awesome looking to the point of wanting to look like them (like Marth from Fire Emblem or Vega from Street Fighter. I've even dressed up as Marth quite a few times for Halloween and anime conventions).

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When's the last time you went to an actual arcade?

If you could choose between your facial hair, head hair (as in, the hair around and above your ears), or nails/toes always being the right length and never needing to cut them, which one of those 3 would you pick?

Head hair. For facial hair I'd rather not have a beard at all.

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What's a food you enjoy that you hardly ever get to eat?


Let's just say it's a guy from a series that I'd rather keep anonymous, since I don't want people criticizing either the guy in my avatar or the series he comes from.

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Favorite meme?

Least Favorite Pokemon Gym?

Sabrina's in terms of the puzzle, Norman, Lenora, Cheren and Whitney in terms of the fight.

What's with Normal type leaders and having annoying battles...

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Favorite rearrangement/remix of a video game tune from an official source? (i.e. from the company that made the game, but not from the original game)

Favorite game pre 2000

Castlevania Symphony of the Night.

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Same question.

Favorite rearrangement/remix of a video game tune from an official source? (i.e. from the company that made the game, but not from the original game)

Funny you should mention that, because recently I found the Sinnoh Gym Leader theme remix from B2W2 and my nostalgia just hit me like a truck. Its really good on top of that. There's probably a better one, but thats what comes to mind atm.
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In any game you played, has there been any mechanic that you did not like?

Same question?

i did have memories collecting the cards back when it was the hypest thing back in the day, but i never really bothered playing it until i so happened to watch the Diamond and Pearl anime. Decided to play my old copy of Ruby after that and now i'd consider myself a casual fan of Pokemon
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Are you rather a dayperson or a nightowl?

When's the last time you went to an actual arcade?

I played Tetris the last time like two years ago since I still own a Gameboy and the game.

um... Elle is Elle to me (and that is also the name of her theme Which I absolutely love)

Heh... actually my question was if you prefer Elle or Elize... but this answer isn't less plausible tbh.

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Is the portrait in your avatar made by you?

Yes it is! He's a priest that most people assume is a barbarian. He acts kind of like Benny mixed with Azama

Who is your main in KoF?

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How would you describe yourself, personality-wise?

Are you rather a dayperson or a nightowl?

I'm too in-between to be mostly considered one of those, especially since I'm almost always dead set on getting the full 8 hours of sleep recommended by most people. Though I'd say I'm slightly more towards the nightowl side, if anything.

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