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Favorite rearrangement/remix of a video game tune from an official source? (i.e. from the company that made the game, but not from the original game)

Who is your main in KoF?

Terry and Kim, though I don't play very often.

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What are some of your pet peeves?

"food you like but hardly get to eat"

Top question which is just same question

Sushi definitely comes to mind. Most of the time, I only eat it at this sushi buffet restaurant in the city I live in since my family almost never prepares it. I haven't been there in at least 3-6 months, maybe longer.

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This question


In any game you played, has there been any mechanic that you did not like?

Hmm... I'm not the largest fan of boss rushes in any game, at least in ones where the bosses themselves have no changes. I find it pretty lame and uncreative.

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How comfortable are you with the idea of doing speeches/skits/performances in front of crowds?

same question

People wasting food is one of the biggest ones. And I'm not sure if it's considered a pet peeve since it's basic courtesy, but constant harsh, derogatory language also comes to mind, especially when it's in public and around kids.

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Favorite death sound / jingle in videogames?

Favorite rearrangement/remix of a video game tune from an official source? (i.e. from the company that made the game, but not from the original game)

Idk if this is right.

Yes it is! He's a priest that most people assume is a barbarian. He acts kind of like Benny mixed with Azama

It's a nice sprite.
Good work!

oh definitely Elize

... Now I'm surprised.

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Favorite palindrome?

How comfortable are you with the idea of doing speeches/skits/performances in front of crowds?

Bad, but being in drama kinda demands I do, so I can usually suck it up/

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I guess this question will be for both of you, since Eleanor didn't get one: are there any clothing articles that you find unstylish, in terms of something you wouldn't personally wear? (Eg: toques, headbands, tank tops. For this question, we're not talking about cross dressing)

Favorite death sound / jingle in videogames?

Knuddel's death scream in Knuddel's Quest (it's an obscure PC maze puzzle game from way back in 1998).

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Though I honestly don't care very much about fashion related things, but I would have to say jeans.

It isn't like I don't like them or anything it is just that I don't understand how people count wearing them

as "Fashionable"

I guess this question will be for both of you, since Eleanor didn't get one: are there any clothing articles that you find unstylish, in terms of something you wouldn't personally wear? (Eg: toques, headbands, tank tops. For this question, we're not talking about cross dressing)

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Witch (heh) character do you most want to see in FE Warriors?

How would you describe yourself, personality-wise?

Probably lazy, kind, and smart. I an A student (mostly... Damn you tech ed!!!!) I like to help people more than, well not help people, but I will procrastinate anything, even If I like doing it. (i.e. I'll play FE later, just let me lay on the couch for another hour)

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Character you most hope appears in Fire Emblem Warriors?

What's the most painful injury you've suffered? (Eg: broken bones, road rash on the arm)

Once back when I as 12 or something I received 2nd degree burns all over

the palm side of my hand from touching a stove. I have never felt so much

pain in my life.

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Did you notice the Spheres on the Shield of Seals were placed incorrectly in the teaser for FE Warriors?


Why basically asking me the same as the previous poster?

Why? Because reasons.

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You own any kitties?

How many cats do you own?

I own four cats:

a about 3/4 a year old black cat name Sakura,

an old rather small Maine coon named Sabrina,

a small, skinny, grey and white cat named Betty,

and a giant orange tabby named Isabelle.

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