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1 hour ago, Trisitei said:

Your least favorite Tales game so far?


Of the ones I Have played Graces. The beginning turned me off and I find most of the characters forgettable besides Pascal.


Same Question if you have played any

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On 8.2.2017 at 11:33 PM, Randoman said:

Which brings me to my question for you: what games that made it to North America and/or Japan but not to Europe do you really want to see brought over to Europe?.

Aside of the only JP FE parts nothing really nothing comes in my mind. Some other classic RPGs were rereleased for portable consoles later on in EU.


Impression / opinion of Berseria so far?



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looks like i never caught on that you played it
ah well

Favorite 80s european disco tracks?

5 minutes ago, Eleanor Hume said:

Opinion of music crossovers? (jazz x rock, rock x rap, rap x classic...)

I never really cared actually
unless it's a song with a random guest rapper there for
some odd reason
Depends on the song really

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What are some of the better fanbases you've encountered?

@ Trisitei: Before I answer that, I'll just mention that I'm well aware that there are a good amount of reasonable fans even in a generally bad fanbase. Also, pretty much everyone who frequents posting in this thread is a reasonable fan, so if you're a fan of whatever I listed below, you're not among the bad fans.

Anyways, the Sonic (both series and character), Lucina, Batman (both series and character), Sigurd, Jugdral, Awakening, Fates, Zelda (both series and character), Metal Gear Solid, Roy, Final Fantasy V/VI/VII/IX, Grand Theft Auto, Call of Duty, Bayonetta (both series and character), Akuma, Mortal Kombat, PC, Smash Bros., Overwatch, Rayman, Charizard, and Mewtwo fanbases come to mind.

Despite having such a big list, there's actually some fanbases I think are reasonable and good compared to most, such as Street Fighter 1, Gradius, Dragon Quest, Speedy Eggbert, and Between the Lions fans.

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Opinion on guinea pigs?

On 2/9/2017 at 10:44 AM, Randoman said:

Given the current characters that are out for Heroes, what would your character favourites team consist of?

Nino, Catria, Marth, and Clarine maybe?

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If you could be any animal on the planet, which one would you be and why?

On 2/4/2017 at 6:49 PM, Randoman said:

Are there any parodies or ridiculous and humorous crossover ideas you'd want to see videos of? (Eg: a "Gundam Style" music video)

Trust me, I could die a happy man after watching this:

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What personality flaw of yours would you most want to get rid of?

8 hours ago, Robert of Normandy said:

Opinion on guinea pigs?

I suppose they're alright. I don't hate them, and I like them enough to have more than a neutral opinion on them.

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How do you feel about FE: Echoes now that we've gotten some more info?

On 2/4/2017 at 11:53 AM, Randoman said:

Have there been any games you've wanted to play on a console you don't personally own? (Eg: you want to try out the new Killer Instinct game for XBox One, but you don't own one.)

The only consoles I've owned are the Wii U, Wii, and XB360, and I've legitimately never touched a PlayStation system, so I have a lot of things I'd love to play.

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Why is RD your favorite FE game?

3 minutes ago, Magilou said:

Opinion of Ralph Waldo Emerson (if you have heared of him)?

I do know him of course, but I just have a shoddy memory that chooses to not remember most things unfortunately.

The main thing his name brings to mind is that I got teased in Geometry since our teacher liked to put quotes on the board, and his showed up every once in a while. It did NOT help the fact that our class was already extremely loud and didn't pay attention to anything the teacher said, so much so that he quite literally gave up on teaching us anything.

Uh... sorry. Kinda just went off there.

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I guess I have answered it like five times here already, but I'm going to answer this question a sixth time:

  • gameplay (best mechanics besides FE5)
  • map design (large variety of different mission objectives)
  • most regular story maps of all FE parts
  • decent enough story


Dumbest thread you have read in SF yet?



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Same question.

3 hours ago, Magilou said:

Dumbest thread you have read in SF yet?

My art thread.

While I have a specific one in mind, I'm going to go with the "This Character Sucks" threads on the Fates board. While I'm fine with other's opinions, they happen too frequently and helped give units like Rinkah, Odin, and Subaki the bad rap that they don't deserve.

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A character you had wanted to see on the Smash 4 roster?

On 2/11/2017 at 0:47 PM, Last Laugh said:

Favorite Video game soundtrack?9

Hmmm... have to go to the classics:



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What type of song or to be more specific, which song, would you want to be played during your funeral/eulogy?

5 hours ago, Almerson said:

Same question.

Big Boss/Snake

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