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Best to expel doubts regarding the matter 

I would say I'm pretty relaxed, forgiving and that I'm just like any other person with their own set of interests, but I truly am not too certain about my own qualities 

a foreign country with a completely different culture you would wish to visit?

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2 hours ago, Trisitei said:

A memory you're fond of?

I used to despise being outdoors when I was younger, but now I've come to appreciate seeing what the world has to offer 

When one of my childhood friends moved away, they came back to visit. We got to relax and walk around the neighborhood, akin to old times... this was years ago now. Been a long time since I've seen them.


Would you say that you have a lot of people in your life who are a positive influence?

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55 minutes ago, Trisitei said:

a foreign country with a completely different culture you would wish to visit?

Oh my, such a place does not actually exist. You shall excuse my short and most disappointing answer as this question was answered numerous times.

If I may ask, how do you motivate yourself to stay positive?

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On ‎14‎/‎09‎/‎2017 at 1:26 AM, Clarine said:


When playing a video game, just how would you describe your avatar's attire and accessory choices when customising your character? If one must know, I shall specially request for your answer in regards

Well, a fairly smart jacket, like one from a boutique from Lumiose (or from David Jones in real-life) would be necessary. A neat haircut and nothing messy like Corrin's, and no dyeing either. Which in this case, means having my hair black as in real-life. I haven't got a hat in Rea life, but I do have one in my Pokemon Y's Calem; a broad-brimmed hat in the same color with my jacket.

Do you engage in the creative pleasures and rigors of visual arts? Do you patronize any of the artists in this royal court (forum)?

Edited by henrymidfields
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7 minutes ago, henrymidfields said:

Well, a fairly smart jacket, like one from a boutique from Lumiose (or from David Jones in real-life) would be necessary. A neat haircut and nothing messy like Corrin's, and no dyeing either. Which in this case, means having my hair black as in real-life. I haven't got a hat in Rea life, but I do have one in my Pokemon Y's Calem; a broad-brimmed hat in the same color with my jacket.

Do you engage in the creative pleasures and rigors of visual arts? Do you patronize any of the artists in this royal court (forum)?

Your virtual sense of fashion is... acceptable.

I do not believe I truly am involved in any communities of art in any way. Simply put, I also do not patronise any artists as I am unaware of any of the artists present here. I say, one should never compare this website to a royal court.

What are your sentiments regarding the country of France?

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11 hours ago, Gemma said:

Mizuki. She has a lot of fun special moves.

A song that makes you happy?

Ever heard of Ai No Uta? Picks me up every time, so does SLoWMoTIoN. Regular people music, I'd say…um…give me a sec, I have to find it in the midst of all my VOCALOID stuff…probably Can't Stop the Top by The Megas.

You say on your Profile you're not very well-versed in Fire Emblem as a series. Do you have any intention of becoming better versed, or are you happy with what you know?

Also as a note to everyone, I'm only planning on answering three questions on here. This is my second post for the topic, meaning after the question whoever's next asks I'm only going to answer one more. Sorry for that, but I'm doing writing things and can't put a bunch of time into a forum game, even one as fun as this one!

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Which FE character resembles your personality the best?

On 9/10/2017 at 11:14 AM, Clarine said:

Goodness, if I am to say, such would be... me. I am not one to hold items of sentimental value and mind you, I do not truly value my childhood. One ought to understand if they are to know.

If you are to ever be in a story, might you deem yourself as a hero, villain or perhaps a neutral force within the world?

I'd spend my youth as a hero and as I get older I'd shift towards an anti-hero nature

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1 hour ago, Slade said:

I'd spend my youth as a hero and as I get older I'd shift towards an anti-hero nature

I suppose such is reasonable. I confess, I do believe I shifted towards an "anti-hero" or "villain" nature most quickly.


4 hours ago, SoulWeaver said:

You say on your Profile you're not very well-versed in Fire Emblem as a series. Do you have any intention of becoming better versed, or are you happy with what you know?

I shall not vex myself with anymore work so as one might know, I intend not to research into the Fire Emblem franchise any further lest something truly piques my interest.

If one also does not mind me asking, which Fire Emblem character resembles your personality the best?

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On 9/13/2017 at 10:45 AM, henrymidfields said:

Mainly (but not exclusively) at Asian restaurants as they are the only cuisine with meals at or below $10 in Sydney.

Do you do drawings? Or other arts?

Not really, my father is the arts person in the family.

@ClarineWhat fad or trend do you hope comes back?

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20 minutes ago, Jingle Jangle said:

@ClarineWhat fad or trend do you hope comes back?

Such simply does not exist. In fact, I abhor the concept of these vulgar "fads" and trends.

Would you deem yourself as a patient individual?

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How did you become interested in the "arcane?" (E.g. tarot cards.)

23 hours ago, Trisitei said:

a fictional character you relate to the most?

One of either Jay Gatsby, Leo, or Lukas. I explained why I relate to Leo and Lukas previously in this thread somewhere, but I'd say I'm like Jay Gatsby because of what he signifies - a fervent desire for something that was lost and impossible to find. Not to pride myself, but I would be "smarter" or "better" than him, yes, but still, I often have a strong desire to go back to simpler times - a better part of my own life - and regain something that I often feel I no longer have.

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@Clarine Fascinated with the language and arts and especially architecture, somewhat bleh with the politics - though that's pretty much the case with Australia and Japan as well. Don't know much about the average citizen, to be honest, though I suppose there are good and bad apples just like the rest of the world.

Does your government foot the bill for dental work, to whatever extent? (The government I currently live under sure as hell don't give a cent.)

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1 hour ago, Rex Glacies said:

How did you become interested in the "arcane?" (E.g. tarot cards.)

Oh my, you wish to know? From a very young age, I grew unspeakably bored of a common life due to how mundane and repetitive I found nearly every aspect of life to be. As such, one might say I became "delusional" but truly, I simply wished for my life to appear far more interesting. Needless to say, I grew increasingly fascinated with the paranormal, occult and perhaps even acts one might deem to be "unholy". But of course, I may simply be digressing as my introduction to the tarot major arcana was through the comparison of spiritual definition and one's personality, especially the latter. An individual may not truly believe such farce but I do wish to entertain the notion of all possibilities even if such just so happens to sound humourously absurd. In fact, I may just say—understanding one's personality with a glimpse is a truly useful skill in my current occupation.

Do excuse my lack of originality but which video game characters can you truly "relate to"?

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If its not too strange or personal, would you say you believe the world follows a path of fate, or do we have free will?

1 hour ago, Aya Shameimaru said:

Do you like doing word puzzles?

Well, I like riddles, if that's what you're saying. I'm not good at them, no, but I do really like solving puzzles and the like.

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8 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

If its not too strange or personal, would you say you believe the world follows a path of fate, or do we have free will?

Of course it is not too personal! If I am to say, I am unable to ascertain to the fact if our lives are predetermined or if we are individual forces in a timeline. After all, I have not reached full enlightenment. If I may jest, one ought to never partake in a pilgrimage to search for enlightenment—all one would find are diseases, despair and fatigue. One hopes we possess no fate but if such is to be true, I do wish to read my fate. Of course, such would alter fate itself, no?

6 minutes ago, buttmuncher.ops said:

the dead are rising. what's ur zombie survivaux plan

The zombie virus infected the world? My, what a most troublesome predicament. Of course, I first must escape from my estate if a corpse or two is to suddenly uproot themselves from the ground within the area. If such is to happen, I would retreat to the garden alongside any possible guests or servants and place my garden's table to the hedge. Once that is done, I am to place my chair on the table which would allow us to form an escape route to the nearest vehicle. Fortunately, we can easily drive away with very little risk of encountering another zombie. Mind you, I would activate the radio and browse channel in search for evacuation or gathering notices. That way, I can evacuate to a safer location alongside armed forces. As I am a denizen of the United Kingdom, I would naturally not be equipped with weapons of any kind. As such, if I am ever to fight against zombies—I am required to craft my own defenses such as combining my parasol with a knife to create a temporary spear.

Now I must ask you, how would you survive a so-called "zombie apocalypse"?

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6 minutes ago, buttmuncher.ops said:

i would use you as bait while i escape

watch a scary movie with your best friend who would hold you, or watch alone

Oh my, you must not have many friends.

I would prefer to watch any film alone so I need not hear one's commentary during the screening. In fact, I must confess, I do not believe I can deem anyone to be my "best friend".

What type of people do you normally associate yourself or spend time with?

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25 minutes ago, buttmuncher.ops said:

1. friends so good looking we could be a boy band

2. bratty, spoiled, pouty princesses

dirty dancing, or formal dancing

I truly doubt the validity of the second answer, lest such is to be referring to me.

My choice shall be the latter, one shall never find me partaking in something so vulgar.

Goodness, you truly are narcissistic in regards to your vanity. Hold.

Might you secretly be Narcian?

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22 hours ago, Gemma said:


Would you consider giving the earth a big hug right now?

Only if it promised not to punch me in the face back. XD

If you could only have one thing to eat, everyday for the rest of your life, what would that be?

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On 9/12/2017 at 6:13 PM, Clarine said:

If one does not mind, may I mirror your question? And just what are your favourite Fire Emblem music pieces?

Your questions are always welcome.

Some of my favorite Fire Emblem pieces include Beauty is a Mad Mistress, Praise this Despair, Pride and Arrogance (both Fire Emblem XV),  and Land of Promise (Fire Emblem VIII).

Let's throw the question to someone else! What's your favorite FE music?


(Please don't let the previous poster have been Clarine, 'cause that'll be plain awkward...)


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4 hours ago, Clarine said:

Do excuse my lack of originality but which video game characters can you truly "relate to"?

There aren't many to be honest. Simply because I just see a game or a story as what they are, and I just see myself as myself... In fact, I can't readily think of one...

Have you ever thought about writing a fanfic? Whether FE or other...

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6 hours ago, GuardianGrarl said:

If you could only have one thing to eat, everyday for the rest of your life, what would that be?

Perhaps it can be one of my many pastry choices, for they are palatable at essentially any time of the day.

Just how would you describe your personality using three adjectives?

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