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16 hours ago, Clarine said:

Oh? Very well, I do believe I must devise a list to answer such a question.

- Narcissism , especially inflated vanity.
- Disobedience and defiance.
- "Normality" and a lack of rarity in traits and behavior.
- Lechery
- Boorishness

If I am to truly elaborate, I shall grant you the honour of me bestowing you a listed of specific types of individuals I simply abhor.

- "Lolicons".
- Geeks, more so with elitists.
- Ignorant studious individuals.
- Political fanatics.
- Religious fanatics.
- Conscious trend followers.
- Fanatics of sports.

Needless to say, one can easily assume this list is supposed to be far larger than this. Of course, I wish not to vex myself all night recalling all the items.

If I may, on a scale of one to ten—just how high would you rate your lust?

not sure who im supposed to be lusting after, but 6.9 on a richter scale

how often do you flip your hair in annoyance

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5 minutes ago, Clarine said:

Not as often as one might imagine but I suppose I do "flip my hair" frequently...

Just what motivates you to browse this website?

it's okay, you're allowed to be sassy as often as you'd like

boredom, mainly

what other ideas do you have for weaponizing your parasol (so far i count lasers, and knives)

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4 hours ago, Clarine said:

Of course, you may recommend me some outfits if one would ever wish to.

Were you perchance one that partook in the Gravity Falls event known as the Cipher Hunt?

I have no recommendations for you. It t'was merely a thought that popped into my mind, and I figured you would enjoy the question.

As for your question, I am afraid that I only learned of the "Cipher Hunt" long after it was all over. So, no, unfortunately.

Favorite color?

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31 minutes ago, buttmuncher.ops said:

it's okay, you're allowed to be sassy as often as you'd like

boredom, mainly

what other ideas do you have for weaponizing your parasol (so far i count lasers, and knives)

Of course I can, I need not have your approval for anything.

I must say, the first image truly was satisfying to watch. Perhaps I ought to... learn such techniques.
As for my weaponising of my parasol, I suppose I can truly be absurd and attach a power source and barrels of projectile to create the Parasol Minigun. Or perhaps I can merely use regular bullets quite akin to the second image. Other choices includes using the parasol to release poisonous darts, fumes or if magic is to truly exist, I would be one to use the parasol as a staff. Needless to say, the parasol itself is already a weapon, for one can use it similarly to a so-called baseball bat to maim any impertinent fools I meet.

@Rex Glacies And just how interested are you in treasure such as gold, crowns and jewelry?

@buttmuncher.ops What are your sentiments regarding the occult?

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6 minutes ago, Clarine said:

Of course I can, I need not have your approval for anything.

I must say, the first image truly was satisfying to watch. Perhaps I ought to... learn such techniques.
As for my weaponising of my parasol, I suppose I can truly be absurd and attach a power source and barrels of projectile to create the Parasol Minigun. Or perhaps I can merely use regular bullets quite akin to the second image. Other choices includes using the parasol to release poisonous darts, fumes or if magic is to truly exist, I would be one to use the parasol as a staff. Needless to say, the parasol itself is already a weapon, for one can use it similarly to a so-called baseball bat to maim any impertinent fools I meet.

@Rex Glacies And just how interested are you in treasure such as gold, crowns and jewelry?

@buttmuncher.ops What are your sentiments regarding the occult?

agreed, watching kagura flip her hair is satisfying. i wouldn't go so far as to take notes on hairflipping techniques though

it exists, and it's fun to read / see it in fiction. until it comes knocking on your door

you enter the modest village with your crossbow hidden and butler by your side. the village elder has invited all, villagers and strangers alike, to attend his grandson's wedding reception being held later that night. will you go to the reception party, or will you retire to the inn?

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39 minutes ago, buttmuncher.ops said:

lucky number?

I don't really have a lucky number; but I suppose I like the numbers 3, 7, and 9. Maybe 209 as well?

38 minutes ago, Clarine said:

@Rex Glacies And just how interested are you in treasure such as gold, crowns and jewelry?

Effectively nil. I never liked money or gold, and I've never really seen the value in it. It mostly has to do with my unpopular opinion that the physical world is flawed, and so, investing in physical objects (such as money, gold, etc.) or trying to look good is a futile effort - true treasure lies in a higher plane of existence.

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On 30/09/2017 at 0:06 AM, buttmuncher.ops said:

who are u now (avatar)

Reinhardt, Olwen's brother, from Thracia 776, except it's his Fire Emblem Heroes art after going through a smile filter.


What do you usually have for lunch? Do you consider it your main meal?

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49 minutes ago, buttmuncher.ops said:

agreed, watching kagura flip her hair is satisfying. i wouldn't go so far as to take notes on hairflipping techniques though

you enter the modest village with your crossbow hidden and butler by your side. the village elder has invited all, villagers and strangers alike, to attend his grandson's wedding reception being held later that night. will you go to the reception party, or will you retire to the inn?

Actually, I was referring to the umbrella's handle being used as a grappling hook.

As for your question, I would rather retire to the inn—for such affairs is one I am truly not involved in.

Might I ask, just where can I find this so-called smile filter?

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3 minutes ago, Clarine said:

Might I ask, just where can I find this so-called smile filter?

I used the one from the ios (and i think also android) app called FaceApp. It's meant to be used with human faces, so it does not work with all fe heroes characters, but it did work with reinhardt


Due to your avatar, I assume you've played Persona 5. How would you rate the playable characters from favorite to least favorite?

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21 minutes ago, Nobody said:

What do you usually have for lunch? Do you consider it your main meal?

light protein snack, or sandwich. nah, main meal is always dinner, which i sometimes skip too

would you rather recruit olwen, or eyrios into your army and why

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How interested are you in Fire Emblem Warriors now that it's been released and it's contents have been spilled to the public?

2 minutes ago, Nobody said:

Due to your avatar, I assume you've played Persona 5. How would you rate the playable characters from favorite to least favorite?

Ack, I haven't, actually. I don't own a PS4 even. But I have been intently following the game, so I can still put a list together, although I'm going to spare you from the details.

  1. Yusuke
  2. Futaba
  3. Haru
  4. Ryuji
  5. Ann
  6. Makoto
  7. Akechi
  8. Morgana

If the protagonist counts, he's in there somewhere.

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On 9/27/2017 at 8:55 PM, Alistair said:

1. Sorry, no offense meant.

2. I guess, my answer was unclear: I'm a fan of Kamen Rider, and the YuGiOh! GX manga had a monster series based on them; I decided one of them looked cool enough to be my avatar.

3. Though I don't play as much as I used to, I always found Trap Hole to be fun. Trap/monster hybrid cards, too.

Why is Sacred Stones your favorite FE?

Probably the atmosphere and character designs

You can make a 4 member all-star party for battle, using characters from any Persona game. Who do you choose?

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10 hours ago, Clarine said:

Are there any activities one such as yourself would avoid at all cost?

besides twerk, chores, and general anything? i would say unsolicited therapy sessions with friends. the surprise "let me dump all my problems onto you, now do something about it" conversations gets me running for the hills everytime

do you play in or spectate smash tourneys via twitch.tv?

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15 hours ago, buttmuncher.ops said:

would you rather recruit olwen, or eyrios into your army and why

Olwen, because she has way more relevance to the story, is a more fun unit to use, and also because to recruit Eyrios you have to either let her die or not recruit her, which sort of goes against how I play Fire Emblem. 

What's your favorite chapter theme song from Fire Emblem 4?

Edited by Nobody
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17 hours ago, Emerson said:

How interested are you in Fire Emblem Warriors now that it's been released and it's contents have been spilled to the public?

I am barely interested, I suppose I can simply purchase the game to alleviate my boredom. In fact, I have not been following the video game's information.

Might there be any Fire Emblem music tracks that you find to be truly underappreciated?

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I don't remember if I asked you this before, but would you say you are one to hold a grudge?

On 9/30/2017 at 11:14 PM, Nobody said:

What do you usually have for lunch? Do you consider it your main meal?

Most often bread-sticks or garlic "knots" that I put in a toaster oven. In the past I would make quesadillas, but I prefer meals to be quick and easy by now, and I would rather not go through the "ordeal" of preparing a "fancy" lunch.

I wouldn't say its my main meal (that would be dinner), but I would prefer it to be.

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8 hours ago, Nobody said:

Olwen, because she has way more relevance to the story, is a more fun unit to use, and also because to recruit Eyrios you have to either let her die or not recruit her, which sort of goes against how I play Fire Emblem. 

What's your favorite chapter theme song from Fire Emblem 4?

i play with the music off, unfortunately ;/ i'll answer instead that my favourite chapters are tied between the prologue and the chapter where we go all out to save lachesis (chapter 2?)

what if serenesforest and the world is not enough?

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3 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

I don't remember if I asked you this before, but would you say you are one to hold a grudge?

Yes, you already asked such a question. Since I am ever so generous, I shall quote my previous answer.

On 9/28/2017 at 8:34 AM, Clarine said:

Perhaps so, although I must say—many individuals that I might even hold a grudge against are simply not worthy enough to be remembered by a lady of my calibre. As such, I am not normally one to hold grudges as I oftentimes forget these insignificant individuals.

Just what kind of attire do you normally wear everyday?

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