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An event you'd like to see from FE Heroes?

16 hours ago, Tuvy said:

If one character from FE could be your friend in real life, who would it be?

i think i answered this already
if not, then Inigo


4 hours ago, Robert of Normandy said:


100% fire

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7 hours ago, Trisitei said:

An event you'd like to see from FE Heroes?

Nothing in particular. I guess I'd like to see events tie into the release or anniversary of certain games, but idk what specifically.

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19 hours ago, Robert of Normandy said:

What was your battle ballot for FE Heroes?


Day 1-8 Marisa, day 9-13 Eirika


what kind of stuff do you enjoy writing about?

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On 1/29/2017 at 4:38 PM, Tuvy said:

If One fire emblem character could be your friend in real life who would it be and why?

Izana or Cynthia.

Edited by Almerson
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14 hours ago, Trisitei said:

Saw Sophia's comment to you and thought she did it already 

i gave it a look though and I'll still work on it if you'd like 


thoughts on winter?

No, she didn't. If you still want to crop the image, then I would appreciate it.


Pretty much similar to the past years: no snow (thankfully) except for like 1-2 days, and never frozen at daytime (always >=0°C)


Do you / have you done LTC playthroughs in FE yet?

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(if this question is too sensitive, skip to the 2nd backup question below) So what made you change your profile gender to female?

What's a weapon that you think should be utilized more in fiction? Feel free to even mention unique weapon ideas that haven't been done yet, like bladed marionette puppets or a giant wrist electromagnet.

@ Gemma's question: New Super Mario Bros. U, Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze, and Yoshi's Woolly World

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I'll repeat my secondary question that I gave you: What's a weapon that you think should be utilized more in fiction? Feel free to even mention unique weapon ideas that haven't been done yet, like bladed marionette puppets or a giant wrist electromagnet.

6 hours ago, Eleanor Hume said:

A game you wished to replay but can't anymore because you gave it away?

Well, they were technically games that my friends owned and I returned to them, but Dissidia and Street Fighter IV come to mind. I've never actually permanently gave away or sold any games that I owned.

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Favorite piece of art from FE Heroes? 

On 2/1/2017 at 8:07 PM, Robert of Normandy said:

What was your battle ballot for FE Heroes?

Ophelia, Sheena/Sheema, Owain, Odin, Astrid, Leila, Serra, Fae and Lyn.

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Have there been any games you've wanted to play on a console you don't personally own? (Eg: you want to try out the new Killer Instinct game for XBox One, but you don't own one.)

12 hours ago, Eleanor Hume said:

Highest (geographical) place you've visited yet?

I think it was the mountains in Banff. The view from on top of the mountains there is breathtaking and wonderful.

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What is your biggest fear(s)?

On 1/31/2017 at 7:44 PM, Star said:

Least favorite FE game?

I barely played it but the crossover one: Tokyo Mirage FE somethin like that don't remember the full title

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Are there any parodies or ridiculous and humorous crossover ideas you'd want to see videos of? (Eg: a "Gundam Style" music video)

@ Robert: Killer Instinct for XBox One, Street Fighter V and the new Dissidia for PS4 (when it finally comes out), and Mega Man Powered Up for PSP come to mind.

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Who are your favourite Street Fighter characters?

11 minutes ago, Eleanor Hume said:

Favorite art of your favorite VG character?

Ooh... That's a hard one. It's hard for me to pick just one favourite video game character. I really hope you're okay with me posting a group picture, since having me pick just art of one character is really hard:

File:NCL 2017 calendar 1.jpg

I've always been a fan of the official 2D Mario art, especially seeing it in this day and age of mostly 3D Mario renders being used. Just looking at classic 2D Mario art reminds me of the happy days as a kid flipping through Mario game manuals appreciating the art.

Anyways, Mario and Luigi are among my most favourite characters in gaming. I also really like how the main 6 of the Mario cast are all in that picture, even Toad who tends to be getting shafted (unrightfully, IMO) these days. The fact that those 6 have been a big part of the Mario series since the 80's and 90's shows how timeless and classic these characters are. As for Iggy, he's my most favourite of the koopalings (due to the glasses, crazy yet cool hair, and crazy voice) and I'm really glad they have him in the picture over Bowser Jr. (who I really dislike, since he's really unoriginal design-wise, too similar to Bowser, and the fact that he even uses the same colour scheme as Bowser and has Bowser in his name makes him feel really redundant. His voice and attitude is also really annoying and I wish I could specifically mute his voice only in Mario games). I'll admit that I think the koopalings should be an "all or nothing" type of deal and showing just Iggy without the other 6 is rather biased, but with how much I dislike Bowser Jr., I'll happily accept just one koopaling over him.

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Are there any game series that you absolutely refuse to play for any particular reason?

13 hours ago, Eleanor Hume said:

Do you also dislike belated added Mario characters like Rosalina?

I don't, actually. Bowser Jr. is the only one I have a major problem with due to being similar to regular Bowser in both design, colour scheme, and name (the latter two making him feel really redundant to me as a character). Rosalina is actually one of my favourite Mario characters (she's in my personal top 5) and I'm perfectly okay with Princess Daisy and Waluigi in Mario spin-offs (and I'm hoping that Wario Land/WarioWare games will include Waluigi one day). I'm also strangely fond of Nabbit for being a playable ally of Luigi in New Super Luigi U.

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