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Return of The Emblem Chapter Two: The Trail


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Veronika thought for a minute. "Describing him is not necessarily all that helpful. If he's still on his mission he should be in full armor, which makes him difficult to recognize. If he's not still on his mission that means he's dead and...I don't want to think about that," she said quickly, shaking her head. "Your willingness to help is appreciated, but this is my task really. Why are you here anyway Domovoi? Seems like an odd place for a Neviskotian military man to be," she said, lowering her voice.

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"Gytha, they're going to leave us behind from the looks of it and you couldn't even keep your footing. You would only be riding until we got you back on the wagon ... ugh what am I saying. This is ridiculous." He turned around and started running after the cart passing John on his way and saying "I'll be back, I'm going to see if she'll at least stop long enough for us to walk Gytha back over."

It only took him about twenty seconds at full sprint to catch up to them and he ran along the side and slowed into a jog. "Raquel. Would you please stop the wagon? Gytha's not going to let us carry her." Amon pleaded.

She sighed. "Fine. Honestly why can't you guys duel while we're not on the move, huh? I mean we need to be alert. A duel right now is just a distraction and a waste of energy."

Oh, she's right. I forgot that we need to be keeping an eye out for the enemy. With no witnesses or guards around, this is the perfect place for them to ambush us. Amon thought while grimacing. "I'm sorry, I just wanted to be quick about it and-"

"It's okay. I did give you guys the go'head." she said interrupting. With that she stopped the wagon, and Amon ran back the other way to see about Gytha. Meanwhile Raquel kept her head down for a moment thinking to herself. If we hurry, we should be able to get to Ursaea before nightfall. I guess we should stay there instead of camping out so that'll be it for the day. Then tomorrow we can leave early in the morning and get to Europa on the same day. That'll give us around two days to prepare. Hmm come to think of it ... "Huh?"

Raquel's thoughts were interrupted the second she opened her eyes. Her attention was caught by a woman riding a fair ways in the distance. She wasn't surprised to see other people on the road, but it looked like it might be a troubadour, and that is what caught her attention. Maybe she's just a traveler with a horse? she reconsidered. Looking at the strategy book she was carrying she found a picture of a troubadour drawn by her father. She glared at the picture and the writing beside it for a moment. "... yeah right, not all troubadours have stuff in their hair." she said before closing the book and simply resigning to greet the girl once they were closer.

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"Well there's two reasons," he whispered. "One, I was assigned by Colonel Petrova to gather information on enemy activity in Sergio Port, and I'm also here because I'm looking for somebody as well. It's not a lover or anything like that. It's the man who murdered my father."

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The young troubadour failed to notice someone approaching her, as she was far too absorbed in her reading. Her horse, Nesha, was sleeping on the fields next to his master,

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"If you're on a scouting mission, won't you need to report back to Colonel Petrova soon? I don't think we are heading in the direction of Neviskotia any time in the near future, so that could be a problem." Veronika said to Domovoi. "And why are you trying to find your father's killer?" If someone were to kill my father I know that I would hunt them down as well, but I am curious to see what his motivations are.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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"I was going to return, but this business here looked quite important for my superiors to know. It's in the interest of national security.

But why do I want to find my father's killer? Because he's a dirty cowardly bastard. A friend of my father's was nearby and the murderer had snuck up my father while was distracted in battle. The murderer dismembered my father in a very brutal fashion. He already committed an unforgivable atrocity killing him through trickery and not fighting him face to face like a man, but the bastard had the nerve to kill most of my father's friends nearby the same way and he fled just when the battle was about to end. He ran like a coward. And not only that, he killed his fellow soldiers as he ran as quickly as he could. If he killed him honorably, I could maybe accept that, but he spat on my father's honor and the honor of my father's friends. That's why I want him dead."

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Veronika cocked her head and listened to Domovoi's story.

"You have my sympathies about the death of your father. Avenging his death seems like an honorable goal no matter the manner of his death, though his cowardice makes it even more necessary. But from the way things sound he seems like a very dangerous individual, considering he killed both your father and some of his comrades-in-arms. I would be glad to assist you in killing him, unless you feel the need to do this alone," she offered him.

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"I did not choose to take any bodyguards with it. The security on the manor was low enough as it was, I did not want to weaken it further. Also, attempting to bring along a guard may have brought more questions than I wanted. I did not go with the blessing of my parents you see and I am not sure they would really support me going on such a journey. Still, this is something I feel I must do and your help is much appreciated," Veronika responded to Domovoi.

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Nanahm sighed to himself as he listened to nothing in particular, choosing rather to focus on the road ahead than on talking to people at the moment. [/i]So many weird individuals in this group[/i] he thought, including himself. Are we all truly in it for the long haul? he wondered further. It wasn't everyday that you took on forces and organizations you had no real fucking clue about. Was Nanahm really gonna risk his neck for some coin from this venture? Thankfully for the group he was in Nanahm wouldn't consider leaving after all that had happened. He'd consider it a dick move, and that is terrible.

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Amon quickly made it back and gestured over to the wagon. "Okay Raquel stopped for us but we still need to get you back on there. Exactly what's keeping you off your feet? We should get you treated if you refuse to ride with John." Not that you would even have to fly. Wyverns are perfectly capable of walking. Isn't that obvious? he thought to himself slightly agitated by the unnecessary amount of work.

Raquel squinted her eyes to try and get a better look but she was just a bit too far out. "Ugh. I need a closer look but they've got far enough distance to walk back." Standing up in her seat, she addressed the passengers. "We've got someone over there, and it looks like it might be a troubadour." she said smiling. "I need a volunteer to head over and talk to her, if not I'm going to have to go but the wagon needs to stay put for the moment." she added gesturing at the duelists that were nearly left behind.

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"I got dizzy," Gytha bluntly replied. She kept her head down and remained where she was, though her injurries ached so she didn't want to move. "Hate t' say it, but I might need a healer or somethn'..." she grumbled. I can normally tough these kinds of things out but that was a bit much for me.

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"Sorry." Amon forced out in a small voice before reaching into his coat to retrieve a vulnerary. He offered it to Gytha and then waited a moment.

Vulnerary 2/3

"Ummm ... Domovoi? Could you do it? You could get over there and get back really quick." Raquel said to the wyvern rider.

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"Hmm? Yes, I'd be glad to check," he said to Raquel. Turning towards Veronika, he said he'd be right back and flew off towards the troubadour, landing just in front of her. Perhaps a little close to the troubadour's comfort, but Domovoi didn't particularly care.

"Greetings. I am Domovoi, a traveler here. You are?"

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"Stop being so upset," Gytha growled, refusing the vulnerary, "Have some pride, man! I'm not so easy to defeat and ye won our spar! Why're ye mopn' like ye just lost an arm? Yer makn' me ashamed t've lost against ye!" The yelling was making her dizziness worse but she remained where she was and kept her eyes locked on Amon. I hope he snaps out of it. Why is he acting like this? Does he hate winning?

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'Stubborn, ain't she?' John thought.

''I may not know what led you to that spar, but aren't you being a little foolish by not accepting the Vulnerary? You're not exactly in good shape.'' He told her.

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What's there to be proud of? I floored a woman, and for no good reason at that. "I'm sorry you feel that way but it's just who I am. Please, just take this and let's get you back to the wagon. I don't want to hold the others up any longer." he said to her.

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"I look forwards to having something to give you, lady Seliah." said Daloth, giving a happy smile to try and soothe the girl after her mistake. "Now I suggest we resume the hunt for your emblem. We won't get far sitting around and listening to me tell stories until the nightfall."

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Certainly some odd things had been and were happening, but Synthia didn't really care at the moment. None of it was any of her concern, and no one had asked her to help anyway. With only a few dozen pages left, she instead continued reading the tome she'd been carrying around all that day.

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Oh come on! Now people seemed to be looking to waste time on purpose here! Sparring when we're trying to go somewhere, I mean DAMN. That does take a certain kind of special, I swear to Raguni. Regardless, Nanahm did want to pass the time, though there wasn't much he could do when suddenly, that healer chick was reading a book! Maybe... Maybe he could read it over her shoulder? Yeah! OK. No, stop moving, ok, what the hell, I can't read, DAMMIT!

After a solid minute of swearing in his head he gave up with a rather angry sigh.

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About a minute later Synthia felt like someone was behind her. Perhaps they'd been reading her book? She stole a quick glance over her shoulder, but by then Nanahm was no longer hovering over her. She shrugged, then continued reading.

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The young troubador simply looked up and found herself face to face with a wyvern and its ride. She found herself slightly taken aback , but relaxed herself when she noticed two things.

One, there was not a trace of malice coming from this man, who called himself Domovoi. Instead an aura of, she supposed it was, indifference was showing....."whatever that means."- thought the young troubador.

The second reason being, her horse Nesha had woken up and had not rushed to her aid. That could only mean that he could be trusted. "Or maybe he's just watching to see if I get killed......nah that would never happen....would it?"- The young troubador eyed her horse warily.

Finally she decided to face the Domovoi and properly introduce herself. "Greetings Sir Domovoi, I am Chelsea Liton, a traveling troubador. And you see that horse, the one that really doesn't care if I die or not? That's Nesha."- as she said this, Nesha snorted a bit and approached his master. "Now I'm going to ignore that you are invading my personal bubble, and kindly ask why you decided to say hi to me. So why'd you want to say hi to me?"- she asked with a calm gentle smile, in a joking manner.

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Backing off a little upon being informed he was invading her personal space, he glanced at her and began to speak in his most military voice.

"Lady, I am here because you are right in front of the path of my employer and her group. She has sent me over to talk to you for some reason. If you could come with me, it would make things easier."

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