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[OUTDATED] Fire Emblem: Dream of Five


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you're going to have to go through the hack from the start anyway

So old/current/v4 saves are moot? When's the next patch? Raaaaagh (sorry if these questions have been asked before).

Edited by deranger
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He meant that I in particular will have to go through them again 'cuz I do the major playtesting shit

The old saves do work as far as my last test of C15 goes on the current patch but your Katrina will be a tent

Also I'll post character designs when i redo their anatomy bases for quality and shit and actually draw faces on them

Edited by Ezio Auditore da Firenze
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Also I'll post character designs when i redo their anatomy bases for quality and shit and actually draw faces on them

please give Discan a pompadour. or atleast something like a pompadour. do it.

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So I know it's fairly well known that DoF somehow has a One RN. What I'm curious is to is this: Will you find out what the heck you did to make it that way Astra? I'm curious because my masochistic curious self would like to see how it would be used in other hacks.

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I'm keeping tabs on EVERYTHING in this thread, don't worry~! I'm not sure if Astra can fix the Stoly experience thing, but if he can't. . .the "excusing it by story" angle made me giggle. Let's see if conventional means work first. :P:

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So I know it's fairly well known that DoF somehow has a One RN.

it isn't, everyone is just really unlucky

i'm pretty sure that i'm still the only one (well, hextator taught me) who knows how to make gbafe into a 1-rn system

Edited by CT075
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It's mostly just observation and recall bias due to insanely strong enemies (also there are a lot of them).

Edited by Agro
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Something I noticed in the FEE3 video that hasn't been covered yet is that everyone, including Chase (who has high Luck), was facing a slight crit chance. Are you having problems getting them to auto-level in Luck?

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please give Discan a pompadour. or atleast something like a pompadour. do it.

You've posted this four times, on two different topics. I'm pretty sure that everyone involved in Do5, and a whole lot of others, have already seen what's you're saying. I hate to play mini-mod, but seriously, one time is enough.

Edited by Miacis
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Something I noticed in the FEE3 video that hasn't been covered yet is that everyone, including Chase (who has high Luck), was facing a slight crit chance. Are you having problems getting them to auto-level in Luck?

You can't auto level luck without using xeld's thing which I don't really want to do. Another issue is weapon level.

also guys i'll have something to show soon

You've posted this four times, on two different topics. I'm pretty sure that everyone involved in Do5, and a whole lot of others, have already seen what's you're saying. I hate to play mini-mod, but seriously, one time is enough.

yeah it's getting kinda annoying especially since he isn't getting one.

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Okay, finally got a look at the FEE3 video... but not the whole thing. So, a few comments:


I like Bellona’s new look. Even if I can’t see how those horns stay there; it must be some weird helmet design that only protects the back of the head. Either that or... no... they aren’t attached to her hair are they?

Hmm, another name drop. Sylphie. So, on top of Aloysius Farrell (I assume that was his first name?), Sarka (who’s probably loyal to Farrell), “King” Galden (who’s probably a mere unwitting pawn), we’ve got another villain? Well, no one can’t say you aren’t aiming high!

Varkade... (For some reason, spoiler tags have just stopped working for me, so I've coloured the next bit white instead. Highlight between the stars to reveal.)

* ...I just don’t get Varkade. One moment he’s anti-Farrell and insisting the whole group runs away, this being after he helps Renair dismantle Farrell’s secret servants (I still cling to the idea he knew of Farrell’s involvement already), and now he’s against the anti-Farrell resistance? Make up your mind, Varkade!

...Unless he thought dismantling the Darkwrights was relatively safe, didn’t realise that Renair’s group was going to attract Farrell’s attention, and ever since has just been trying to save his own skin. Well, whatever, something just doesn’t add up with this man. (Doesn’t mean I want to kill him like some people though...)*

Oh, and Eclipse? I like what I’ve seen of the script so far – although I haven’t got further than Kanus’ recruitment yet. No typos or anything, and the different talking styles in many-a-character’s speech seems to be working to differentiate them. (Hmm... Bellona shares the well spoken manner of the high born characters (Renair, Arcus, Enjolras, Karen etc.), that’s curious. But then, Garath’s surprisingly well spoken as well. I’m probably reading too much in the little things again.)


Renair: All right, on the condition that you stop staring at me like a piece of meat.

Kanus: Anything you ask of me, gorgeous.

MK404: Oh, I think these two are going to get along swimmingly.

...No, I think it’s going to be another Roger and Shiida/Caeda situation and he hasn’t got a chance in Hel. They don’t even have any Supports! (In v. 4...)

And lastly... what is all this fuss about Katrina and her wagon? Is her starting level going up or something? Because as far as I know, she’s currently set to be at most lv. 17 for Ch. 15 post Musain (counting her inclusion in Ch. 8Ax for the next patch) and just reaching lv. 20 for Ch. 15 post Onduris (and that’s if you got her to survive Ch. 9B, which I didn’t). So by my calculations the wagon shouldn’t be popping up until at least Ch. 16. Unless you’re either raising the starting level or skipping the tent altogether.

...Seeing as her promotion time is dependent on how often she actually survives a battle anyway, I don’t see how this is such an issue. Don’t you just use Merlinus’ old promotion programming of ‘first battle after reaching lv. 20’ and change the promotion quote to better fit Katrina’s character?

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Hey, reactions. . .thanks~!

I think I should explain my thought process a bit. . .perhaps it'll help clear this up. I'm not fond of having characters know more than they should. Varkade has no way of knowing whether the person who's giving him information can be trusted - after all, his group just got back from a jaunt in another country. His threat is an empty one, but the person on the other end won't know that unless they're familiar with Renair's group (and probably not in a good way). He was looking for her reaction to his threat - for example, if she got really hostile, it would tell him that she couldn't be trusted.

I can't think of a way to write this, uh, better, but I'm open to suggestion.

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There's also the fact that Varkade has really nothing to lose by threatening them like that, the only thing that could happen is they attack them or they reveal more information in fear.

I think you did fine, eclipse, we should get on chapter 16 |D

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Hey, reactions. . .thanks~!

I think I should explain my thought process a bit. . .perhaps it'll help clear this up. I'm not fond of having characters know more than they should. Varkade has no way of knowing whether the person who's giving him information can be trusted - after all, his group just got back from a jaunt in another country. His threat is an empty one, but the person on the other end won't know that unless they're familiar with Renair's group (and probably not in a good way). He was looking for her reaction to his threat - for example, if she got really hostile, it would tell him that she couldn't be trusted.

I can't think of a way to write this, uh, better, but I'm open to suggestion.

Honestly, that was the impression I got from Varkade's scene. However, if you want to illustrate his tactic further, have him remark "A good answer..." or "Very well," to signal to his approval or, more accurately, lack of disapproval to Renair.

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There's also the fact that Varkade has really nothing to lose by threatening them like that, the only thing that could happen is they attack them or they reveal more information in fear.

I think you did fine, eclipse, we should get on chapter 16 |D

Guess who has a doctor appointment smack in the middle of Saturday? ;/

Honestly, that was the impression I got from Varkade's scene. However, if you want to illustrate his tactic further, have him remark "A good answer..." or "Very well," to signal to his approval or, more accurately, lack of disapproval to Renair.

The former tips his hand a bit more than I'd imagine, but I think the latter will work! Thanks~!

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I found a glitch in 8B.


Music keeps playing, but the text freezes and can't be skipped. There was also something weird in Ch5 how you can visit the village before Gabe shows and then get the same dialogue, which doesn't really make sense before you meet him.

Been enjoying this on the whole though.

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hmm that armors kinda painful to look at on the boss...

design seems kinda silly too.

but at-least its a boss warrior that seems like a soldier so that's kinda original.

please don't make him a generic asshole though. please don't.

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