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[OUTDATED] Fire Emblem: Dream of Five


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Oops, forgot about FE6 Karel. Disregard him. Better str growth than the other myrms, though. Same with defense. Also disregarding FE6Karel.

And well, it's too late to change to merc now, since Kolbane exists and another femerc exists as well.

Edited by Luminescent Kitty
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Just give Lumi better defense and skill (for critkills :3) otherwise she's fine imo, Renair though she's soooo weak at least in my game. Everyone seemed to dance circles around her while she struggled to survive 1 enemy.

Edited by Queen_Kittylincia
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Lumi's pretty much at the logical apex of myrm defence. As for offence, there is a glass cannon sword chick later to come who predates Lumi.

Personally, I liked what FE12 did; nerfing 1-2 range and boosting swordfoot movement.

5 Defence on Renair is bad screwage. Like, awful.

Edited by Furekitty
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Lumi's defense growth is ridiculous for myrm.

But her skill is below average for a myrm, as well. It's what I sacrificed to get that much defense.

Just checked. The amount of Def screw Renair has is equivalent of the amount of STR screw I have, but she's 2.5 above her strength average at the moment.

Edited by Luminescent Kitty
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Eh, I didn't want to have a standard myrmchick with shitty durability.

Skill isn't that bad, though. The growth is pretty average. The base is a bit below.

what about my Ilanice and Juan are they blessed/screwed?

Ridiculously blessed, both of them.

Like holy crap.

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Min/maxing makes God cry.

It was actually a point buy system until I demonstrated how Kolbane could have 9 Strength, 8 Skill, 13 Speed and 7 Defence by level 2.

Then it started being ... adjusted to make sense.

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I just hacked the patch with Nightmare and boosted the units I was using to near astronomical levels.

Like 11 strength base level Ilanice levels.

Because I hate how the people who do good damage don't double, and the people who double don't do good damage.

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There's a -- because just 3 range doesn't work properly for whatever reason.

That's because the game calls up a text ID to display range. Check out ID's 0x1130-0x1136 and you'll see all the weapon ranges in Vanilla FE.

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I just hacked the patch with Nightmare and boosted the units I was using to near astronomical levels.

Like 11 strength base level Ilanice levels.

Because I hate how the people who do good damage don't double, and the people who double don't do good damage.

Cool story bro.

That's because the game calls up a text ID to display range. Check out ID's 0x1130-0x1136 and you'll see all the weapon ranges in Vanilla FE.

Ah, alright, I'll look into that then.

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I just hacked the patch with Nightmare and boosted the units I was using to near astronomical levels.

Like 11 strength base level Ilanice levels.

Because I hate how the people who do good damage don't double, and the people who double don't do good damage.

but that takes away from the games charm :<

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Because I hate how the people who do good damage don't double, and the people who double don't do good damage.

Gasp! It's almost like balance!

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I just hacked the patch with Nightmare and boosted the units I was using to near astronomical levels.

Like 11 strength base level Ilanice levels.

Because I hate how the people who do good damage don't double, and the people who double don't do good damage.


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I just hacked the patch with Nightmare and boosted the units I was using to near astronomical levels.

Like 11 strength base level Ilanice levels.

Because I hate how the people who do good damage don't double, and the people who double don't do good damage.

Furetchen does both fine.

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I just hacked the patch with Nightmare and boosted the units I was using to near astronomical levels.

Like 11 strength base level Ilanice levels.

Because I hate how the people who do good damage don't double, and the people who double don't do good damage.


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Furetchen does both fine.

As does a trained Kolbane with Steel or if Str-blessed even Iron by around Chapter 4.

As does Crowe by Chapter 4.

As does Amelia usually before the routesplit.

Edited by Furekitty
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I like the hack so far and the balance is pretty good, though the bosses post-route split seem a little odd.

For example here's the stats I got for Druenin 9B Swordmaster boss

45 HP 16 Str 17 Skl 15 Spd 12 Def 11 Res

Compare to Dorovanh the 7A Sage boss:

41 HP 19 Mag 12 Skl 17 Spd 11 Def 18 Res

Dorovanh also gets more Def and the same amount of Avo from his square, plus throne healing (also countering at 1-2 range is a big deal).

I suppose FE does this too, with some later bosses being stronger than earlier ones, but playing through both routes Dorovanh's power seems relatively high (the 7B boss isn't even promoted).

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Tried it, plain awesome so far.

Chapter 3 is a bit annoying with the EXP-less enemies, but I understand the reason for that.

The RNG has been terribly PICKY with my units though. Renair, Lumi, Amelia, and Illanice all turned out godly. By Godly I mean I have a SPD-capped 15 Str Renair at chapter 10B's Start, and Illanice has around the same Str with just a little less spd. IIRC My Amelia was like 17 Mag 17 Spd or so, while Lumi also comes close to maxing Spd and has around 13-14 Str (although I don't think I got more than 1-2 Skl out of her so far).

on the other hand... My Kolbane SUCKS. As does Juan. And Crowe. And Chester (who keeps getting Def for some reason <_<).

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Your RNG deity must either be a het dude or a lesbian. :P

I wonder how much defense does Lumi have.

Also Chester's def growth is actually not bad for thief at all.

Edited by Luminescent Kitty
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I'm up to chapter 9B with a new file and well this time the RNG was less angered by my playthrough. I like it so far it's quite enjoyable. I think I'll try to finish this tonight after I get off work in 12 hours @.@

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Okay, got my stats for those that got insanely blessed. This is around the end of 10B.

Renair 16.65 30  15 16 20 11  10  7 
Ilanice 14.44 25 15 13 20  9  6  10 
Amelia  17.90 26  17  14 18  12  6  12
Lumi	14.53 28  14 12 19  9  11  3

On a side note, the RNG has been picky with me in many FE games I play. My team rarely has "average" units. Only insanely blessed or horridly screwed units >_<

Granted, in my case the levels of the insanely blessed are naturally inflated since they end up massacring the majority of a chapter's worth of enemies, while those that got screwed are slowly decomposing in the back.On my 10A run Renair is about as insane, though she's also 2 levels higher due to the solo-chapters she has. Juan wasn't screwed, but I had a Str-screwed Lumi there, as well as a Spd-screwed Amelia. What goes around comes around I guess.


Chapter 1-6:

- Chapter 3 is annoying, although this is mostly due to the flood of exp-less reinforcements.

- Chapter 5 is rather luck-based the first time you run through it, since you have no idea where the enemies are coming from.

- Money is tight all around.

Musain Route:

- Astra + Speedwing = Win

- The X-mas Cavs are a bit underwhelming.

- PEMN, but Seren Rocks. <3 Femme soldiers.

- It's a bit annoying to get enjolras' bunch back without any equipment.

Onduris Route:

- Money is HARD to get. I ended up selling the secret book I get at 9B to be able to buy weapons since most of my teams were about to run out of weapons at that point.

- Chase feels superflous since Crowe should be superior to him in all aspects by the time you get him.

- I assume you can't get some characters from one split if you take the other, so the choice is between Enjol + the X-mas knights + Seren Vs Chase + Rena + that soldier dude whose name I forgot + Balder... IMHO Amelia should be all the mage power most people need, the soldiers cancel each other out... Either an Axe-user that's not a prepromo and a 2nd Draggy or a 2nd mage and a pair of cavs... The dancer is cuter than the bard by far though.

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I was playin this last night, twas rather fun but a tidbit too challenging. Maps are well designed but above all they are entertaining, the game is very well done. The game is not finished yet but Ive decided to share my opinions on some materials that could use fixing.

In some maps there are enemies that give no experience its probably a glitch.

Diffcultty is way too high earlygame, I recommend giving Furetchen the Warrior a higher defense base tho he is the strongest earlygame character he can still die easily and that can be very cringeworthy.

Lumi the swordfighter needs a more badass attitude based on her looks, she is way too passive.

Amelia and Alanice? LOLwut? Why did they join again?

Chester's music entrance suggests he's going to make an exagerrated lulz entrance like Rennac from Sacred Stones but he does not, his character is interesting but not lulzy.

A few of the character faces don't match their respective class for example Alanice, all pegasus riders have a headband or a hairband and light armor but the face mug of this one has nothing in common with her class she looks like a simple civilian with exotic hair color plain and boring. Furetchen is the other character that don't match his class, his face is fine but his clothing is too simple and not very warrior like, perhaps make him look more badass and give him spiked armor shoulder pads.

The character personalities are outstanding for most, the ruthless and aggressive characters have well defined personalities but the soft and kinder characters lack in that department. For example Amelia and Alanice, they are plain boring and robotic, Amelia is slightly more interesting to say at least her initial conversation. Judging on their face mugs Amelia looks like she can be mischievous and Alanice looks gleeful.

"Sers" instead of "Sirs" not really a problem with "sers" but it would be more amusing if characters from different countries used different words it would make more variety so to say.

All in all I like what ive played. The archer is one badass MOFO!

Edited by Darthvader
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