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[OUTDATED] Fire Emblem: Dream of Five


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Furet can still mow things with 10 speed Axe. Just like, stuff 2 potions on him and have him front. everyone else can clean up the mess.

Chapter 5 is soooo much bitch.

Problem is, reinforcements are spawning from my back. I can't move fast enough to outrun them, and my units are doing an awful job of killing things on EP.

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I'd gladly send you my save if you want. That one's tested to be able to beat C5.

My Renair's still shit in that but I think my Furet Kolbane Amelia and Lumi are good. Also Crowe.

Lemme just check my C5 save.

Edit: Here's my team stats.



My Renair and Ilanice are pretty absymal, but the rest of my team I'd say are fairly solid. Ignore Amelia's defense, that's a betapatch thing.

Edited by Luminescent Kitty
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I. . .just. . .finished. . .somehow.

I want my medal, dammit. Also, Ilanice got a clue, and got a near-perfect level. My team's still pretty bad, though.

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If I can make it through Chapter 5 on nothing but a prayer (and using Lia as bait), I think I'll be okay. . .unless there's another chapter that spams reinforcements from all over the place like that.

Did I mention that my only income was from Chester?

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I. . .just. . .finished. . .somehow.

I want my medal, dammit. Also, Ilanice got a clue, and got a near-perfect level. My team's still pretty bad, though.


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i do ask if chapter 5 was designed to be that hard or what

Well, duh. Reinforcement spawn from everywhere. Your running the shit away and people are trying to stop you/hunt you down/ kill you. It's designed to be A BITCH.

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From experience, people don't like bitch chapters, even if it has good reasons/plot relevance. I know from experience.

Just throwing that out there as I anticipate eventually crying at the sight of chapter 5...

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it would help if the reinforcements for the enemy were delayed just one turn yes i understand it for the plot but having enemys spawn afew turns from your starting position in forts that you were near...makes me wonder why you were at the castle, let alone escape from the castle if the enemies were that close.

Edited by HF Makalov Fanboy Kai
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I really didn't think that Chapter 5 was that hard. The reinforcements kind of take their time and I barely even saw them. Maybe it was because I had better units (like a doubling Furetchen)?

Anyway, more turncounts:

Chapter 4 - 5 turns

Chapter 5 - 9 turns

Chapter 6 - 12 turns

The second turn of chapter 6 is quite annoying because you get bumrushed by so many units. I also really hated fighting the boss. It's like FE6 bosses all over again.

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Well I'm gonna go ahead and say that I liked playing chapter 5.

But I'm just pretty good at FE, so it didn't really give me that many problems.

On the other hand I was struggling with chapter 3. But it was fun nonetheless.

I like hard chapters =3.

It just gives you a really good feeling when you do complete them, though they shouldn't be infuriating, which I guess chapter 5 would be to some people.

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Maybe it was because I had better units (like a doubling Furetchen)?

Probably. My Furets never even reach 12 speed until C6, usually. :< RNGGGGGGGGGG

He gets 12 speed at level 6 on average, after all.

Also if you have a doubling Furet, I'd think C6 T2 wouldn't be that bad since he could kill off all the lance-using guys on T1 Enemy phase with Iron Axe.

Then again, I found out that Furet placement kinda accidentally and having played this game like, 15 times, heh.

Edited by Luminescent Kitty
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is it wrong that i actully managed to beat chapter's 5 and 6 by using Furet to hold off enemy reinforcements and not attacking with the group?

for chapter five i played him on the bottem of the bridge and killed shit til an archer moved next to furet and an axe fighter moved behide the archer...which meant the enemies couldn't do jack shit XD.

chapter 6 it wasn't as good, as Furet nearly died but i basicly placed him on an forest and had him kill some of the reinforcements, til his HP dropped then i switched to his bow and waited.]

well i mean he was with the group til he had to hold off the enemy, which made chapter 5 and 6's after battle convo of "WE GOTTA RUSH NAO" abit amusing seeing how in chapter 6 Furet was surrounded on all 4 sides

Edited by HF Makalov Fanboy Kai
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You know, in C6, if you recruited Juan and you basically bumrush with the group, his NPC wyverns do a fine job of blocking off reinforcements from getting to you for at least 3-4 turns. I can usually pull an 11 turn clear if team bosskill doesn't miss too much.

Honestly, the back reinforcements are nothing. It's the javelin cavs that are a pain, especially when nobody durable enough can ORKO them given that Furet needs to be at -/6 on average for 12 speed which doubles most things.

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Yay, medal! Thanks!

Think it's possible to 0% growth this hack? I know it's possible to do it with RNG-screwed units, but. . .

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So I was having Amelia set that Merc on fire, and then she found a Blue Gem. Whoo moneez. So, is that a glitch, or are there even more things to be on the lookout for here?


Edited by TourGuideFromTheUnderworld
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