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[OUTDATED] Fire Emblem: Dream of Five


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Turtlesoup: brazen misogynist or childishly self-centered? You decide, lurkers!

Back to DoF! I think you could've set every chapter to give zero Hard bonus levels (or maybe you already tried that), but it doesn't matter now anyway!

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Character design isn't about what you find attractive or not. It's about how to make them feel realistically like people.

uhhhhh what

sorry, I'm gonna have to follow up on that

lumi are you talking about character design as a whole, or just your own

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uhhhhh what

sorry, I'm gonna have to follow up on that

lumi are you talking about character design as a whole, or just your own

Character design philosophy in general. As much as I like to joke about having an army of hot dudes with nice butts, it's detrimental if everyone in the cast were designed based on what one person finds attractive (and remember, attractiveness isn't physical only, either). It's boring and makes for terrible characters.

Not everyone is going to like every character ever, and that is okay. A character who is unattractive--or downright unlikable, even--can still be well-written. A diverse cast matters a lot more than cookie-cutter hotties.

That is not to say that they can't be designed to be attractive. Attractive people do exist. It can even be an integral part of their character. But it should not be the only reason of their existence just like people don't exist solely to be attractive.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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I dont know whats worse. This argument even starting, or that it hasnt been stopped yet, or that Iron Rose thinks people give a fuck about her sex life. DoF thread everybody, next week someone'll bitch about too many FoW chapters. Tune in to see which SF member comes out of the closet next!

Seriously though, why is this still going? Why has a moderator posted in the thread, but hasnt stopped this yet? Can this thread ever stay on track, or will it always get derailed when someone makes a small complaint or criticism?

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I dont know whats worse. This argument even starting, or that it hasnt been stopped yet, ...

Yeah, God damn members of the DoF team talking about character design of DoF characters and shit. Stay fucking on topic, assholes

Edited by deranger
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Yeah, God damn members of the DoF team talking about character design of DoF characters and shit. Stay fucking on topic, assholes

I think he's just against the drama that's risen. Not against them defending their beliefs on character design.

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Seriously though, why is this still going? Why has a moderator posted in the thread, but hasnt stopped this yet? Can this thread ever stay on track, or will it always get derailed when someone makes a small complaint or criticism?

First, I don't have mod powers in here. Second, because I think writing appraisals are very much a part of this topic, and seeing as said mod is the current writer. . .

What people think of the various criticisms is out of my hands, but this is a relatively anonymous space, so don't expect everyone to have peachy, lovely opinions about everything.

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I dont know whats worse. This argument even starting, or that it hasnt been stopped yet, or that Iron Rose thinks people give a fuck about her sex life. DoF thread everybody, next week someone'll bitch about too many FoW chapters. Tune in to see which SF member comes out of the closet next!

That's lovely, but did you have to bring it up?

Yes, because it apparently annoys people like you.

Seriously though, get over y'all selves. Your wishes don't dictate the progress of DoF and if you really want to change shit for yerselves it's all technically open source, so you can. Put your money where your mouths are.

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I dunno man as the main character concept artist who has at least some say in character personality creation I do enjoy talking about character design as part of my work for this hack

It doesn't bother me in the slightest, discussion welcome

Edited by Thor Odinson
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My comments werent really aimed at the discussion itself, they were aimed at stupid comments like Iron Roses, and the fact that the discussion did start out somewhat hostile towards the guy who critiqued the cursing in the first place. Not like anything i say is going to change anything.

@IronRose - no one cares what you do in your personal time, i just dont get why you thought it relevent to mention in a discussion of DoF character personalities. Its the most out of left field thing i've seen posted in awhile.

@eclipse - can i ask what does not allow you to step in if something does get out of hand? Is it some rule or something? Like i said, i had posted mainly based on the fact that it started somewhat hostile, though settled down a bit afterwards.

In the end, i should probably just stick to lurking and watching things burn from a distance.

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Criticizing the cursing itself isn't a problem. The problem we had was not so much a critique and more or less an unwanted shoving of preferences down women when we don't need people telling us what they find attractive or not. It's especially bad because in real life, women are overwhelmingly valued for their attractiveness over their other merits by society, and it's something many of us are really sick of dealing with. There are people who would like DoF to not write any swearing entirely and while we respectfully disagree, it doesn't actively offend a group who historically and presently have too many people telling us what to do, and that was the problem, if you get what I mean. On top of that it's kinda the old script, too. V5's script already cuts down a lot, it's just not public yet.

Actual criticisms are welcome.

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I didn't feel it was getting out of hand, and most of it happened after I went to bed. When things legitimately HAVE gone off the deep end, I've said something.

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Character design philosophy in general. As much as I like to joke about having an army of hot dudes with nice butts, it's detrimental if everyone in the cast were designed based on what one person finds attractive (and remember, attractiveness isn't physical only, either). It's boring and makes for terrible characters.

Not everyone is going to like every character ever, and that is okay. A character who is unattractive--or downright unlikable, even--can still be well-written. A diverse cast matters a lot more than cookie-cutter hotties.

That is not to say that they can't be designed to be attractive. Attractive people do exist. It can even be an integral part of their character. But it should not be the only reason of their existence just like people don't exist solely to be attractive.

So wait, hang on, one has to design character based on what they find realistic? So a game like FE13, for example, where every single character is a caricature (and not realistic at all) and ostensibly very attractive has bad design philosophy, then?

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So wait, hang on, one has to design character based on what they find realistic? So a game like FE13, for example, where every single character is a caricature (and not realistic at all) and ostensibly very attractive has bad design philosophy, then?

That's the design philosophy FOR THIS GAME. Why should I care about something that I have no say in?

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So wait, hang on, one has to design character based on what they find realistic? So a game like FE13, for example, where every single character is a caricature (and not realistic at all) and ostensibly very attractive has bad design philosophy, then?

Yes and no. theirs more to design than just realism, and I wouldn't really call it realism to begin with. it is impossible to fully create an actual person through just dialogue, it would take book after book after book to do. however creating an imersive character's are important, ones that we can lose our selves too and help make the world the story is creating all that more engaging. FE13 has bad characters for a number of reasons and how engaging the character's are is one of them.

caricature's can work under the right circumstance, but they certainly didn't work in fe13

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That's the design philosophy FOR THIS GAME. Why should I care about something that I have no say in?

The original question was whether or not Lumi was applying her opinion to ALL character design or just hers (and by extension, the team's) to which she responded all.

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The original question was whether or not Lumi was applying her opinion to ALL character design or just hers (and by extension, the team's) to which she responded all.

Stuff that's relevant to DoF: Fine.

Stuff like this: Take it to PM/Skype. You have my opinion on it already. Her design philosophy on everything else is irrelevant to DoF.

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Uhh are you trying to say that wit is exclusive to the nobility because that's actually really offensive and disgusting.

Actually, it's not that historically inaccurate. Being able to play with language and be witty is generally the product of two things - Intellect and education, and in a super classist, quasi medieval society, the lower echelon doesn't get a great deal of the latter. That's how you get perceptions of subdivisions within humor, with things like satire and sarcasm being considered on a higher tier than 'lowbrow humor' like say, flatulence jokes.

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It'd probably depend on the country, in our case. The education level of the commoners differ depending on which country they're from, I'd think. Aukema's commoners are most likely to be illiterate unless they are, or are related to, a magic user, but it's not necessarily the same in some other countries.

Then again, the country with the most educated peasantry has the second-least amount of representation in the game (for a reason). Ahwell.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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