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[OUTDATED] Fire Emblem: Dream of Five


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Actually dondon, there's a 4 turn strategy for Chapter 8A that only had Renair enter combat once, providing that Lia, Juan, or Renair have a Pure Water with them. My Juan was slightly more durable than yours, but you should be able to pull it off yourself. You might not be so lucky with Chapter 9, though: I found it to be a little bit hairy keeping Lumi and Gabriel alive. And the boss is pretty tough: I ended up RNG abusing Renair to proc Speed so she could double him.

I don't doubt that completing the chapter objective is easy for 8A, but the thing that bothers me the most is that it's almost impossible for me to fulfill the 8xA requirement.

Second reason why I pussied out on A route is because I have like, no money to buy equipment for Enjolras and his cohort. If I had known this I'd at least have tried to trade away Enjolras's equipment to Renair at the end of chapter 6x.

Nah the boss just sits there and doesn't even have 1-2 range.

To be honest I'd rather he have 1-2 range so that Furetchen can counter him for more damage =/ Seeing as there's a 99% chance that Juan will take this bosskill, but even Greatbow + Gungnir can't 2HKO.

I personally think that Seymour's sword is extremely inferior to Astra's axe, but for a weapon that restores HP upon hit, it does need to be weak to be balanced. The only thing that really bothers me about it is its 65 base hit, which I would really like to be a lot higher. 45 uses for Gladius compared to 60 uses for Ramrivus is kind of dumb, too.

Edited by dondon151
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I don't doubt that completing the chapter objective is easy for 8A, but the thing that bothers me the most is that it's almost impossible for me to fulfill the 8xA requirement.

What was that again? Does Renair have to fight the boss or something?

Second reason why I pussied out on A route is because I have like, no money to buy equipment for Enjolras and his cohort. If I had known this I'd at least have tried to trade away Enjolras's equipment to Renair at the end of chapter 6x.

True, that is quite annoying, but I suppose the only "rare" item they had was the Axereaver, which is kind of useless in Musain where there are so few axe using enemies. Might have been nice for Juan in 9A, though.

You get a character in 9A who carries a Blue Gem, so you should have at least some money.

To be honest I'd rather he have 1-2 range so that Furetchen can counter him for more damage =/ Seeing as there's a 99% chance that Juan will take this bosskill, but even Greatbow + Gungnir can't 2HKO.

I personally think that Seymour's sword is extremely inferior to Astra's axe, but for a weapon that restores HP upon hit, it does need to be weak to be balanced. The only thing that really bothers me about it is its 65 base hit, which I would really like to be a lot higher. 45 uses for Gladius compared to 60 uses for Ramrivus is kind of dumb, too.

I think it's questionable if it needs to be that weak, though. Healing is good and it's nice to have a character who doesn't worry about dying on enemy phase, but if it comes at the cost of being completely useless in terms of offense, it seems like a poor tradeoff to me.

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The thing that's nice about Gladius is that it's tworange physical damage, which means that he doesn't lose damage on two-range.

I found it useful when guarding the tent in 10B. saves me from chugging potions every other turn.

But yeah, the hit could be better and more uses would be nice, as well.

Edited by Luminescent Kitty
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Okay, end of chapter 6 stats here we go.


"You're about the finish the chapter huh? Oh, okay. Btw I'm dead now."


Chip damage, choke points, receiver of gangbangings; is there anything this guy can't do?


Like Furetchen except less stamina.


Died quite a few times until she grew balls of steel.


And then Lucius became the little girl.


Refused to die. He likes to break swords in his free time and run around without equipment.


I suffered through chapter three for THIS?


I can't wait for that Guiding Ring.


Kolbane in high heels.


HIT MISS HIT MISS HIT MISS (I like him better than Amelia against the speedier units)


Those green dragon knight friends of his were true tomodachi. ;_;

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Chalis wins the thread, sorry everyone.

(Also Bumped Gladius' uses to 55 and hit to 85)

Another question for everyone, should I release an add on patch for 8xA or just wait to release it in the next public patch? (Which would be when I'm done all of the Route chapters)

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Chalis wins the thread, sorry everyone.

(Also Bumped Gladius' uses to 55 and hit to 85)

Thank you very much.

Another question for everyone, should I release an add on patch for 8xA or just wait to release it in the next public patch? (Which would be when I'm done all of the Route chapters)

If there's like a huge ton of chapters in both routes combined, I suggest releasing an add on patch, but if there isn't too many left, then it would be fine if you waited. But since I'm not doing the Musain route, I guess my opinion doesn't matter as much as the others.

Also, shouldn't it be 8Ax instead of 8xA? 'Cause that's how they wrote it in FE6 IIRC.

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is it just me or does like, most people agree Renair sucks

She's worth training by virtue of the fact that a 18AS Renair makes 9A much, much easier. In terms of stats, she also seems better than her counterpart Lumi and is at worst, only slightly inferior to Kolbane. Renair is significantly faster than Kolbane and doubles many enemies he doesn't, and while his strength is better, Renair has access to the Gold Edge which is the strongest weapon until the Killing Edge shows up, and is more accurate than Kolbane's Steel Sword.

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I'm just going to say


That is all.

As a person who's played this game 15(+?) times, I've had both excellent and lackluster Renairs. On average, if trained, she's quite alright.

Edited by Luminescent Kitty
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Well, my Renair is blessed (+2 strength and +1 speed over her averages, and I rigged the speed). So maybe I'm overrating her: on average by this stage, she'd be 3 points of strength behind Kolbane and wouldn't be able to do neat tricks like ORKO Brigands.

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Extra strength on Renair is always good, though~

My best one is something like level 15 and 16 str, with 9 or 10 def at C11A (betatesting file), while my worst was 8 str and below average speed at level 13. Not cool.

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Depends on the Renair. PEMN, but my two renairs (10A and 10B) both ended up rather insane, so...

And by insane I mean this kind:


Side note: re-patched my ROM and I got the weapon off chapter 7B.

My impressions so far on the characters, based on what I had in two runs through 10 A and B:

Renair: Both times, she ended up going rather wacko (the 10B version is somewhat weaker since she's lower-leveled. The solo-action on 8A and part of 9A + 6x gave my 10A Renair a level advantage over her 10B counterpart), with insane speed and good-to-great str. Her defenses are rather low, but she's pretty dodgy. In a way, I treated her a bit like Lyn, just with a crappier weapon but better stats.

Furetchen: A Godsend. He tanks. He weakens. He kills. He does anything I need him to, and that despite only being level 3 on average for my saves, since I very rarely had him kill and use him more for mass-weakening of enemies.

Kolbane: I assume his growths are around the 40-60% mark, because the two I had fluctuates rather widely. One is a harder-hitting, tougher, slower version of Renair, while another sucks big time. His support options make him usable regardless though.

Illanice: High Res and Spd seems guaranteed. Str growth seems to be iffy, but that's to be expected of peggies. Wing Spear means she's useful all the time even if her str is screwed.

Amelia: PEMN, but my Amelias felt as if I got a Nino given to me very early on, with predictable results. She typically massacres whatever she hits, with ease.

Chester: Thief utility, but has pretty decent combat stats too. He seems to gain Def rather often, which is unusual.

Crowe: Death to anything that flies, and to anything on foot too. High str, high spd, decent durability, nothing to complain about.

Lumi: Tougher than the usual mrym, while still hitting hard and fast. Rather low Res seems to be her only weakness.

Lia: One word: Awesome. Will cap levels FAST, grows well (Mag seems to cap/near-cap easily). Has a horse. What's not to like? A bit fragile against physical enemies, but that's all I'll complain about, and even that's expected.

Gabriel: That speed... UGH. If I go A-route I foresee him getting benched for River once she joins. Hits pretty hard, but has accuracy issues, and practically never doubles any non-armor.

Juan: VERY useful regardless of which route you take. On Musain, he's mandatory for 8A and early 9A. On Onduris, he is a mrym's worst nightmare. Prf weapon makes it even worse for his enemies. Flying tank, although he doesn't double that often.

Musain Route:

Astra: Kicks ass. Take Hector and give him an even BETTER Prf weapon. Bam. Astra.

Seren: So far, so good. She seems to grow well, and grows the right stats to be a nasty fighter. Playable soldier is very appreciated.

Adrian: Not as cute as Lienn.

Enjolras: Another Mage. Could replace Amelia if yours is RNG-screwed, though in my case he's likely to get benched instead as he pales compared to my blessed Amelia.

Enjol's X-Mas Knights: No comments. Haven't tried them much yet.

Onduris Route:

Seymour: Pales compared to Astra (or Renair). His Prf weapon is rather underwhelming. Still decent though, but it really makes your team sword-heavy.

Chase: Benched. Doesn't hold a candle to Crowe. Though I can see him being used if Crowe is RNG-screwed.

Kanus: Another playable soldier, and another good one so far. I haven't had them for long, but from the growths I get so far Kanus seems to be tougher and slower than Seren.

Rena: And another wyvern rider, which is perfectly welcome. Is it just me or is she a faster, less-defensive version of Juan?

Balder: Kicks. Ass. OMGWTF bases, axes, promotes to zerk? I'm sold.

Lienn: Much cuter than Adrian. ^_^

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Very nice hack Astra. Here are my characters at the start of 10A:















Seren got the speedwing. My favorite units would go something like this:

1st Amelia

2nd Amelia without a weapon XD

3rd Furet

4th Chester

5th Seren

Edit: I either gave the talisman to Lumi, Kolbane, or Chester. Probably one of the former two.

Edited by Aura Wolf
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Also, shouldn't it be 8Ax instead of 8xA? 'Cause that's how they wrote it in FE6 IIRC.

In-game, FE6 doesn't make any distinction in chapter numbers between A and B routes. Therefore, there is no precedent indicating whether it should be 8xA or 8Ax.

Gabriel: That speed... UGH. If I go A-route I foresee him getting benched for River once she joins. Hits pretty hard, but has accuracy issues, and practically never doubles any non-armor.

Keep in mind that shaman gets +3 spd on promotion.

My problems with Renair only stem from low-turning the game. I'm sure she's good enough when fed kills and all that jazz, but I can't really get her many kills when on most maps she has to seize a tile that is far, far away.

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