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[OUTDATED] Fire Emblem: Dream of Five


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but if you don't wait then you get it now and then later when there's new content, you get that too


Edited by Jubby
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Voting Now.

I mean, we'll still get the later patch... later, so...

Edited by Furetchen
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everybody vote later so I can put off colouring something //shot

lazy Lumi is lazy :P

Naw, I intend to get it done asap anyway.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Nevermind guis Dan just informed me that I got two other things to draw before the later patch so I'm fucked over either way

Also voting now because why not the difficulty cut is pretty significant IMO and you guys might like that and it's not like we're gonna stop working on it

There are no breaks in Astra co.

C3/5 is no longer bitch yeaaaaah

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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I voted "Now," because you may as well put it out asap and get bug reports. Then you have the hope of squashing some before the later patch is ready. ;)

Edited by Astelaine
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The dialogue has changed quite a bit on the newer patch, but the gameplay is about the same. (Made easier for those who had a tough time, mainly chapters 3, 5, and 6)

Will there be a patch with the "original" stats?

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Voted Later since i have more free time in the summer anyways...

Then wait until the second patch is released in the Summer? Voted "now"

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I always feel so terribly awkward posting in threads...but hell. :V I partly joined this forum right now so that I could comment in this thread.

Just had to drop in to say that while the game was pretty difficult, I really enjoyed playing through it. C: I know that things have been changed, including the difficulty (if I've read through a couple of these thread pages correctly, at least!) but it was definitely a fun hack! I think I cursed just as much as I cheered.

Looking forward to the future patch! C: I voted later since I have absolutely no self-control, and my finals are in March/April. As it is, I totally played through all ten chapters of this hack instead of studying for my midterm next week. |:

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I voted later--if you guys can really finish 21 chapters worth by July, that'd be amazing, so I'd rather you guys focus on that then spend time making a release, making bug fix patches after the 7 chapter release, etc., I just feel like all of that is time-consuming and will distract you from making new content. Just my opinion...

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Agreed. Good things come to those who wait :p

EDIT: Accidently double posted while having a shaky connection to the internet with my laptop.

Edited by Evalcin
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