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[OUTDATED] Fire Emblem: Dream of Five


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Alright people

let me just say this in bold letters




thank you.

There is a a reason why I revamped my mug too it's called Lumi joins later now

as if anyone is going to read 79 pages of a thread.

BTW the CG looks lovely, my only gripe with it is that it took my a while to work out that there was a wall there - it looked like a floating bunch of bricks in the sepia version (the colour version is fine).

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you guys have way too much time to be making custom CGs for a hack of a 10 year old game

but really, I'm just jealous 'cuz it looks sweet

EDIT: also




this doesn't work

- notes the fact that a demo patch from over a year and a half ago? is still being critiqued like it was made yesterday, despite it being revamped "to hell and back" (and then some...)

Edited by Strawhat Luffy
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Well, I'm on spring break and Dan's been bothering me about it for about a month. XD

as if anyone is going to read 79 pages of a thread.

BTW the CG looks lovely, my only gripe with it is that it took my a while to work out that there was a wall there - it looked like a floating bunch of bricks in the sepia version (the colour version is fine).

It was the last thing discussed :/

Yeah we had to sacrifice a ton of colour for it to insert without killing the quality completely. The colour version looks awful when inserted :/

Hell, the normal sepia before insertion didn't have this issue either. Has to do with the damn tiles or something. I spent forever making those floor tiles, too. At least I'll be able to show to full size at a later date. That one looks so much better.

I blame Renair's godawful hair.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Zoom issues. It's hard to work in 240 x160 and make it look right and a lot of detail was lost when I resized it from the big version. It's a lot better on the 2ksomething x 1ksomething version.

I'm pretty sure little children don't have beards.

I'm not redrawing anything anyway. Colouring that shit took me 3 days, I need a break.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Well, now you have an idea of what to do next time so it's not as... demanding. You can draw something at a relative scale larger, if rescaling was an issue, and you also can have an idea on how much details you should bother with, especially in terms of contrast.

Looks nice though.

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Thing is Dan wants to compile the full size images later and show them all at once. So I can't slack on the full-size either. Was really tempted to not shade half of this. Would've saved me 2 days of work. XD

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New cg inserted, enjoy.

[spoiler=and just for you, lumi]


You guys will get to see the full size cg later once I've compiled all of the cg's that have been made so far.

[4/7/2012 10:59:50 PM] BwdYeti: ahahah that perspective does not work at all

[4/7/2012 11:00:24 PM] Jake Whitaker: Maybe she's just riding a pony instead of a full grown horse?

[4/7/2012 11:00:52 PM] BwdYeti: SHe's like 2 feet tall lol

[4/7/2012 11:01:00 PM] Jake Whitaker: Small people for small horses.

[4/7/2012 11:01:12 PM] BwdYeti: 'oh no that halfling is casting a spell!'

[4/7/2012 11:01:15 PM] Jake Whitaker: Midget assassin rides the pony like its a real horse.

[4/7/2012 11:01:27 PM] Jake Whitaker: The shorter you are the more magically powerful you are

[4/7/2012 11:01:31 PM] Jake Whitaker: Just ask Lugh

[4/7/2012 11:01:34 PM] Trent: BAHAHAHA XD

[4/7/2012 11:02:00 PM] Trent: "quick, get the half-elf wizard to cast magic missile back!"


The people work well in one perspective (Kolbane? is a bit high though), it's just the floor is at a completely different one.

Maybe just extend the wall and pillar, that would probably work, with the horizon line about here

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okay why am I still up I said I'd go to bed

Man I should be paid for all this shit but I'll try to move shit around tomorrow thank god everything's on separate layers so I don't have to draw a thing

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Thanks :D

Anyway spent the entire day fixing the damn CG's perspective issue I'm really not touching this anymore lol

Dunno if Dan's inserted it yet but I did sent to him so

//passes out

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This hack seems pretty good for TASing so far. Does anyone have the character growths on hand?


I could save a turn by not visiting the village and having Furetchen (the warrior guy) better positioned on turn 2. Otherwise, this is pretty straightforward. Furetchen has a 2-3 range bow, which provides some cool tactical advantages.

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Oh hello astralunasol. I'm playing your Dream of five - latest version - and I've seen on youtube some playthrough with Furetchen having a very bad face portrait - it looks fatty. Is that the most recent one or the cooler one - the one where he has no beard and looks like a boss - the defenitive one? I ask cause it's my favorite character in this hack of yours and I wanted to know how he is going to be done

PS: Can you tell us all when you're going to release the next version of the patch?.

Edited by marcus90
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The poll at the top will tell you when they're going to release it :3

Furet's portrait with the beard and fur is the newer one

And yes he is a total badass isn't he XD

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Oh hello astralunasol. I'm playing your Dream of five - latest version - and I've seen on youtube some playthrough with Furetchen having a very bad face portrait - it looks fatty. Is that the most recent one or the cooler one - the one where he has no beard and looks like a boss - the defenitive one? I ask cause it's my favorite character in this hack of yours and I wanted to know how he is going to be done

PS: Can you tell us all when you're going to release the next version of the patch?.

Yeah, the newer bearded version is the newer one, completely revamped.

I'm going to try to aim for the next patch to be released by July. If I can't make that, it'll be released by the end of August. (Because summer+working on rom hacks=a lot of progress)

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Yeah, the newer bearded version is the newer one, completely revamped.

I'm going to try to aim for the next patch to be released by July. If I can't make that, it'll be released by the end of August. (Because summer+working on rom hacks=a lot of progress)

Oh I understand. I'm sorry that the bearded version of Furetchen is the newer one. He was much more of a badass with the wise-angled portrait - he looks like a pimp with the fur over his shoulder, and that's fine, after all, he is a crazed one, right? I just don't like the new angle of his portrait, it's like... do you mind George from FE11 and FE12?

THe FE11 was shitty and he was weak; the FE12 portrait was better and he was statistically better!

Still, can you tell us Furetchen's growths? Cause this happened to me while I was doing some random stuff on map 7B.

(I added the music)


I have something to write about character balancing, too. Some of the characters were underwelmingly worthless (the female swordmaster for example), and some bosses should be stronger. Enemies are fine and it feel a little like Thracia 776 the fact that there are many reinforcements!

Edited by marcus90
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Man I think that the bosses are already plenty strong ;/

Gonna agree Anou, 'specially that sage boss. I mean, if you abuse Furet, of course some bosses will be easier, but then the chapters will probably be harder because, by abusing Furet, you're not getting enough exp to your other units.

It's trixy ~( ' 3')~

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I concur. I find DoF's bosses plenty hard enough. :3

I don't abuse Furetechen, I just did that video for fun. I try playing a mixture of ranked and efficiency usually, and furetchen is good, but not divine. Bossess... umh... chapter 8B boss, the sword master, he really suck (the hell, he doubles nobody).

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Man, if you are gonna play a patch that's EVEN OLDER than the one we have in the OP, expect most of the issues have already been addressed. And yeah. Superblessed/abused Furet is just gonna make shit a lot easier. I would not expect a level 12 Furet to happen then unless you p. much solo with him, and his growths are honestly pretty ass and that is extremely blessed. Just RNG.

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