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[OUTDATED] Fire Emblem: Dream of Five


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Do you guys plan on expanding the chapter data editor?

For your sake I would make sure you CAN or else don't need to

The chapter limit is about 64 so while 42 isn't so bad if you have say 10 gaidens and 15 cutscene maps (which each take up a chapter slot) you may not have enough space

there's also stuff like "space in the event reference editor" since that's limited to 0xFF entries (unless you make a big ASM hack to rework the game...) and if you insert custom tilesets, palettes, etc., you could easily end up going over the limit and being stuck with not enough space

I only say this out of concern because this is one of the few large hacks that has actually gotten far enough to maybe start worrying about stuff like this

and I'm not a dick so I wouldn't want you guys to suffer at the last minute like I am trying to figure out how various shit that people only ever have to worry about during a full-length hack would have to worry about

granted if you know what you're doing then I'll just STFU but I figured I should at least warn you for good measure

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Do you guys plan on expanding the chapter data editor?

For your sake I would make sure you CAN or else don't need to

The chapter limit is about 64 so while 42 isn't so bad if you have say 10 gaidens and 15 cutscene maps (which each take up a chapter slot) you may not have enough space

there's also stuff like "space in the event reference editor" since that's limited to 0xFF entries (unless you make a big ASM hack to rework the game...) and if you insert custom tilesets, palettes, etc., you could easily end up going over the limit and being stuck with not enough space

I only say this out of concern because this is one of the few large hacks that has actually gotten far enough to maybe start worrying about stuff like this

and I'm not a dick so I wouldn't want you guys to suffer at the last minute like I am trying to figure out how various shit that people only ever have to worry about during a full-length hack would have to worry about

granted if you know what you're doing then I'll just STFU but I figured I should at least warn you for good measure

I hope not. Though I don't think it'd be that big of an issue if I have to.

Yeah, I haven't really used many cutscene maps just because I would rather have them be actual chapters. (Which is why the plan is to finish the hack, then if there's room for extra, add new scenes and chapters)

Nah, custom tilesets/palettes replace old ones, so that isn't an issue either.

Yeah, which is why I'm conservative about things such as chapters, and more importantly character ID's.

if i ever got to that point i would just cut out stuff that was planned

Yep, but I think I know what I'm doing with managing space.

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Yeah, which is why I'm conservative about things such as chapters, and more importantly character ID's.

same here full-length hacks aren't like EN, we can't have like 8 different ID's so we can use custom palette sets for all the generic enemies

I hope not. Though I don't think it'd be that big of an issue if I have to.

I'd like to think the same but no one's done it before and there are a few things that worry me

for instance the link arena map is 0x41 and you can't load it normally

??? is at 0x42, I don't even know

and 0x43 is used in stuff like death quotes to mean "any chapter"

so say you expand it so it's at 0x50

does 0x43 still act as that "any chapter" byte? or is it 0x51 now? does chapter 0x43 work itself or no? what about chapters after 0x43 that you expanded too? will an ASM hack need to be done?


then again

you guys have Cam and whatnot

so I guess that even if you need an ASM hack done you could get it



guess this is all moot then


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so you can't steal the full story yet

dude that's not cool how is he supposed to publish his 23 books if he has to wait another year before he can steal be inspired by the rest of your plot

does 0x43 still act as that "any chapter" byte? or is it 0x51 now? does chapter 0x43 work itself or no? what about chapters after 0x43 that you expanded too? will an ASM hack need to be done?

it specifically checks for 0x41-0x43 I THINK.

then again

you guys have Cam and whatnot

so I guess that even if you need an ASM hack done you could get it


it should be a simple enough hack anyway, it'd just be one extra byte allocated in memory

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This was my immediate response as well! They're so nice. :)

I can't wait to see the whole thing! Hurry uuuuuuuuuuuuup FEE3....

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Enjoloras' sister reminds me of Ishtar. Matter of fact, Enjoloras looks like Arthur.



I mean Nayr come on :P

Edited by seph1212
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I mean Nayr come on :P

Well I had to say it, at least once. I've been thinking it about Enjloras or whatever the hell his name is(what the world is up with the names in this hack?) for months and it was bugging me.

Btw, who made the Ishtar lookalike?

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I'm using your banner if you don't mind ^^' I should of been using it long ago. I really like all the new things i'm seeing it seems like more hard work is being poured into this and i'm still excited to play this game ^^'.

Edited by Maiden_of_Emblem
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Well I had to say it, at least once. I've been thinking it about Enjloras or whatever the hell his name is(what the world is up with the names in this hack?) for months and it was bugging me.

Btw, who made the Ishtar lookalike?

Enjolras, Combeferre, Courfeyrac are all from Les Mis. Which is French. Which fits nicely with Fleur and Melisande and Guillaume in being French. Enjo's Arthurness has been significantly toned down from earlier drafts, anyway. It's just the hair now.

I think Dan and Amelia both had a hand in it wrt mug.

Edited by Zhuge Liang
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Inb4 complaints about ASOIAF for ser, Melisande, and "Winter is coming"

Briefly looking in the comments, we've had all three :p

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I finally made it to Chapter 10A Liberty. I really enjoyed this hack, and I have yet to try the B route. I wish I had the skills to code, because I would definitely take the time out of my day to try and develop my own project. Thank you.

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Digging this chapter's dialogue and layout. But Seren seems really strong. And I'm gonna miss worrying about my gold.

seren is only strong because one of my testers used her too much, also dof rng blesses/screws anyone they want and doesn't give a shit

That amount of gold actually isn't that much, since you want to stock up, you'll be worried enough. also a part of that sum of money are from 2 blue gems that are hidden in the hack


and Musain is pretty much done, now.

Time to start working on Onduris!

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I like the variation in Astra's character mug a la FE6 hector.

So you're done with Musain eh? Good thing we aren't expecting the other route by FEE3. There's just no chance in hell it's happening!

How's this pathetic reverse-jinx doing? Too blatant? Should I scale it back a little?

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